For educational purposes, I have been trying to reconstruct an example from the book "Type-Driven Development with Idris" (namely RemoveElem.idr) in Haskell via use of various language extensions and singleton types. The gist of it is a function that removes an element from a non-empty vector, given a proof that the element is in fact in the vector. The following code is self-contained (GHC 8.4 or later). The problem appears at the very end:
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
import Data.Kind
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Void
-- | Inductively defined natural numbers.
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Singleton types for natural numbers.
data SNat :: Nat -> Type where
SZ :: SNat 'Z
SS :: SNat n -> SNat ('S n)
deriving instance Show (SNat n)
-- | "Demote" a singleton-typed natural number to an ordinary 'Nat'.
fromSNat :: SNat n -> Nat
fromSNat SZ = Z
fromSNat (SS n) = S (fromSNat n)
-- | A decidable proposition.
data Dec a = Yes a | No (a -> Void)
-- | Propositional equality of natural numbers.
eqSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> Dec (a :~: b)
eqSNat SZ SZ = Yes Refl
eqSNat SZ (SS _) = No (\case {})
eqSNat (SS _) SZ = No (\case {})
eqSNat (SS a) (SS b) = case eqSNat a b of
No f -> No (\case Refl -> f Refl)
Yes Refl -> Yes Refl
-- | A length-indexed list (aka vector).
data Vect :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil :: Vect 'Z a
(:::) :: a -> Vect n a -> Vect ('S n) a
infixr 5 :::
deriving instance Show a => Show (Vect n a)
-- | #Elem a v# is the proposition that an element of type #a#
-- is contained in a vector of type #v#. To be useful, #a# and #v#
-- need to refer to singleton types.
data Elem :: forall a n. a -> Vect n a -> Type where
Here :: Elem x (x '::: xs)
There :: Elem x xs -> Elem x (y '::: xs)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Elem a v)
-- From here on, to simplify things, only vectors of natural
-- numbers are considered.
-- | Singleton types for vectors of 'Nat's.
data SNatVect :: forall n. Nat -> Vect n Nat -> Type where
SNatNil :: SNatVect 'Z 'Nil
SNatCons :: SNat a -> SNatVect n v -> SNatVect ('S n) (a '::: v)
deriving instance Show (SNatVect n v)
-- | "Demote" a singleton-typed vector of 'SNat's to an
-- ordinary vector of 'Nat's.
fromSNatVect :: SNatVect n v -> Vect n Nat
fromSNatVect SNatNil = Nil
fromSNatVect (SNatCons a v) = fromSNat a ::: fromSNatVect v
-- | Decide whether a value is in a vector.
isElem :: SNat a -> SNatVect n v -> Dec (Elem a v)
isElem _ SNatNil = No (\case {})
isElem a (SNatCons b as) = case eqSNat a b of
Yes Refl -> Yes Here
No notHere -> case isElem a as of
Yes there -> Yes (There there)
No notThere -> No $ \case
Here -> notHere Refl
There there -> notThere there
type family RemoveElem (a :: Nat) (v :: Vect ('S n) Nat) :: Vect n Nat where
RemoveElem a (a '::: as) = as
RemoveElem a (b '::: as) = b '::: RemoveElem a as
-- | Remove a (singleton-typed) element from a (non-empty, singleton-typed)
-- vector, given a proof that the element is in the vector.
removeElem :: forall (a :: Nat) (v :: Vect ('S n) Nat)
. SNat a
-> Elem a v
-> SNatVect ('S n) v
-> SNatVect n (RemoveElem a v)
removeElem x prf (SNatCons y ys) = case prf of
Here -> ys
There later -> case ys of
SNatNil -> case later of {}
SNatCons{} -> SNatCons y (removeElem x later ys)
-- ^ Could not deduce:
-- RemoveElem a (y '::: (a2 '::: v2))
-- ~ (y '::: RemoveElem a (a2 '::: v2))
Apparently, the type system needs convincing that the types of the values x and y cannot possibly be equal in that branch of the code, so that the second equation of the type family can be used unambiguously to reduce the return type as required. I don't know how to do that. Naively, I would like the constructor There and thus the pattern match on There later to carry / reveal a proof of the type inequality to GHC.
