Perl hashes don't work as expected - hashmap

sub f { {
a => 1,
b => 2
} }
sub g { {
c => 3,
d => 4,
} }
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper g();
The above code outputs
$VAR1 = 'a';
$VAR2 = 1;
$VAR3 = 'b';
$VAR4 = 2;
$VAR5 = 'c';
$VAR6 = 3;
$VAR7 = 'd';
$VAR8 = 4;
despite in my understanding it should output
$VAR1 = {
'a' => 1,
'c' => 3,
'b' => 2,
'd' => 4
What is my misunderstanding?

The problem is that a pair of braces is ambiguous in Perl, and may be either a block or an anonymous hash
Because of the contents of the hash in your g (please use better names) perl has assumed that you are writing a code block, which is just a list of scalar values
Make it more explicit like this and your code will function as you expect
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
sub foo {
a => 1,
b => 2,
sub bar {
my $href = {
%{ foo() },
c => 3,
d => 4,
use Data::Dump;
dd bar();
{ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4 }

The Perl language has ambiguities. Take for example
sub some_sub {
{ } # Is this a hash constructor or a block?
{ } is valid syntax for a block ("bare loop").
{ } is valid syntax for a hash constructor.
And both are allowed as a statement!
So Perl has to guess. Perl usually guesses correctly, but not always. In your case, it guessed correctly for f(), but not for g().
To fix this, you can give Perl "hints". Unary-+ can be used to do this. Unary-+ is a completely transparent operator; it does nothing at all. However, it must be followed by an expression (not a statement). { } has only one possible meaning as an expression.
+{ } # Must be a hash constructor.
Similarly, you can trick Perl to guess the other way.
{; } # Perl looks ahead, and sees that this must be a block.
So in this case, you could use
sub g { +{
c => 3,
d => 4,
} }
sub g { return {
c => 3,
d => 4,
} }
(return must also be followed by an expression if anything.)


Perl - multithreading on foreach loop:

I have a big code that somewhere in the middle of it, there's a foreach loop filling up some dictionaries. Each iteration is independant and fills those dictionaries with disjoint keys.
I'm trying to turn the "foreach" loop in the middle to multithreaded in order to decrease time.
In the following example, $a1, $b1 are the pointers to dictionaries.
I tried "thread::shared" this way:
my $a1 = {};
my $b1 = {};
my $c1 = {};
my $d1 = {};
# a lot of code using $a1 and $b1
my #threads;
foreach my $Inst ( sort keys %{ $a1->{ports} }) {
push( #threads, threads->create('some_func', $Inst, $a1, $b1, $c1, $d1, $e ...));
for my $thr (#threads) {
# all the other code
But I get an error of:
Invalid value for shared scalar at ...
Any ideas how to get the data-structures filled, but not that it would interfere with the code before and after the for-each loop?
It is not possible to make a hash shared after it has been created/declared without losing the data in the hash. Instead you could try use shared_clone() like this:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads ;
use threads::shared ;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my %h1 = (a => 1, b => 2);
my %h2 = (c => 3, d => 4);
my $a1 = \%h1;
my $b1 = \%h2;
my $a1c = shared_clone($a1);
my $b1c = shared_clone($b1);
my $lockvar:shared;
my $nthreads = 3;
for ( 1..$nthreads ) {
threads->create('job_to_parallelize', $a1c, $b1c, \$lockvar ) ;
$_->join() for threads->list();
sub job_to_parallelize {
my ($a1, $b1, $lockvar) = #_;
lock $lockvar;
print Dumper({a1c => $a1c});
print Dumper({b1c => $b1c});
$VAR1 = {
'a1c' => {
'a' => 4,
'b' => 2
$VAR1 = {
'b1c' => {
'd' => 7,
'c' => 3

Groovy paradigm for conditional with find

This code works, but the duplicate find seems less than optimal. Is it possible to implement the same functionality without the duplication?
def pattern = ~'some_regex'
def inFile = new File('in')
inFile.eachLine { String line ->
if (line.find(pattern)) {
line.find(pattern) { match ->
... // do something
else {
... // do something (else)
I'd suggest to use eachMatch()
inFile.eachLine { String line ->
String matched
line.eachMatch( pattern ){
matched = it[ 0 ]
doSomethingWithMatch matched
if( !matched ) doNoMatch()

Usage of parentheses in Groovy method call

I started learning Groovy, and understood that parentheses are optional in method calls, so
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
list.each ({ item ->
println "Item: $item"
is the same as
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
list.each { item ->
println "Item: $item"
But now found this example
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
list.each() { item ->
println "Item: $item"
which also works. How is it possible to first call method with empty parameter list, and then specify closure after it?
Things are a little different when closures are involved. There is a special facility for closures that occur as the last parameter (as explained here).
As another illustration, consider:
class Foo {
int bar(s, c) {
return c(s)
int abc(c, s) {
return c(s)
def foo = new Foo()
def s = "fox"
This is a classic style:
assert 3 ==, { it.size() })
Yet this will work for closures as last argument:
assert 3 == { it.size() }
This is classic:
assert 3 =={ it.size() }, s)
But this won't work
// assert 3 =={ it.size() }) s
No doubt the reasoning is that if there is only one parameter, as with List.each(), then the syntax is very elegant:
list.each { item -> println item }

