Node.js REST API - URI Sanitizing? - node.js

I would like to require pages in my Node.js server based on the requested URI.
However I concern that this could be a severe security issue since user can inject some malicous chars into the url, something like ../../ and reach to my root server point and reveal all of the code.
So just like throwing a bottle of water to a big fire, I have eliminated the option to send . to the request.
This is not a silverbullet, probably :)
Maybe is there some standard/best practice/guide or keypoints about URI sanitizing in REST API based on Node.js?
Edit - here the code uses the require
// app.js
// router.js middleware
function router(app) {
return function(req, res, next) {
try {
// checking for . in the url
if (req.url.indexOf(".")!=-1) cast.badRequest();
// req.url.split('/')[2] should be customers, users or anything else
require('../../resources/' + req.url.split('/')[2] + '/' + req.url.split('/')[2] + '-router')(app);
} catch(err) { cast.notFound(); }
module.exports = router;
// rides-router.js (this could be users-router.js or customers-router.js)
module.exports = function(app) {
// GET ride - select a ride
app.get("/v1/rides/:id", dep.verifyToken(), require('./api/v1-get-ride'));
// POST ride - insert a new ride"/v1/rides", dep.verifyToken(), require('./api/v1-set-ride'));
app.use((req, res, next) => {

You asked how to do it safer. My recommendation is that you put all the resources in an array and run all the app.use() statements with one loop that pulls the resource names from the array at server startup.
I don't like running synchronous require() during a request and I don't like loading code based on user specified characters. Both are avoided with my recommendation.
// add routes for all resources
const resourceList = ['rides', 'products', ...];
for (let r of resourceList) {
app.use(`/${r}`, require(`./resources/${r}/${r}-router`));
This seems like less code and 100% safe and no running of synchronous require() during a request.
Fully whitelisted.
No user input involved in selecting code to run.
No synchronous require() during request processing.
All routes installed at server initialization time.
Any errors in route loading (like a missing route file) occur at server startup, not during a user request.


Serve multiple protected static folders using Express

I'm trying to write a very simple Express app, which is supposed to serve multiple static folders.
I have a root folder "stories" which contains multiple folders (story-1, story2, etc...). Each story folder contains static assets (scripts, CSS stylesheets, subpages...).
My users can unlock each of those stories, so each story folder must be protected. (If anyone tries to access http://backend/stories/story-1, it should give a 401 Forbidden).
My initial thought was to generate a one-time JWT upfront (like a signed url; not a bearer), add it to query params like http://backend/stories/story-1?jwt=the-jwt-token, then do some backend logic to test if the user has access to this content before serving it.
I tried fiddling with a basic express configuration + a custom authorization middleware :
Project structure :
-- /src
-- /stories ⬅️ custom public folder
-- /story-1 ⬅️ public but protected
- index.html
- /subpages
- /styles
- /scripts
-- /story-2 ⬅️ public but protected
- index.html
- /subpages
- /styles
- /scripts
-- /story-3 ⬅️ public but protected
- index.html
- /subpages
- /styles
- /scripts
index.js :
const express = require("express");
const { authorized } = require("./middlewares/authorized");
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
app.use("/stories/:story", authorized);
app.use("/stories", express.static(__dirname + "/stories"));
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);
authorized.js :
exports.authorized = (req, res, next) => {
const jwt = req.query.jwt;
if (!jwt) return res.sendStatus(401);
// todo : custom logic to test if the user has access to this content, if yes we do next(), if no we return a 401.
return next();
This simple example works partially, when I try to go to http://localhost:3000/stories/first-story (without JWT), I get a 401 (that's ok).
But when I add the jwt :
The middleware runs for every assets that are linked in the index.html, but those assets urls don't have the JWT query params, which leads to a 401.
I guess it's totally normal because that's how middlewares are intended to work. My guess is that i'm configuring express router wrong :
app.use("/stories/:story", authorized);
app.use("/stories", express.static(__dirname + "/stories"));
I would like to run the middleware only once, when any of the /:story subfolders inside /stories are asked to be served.
You write:
I would like to run the middleware only once, when any of the /:story subfolders inside /stories are asked to be served.
But if every .html (sub-)page is served by a separate HTTP request, each of these requests must be protected, assuming that the HTML contains material that is worthy of protection. (The styles and scripts may not need this extra protection.)
Therefore it is OK that the authorized middleware runs for each such request. And if the JWT was in a cookie (as suggested by Kaneki21), it would be present automatically in each request.
I would separate out the access control logic from the identity logic. You can use your jwt to verify that the user is who they say the are, and then use your existing knowledge of who that user is to grant them access.
I put a simple example using cookie-backed sessions below, note that you can add sequential middleware a, b, and c all in one function via app.use('/foobar',a,b,c).
// other setup
const session = require('express-session'),
fs = require('fs'),
{ Router } = require('express');
const secret = (() => {
let secretFile = '/path/to/my/secret.txt';
try {
// try reading a saved secret
return fs.readFileSync(secretFile,'utf8');
catch(err) {
// otherwise generate secret and save it
let random = require('crypto').randomBytes(128).toString('base64');
return random;
// Add the session middleware to the app
{ secret,
name: 'stories-and-whatnot',
cookie: { sameSite: true } }
// Create a router for stories and add it to the app
let storyRouter = Router();
app.use('/stories', storyRouter);
// add identity middleware to storyRouter
storyRouter.use( authorized);
let storyMax = 10;
for(let i=0; i<storyMax; i++) {
// set up the individual story routers
function(req,res,next) {
if(!req.session.storyAccess || !req.session.storyAccess[i]) {
// If the user's session doesn't show it has access, reject with 401
res.status(401).end(`You do not have access to story ${i}`);
else {
// Otherwise let them proceed to the static router
// And somewhere else you have something like this
app.get('/access-granted', authorized, function(req,res,next) {
let { id } = req.query;
req.session.storyAccess = {};
req.session.storyAccess[id] = true;
res.end(`Access granted to story ${id}`);
You might consider, not using a middleware at all for the serving of content. But rather, to setup the user's set of "approved" paths.
That way a user, failing authentication, would have no valid paths, other then perhaps a preset collection of "base" paths.
This way, later after your authentication middleware the "routing" can be constrained to just that users set of "granted" paths.
Essentially model the access using sessions, which are established on first request, and then updated and maintained as things progress.
One solution is that you check if the user has the right to view the page on the client side. You'll need some JavaScript on the client side to do this.
You can store the token in LocalStorage after login. Then, at the beginning of the protected HTML file, you include your JS code to retrieve the token, and send a request to the server to check if the user is authenticated or not. Then, based on the response of the server you show the content or hide it.
To be honest, I rarely see the JWT in the URL. People talk about it here, here, here... You should revise your current approach carefully.