The following is an obviously redundant and partial solution that just demonstrates the type inequality that is needed in order for GHC to type-check the recursive call:
SNatCons{} -> case (x, y) of
(SZ, SS _) -> SNatCons y (removeElem x later ys)
(SS _, SZ) -> SNatCons y (removeElem x later ys)
Now e.g. this works:
λ> let vec = SNatCons SZ (SNatCons (SS SZ) (SNatCons SZ SNatNil))
λ> :t vec
:: SNatVect ('S ('S ('S 'Z))) ('Z '::: ('S 'Z '::: ('Z '::: 'Nil)))
λ> let Yes prf = isElem (SS SZ) vec
λ> :t prf
prf :: Elem ('S 'Z) ('Z '::: ('S 'Z '::: ('Z '::: 'Nil)))
λ> let vec' = removeElem (SS SZ) prf vec
λ> :t vec'
vec' :: SNatVect ('S ('S 'Z)) ('Z '::: ('Z '::: 'Nil))
λ> fromSNatVect vec'
Z ::: (Z ::: Nil)
As hinted at in #chi's comment and elaborated in HTNW's answer, I was trying to solve the wrong problem by writing removeElem with the above type signature and type family, and if I would have been able to, the resulting program would have been ill-typed.
The following are the corrections I made based on HTNW's answer (you may want to read it before continuing here).
The first mistake, or unnecessary complication, was to repeat the length of the vector in SNatVects type. I thought it necessary in order to write fromSNatVect, but it certainly isn't:
data SNatVect (v :: Vect n Nat) :: Type where
SNatNil :: SNatVect 'Nil
SNatCons :: SNat a -> SNatVect v -> SNatVect (a '::: v)
deriving instance Show (SNatVect v)
fromSNatVect :: forall (v :: Vect n Nat). SNatVect v -> Vect n Nat
-- implementation unchanged
Now there are two approaches to writing removeElem. The first takes an Elem, an SNatVect and returns a Vect:
removeElem :: forall (a :: Nat) (n :: Nat) (v :: Vect ('S n) Nat)
. Elem a v
-> SNatVect v
-> Vect n Nat
removeElem prf (SNatCons y ys) = case prf of
Here -> fromSNatVect ys
There later -> case ys of
SNatNil -> case later of {}
SNatCons{} -> fromSNat y ::: removeElem later ys
The second takes an SElem, an SNatVect and returns an SNatVect, using a RemoveElem type family that mirrors the value-level function:
data SElem (e :: Elem a (v :: Vect n k)) where
SHere :: forall x xs. SElem ('Here :: Elem x (x '::: xs))
SThere :: forall x y xs (e :: Elem x xs). SElem e -> SElem ('There e :: Elem x (y '::: xs))
type family RemoveElem (xs :: Vect ('S n) a) (e :: Elem x xs) :: Vect n a where
RemoveElem (x '::: xs) 'Here = xs
RemoveElem (x '::: xs) ('There later) = x '::: RemoveElem xs later
sRemoveElem :: forall (xs :: Vect ('S n) Nat) (e :: Elem x xs)
. SElem e
-> SNatVect xs
-> SNatVect (RemoveElem xs e)
sRemoveElem prf (SNatCons y ys) = case prf of
SHere -> ys
SThere later -> case ys of
SNatNil -> case later of {}
SNatCons{} -> SNatCons y (sRemoveElem later ys)
Interestingly, both versions do away with passing the element to remove as a separate argument, since that information is contained in the Elem / SElem value. The value argument can also be removed from the Idris version of that function, though then the removeElem_auto variant may be a bit confusing, as it will then only have the vector as an explicit argument and remove the first element of the vector if the implicit prf argument is not explicitly used with a different proof.
