Some bindings no longer work after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 - i3

It seems some binding no longer work, in particular $mod+q and $mod+v.
bindsym --release $mod+q kill
bindsym $mod+v split v
Other bindings still work fine. Any ideas?
Ubuntu has switched from Unity to Gnome as the Desktop not sure if this is a factor.
i3 4.14.1
ubuntu 18.0.4 upgraded from 16.04 (xenial) LTS.
full config:

You declare bindsym $mod+v twice in your config.
Once here: bindsym --release $mod+v exec --no-startup-id xdotool key --clearmodifiers ctrl+v
and again here:bindsym $mod+v split v
bindsym only listens to the first of duplicate declarations after some testing (ie: xdotool). Change the key to get results


Terminal resize issue with Intellij and Git for Windows SDK

I am on Windows running Intellij and Git for Windows SDK for a feature rich terminal on Windows (pacman, oh my zsh, etc...)
I looked up previously on which command to use to make it the default Intellij Terminal and SO delivered:
How can I launch git-for-windows SDK's git-bash in Windows Terminal?
I am using the cmd from above's 2nd post:
C:\git-sdk-64\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -here -no-start -mingw64
Everything works fine except for a stubborn resizing issue :
Every time I resize the Intellij Terminal, the MSYS terminal stops receiving key strokes and I have to reopen a new one:
( can't type after the resize under the echo hello )
Trying to avoid WSL for now as I noticed maven builds through wsl were noticeably slower than directly on powershell or via git terminal.
Not exactly a solution but if you run with MinGW32, the resize no longer causes the problem
To be seen if I will suffer from other 32/64 bit incompatibilities
using for now:
C:\git-sdk-64\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -here -no-start -mingw32

How to make Parrot OS go full screen on HYPER-V?

I am testing Parrot OS and would like to put it in full screen mode in Hyper-V
Tried seeking through parrotsec documentations but couldn't find any reference.
Found a solution.
Since Parrot OS is using Debian, I just tried to modify the Grub Setting by adding video=hyperv_fb:1440x900
nano /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1440x900"
CTRL x + Y + Enter
sudo update-grub
sudo reboot
Then works as expected now. Thanks!
Another option I found is to enable enhanced session mode on Hyper V. On host run in powershell:
Set-VM "YourVMName" -EnhancedSessionTransportType HVSocket
On guest parrot os I used this script:
Bonus is clipboard between host and guest also works after this.

NodeJs terminal configuration in VScode

How do I configure details of nodeJS terminal? ( using- windows 10 & VScode )
Its bothers me that when I type commands in split screen mode, the line gets split up because it ran out of space. If possible, id like the terminal to display:
when awaiting commands.
please use the remote wsl extension for windows subsystem for linux
for ubuntu terminal in vs code use extension Ubuntu pastebin for vs code

How to start windows program from WSL Ubuntu Xterm in foreground (on top of all other programs)?

I use git and invoke git difftool command from Xterm (that Xterm "runs" WSL shell). My difftool command is set up to start p4merge Windows application.
Everything works alright, but p4merge's window is displayed under all currently visible windows. Specifically, under the Xterm window that started it.
This drives me a bit nuts because if I need to diff 20 files, then I need to Alt+Tab 20 times manually.
I've just migrated from Cygwin to WSL and this exact setup started p4merge on top of all other windows in Cygwin.
So, how do I make WSL start a program and make sure that its window is topmost?

Vagrant ssh prompts 'no kex alg' and I'm unable to connect to the virtual machine

I'm trying to connect to a vagrant with a command vagrant ssh as instructed in the official vagrant documentation. Earlier I used older ubuntu as a virtual machine: = "hashicorp/precise32". During that time, issuing a command vagrant ssh did let me connect to the machine with just a username and password.
Now I changed the vagrant box to a newer one because I wanted newer nodejs. Currently, the box is: = "ubuntu/vivid32". Now with this box, if I run the vagrant, and try to connect to the machine with vagrant ssh, it does not let me, but instead it will prompt no kex alg. I read somewhere it has to do with authentication using keys. How could I connect to the new ubuntu with vagrant ssh? One option could be to just regularly connect to the box.
I just had this same issue for a couple days a finally found a way to fix this. I know its a old topic but just incase other people will experiance the same issue. this is how you can solve it:
edit your sshd_config and add:
KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
this is what fixed it for me (obviously restart ssh after that)
I guess something was done wrong in the box - when you look the history there has been a few boxes released in short time. I just downloaded the box today and it is working as expected.
I suggest you update the box and you will get the latest version
vagrant box update --box ubuntu/vivid32
Checking for updates to 'ubuntu/vivid32'
Box 'ubuntu/vivid32' (v20151001.0.0) is the latest version
you should go to your vagrant using putty or anything
after that
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
go to bottom line and put
KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
after that ctrl+o and enter and ctrl+x
go back to your windows and reload vagrant
then try
ssh vagrant# -p 2222
Hope this help you
