Alternative c:if in JSF - jsf

Does someone know a alternative to <c:if> for view render time, or even if that is possible. For what I have search until now it doesn't exist, or the alternative would be using the rendered attribute, but for me doesn't really work.
<af:listView value="#{}" var="item" id="lv1">
<af:listItem id="li2">
<af:iterator id="i1" value="#{bindings.list.collectionModel}" var="row">
<c:if test="#{item.bindings.attrid.inputValue eq row.attrid}">
<ui:param name="varUI" value="true" />
<c:set var="varC" value="true" />
<af:outputText value="#{varUI}" id="otqaswq"/>
<!--<af:outputText value="#{varC}" id="otqawq"/>-->
<af:selectBooleanCheckbox text="Activated" id="sbc2" value="#{varUI}"/>
So in the code above I know that c: they run in different time, view build time and not on the render time.
What I needed was that the af:selectBooleanCheckbox would appear true or false depending if there are values with the same value.
My question is, someone know a alternative way of doing this?

rendered should 100% work, your expression may be incorrect.
Switching to another alternative where you will use exactly the same expression will lead you in the very same place.

You cannot use an <af:iterator> to conditionally set a value using <ui:param> or <c:set>, because they are both tag handlers which are evaluated before <af:iterator>. You might use <c:forEach> instead, but that requires some collection to iterate over. A javax.faces.model.DataModel like #{bindings.list.collectionModel} will most likely not work.
But to be honest, you should implement some Java method which will give you the desired value (true or false) instead of trying to implement this logic in terms of JSF tags.


c:if test eq always returning true

I have to check inserted date and modified date values, which both are string. If they are equal then i wont display edited email or else i will display edited email too. So i have used the below code to validate it.
<b>Created By - </b><h:outputText value="#{o.createdEmail}" /> : <h:outputText value="#{o.createdDateTime}" /><br/>
<c:set var="createdDate" value="#{o.createdDateTime}"/>
<c:set var="modifiedDate" value="#{o.modifiedDateTime}"/>
<c:if test="#{createdDate eq modifiedDate}">
<b>Edited By - </b><h:outputText value="#{o.lastModifiedEmail}" /> : <h:outputText value="#{o.lastModifiedDateTime}" />
Note: o is the variable reference the backend bean.
But it is always displaying it as true even though both values are different. How is this caused and how can I solve it?
Given the way how the code is written (a managed bean with name o makes no utter sense), I do a educated guess that #{o} is declared as var of <h:dataTable> or <ui:repeat>. If that is indeed the case, then that would totally explain the symptoms. JSTL tags runs during view build time, that moment when the JSF component tree is built based on XHTML source code. However, JSF components such as <h:dataTable> and <ui:repeat> runs during view render time, that moment when the JSF component tree needs to produce HTML output.
So, in effects, the #{o} is not available at the moment JSTL <c:if> runs during view build time. You should instead be using a JSF component with rendered attribute which runs during view render time, the same moment as #{o} is been put in the EL variable scope based on current iteration round.
<ui:fragment rendered="#{createdDate eq modifiedDate}">
<b>Edited By - </b><h:outputText value="#{o.lastModifiedEmail}" /> : <h:outputText value="#{o.lastModifiedDateTime}" />
Note: this doesn't affect <c:set>. It merely creates an "alias" to the EL expression, it doesn't immediately evaluate the EL expression, so the <c:set> is completely safe here, albeit somewhat unnecessary as the value doesn't represent such a complex EL expression.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?

Seam conditional render without parsing

I'm trying to make a conditional render in my Seam application (2.2.0), to display two different controls depending on a condition.
I'm using the s:fragment tag with the render attribute, but my problem is that I want whatever the control is displayed, to have the same id:
<s:fragment render="${editable}">
<rich:calendar id="entityDate"..../>
<s:fragment render="${!editable}">
<h:outputText id="entityDate".../>
My problem is that even when the render attribute set to false, the "not to be rendered" element is parsed, and I get an exception because of the duplicated id.
I also tried with the tag <ui:remove>, which effectively removes the element before the parsing phase, so I can have something like:
<span id="myId"/>
<span id="myId"/>
Unfortunately the <ui:remove> tag doesn't allow conditional logic. Has anyone found a way to solve this?
That's only possible when you use a view build time tag such as JSTL <c:if>.
<c:if test="#{editable}">
<rich:calendar id="entityDate" />
<c:if test="#{!editable}">
<h:outputText id="entityDate" />
(note that this is not going to work within an iterablte JSF component, such as <ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable> and so on)
After all, I strongly recommend to take benefit of the disabled attribute instead, if necessary with a good shot of CSS to hide the input field borders and so on. It'll minimize the JSF view boilerplate code.
<rich:calendar id="entityDate" disabled="#{!editable}" />
Disabled inputs are separately styleable by the CSS attribute selector element[attribute], e.g.
input[disabled] {
border: 0;
The above removes the border of input elements with the disabled attribute present so that it look like a normal output text.
"Solve"? There is nothing to solve here: two elements in a GUI can not have the same ID. Hardly unnatural or unsound?
It's like asking: "I have a database table with two rows, I would like them both to have the same primary key value, but somehow I get these errors... has anyone managed to solve the problem and circumvent the constraints?".
Or even closer analogy: "I have two spans, one of them is invisible (has style="display: none") I would like them both to have the same id - and browsers seem not to like it, despite one of the spans being invisible".
Bottom line: rendered on not rendered, each component is still a part of the view tree, and therefore has a UNIQUE id.
I have a suspicion that you want to have some "polymorphic" code that should work with the currently visible element. Using ID for such code IS WRONG. If you show us your use case, we might find a right way to achieve the effect.
I use selenuim myself in a seam environement and i recommend using defined ids whenever possible. First you have the ability to create smaller ids which is usefull for pagesize. Second the selenium test run alot faster if you use ids for referencing instead of other selectors. I have not yet found a selenium test where you cannot handle diffrent ids. Additionally if a code fails in jsf tree creation you see which id is failing.
I see you are using sfragment with editable or not. I use the sdecorate and give the decorate an id and then "just" ed for the input and vi for the outputtext for example. This makes it easy in selenium to check the availability of edit or view components.
Would you be able to get the same results you need by putting the id tag on the fragment?
<s:fragment id="entityDate">
<rich:calendar render="${editable}" />
<h:outputText render="${!editable}" />

