Find string and replace line - python-3.x

I already could get a lot of my code together (although it is not a long code). However i am struggeling to achieve the "replace the whole line and not only the search term". Is there like a symbol you can place to do that? Like: * or % etc.
import glob
for files in glob.glob("./prtr/*p*"):
with open(files, 'r') as file:
filedata =
filedata = filedata.replace('TCPOPTS', 'TCPOPTS = 80\n')
with open(files, 'w') as file:
It works so far that "TCPOPTS" is replaced with "TCPOPTS = 80" and a linebreak is done. But it is not deleting the rest of that line but just moves it to the next line. Which is of course correct due the code. So as mentioned all i need now is to have it not replace the search term but the whole line containing that search term.
Any advice is highly apreciated :)
Kind regards
= 90

I recently solved a very similar task in the following way:
# Scan file
with open(filePath, 'r') as file:
fileContent = file.readlines()
# Find line, where modification should be done
for lineIndex in range(len(fileContent)):
if ('TCPOPTS' in fileContent[lineIndex]):
fileContent[lineIndex] = 'TCPOPTS = 80\n'
with open(filePath, 'w') as tableFile:
The benefit of doing it this way is, that the file is not rewritten, if your keyword is not found.

Try using str.startswith
import glob
for files in glob.glob("./prtr/*p*"):
res = []
with open(files) as infile:
for line in infile: #Iterate Each line
if line.startswith("TCPOPTS"): #Check if TCPOPTS in line
res.append("TCPOPTS = 80\n")
with open(files, "w") as outfile: #Write back to file.
for line in res:

You can use re.sub (after importing re) to match the whole line and use back-references to preserve selective portions of the match:
filedata = filedata.replace('TCPOPTS', 'TCPOPTS = 80\n')
filedata = re.sub(r'^(?P<header>TCPOPTS\s*=\s*).*', r'\g<header>80', filedata, flags=re.MULTILINE)


How to edit a line in a notepad file using python

I am trying to edit a specific line of a notepad file using Python 3. I can read from any part of the file and write to the end of it, however whenever I have tried editing a specific line, I am given the error message 'TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable'. Does anybody know how I could fix this?
#(This was my first attempt)
f = open('NotepadTester.txt', 'w')
Edit = input('Enter corrected data')
Line = int(input('Which line do you want to edit?'))
#(This was my second attempt)
f = open('NotepadTester.txt', 'w')
Line = int(input('Which line do you want to edit?'))
Edit = input('Enter corrected data')
f[Line-1] = (Edit)
you can't directly 'edit' a line in a text file as far as I know. what you could do is read the source file src to a variable data line-by-line, edit the respective line and write the edited variable to another file (or overwrite the input file) dst.
# load information
with open(src, 'r') as fobj:
data = fobj.readlines() # list with one element for each text file line
# replace line with some new info at index ix
data[ix] = 'some new info\n'
# write updated information
with open(dst, 'w') as fobj:
...or nice and short (thanks to Aivar Paalberg for the suggestion), overwriting the input file (using open with r+):
with open(src, 'r+') as fobj:
data = fobj.readlines()
data[ix] = 'some new info\n' # reset file pointer...
You should probably load all the lines into memory first, modify it from there, and then write the whole thing to a file.
f = open('NotepadTester.txt', 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
Which_Line = int(input('Which line do you want to edit? '))
Edit = input('Enter corrected data: ')
f = open("NotepadTester.txt",'w')
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
if i == Which_Line:

How to replace all instances of a string in text file with Python 3?

I am trying to replace all instances of a given string in a text file. I am trying to read the file line by line and then use the replace function, however it is just outputting a blank file instead of the expected. What could I be doing wrong?
file = input("Enter a filename: ")
remove = input("Enter the string to be removed: ")
fopen = open(file, 'r+')
lines = []
for line in fopen:
line = line.replace(remove,"")
Try this:
# Make sure this is the valid path to your file
file = input("Enter a filename: ")
remove = input("Enter the string to be removed: ")
# Read in the file
with open(file, "r") as file:
filedata =
# Replace the target string
filedata = filedata.replace(remove, "")
# Write the file out again
with open(file, "w") as file:
Note: You might want to use with open syntax, the benefit is elaborated in this answer by Jason Sundram.

reading text line by line in python 3.6

I have date.txt file where are codes
I want to check each code in website.
i tried:
with open('date.txt', 'r') as f:
data = f.readlines()
for line in data:
words = line.split()
But this copy only last line to.
I need to make a loop that will be checking line by line until check all
thanks for help
4am is to late 4my little brain..
while lines > 0:
lines = lines - 1
with open('date.txt', 'r') as f:
data = f.readlines()
words = data[lines]
Try this I think it will work :
line_1 = file.readline()
line_2 = file.readline()
repeat this for how many lines you would like to read.
One thing to keep in mind is if you print these lines they will all print on the same line.