Consider [1, 2, 1]. RemoveElem 1 [1, 2, 1] is [2, 1]. Now, the call removeElem 1 (There $ There $ Here) ([1, 2, 1] :: SNatVect 3 [1, 2, 1]) :: SNatVect 2 [2, 1], should compile. This is wrong. The Elem argument says to delete the third element, which would give [1, 2], but the type signature says it must be a [2, 1].
First, SNatVect is a bit broken. It has two Nat arguments:
data SNatVect :: forall n. Nat -> Vect n a -> Type where ...
The first is n, and the second is the unnamed Nat. By the structure of SNatVect, they are always equal. It allows an SNatVect to double as an equality proof, but it's probably not the intention to have it that way. You probably meant
data SNatVect (n :: Nat) :: Vect n Nat -> Type where ...
There is no way to write this signature in source Haskell using just the normal -> syntax. However, when GHC prints this type, you sometimes get
SNatVect :: forall (n :: Nat) -> Vect n Nat -> Type
But this is redundant. You can take the Nat as an implicit forall argument, and have it inferred from the Vects type:
data SNatVect (xs :: Vect n Nat) where
SNatNil :: SNatVect 'Nil
SNatCons :: SNat x -> SNatVect xs -> SNatVect (x '::: xs)
This gives
SNatVect :: forall (n :: Nat). Vect n Nat -> Type
Second, try writing
removeElem :: forall (n :: Nat) (x :: Nat) (xs :: Vect (S n) Nat).
Elem x xs -> SNatVect xs -> Vect n Nat
Note how the SNat argument is gone, and how the return type is a simple Vect. The SNat argument made the type "too big", so you got caught up making it sort of work when the function just wouldn't make sense. The SNatVect return type meant you were skipping steps. Roughly, every function has three forms: the basic one, f :: a -> b -> c; the type-level one, type family F (x :: a) (y :: b) :: c; and the dependent one, f :: forall (x :: a) (y :: b). Sing x -> Sing y -> Sing (F x y). Each is implemented in the "same" way, but trying to implement one without implementing its predecessors is a surefire way to get confused.
Now, you can lift this up a little bit:
data SElem (e :: Elem x (xs :: Vect n k)) where
SHere :: forall x xs. SElem ('Here :: Elem x (x '::: xs))
SThere :: forall x y xs (e :: Elem x xs). SElem e -> SElem ('There e :: Elem x (y '::: xs))
type family RemoveElem (xs :: Vect (S n) a) (e :: Elem x xs) :: Vect n a
Take note of the relationship between the types of removeElem and RemoveElem. The reordering of the arguments is because the type of e depends on xs, so they need to be ordered accordingly. Alternatively: the xs argument was promoted from forall'd-and-implicitly-given to explicitly-given, and then the Sing xs argument was nixed because it contained no information, due to being a singleton.
Finally, you can write this function:
sRemoveElem :: forall (xs :: Vect (S n) Nat) (e :: Elem x xs).
SElem e -> SNatVect xs -> SNatVect (RemoveElem xs e)
Wanted to implement type safe matrix multiplication in Haskell.