How to use ui:include inside a forEach and use the loop variable inside the included page?

I'm upgrading to JSF 2.0.2 inside Tomcat 7.0.12 and I have a page with a variable number of reusable widgets on it. I used to use t:aliasBean for this purpose, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm now trying the following in my Xhtml:
<c:forEach items="${}" var="part">
<t:div styleClass="div#{viewBean.partNumber[part]}">
<c:forEach items="${part.widgets}" var="widget">
<f:subview id="div#{viewBean.widgetId[widget]}">
<ui:include src="widgets/#{widget.widgetPage}">
<ui:param name="widget" value="#{widget}" />
What seems to happen is the next widget from the loop is used in the previous widget's page, so I get errors unless there is only one widget.
Edit: I've tried ui:repeat - it doesn't work. I've also tried removing the ui:include, just as a sanity test; the looping works fine. Also, I'm using Spring 2.5.6.SEC01 - though it shouldn't matter.
I propose to use ui:repeat instead of c:forEach.
The most important thing to understand
about the jstl tags in Facelets is
that they do not represent components
and never become a part of the
component tree once the view has been
built. Rather, they are tags which are
actually responsible for building the
tree in the first place. Once they
have done their job they expire, are
no more, cease to be, etc etc.
Source [here][1]. I really recommend to read the entire article.
Please note that I do not say that c:forEach is bad. I want to underline that mixing it with ui:repeat it's not recommended.

How to set value in bean using use c:set with jsf?

I have another problem to solve. I have a code on my xhtml page:
<t:dataList id="myDataList" value="#{myBean.myList}" var="element" first="0" `rows="10" dir="LTR" frame="hsides" rules="all">`
<c:set target="#{myBean}" property="fid" value="#{element[0]}"/>
The problem is that value of 'fid' in a bean is null when I`m checking it. When I wrote:
<c:set target="#{myBean}" property="fid" value="8"/>
everything works fine and value is set to '8'. How should i fix this? Thanks for replies.
JSTL tags runs during view build time. JSF tags runs during view render time. You can visualize it as follows: JSTL runs from top to bottom first when the JSF component tree is to be populated, then hands over the component tree to JSF and finally JSF runs from top to bottom to render the HTML.
The element[0] is not there when JSTL is creating the view. It's only there when JSF is rendering the HTML. However, 8 is hardcoded and it is always there.
There are several ways to achieve it the proper way, but since the functional requirement is unclear, I can't suggest a proper approach. Maybe you need f:setPropetyActionListener. Maybe you need DataModel#getRowData() or UIData#getRowData(). Or maybe you don't need it at all.

JSF <h:outputFormat>: use array values as parameters

On my JSF2 page, i'm using internationalized error messages.
In my backing bean, i'm putting the messages into the flash Scope:
flash.put("error", exception.getType());
On the page, this string gets translated this way:
<h:outputText value="#{bundle[flash.error]}"/>
Works fine.
NOW i want to be also able to put (an arbitrary number of) parameters into the message text, that get inserted into the placeholders in the i18n-property in my Therefore, i'm putting the parameters as a String array into the Flash Scope, like this:
//exception.getParameters returns String[]
flash.put("errorParams", exception.getParameters())
Now i also want to be able to use this String array as parameters for an outputFormat element, to insert them into a property like Welcome, {0} {1}.
So i tried to achieve this by using ui:repeat:
<h:outputFormat value="#{bundle[flash.error]}" rendered="#{! empty flash.error}" class="invalid">
<ui:repeat value="#{flash.errorParams}" var="_param">
<f:param value="#{bundle[_param]}"/>
<!-- also doesn't work: <f:param value="#{_param}"/>-->
Unfortunately, the param value is ignored and the placeholders of the i18n-property aren't replaced, so the rendered output is Welcome, {0} {1}. When using a "regular" repeater, displaying the array elements just as an outputtext, it works. So the outputFormat tag doesn't seem to support the use of a repeat as a child.
Damn, so close ;) Anyone knows a good way to do what i want, or is there any component library supporting something like that?
The problem here is that ui:repeat is a render-time child of h:outputFormat which it indeed doesn't support at all. You'd like to put multiple f:param elements directly as children of h:outputFormat during build time.
The c:forEach is suitable for this task. The JSTL core tags (which are already included in Facelets, so you don't need to install any extra JARs) do their job during building the view tree, right before it's JSF turn to process/render the view tree.
<html xmlns:c="">
<h:outputFormat value="#{bundle[flash.error]}" rendered="#{! empty flash.error}" class="invalid">
<c:forEach items="#{flash.errorParams}" var="_param">
<f:param value="#{bundle[_param]}"/>