Python - Spyder 3 - Open a list of .csv files and remove all double quotes in every file

I've read every thing I can find and tried about 20 examples from SO and google, and nothing seems to work.
This should be very simple, but I cannot get it to work. I just want to point to a folder, and replace every double quote in every file in the folder. That is it. (And I don't know Python well at all, hence my issues.) I have no doubt that some of the scripts I've tried to retask must work, but my lack of Python skill is getting in the way. This is as close as I've gotten, and I get errors. If I don't get errors it seems to do nothing. Thanks.
import glob
import csv
mypath = glob.glob('\\C:\\csv\\*.csv')
for fname in mypath:
with open(mypath, "r") as infile, open("output.csv", "w") as outfile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
for row in reader:
writer.writerow(item.replace("""", "") for item in row)
You don't need to use csv-specific file opening and writing, I think that makes it more complex. How about this instead:
import os
mypath = r'\path\to\folder'
for file in os.listdir(mypath): # This will loop through every file in the folder
if '.csv' in file: # Check if it's a csv file
fpath = os.path.join(mypath, file)
fpath_out = fpath + '_output' # Create an output file with a similar name to the input file
with open(fpath) as infile
lines = infile.readlines() # Read all lines
with open(fpath_out, 'w') as outfile:
for line in lines: # One line at a time
outfile.write(line.replace('"', '')) # Remove each " and write the line
Let me know if this works, and respond with any error messages you may have.
I found the solution to this based on the original answer provided by u/Jeff. It was actually smart quotes (u'\u201d') to be exact, not straight quotes. That is why I could get nothing to work. That is a great way to spend like two days, now if you'll excuse me I have to go jump off the roof. But for posterity, here is what I used that worked. (And note - there is the left curving smart quote as well - that is u'\u201c'.
mypath = 'C:\\csv\\'
myoutputpath = 'C:\\csv\\output\\'
for file in os.listdir(mypath): # This will loop through every file in the folder
if '.csv' in file: # Check if it's a csv file
fpath = os.path.join(mypath, file)
fpath_out = os.path.join(myoutputpath, file) #+ '_output' # Create an output file with a similar name to the input file
with open(fpath) as infile:
lines = infile.readlines() # Read all lines
with open(fpath_out, 'w') as outfile:
for line in lines: # One line at a time
outfile.write(line.replace(u'\u201d', ''))# Remove each " and write the line

Replacing and writing a file python [duplicate]