Defined the following:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs #-}
module Vector where
data Nat = Succ Nat | Zero
data Vector (n :: Nat) a where
Nil :: Vector 'Zero a
(:::) :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector (Succ n) a
type Matrix n m a = Vector m (Vector n a)
instance Foldable (Vector n) where
foldr f b (a ::: as) = f a (foldr f b as)
foldr _ b Nil = b
instance Functor (Vector n) where
fmap f (x ::: xs) = f x ::: fmap f xs
fmap _ Nil = Nil
zipV :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector n a -> Vector n b -> Vector n c
zipV f (a ::: as) (b ::: bs) = f a b ::: zipV f as bs
zipV f Nil Nil = Nil
Eventually had the need to implement
transpose :: Matrix n m a -> Matrix m n a
but the best I could do in Haskell was:
transpose :: Matrix n (Succ m) a -> Matrix (Succ m) n a
transpose (h ::: rest#(_ ::: _)) = zipV (:::) h (transpose rest)
transpose (h ::: Nil) = fmap (::: Nil) h
which is limited to m > 0 because I couldn't implement
nils :: {n :: Nat} -> Vector n (Vector Zero a)
Switched to Idris just to practice and did much better job:
matrix : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
matrix n m a = Vector n (Vector m a)
nils : {n: Nat} -> Vector n (Vector Z a)
nils {n = Z} = Nil
nils {n = S k} = Nil ::: nils
transpose : matrix n m a -> matrix m n a
transpose (h ::: rest) = zipV (:::) h (transpose rest)
transpose Nil = nils
I have the urge to implement nils, but type level programming in Haskell is very awkward. I also had to patternmatch on rest#(_ ::: _) in Haskell, but I hadn't in Idris. How can I implement "nils"?
This is essentially what singletons are there for. That's a value-level witness for a typeclass that gives you access to this (conceptually reduntant) information that every number can in fact be described in the standard form. A minimal implementation:
data NatSing n where
ZeroSing :: NatSing Zero
SuccSing :: KnownNat n => NatSing (Succ n)
class KnownNat n where
natSing :: NatSing n
instance KnownNat Zero where natSing = ZeroSing
instance KnownNat n => KnownNat (Succ n) where natSing = SuccSing
And now it's possible to write
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, UnicodeSyntax, TypeApplications #-}
nils :: ∀ n a . KnownNat n => Vector n (Vector Zero a)
nils = case natSing #n of
ZeroSing -> Nil
SuccSing -> Nil ::: nils
I am experimenting with Haskell's type system and want to write a type safe addition function. This function should accept two singleton witnesses representing numbers and returns a singleton witness of a number whose type carries the proof that it is indeed a sum of the arguments. Here is the code:
{-# language TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, DataKinds, PolyKinds, UndecidableInstances, GADTs #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving Show
type family Add (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
Add Zero n = n
Add (Succ m) n = Add m (Succ n)
data SNat :: Nat -> * where
Zy :: SNat Zero
Suc :: SNat m -> SNat (Succ m)
data Bounded' m = B m
sum' :: Bounded' (SNat m) -> Bounded' (SNat n) -> Bounded' (SNat (Add m n))
sum' (B m) (B n) = B $ case (m, n) of
(Zy,x) -> x
(Suc x, y) -> let B z = sum' (B x) (B y) in Suc z
Here is the error:
• Could not deduce: Add m1 ('Succ n) ~ 'Succ (Add m1 n)
from the context: m ~ 'Succ m1
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Suc :: forall (m :: Nat). SNat m -> SNat ('Succ m),
in a case alternative
at main.hs:17:22-26
Expected type: SNat (Add m n)
Actual type: SNat ('Succ (Add m1 n))
• In the expression: Suc z
In the expression: let B z = sum' (B x) (B y) in Suc z
In a case alternative:
(Suc x, y) -> let B z = sum' (B x) (B y) in Suc z
I understand the error message. How do I provide GHC with the necessary proof that Add m n = Succ (Add k n) in expression Suc z when it learns that m ~ Succ k (in second case match) and are there alternative approaches to doing so. Thank you.
Your definition of addition is not the conventional one.
type family Add (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
Add Zero n = n
Add (Succ m) n = Add m (Succ n)
This is a "tail recursive" addition. It sure seems like there should be a way to prove your properties using this form of addition, but I can't figure it out. Until then, tail recursion at the type/property level tends to be a lot more difficult to work with than the standard kind:
type family Add (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where
Add Zero n = n
Add (Succ m) n = Succ (Add m n)
This latter definition of addition makes your sum' pass without any convincing at all.