How to implement Haskell's splitEvery in Swift?

let x = (0..<10).splitEvery( 3 )
XCTAssertEqual( x, [(0...2),(3...5),(6...8),(9)], "implementation broken" )
I am running into problems calculating number of elements in the Range, etc...
extension Range
func splitEvery( nInEach: Int ) -> [Range]
let n = self.endIndex - self.startIndex // ERROR - cannot invoke '-' with an argument list of type (T,T)
The values in a range are of ForwardIndexType, so you can only advance() them,
or compute the distance(), but the subtraction - is not defined. The advance amount has to be of the corresponding
type T.Distance. So this would be a possible implementation:
extension Range {
func splitEvery(nInEach: T.Distance) -> [Range] {
var result = [Range]() // Start with empty array
var from = self.startIndex
while from != self.endIndex {
// Advance position, but not beyond the end index:
let to = advance(from, nInEach, self.endIndex)
result.append(from ..< to)
// Continue with next interval:
from = to
return result
println( (0 ..< 10).splitEvery(3) )
// Output: [0..<3, 3..<6, 6..<9, 9..<10]
Note however that 0 ..< 10 is not a list (or array) of integers. To split an array into subarrays you could define a similar extension:
extension Array {
func splitEvery(nInEach: Int) -> [[T]] {
var result = [[T]]()
for from in stride(from: 0, to: self.count, by: nInEach) {
let to = advance(from, nInEach, self.count)
result.append(Array(self[from ..< to]))
return result
println( [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13].splitEvery(3) )
// Output: [[1, 1, 2], [3, 5, 8], [13]]
A more general approach could be to split all sliceable objects. But Sliceable
is protocol and protocols cannot be extended. What you can do instead is to
define a function that takes the sliceable object as the first argument:
func splitEvery<S : Sliceable>(seq : S, nInEach : S.Index.Distance) -> [S.SubSlice] {
var result : [S.SubSlice] = []
var from = seq.startIndex
while from != seq.endIndex {
let to = advance(from, nInEach, seq.endIndex)
result.append(seq[from ..< to])
from = to
return result
(Note that this function is completely unrelated to the (extension) methods
defined above.)
println( splitEvery("abcdefg", 2) )
// Output: [ab, cd, ef, g]
println( splitEvery([3.1, 4.1, 5.9, 2.6, 5.3], 2) )
// Output: [[3.1, 4.1], [5.9, 2.6], [5.3]]
Ranges are not sliceable, but you could define a separate function that takes a
range argument:
func splitEvery<T>(range : Range<T>, nInEach : T.Distance) -> [Range<T>] {
var result : [Range<T>] = []
var from = range.startIndex
while from != range.endIndex {
let to = advance(from, nInEach, range.endIndex)
result.append(from ..< to)
from = to
return result
println( splitEvery(0 ..< 10, 3) )
// Output: [0..<3, 3..<6, 6..<9, 9..<10]

jQuery deep copy with Ext JS?

I've tried and surprised how could not I do with ExtJS. Let me explain with a code block.
In jQuery
var a = {
b: 5,
c: 4,
o: {
l: 2,
p: 2
var b = {
k: 4,
l: 3,
c: 5,
o: {
m: 2,
l: 1
var ex = $.extend(true, a, b);
Here is the output
ex = {
a: {
q: 2
b: 5,
c: 5,
o: {
l: 1,
p: 2,
m: 2
Ext apply, applyIf, copyTo does not worked like this. How can I produce the output in ExtJS?
Thanks in advance.
For a recent project, we adapted this sample code to produce the following method:
Ext.deepCopy = function(p, c) {
c = c || (p.constructor === Array ? [] : {});
for (var i in p) {
if (typeof p[i] === 'object' && p[i] !== null) {
c[i] = p[i].constructor === Array ? [] : {};
Ext.deepCopy(p[i], c[i]);
} else {
c[i] = p[i];
return c;
Deep copying isn't supported in Ext. There are Ext.apply and Ext.applyIf but they both only work on the first level of a hash map and will override instead of merge any embedded arrays or hashes.
In fact the docs explicitly state that Ext.apply is meant to work on config objects, not that it matters but it's just to illustrate that it's not meant to be used as a merge utility function although it basically could if you only want to merge the first level/depth.
Use the Ext.Object.merge() method, that does exactly what you're looking for.