I want to loop over the contents of a text file and do a search and replace on some lines and write the result back to the file. I could first load the whole file in memory and then write it back, but that probably is not the best way to do it.
What is the best way to do this, within the following code?
f = open(file)
for line in f:
if line.contains('foo'):
newline = line.replace('foo', 'bar')
# how to write this newline back to the file
The shortest way would probably be to use the fileinput module. For example, the following adds line numbers to a file, in-place:
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input("test.txt", inplace=True):
print('{} {}'.format(fileinput.filelineno(), line), end='') # for Python 3
# print "%d: %s" % (fileinput.filelineno(), line), # for Python 2
What happens here is:
The original file is moved to a backup file
The standard output is redirected to the original file within the loop
Thus any print statements write back into the original file
fileinput has more bells and whistles. For example, it can be used to automatically operate on all files in sys.args[1:], without your having to iterate over them explicitly. Starting with Python 3.2 it also provides a convenient context manager for use in a with statement.
While fileinput is great for throwaway scripts, I would be wary of using it in real code because admittedly it's not very readable or familiar. In real (production) code it's worthwhile to spend just a few more lines of code to make the process explicit and thus make the code readable.
There are two options:
The file is not overly large, and you can just read it wholly to memory. Then close the file, reopen it in writing mode and write the modified contents back.
The file is too large to be stored in memory; you can move it over to a temporary file and open that, reading it line by line, writing back into the original file. Note that this requires twice the storage.
I guess something like this should do it. It basically writes the content to a new file and replaces the old file with the new file:
from tempfile import mkstemp
from shutil import move, copymode
from os import fdopen, remove
def replace(file_path, pattern, subst):
#Create temp file
fh, abs_path = mkstemp()
with fdopen(fh,'w') as new_file:
with open(file_path) as old_file:
for line in old_file:
new_file.write(line.replace(pattern, subst))
#Copy the file permissions from the old file to the new file
copymode(file_path, abs_path)
#Remove original file
#Move new file
move(abs_path, file_path)
Here's another example that was tested, and will match search & replace patterns:
import fileinput
import sys
def replaceAll(file,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace=1):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
Example use:
This should work: (inplace editing)
import fileinput
# Does a list of files, and
# redirects STDOUT to the file in question
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace = 1):
print line.replace("foo", "bar"),
Based on the answer by Thomas Watnedal.
However, this does not answer the line-to-line part of the original question exactly. The function can still replace on a line-to-line basis
This implementation replaces the file contents without using temporary files, as a consequence file permissions remain unchanged.
Also re.sub instead of replace, allows regex replacement instead of plain text replacement only.
Reading the file as a single string instead of line by line allows for multiline match and replacement.
import re
def replace(file, pattern, subst):
# Read contents from file as a single string
file_handle = open(file, 'r')
file_string =
# Use RE package to allow for replacement (also allowing for (multiline) REGEX)
file_string = (re.sub(pattern, subst, file_string))
# Write contents to file.
# Using mode 'w' truncates the file.
file_handle = open(file, 'w')
As lassevk suggests, write out the new file as you go, here is some example code:
fin = open("a.txt")
fout = open("b.txt", "wt")
for line in fin:
fout.write( line.replace('foo', 'bar') )
If you're wanting a generic function that replaces any text with some other text, this is likely the best way to go, particularly if you're a fan of regex's:
import re
def replace( filePath, text, subs, flags=0 ):
with open( filePath, "r+" ) as file:
fileContents =
textPattern = re.compile( re.escape( text ), flags )
fileContents = textPattern.sub( subs, fileContents ) 0 )
file.write( fileContents )
A more pythonic way would be to use context managers like the code below:
from tempfile import mkstemp
from shutil import move
from os import remove
def replace(source_file_path, pattern, substring):
fh, target_file_path = mkstemp()
with open(target_file_path, 'w') as target_file:
with open(source_file_path, 'r') as source_file:
for line in source_file:
target_file.write(line.replace(pattern, substring))
move(target_file_path, source_file_path)
You can find the full snippet here.
fileinput is quite straightforward as mentioned on previous answers:
import fileinput
def replace_in_file(file_path, search_text, new_text):
with fileinput.input(file_path, inplace=True) as file:
for line in file:
new_line = line.replace(search_text, new_text)
print(new_line, end='')
fileinput can accept multiple files, but I prefer to close each single file as soon as it is being processed. So placed single file_path in with statement.
print statement does not print anything when inplace=True, because STDOUT is being forwarded to the original file.
end='' in print statement is to eliminate intermediate blank new lines.
You can used it as follows:
file_path = '/path/to/my/file'
replace_in_file(file_path, 'old-text', 'new-text')
Create a new file, copy lines from the old to the new, and do the replacing before you write the lines to the new file.
Expanding on #Kiran's answer, which I agree is more succinct and Pythonic, this adds codecs to support the reading and writing of UTF-8:
import codecs
from tempfile import mkstemp
from shutil import move
from os import remove
def replace(source_file_path, pattern, substring):
fh, target_file_path = mkstemp()
with, 'w', 'utf-8') as target_file:
with, 'r', 'utf-8') as source_file:
for line in source_file:
target_file.write(line.replace(pattern, substring))
move(target_file_path, source_file_path)
Using hamishmcn's answer as a template I was able to search for a line in a file that match my regex and replacing it with empty string.
import re
fin = open("in.txt", 'r') # in file
fout = open("out.txt", 'w') # out file
for line in fin:
p = re.compile('[-][0-9]*[.][0-9]*[,]|[-][0-9]*[,]') # pattern
newline = p.sub('',line) # replace matching strings with empty string
print newline
if you remove the indent at the like below, it will search and replace in multiple line.
See below for example.
def replace(file, pattern, subst):
#Create temp file
fh, abs_path = mkstemp()
print fh, abs_path
new_file = open(abs_path,'w')
old_file = open(file)
for line in old_file:
new_file.write(line.replace(pattern, subst))
#close temp file
#Remove original file
#Move new file
move(abs_path, file)
