We have migrated from thrift to cql and have used spring-data-cassandra.
Load test performance results are too bad after changes, specifically for timeseries read which is around 30 thousand rows.
Can someone guide if we are missing something that is causing this issue.
We were able to achieve desired results around 30-40 times faster. if we use spring-data-cassandra but don't do entity mapping. We observed threads getting blocked while doing entity mapping for each row. Spring-data do classloader to load entity class for each result row.
Changes we made were instead of specifying List of entity as return of select query we made it List of Object.
Slow Code
#Query("select * from \"InstrumentTimeSeries\" where key = ?0 and column1 >= ?1 and column1 <= ?2")
List<InstrumentTimeSeriesEntity> findByKeyAndRangeColumn1(ByteBuffer key, long columnValue1, long columnValue2);
instrumentTimeSeriesRepository.findByKeyAndRangeColumn1(SRL_KEY.toByteBuffer(key), interval.getStartMillis(), interval.getEndMillis()).forEach(entity -> builder.addTick(entity.getColumn1(), SRL_DBL.fromByteBuffer(entity.getValue())));
Fast Code .
#Query("select * from \"InstrumentTimeSeries\" where key = ?0 and column1 >= ?1 and column1 <= ?2")
List<Object> findByKeyAndRangeColumn1(ByteBuffer key, long columnValue1, long columnValue2); }
instrumentTimeSeriesRepository.findByKeyAndRangeColumn1(SRL_KEY.toByteBuffer(key), interval.getStartMillis(), interval.getEndMillis()).forEach(row -> builder.addTick(((Row)row).getLong(1), SRL_DBL.fromByteBuffer(((Row)row).getBytes(2))));
I need to get a count from a very large dataset in Cassandra, 100 million plus. I am worried about the memory hit cassandra would take if I just ran the following query.
select count(*) from conv_org where org_id = 'TEST_ORG'
I was told I could use cassandra Automatic Paging to do this? Does this seem like a good option?
Would the syntax look something like this?
Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement("select count(*) from conv_org where org_id = 'TEST_ORG'");
ResultSet rs = session.execute(stmt);
I am unsure the above code will work as I do not need a result set back I just need a count.
Here is the data model.
CREATE TABLE ts.conv_org (
org_id text,
create_time timestamp,
test_id text,
org_type int,
PRIMARY KEY (org_id, create_time, conv_id)
If org_id isn't your primary key counting in cassandra in general is not a fast operation and can easily lead to a full scan of all sstables in your cluster and therefore be painfully slow.
In Java for example you can do something like this:
ResultSet rs = session.execute(...);
Iterator<Row> iter = rs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching() == 100 && !rs.isFullyFetched())
Row row = iter.next()
... process the row ...
You could select a small colum and count your self. There is int getAvailableWithoutFetching() and isFullyFetched() that could help you.
In general if you really need a count - maintain it yourself.
On the other hand, if you have really many rows in one partition you can have also some other performance problems.
But that's hard to say without knowing the data model.
Maybe you want to use "counter table" in addition to your dataset.
Pros: get counter fast.
Cons: need to maintained that table.
Cassandra Newbie here. Cassandra v 3.9.
I'm modelling the Travellers Flight Checkin Data.
My Main Query Criteria is Search for travellers with a date range (max of 7 day window).
Here is what I've come up with with my limited exposure to Cassandra.
create table IF NOT EXISTS travellers_checkin (checkinDay text, checkinTimestamp bigint, travellerName text, travellerPassportNo text, flightNumber text, from text, to text, bookingClass text, PRIMARY KEY (checkinDay, checkinTimestamp)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (checkinTimestamp DESC)
Per day, I'm expecting upto a million records - resulting in the partition to have a million records.
Now my users want search in which the date window is mandatory (max a week window). In this case should I use a IN clause that spans across multiple partitions? Is this the correct way or should I think of re-modelling the data? Alternatively, I'm also wondering if issuing 7 queries (per day) and merging the responses would be efficient.
