using threads in QCustomPlot - multithreading

I've created a Dialog with 2 QCustomPlot widegets.
im trying to plot them both.
this is my code:
setData1(); //set points into widget1, no plotting
setData2(); //set points into widget2, no plotting
std::thread a([this]()->void {ui->widget1->replot();});
std::thread b([this]()->void {ui->widget2->replot();});
i think its suppose to be very simple but the program has unexpecterdly finshed
any ideas??


GTK Data Capturing

I’m working in C on a project to capture data from a sensor and display it as part of a GUI application on the Raspberry Pi. I am using GTK 3.0, plus Cairo for graphing. I have built an application that works, but I want to make a modification to enable me to change the frequency of data capture.
Within my main code section I have a command like:-
gdk_threads_add_timeout (250, data_capture, widgets);
This all works, the data capture routine is triggered every 250mS, but I want to add functionality to the GUI to enable the user to change the speed. If I try to call this function from anywhere else other than main, it fails.
I have looked for other ways to do it, but I can’t find any examples or explanations of how I can do it.
Ideally what I would like is something like:-
void update_speed(button, widgets)
// Button to change speed has been pressed
read speed from GUI
update frequency
int main()
setup GUI
set default speed
start main GTK loop
Does anyone have any idea how I could achieve this?
Edit: Additional Code Snippet
(This is not the whole program, but an extract of main)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
GtkBuilder *builder;
GtkWidget *window;
GError *err = NULL; // holds any error that occurs within GTK
// instantiate structure, allocating memory for it
struct app_widgets *widgets = g_slice_new(struct app_widgets);
// initialise GTK library and pass it in command line parameters
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
// build the gui
builder = gtk_builder_new();
gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, "../Visual/gui/", &err);
window = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "main_application_window"));
// build the structure of widget pointers
widgets->w_spn_dataspeed = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "spn_dataspeed"));
widgets->w_spn_refreshspeed = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "spn_refreshspeed"));
widgets->w_adj_dataspeed = GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "adj_dataspeed"));
widgets->w_adj_refreshspeed = GTK_ADJUSTMENT(gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "adj_refreshspeed"));
// connect the widgets to the signal handler
gtk_builder_connect_signals(builder, widgets); // note: second parameter points to widgets
// Set a timeout running to refresh the screen
gdk_threads_add_timeout(SCREEN_REFRESH_TIMER, (GSourceFunc)screen_timer_exe, (gpointer)widgets);
gdk_threads_add_timeout(DATA_REFRESH_TIMER, (GSourceFunc)data_timer_exe, (gpointer)widgets);
// free up memory used by widget structure, probably not necessary as OS will
// reclaim memory from application after it exits
g_slice_free(struct app_widgets, widgets);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Insert 3D text to the front face of a cube GameObject

I want to add a text to a cube, which has a 3D text as a child. I am trying to write/show the text to the front face (or very close) of the cube.
I am using the below javascript to write on the 3D text:
#pragma strict
var countdown : int = 200;
function Update()
GetComponent(TextMesh).text = countdown.ToString();
EDIT: My difficulty is to make the text appear in the front side/face of the cube, like it is written on it.
My last failed try was to use the below lines:
var tm = gameObject.AddComponent(TextMesh);
tm.text = countdown.ToString();
Any ideas?
If the TextMesh object is a child of the cube, then what you'd want to use is:
transform.Find("TextMeshObjectName").GetComponent(TextMesh).text = countdown.ToString();
where TextMeshObjectName is the name of your TextMesh object. I'm also assuming the script is running from within the cube. There are of course other ways to find children as well, so if you like, take a look at this link here

Display Text on MFC Based Application

I'm a little new to using MFC and VC++ as such, but I'm doing this as part of a Course and i Have to stick to VC++.
This is the tutorial I have been following to make a simple samegame. However when i try to display score, the score is getting displayed Underneath or outside my application window, even though I've displayed score before calling updateWindow(). I've tried various methods but I am kinda lost here.
Here is the code I'm using to Display the score:
void CSameGameView::updateScore()
CSameGameDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CRect rcClient, rcWindow;
int nHeightDiff = rcWindow.Height() - rcClient.Height(); + pDoc->GetHeight() * pDoc->GetRows() + nHeightDiff;
rcScore.left=rcWindow.left + 50;
rcScore.right=rcWindow.left + pDoc->GetWidth() - 50; + 20;
CString str;
double points = Score::getScore();
str.Format(_T("Score: %0.2f"), points);
COLORREF clr = pDoc->GetBoardSpace(-1, -1); //this return background colour
pDC->FillSolidRect(&rcScore, clr);
DrawText(hDC, (LPCTSTR) str, -1, (LPRECT) &rcScore, DT_CENTER);
Thank you for any help and I'm sorry if the question doesn't make sense or in ambiguous.
There are several problems with your code:
1. The hDC you are creating is going to have coordinates relative to the desktop window. To paint text in your window, use CClientDC like this: CClientDC dc(this); (see
2. The code you have will leak a DC every time the function is called. The method in #1 will fix that.
3. Your paint code should be done in the CView::OnDraw. There you get a DC passed to you and you don't have to worry about creating one with CClientDC. Set the variables you want to draw (e.g. your points or score), store them as class members and draw them in CView::OnDraw.
Don't do the drawing in your updateScore method.
Make sense? Hang in there!

VTK: Put Label/Text near points in the 3d plot

I have written a code which plots multiple 3d points as spheres. I want to add some text near each sphere in 3D to mention some info about each point. But I have vtkPoints to store points positions which doesn't have GetOutputPort which I need in labelMApper (and also used glyph3d to make spheres)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkLabeledDataMapper> labelMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLabeledDataMapper>::New();
labelMapper->SetInputConnection( vtkpoints->GetOutputPort() ); // No GetOutputPort()
vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor2D> labelActor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor2D>::New();
You should construct a vtkPolyData from the points and set it as Input to the label mapper.
Something like this:
vtkNew<vtkPolyData> labelPolyData;
labelMapper->SetInput(labelPolyData); // Note: If you're using VTK from master (6.x), this is SetInputData(...)

GTK3 GtkLayout with cairo, cannot get update region

I am trying to draw a GtkLayout using cairo. The layout is huge and I need to get the part that is visible in the container window and update that part only. With GTK2 the expose event data was sufficient to do this. I am not successful with GTK3.
In the function to handle "draw" events, I did the following:
GdkWindow *gdkwin; // window to draw
cairo_region_t *cregion; // update regions
cairo_rectangle_int_t crect; // enclosing rectangle
gdkwin = gtk_layout_get_bin_window(GTK_LAYOUT(layout));
cregion = gdk_window_get_update_area(gdkwin);
expy1 = crect.y; // top of update area
expy2 = expy1 + crect.height; // bottom of update area
The problem is that cregion has garbage. Either gdk_window_get_update_area() is buggy or I am not using the right drawing window.
Passing the GtkLayout as follows also does not work (this is the function arg for g_signal_connect):
void draw_function(GtkWidget *layout, cairo_t *cr, void *userdata)
Whatever gets passed is not the GtkLayout from g_signal_connect, but something else.
================= UPDATE ====================
I found a way to do what I want without using GtkLayout.
I am using a GtkDrawingArea inside a viewport.
I can scroll to any window within the large graphic layout
and update that window only. Works well once I figured out
the cryptic docs.
scrwing = gtk_scrolled_window_new(0,0);
drwing = gtk_drawing_area_new();
scrollbar = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrwing));