Node express api routes for multilingual directory like url

Does any one knows an example or could explain here how node.js and express would have to route for a multilanguage site? I'm using i18n-node for translation and folder like routing ( /es/, /de/ , etc ) for different languages. This all are static routes but I also have routes like apiRoutes.route('/user/profile') using 'app' at the begining ( app.get('/app/user/profile') so please consider this in your answer so is NOT necesary route to : app.get('/es/app/user/profile') .
having 15 routes like this now:
app.get('/terms', function(req, res) {
how it have to be set for routes like:
app.get('/es/terms', function(req, res) {
Should I duplicate this routes and add for example a locale for
each like:
app.get('/es/terms', function(req, res) {
Or Should do something like:
if cookie['lang'] && cookie['lang'] is in locales
// then redirect to /:lang/terms
// show default language in /terms
if req.headers["accept-language"] && req.headers["accept-language"]
// then redirect to /:lang/terms
//show default language in /terms
Or there is another way I should approach this that follows good practices or is better respecting standards?
Miro's Answer in :
How can I get the browser language in node.js (express.js)? says I should use app.all('*', ...
Is this all I need?, ..still, it might have a syntax error or i'm not understanding well this two parts
var rxLocal = /^\/(de|en)/i;
app.get(/\/(de|en)\/login/i, routes.login);
thanks in advance
You need to consider 2 things :
1. How get the local :
The HTTP protocole define the Accept-Language header to manage the local. This is a normalized method. You can access it with the req.acceptsLanguages method of express.
+Natively support by brower
-Not easy to by passe by the end user
Path / Cookies
You can get the local from the path. In express it can be do with a parameter patter like /:local/rest/of/path and retrieve in the request object with the req.param method.
You can also get the information from the cookies with the req.cookies properties (don't forgot to set it).
To increase the user experience you can mix the both method. For exemple get the default language from the HTTP header send by the browser but permite to the user to override this in you application and store this parameter in the cookies.
2. Use the local:
Each methods to get the local can be used from different way. I will
use random of them in exemple but they are all compatible.
Top level configuration.
In case of you use a template Engine and you controller can be local agnostic. You can use a middleware to get the local information and configure the render engine.
app.use('/:local' (req, res, next) => {
let localKey = req.param('local');
res.locals = // Some ingenious method to get the locales from localKey
Check res.locals and your engine documentation.
Use it in controller.
If the local is part of the contoller process. You can get directly is value in controller.
In case of you use a complexe method to determine the final value of the local, you can also use a middleware to determine this value and enrich the request with it.
app.use((req, res, next) => {
let local = req.cookies.local;
if(!local) local = req.acceptsLanguages();
if(!local) local = 'en-US';
req.local = local;
You can use both method too. It depend of what you need. Find the best way to get a maintainable code and avoid replication for your use case.
When you use middle where witch impact the controllers, be sure you declare them before your routes.
You can use a route parameter to get the locale from the URL, like this:
app.get('/:lang/terms', function (req, res) {
if (req.params === 'es') {
else {
The colon character tells Express to put whatever is between the first to slashes of the path in req.params.lang.
See express routing documentation for details.