Your Data Model Seems Good.But If you could add more field to the partition key it will scale well. And you should use Separate Query with executeAsync
If you are using in clause, this means that you’re waiting on this single coordinator node to give you a response, it’s keeping all those queries and their responses in the heap, and if one of those queries fails, or the coordinator fails, you have to retry the whole thing
Source : https://lostechies.com/ryansvihla/2014/09/22/cassandra-query-patterns-not-using-the-in-query-for-multiple-partitions/
Instead of using IN clause, use separate query of each day and execute it with executeAsync.
Java Example :
PreparedStatement statement = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM travellers_checkin where checkinDay = ? and checkinTimestamp >= ? and checkinTimestamp <= ?");
List<ResultSetFuture> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
ResultSetFuture resultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(statement.bind(i, i));
for (ResultSetFuture future : futures){
ResultSet rows = future.getUninterruptibly();
//You get the result set of each query, merge them here
I am dealing with a puzzling behaviour when doing SELECTs on Cassandra 2.2.3. I have 4 nodes in the ring, and I create the following keyspace, table and index.
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
CREATE TABLE my_keyspace.my_table (
id text,
some_text text,
code text,
some_set set<int>,
a_float float,
name text,
type int,
a_double double,
another_set set<int>,
another_float float,
yet_another_set set<text>,
PRIMARY KEY (id, some_text, code)
) WITH read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = { 'keys' : 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition' : 'NONE' }
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = { 'class' : 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' }
AND compression = { 'sstable_compression' : 'org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor' }
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE'
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND max_index_interval = 2048;
CREATE INDEX idx_my_table_code ON my_keyspace.my_table (code);
Then I insert some rows on the table. Some of them have empty sets. I perform this query through the default CQL client and get the row I am expecting:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE code = 'test';
Then I run some tests which are outside my control. I don't know what they do but I expect they read and possibly insert/update/delete some rows. I'm sure they don't delete or change any of the settings in the index, table or keyspace.
After the tests, I log in again through the default CQL client and run the following queries.
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE code = 'test';
SELECT * FROM my_table;
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = 'my_id' AND some_text = 'whatever' AND code = 'test';
The first one doesn't return anything.
The second one returns all the rows, including the one with code = 'test'.
The third one returns the expected row that the first query couldn't retrieve.
The only difference that I can see between this row and others is that it is one of the rows which contains some empty sets, as explained earlier. If I query for another of the rows that also contain some empty sets, I get the same behavior.
I would say the problem is related to the secondary index. Somehow, the operations performed during the tests leave the index in an state where it cannot see certain rows.
I'm obviously missing something. Do you have any ideas about what could cause this behavior?
Thanks in advance.
I worked around the issue, but now I found the same problem somewhere else. Since the issue first happened, I found out more about the operations performed before the error: updates on specific columns that set a TTL for said columns. After some investigation I found some Jira issues which could be related to this problem:
However, those issues seem to have been solved on 2.0 and 2.1, and I'm using 2.2. I think these changes are included in 2.2, but I could be mistaken.
The main problem is the the type of query you are running on Cassandra.
The Cassadra data model is query driven, tables are recomputed to serve the query.
Tables are created by using well defined Primary Key (Partition Key & clustring key). Cassandra is not good for full table scan type of queries.
Now coming to your queries.
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE code = 'test';
Here the column used is clustring column and it the equality search column it should be part of Partition Key. Clustring key will be present in different partitions so if Read consistency level is one it may give empty result.
SELECT * FROM my_table;
Cassandra is not good for this kind of table scan query. Here it will search all the table and get all the rows (poor querying).
SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE id = 'my_id' AND some_text = 'whatever' AND code = 'test';
Here you mentioned everything so the correct results were returned.
I opened a Jira issue and the problem was fixed on 2.1.18 and 2.2.10:
I speak just from what I read in the Jira issue. I didn't test the above scenario again after the fix was implemented because by then I had moved to the 3.0 version.
In the end though I ended up removing almost every use of secondary indices in my application, as I learned that they led to bad performance.
