Will Square webhook subscriptions tied to merchant ID (not location ID) work reliably? - webhooks

The Square documentation for updating webhook events shows this URL format: PUT /v1/{location_id}/webhooks. However, creating a webhook event listener for every merchant location could be a lot of separate API requests, and it would be far easier to use the merchant_id instead of the location_id (even though this is not documented) and make one request for each merchant.
Attempting to do this actually works - when I PUT /v1/{merchant_id}/webhooks the webhook is saved in Square and transactions for any of that merchant's locations successfully send the webhook.
My question is, since this is undocumented (although it works) is it safe to rely on this approach?

While it may work currently, since it's undocumented, the behavior may change in the future and cause unintended side-effects. I strongly encourage you to follow the current documentation for subscribing to webhooks.


Best way to handle one-time payments with STRIPE webhooks in nodeJS

I am using STRIPE as my payment processor, in an REACT + nodeJS app. I already have something that already works, but I would like some feedback, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
So... I have this Redirect-To-Checkout functionality thats made available by STRIPE, basically I redirect the user to this STRIPE page where all card-data (sensitive information) is processes in order for the payment to full-fill.
What I do in my nodeJS server part is the following:
Once the user acces the redirect to check-out page, I already create a PendingOrder, with the products selected by client (Here I save some information based on client/stripe payment-intent, in order to check in later steps)
Once webhook gives me the 'payment_intent.succeeded' I check for the payment-intent information to see if it exists in my PendingOrder collection, then proceed to add in to ConfirmedOrders and remove it from PendingOrders.
I have to do this whole process because Stripe no longer gives me access to some information I require when the user is checking-out his order(such as observation that the user has based on the type of service he chooses).
Are there any down-sides to this approach or is there any other way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
You’re not really far from the best practices that Stripe recommends here. The only thing that I would change is listening to checkout.session.completed instead of the payment_intent.succeeded event. As of the latest API version, a PaymentIntent is no longer created upfront so a better to way to handle order fulfillment is to either store the Checkout Session ID (e.g. cs_live_xxx) or you could add some metadata when creating the Checkout Session and use that instead to identify the order.
I have to do this whole process because Stripe no longer gives me access to some information I require when the user is checking-out his order
As for this, I’m not sure what you mean, you can always use your app with the success page customization described here alongside webhooks. I wouldn’t use that to fulfill the order though since the user might close the page before the redirection completes which means that the fulfillment wouldn’t be done in that case. As such, webhooks are essential to order fulfillment.

Stripe Payment Intents and charge.succeeded webhook sometimes not firing

We create PaymentIntents (with capture_method=manual in case that matters) in our iOS/Android apps when the user places an order.
We send the order to the connected venue once the charge.succeeded webhook fires. If this doesn't happen within a couple of minutes, we expired the placed order on our side.
So interestingly 2 out of 10 times we don't get this webhook to fire.
Im wondering if it's actually wise to listen to this webhook in order to decide if we send the order to the connected account's venue or not or if there is a better way to determine that the payment will actually work once we try to capture it.
Webhooks are the recommended way for getting a payment intent's status, but you can also use the API to get its status.
A quote from the Stripe docs:
It is technically possible to use polling instead of webhooks to
monitor for changes caused by asynchronous operations—repeatedly
retrieving a PaymentIntent so that you can check its status—but this
is markedly less reliable and may pose challenges if used at scale.
Stripe enforces rate limiting on API requests, so exercise caution
should you decide to use polling.
In your case, I'd recommend waiting for the webhook and then after a few minutes, call either the PaymentIntents API or the Charges API if you haven't received the webhook yet.
There's likely something else going on here, so I'd suggest you reach out to Stripe - webhooks should fire all the time, and it's a really really rare occurrence that they wouldn't.

Track multiple context for the same Bot

We have a bot that will be used by different customers and depending on their database, sector of activity we're gonna have different answers from the bot and inputs from users. Intents etc will be the same for now we don't plan to make a custom bot for each customer.
What would be the best way to separate data per customer within Chatbase?
I'm not sure if we should use
A new API key for each customer (Do we have a limitation then?)
Differentiate them by the platform filter (seems to not be appropriated)
Differentiate them by the version filter (same it would feel a bit weird to me)
Using Custom Event, not sure how though
Example, in Dialogflow we pass the customer name/id as a context parameter.
Thank you for your question. You listed the two workarounds I would suggest, I will detail the pros/cons:
New API Key for each customer: Could become unwieldy to have to change bots everytime you want to look at a different users' metrics. You should also create a general api (bot) where you send all messages in order to get the aggregate metrics. This would mean making two api calls per message.
Differentiate by version filter: This would be the preferred method, however it could lengthen load times for your reports as your number of users grows. The advantage would be that all of your metrics are in one place, and they will be aggregated while only having to send one api call per message.