EDIT actually it was easy once I saw it right. Here's what I got (importing Data.Type.Equality and enabling LANGUAGE TypeOperators):
propSucc2 :: SNat m -> SNat n -> Add m (Succ n) :~: Succ (Add m n)
propSucc2 Zy _ = Refl
propSucc2 (Suc m) n = propSucc2 m (Suc n)
Tail-recursive definition, tail-recursive proof. Then to use it, you use gcastWith:
sum' (B m) (B n) = ...
(Suc x, y) -> gcastWith (propSucc2 x y)
(let B z = sum' (B x) (B y) in Suc z)
gcastWith just takes a :~: equality and makes it available to the type checker within the scope of its second argument.
By the way, if you define sum' in a parallel structure to your Add type family, then you don't need any lemmas. Getting things to follow parallel structures is a good technique to keep things easy (this is part of the art of dependent programming, since it's not always obvious how):
sum' :: Bounded' (SNat m) -> Bounded' (SNat n) -> Bounded' (SNat (Add m n))
sum' (B Zy) (B n) = B n
sum' (B (Suc m)) (B n) = sum' (B m) (B (Suc n))
I've been playing around with some cofree isomporphisms with dependent typing, and am getting an error message that just seems to be nonsense for me.
My dependently typed cofree
data Cofree (n :: Nat) f a where
(:<<) :: a -> f (Cofree n f a) -> Cofree ('S n) f a
and isomorphism code
class Iso a b where
toA :: b -> a
toB :: a -> b
and my (very basic) instance (it's missing a lot of stuff but I want to just take care of the basics first)
instance Iso (Vec ('S n) a) (Cofree ('S n) Maybe a) where
toA :: Cofree ('S n) Maybe a -> Vec ('S n) a
toA (x :<< Nothing) = VCons x VNil
I figured that'd be the most basic thing possible, but it still type errors.
The error itself:
interactive>:224:127: error:
* Could not deduce: n1 ~ 'Z
from the context: 'S n ~ 'S n1
bound by a pattern with constructor:
:<< :: forall (f :: * -> *) a (n :: Nat).
a -> f (Cofree n f a) -> Cofree ('S n) f a,
in an equation for `toA'
at <interactive>:224:112-122
`n1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor:
:<< :: forall (f :: * -> *) a (n :: Nat).
a -> f (Cofree n f a) -> Cofree ('S n) f a,
in an equation for `toA'
at <interactive>:224:112
Expected type: Vec ('S n) a
Actual type: Vec ('S 'Z) a
* In the expression: VCons x VNil
In an equation for `toA': toA (x :<< Nothing) = VCons x VNil
In the instance declaration for
`Iso (Vec ('S n) a) (Cofree ('S n) Maybe a)'
which seems weird, since I don't get why it can't substitute 'Z in for n1 in the type equation, since that seems to solve it.
I tried doing the hole thing (so instead in my definition I had:
= _ $ VCons x VNil
which returned
Found hole: _ :: Vec ('S 'Z) a -> Vec ('S n) a
which seems weird, since why couldn't I just supply id in there, it matches 'Z with n, and boom, solved?
By the way, the definitions for Nat and Vec I think are pretty normal so I didn't want to clutter up this post with more code than I needed, so I can provide them if it would be easier for somebody.
The Nat I used was
data Nat = Z | S Nat
and the Vec I used was
data Vec (n :: Nat) a where
VNil :: Vec 'Z a
VCons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('S n) a
and no imports necessary, but GADTs, DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures, and FlexibleInstances are necessary, and maybe PolyKinds? I don't quite remember.
The problem here is that you may pick Maybe's Nothing constructor whenever you want but you can only use Vec's VNil constructor when the index is Z. This mismatch makes the isomorphism impossible to implement.