The reason is that in most cases they will result in fan-out queries that will contact every node of the cluster, with the corresponding costs.
There are still some cases where they can perform well, e.g. when you query by partition key at the same time, as no other nodes will be involved.
But for anything else, my advice is: consider if you can remove your secondary indices and do lookups in auxiliary tables instead. You'll have the burden of maintaining the tables in sync, but performance should be better.
I have a issue with my CQL and cassandra is giving me no viable alternative at input '(' (...WHERE id = ? if [(]...) error message. I think there is a problem with my statement.
SET <attribute1> = 13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201
WHERE <attribute2> = dfa2efb0-7247-11e5-a9e5-0242ac110003
IF (<attribute1> = null OR <attribute1> = 13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201) AND <attribute3> = 0;
Any idea were the problem is in the statement about?
It would help to have your complete table structure, so to test your statement I made a couple of educated guesses.
With this table:
CREATE TABLE lwtTest (attribute1 timeuuid, attribute2 timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, attribute3 int);
This statement works, as long as I don't add the lightweight transaction on the end:
UPDATE lwttest USING TTL 300 SET attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201
WHERE attribute2=dfa2efb0-7247-11e5-a9e5-0242ac110003;
Your lightweight transaction...
IF (attribute1=null OR attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201) AND attribute3 = 0;
...has a few issues.
"null" in Cassandra is not similar (at all) to its RDBMS counterpart. Not every row needs to have a value for every column. Those CQL rows without values for certain column values in a table will show "null." But you cannot query by "null" since it isn't really there.
The OR keyword does not exist in CQL.
You cannot use extra parenthesis to separate conditions in your WHERE clause or your lightweight transaction.
Bearing those points in mind, the following UPDATE and lightweight transaction runs without error:
UPDATE lwttest USING TTL 300 SET attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201
WHERE attribute2=dfa2efb0-7247-11e5-a9e5-0242ac110003
IF attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201 AND attribute3=0;
I've huge tables in cassandra, more than 2 billions rows and increasing. The rows have a date field and it is following date bucket pattern so as to limit each row.
Even then, I've more than a million entries for a particular date.
I want to read and process rows for each day as fast as possible. What I am doing is that getting instance of com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet and obtain iterator from it and share that iterator across multiple threads.
So, essentially I want to increase the read throughput. Is this the correct way? If not, please suggest a better way.
Unfortunately you cannot do this as is. The reason why is that a ResultSet provides an internal paging state that is used to retrieve rows 1 page at a time.
You do have options however. Since I imagine you are doing range queries (queries across multiple partitions), you can use a strategy where you submit multiple queries across token ranges at a time using the token directive. A good example of this is documented in Paging through unordered partitioner results.
java-driver 2.0.10 and 2.1.5 each provide a mechanism for retrieving token ranges from Hosts and splitting them. There is an example of how to do this in the java-driver's integration tests in TokenRangeIntegrationTest.java#should_expose_token_ranges():
PreparedStatement rangeStmt = session.prepare("SELECT i FROM foo WHERE token(i) > ? and token(i) <= ?");
TokenRange foundRange = null;
for (TokenRange range : metadata.getTokenRanges()) {
List<Row> rows = rangeQuery(rangeStmt, range);
for (Row row : rows) {
if (row.getInt("i") == testKey) {
// We should find our test key exactly once
.describedAs("found the same key in two ranges: " + foundRange + " and " + range)
foundRange = range;
// That range should be managed by the replica
assertThat(metadata.getReplicas("test", range)).contains(replica);
private List<Row> rangeQuery(PreparedStatement rangeStmt, TokenRange range) {
List<Row> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
for (TokenRange subRange : range.unwrap()) {
Statement statement = rangeStmt.bind(subRange.getStart(), subRange.getEnd());
return rows;
You could basically generate your statements and submit them in async fashion, the example above just iterates through the statements one at a time.
Another option is to use the spark-cassandra-connector, which essentially does this under the covers and in a very efficient way. I find it very easy to use and you don't even need to set up a spark cluster to use it. See this document for how to use the Java API.