Caching response for API.ai Node.js webhook

I have a webhook designed in Node.js for API.ai that interacts with multiple API's to gather information and give response to user.
Since, I am interacting with multiple API's the response time taken is more than 5 secs which is causing the API.ai request to timeout.
To overcome this, I am trying to implement caching into the node.js webhook which saves the response from API's until a certain amount of time. This will remove timeout until the max-age header time is reached.
Edit: What is the best node module that I can use to cache the API responses for subsequest requests.
Note: I am using request node module for http requests but it doesnt seem to provide a way to cache the response.
All of the answers given are reasonable for tackling the cache problem on the request side. But since you specified API.AI and Actions, you might also be able to, or need to, store information while the conversation is in progress. You can do this using an API.AI context.
It may even be that if you limit it to just one remote call for each response from the user, you might be able to fit it in the timeframe.
For example, if you were having a conversation about movie times and ticket ordering, the conversation may go something like:
User: "I want to see a movie."
[You use an API to lookup the nearest theater, store the theater's location in a context and reply] "Your nearest theater is the Mall Megaplex. Are you interested in one there?"
User: "Sure"
[You now already have the theater, so you query for what it is playing with another API call and store it in a context] "There are seven different movies playing, including Star Wars and Jaws. Do those sound interesting?"
User: "No"
[You already have the data in the context, so you don't need another call.] "How about Rocky or..."
In this way you're making the same number of calls (generally), but storing the user's results in the session as you go as opposed to collecting all the information for the user, or all the possible results, and then narrowing them.
Finally decided to use the below module:
This served my scenario better. Might try using Redis soon when i get some time.

Creating new payment method for Bigcommerce

I would like to know if this is possible to add new payment method for Bigcommerce. I tried to contact their support without any luck. If anyone is familiar with bigcommerce and know if this is possible, i would appreciate any advice.
I already read their API docs and didn't found anything useful - only method to obtain list of available payment methods.
I already tried to signup for their partner. Without any luck.
We've done this before for a couple stores to allow clients to process payments through their own processor. The way we achieved this, is essentially through the following high-level steps:
Allow payments by Check (or similar offline method). We are going to replace this with the custom processor.
You'll notice that if you attempt to checkout via Check, that BigCommerce automatically creates the order for you, but sets the order status to Awaiting Payment. Upon submission the user is automatically sent to a 'Thank You' Order Confirmation page that contains both the Order ID and some payment instructions (such as where to send the check to).
Here's the trick -- Modify this 'Order Thank You' page to prompt the user for her or his credit card information. A simple HTML form will suffice here, performing the actual request via JavaScript.
Once you have the user's credit card data, you can then POST it to your own external server, where you would connect to and send data to whichever processor you are using. Additionally, you should make sure to send the Order ID to this program, so that you can connect to the BigCommerce API to load billing information, and then subsequently adjust the order status to either approved or declined depending on the response from your processor. Finally, you should send back some sort of response to the client to inform of the result of the charge attempt.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. The way you integrate with the payment processor (step 4) is unique to whichever processor you are using. I hope this makes sense.
Although opinion based, I'm a huge fan of serverless technologies, and would suggest looking into AWS Lambda + AWS API Gateway. The benefit here is that you don't need to worry about creating an infrastructure or the associated concerns of security and scale. Rather, AWS Lambda allows you to simply upload your software, and allows it to be executed via an HTTP request to some defined endpoint set through the API Gateway. Lambda will scale automatically for you, and you don't need to worry about system level security concerns - only security at the application level. It's truly a set and forget setup, and a bleeding edge technology. Not to mention dirt cheap!
Implementing a new payment method is unsupported and requires hacky workarounds since we implement payment gateways via the core app. You can do this on blueprint by using an offline payment method and then using the API to update payment statuses, etc. I'd recommend using ActiveMerchant if you do wish to go down this path.