Node Express auth status

I have multiple routes, split into different files (my app consists of different "modules", which I maintain in separate folders. For each folder, there is an index.js file in which I manage the routes per module, and I require these in the app.js file).
For every route, I will require to check the auth, and pass the loggedIn status to the header of every page:
//Default variables for the ejs template
var options = {
loggedIn: true
res.render("home/home", options);
If the logged in status is true, then the user's name will be displayed. If not, the login / signup labels are displayed.
What is the best way to centralise this, so that I don't need to require the auth script in every of these index.js (route) files?
I need to be able to pass the auth status to the view via the options object (see example).
In your auth, module, use a middleware function. That function can check and store res.locals.loggedIn which will be available for any view that will eventually be rendered. Just make sure the app.use call executes prior to your other routes and it will work properly.
app.use(function auth(req, res, next) {
res.locals.loggedIn = true; // compute proper value here
From what I understand you need to do this for every request.One common thing is adding this as middleware so that all the request gets this .
For Example :
var http = require('http');
var connect = require('connect');
var app = connect();
app.use(function(req, res) {
Now for every request , Hello is printed . You could extract this as a module and reuse it across projects. Check here for more details

Common Pre-Handler for ConnectJS/ExpressJS url handlers?

In my ExpressJS app, several of my urls handlers have the following logic:
See if the user has permission to access a resource
If so, continue
Else, redirect to the main handler.
Is there a way to insert a pre-handler for certain url handlers, via ConnectJS or ExpressJS?
I know I can do it globally, for all handlers, (which I do to insert missing headers as a result from IE's broken XDR).
But, can I do this for a subset of handlers?
I do something like this:
exports.checkPerm = function(req, res, next){
//do some permission checks
if ( authorized ) {
} else {
var auth = require('./lib/auth');
app.get('/item/:itemid', auth.checkPerm, routes.item.get);
You can stack middleware before your final route handler like the above line has. It has to have same function signature and call next();
If I understand this question correctly, you know about:
// This is too general
And you are aware that you can add it manually to certain url-handlers:
app.get('/user/profile/edit', myAuthMiddleware(), function(req,res){
/* handle stuff */ });
// but doing this on all your routes is too much work.
What you might not know about express' mounting feature:
// Matches everything under /static/** Cool.
app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Or app.all():
// requireAuthentication can call next() and let a more specific
// route handle the non-auth "meat" of the request when it's done.
app.all('/api/*', requireAuthentication);

NodeJS + Express: How to secure a URL

I am using latest versions of NodeJS and ExpressJS (for MVC).
I usually configure my rest paths like this, for example:
app.get('/archive', routes.archive);
Now i want my /admin/* set of URLs to be secured, I mean I need just simple authentication, it's just a draft.
When a user tries to access, for example, /admin/posts, before sending him the corresponding view and data, I check for a req.session.authenticated. If it's not defined, I redirect to the login page.
Login page has a simple validation form, and a sign-in controller method: if user does send "right user" and "right password" I set the session variable and he's authenticated.
What I find difficult, or I don't understand, is how to actually make the "filter" code, I mean, the auth check, before every /admin/* path call.
Does this have something to do with "middleware" express functions?
Thank you
Yep, middleware is exactly what you want. A middleware function is just a function that works just like any other Express route handler, expept it gets run before your actual route handler. You could, for example, do something like this:
function requireLogin(req, res, next) {
if (req.session.loggedIn) {
next(); // allow the next route to run
} else {
// require the user to log in
res.redirect("/login"); // or render a form, etc.
// Automatically apply the `requireLogin` middleware to all
// routes starting with `/admin`
app.all("/admin/*", requireLogin, function(req, res, next) {
next(); // if the middleware allowed us to get here,
// just move on to the next route handler
app.get("/admin/posts", function(req, res) {
// if we got here, the `app.all` call above has already
// ensured that the user is logged in
You could specify requireLogin as a middleware to each of the routes you want to be protected, instead of using the app.all call with /admin/*, but doing it the way I show here ensures that you can't accidentally forget to add it to any page that starts with /admin.
A even simpler approach would be to add the following code in the App.js file.
var auth = function(req, res, next) {
if(isAdmin) {
return next();
} else {
return res.status(400)
app.use('/admin', auth, apiDecrement);
As you can see the middleware is being attached to the route. Before ExpressJS goes forward, it executes the function that you passed as the second parameter.
With this solution you can make different checks before displaying the site to the end user.
Like brandon, but you can also go the connect route
app.use('/admin', requireLogin)
app.get('/admin/posts', /* middleware */)