You can however salvage the situation by:
changing the definition of indexed Cofree so that its argument f is also indexed
introducing a variant of Maybe where you may only use the Nothing constructor when the index is Z
In other words:
data ICofree (n :: Nat) f a where
(:<<) :: a -> f n (ICofree n f a) -> ICofree ('S n) f a
data IMaybe (n :: Nat) a where
INothing :: IMaybe 'Z a
IJust :: a -> IMaybe ('S n) a
instance Iso (Vec n a) (ICofree n IMaybe a) where
toA (x :<< INothing) = VCons x VNil
toA (x :<< IJust xs) = VCons x (toA xs)
toB (VCons x VNil) = x :<< INothing
toB (VCons x xs#VCons{}) = x :<< IJust (toB xs)
And a self-contained gist with the right imports, language extensions and definitions.
You don't get to choose the value of n. The caller of toA chooses that, and the definition of toA must be compatible with any choice.
Since there is no guarantee that the caller chooses n ~ 'Z, the type checker complains.
Indeed, x :<< Nothing can have type Cofree ('S n) Maybe a
but VCons x VNil only has type Vec ('S 'Z) a and not Vec ('S n) a.
I'm trying to enforce a type-level constraint that a type-level list must be the same length as a type-level Nat being carried around. For example, using Length from singletons [1] package:
data (n ~ Length ls) => NumList (n :: Nat) (ls :: [*])
test :: Proxy (NumList 2 '[Bool, String, Int])
test = Proxy
I would not expect this code to compile, since there is a mismatch.
EDIT: As dfeuer mentioned Datatype contexts aren't a good idea. I can do the comparison at the value level, but I want to be able to do this at the type level:
class NumListLen a
sameLen :: Proxy a -> Bool
instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat (Length m)) => NumListLen (NumList n m) where
sameLen = const $ (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) == (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Length m)))
EDIT: Sorta answered my own question, simply add the constraint to the instance:
class NumListLen a
sameLen :: Proxy a -> Bool
instance (KnownNat n, KnownNat (Length m), n ~ Length m) => NumListLen (NumList n m) where
sameLen = const $ (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) == (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Length m)))
Couldn't match type ‘3’ with ‘2’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘sameLen test’
In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ sameLen test
In the expression:
do { print $ sameLen test;
putStrLn "done!" }
If this is something like an invariant (which it seems it is), you should store the proof in the datatype:
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, UndecidableInstances #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
type family Length (xs :: [k]) :: Nat where
Length '[] = 0
Length (x ': xs) = 1 + Length xs
data TList n l where
TList :: (Length xs ~ n) => TList n xs
Note that while the proof is still available at the type level, it is sort of "hidden" behind the data constructor. You can recover the proof simply by pattern matching:
data (:~:) a b where Refl :: a :~: a
test :: TList n l -> Length l :~: n
test TList = Refl
Now, mismatches between the two parameters are a type error:
bad :: TList 3 '[Int, Bool]
bad = TList
good :: TList 2 '[Int, Bool]
good = TList
Of course this can still be beaten by bottom values, so
uh_oh :: TList 10 '[]
uh_oh = undefined
To avoid this, simply make sure you always pattern match on the TList constructor.
One option might be to use a type family:
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type family LengthIs (n :: Nat) (xs :: [*]) :: Bool where
LengthIs 'Z '[] = 'True
LengthIs ('S n) (x ': xs) = LengthIs n xs
LengthIs n xs = 'False
test :: LengthIs ('S ('S 'Z)) '[Bool,String,Int] ~ 'True => ()
test = ()
This will not pass the type checker; the only way to make it pass is to make the type list have two elements. I don't know how Nat works in the singletons library, but I imagine you might be able to do something similar.
So, I finally found a task where I could make use of the new DataKinds extension (using ghc 7.4.1). Here's the Vec I'm using:
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Eq, Show)
data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: Vec Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
Now, for convenience I wanted to implement fromList. Basically no problem with simple recursion/fold -- but I can't figure out how to give it the correct type. For reference, this is the Agda version:
fromList : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (xs : List A) → Vec A (List.length xs)
My Haskell approach, using the syntax I saw here:
fromList :: (ls :: [a]) -> Vec (length ls) a
fromList [] = Nil
fromList (x:xs) = Cons x (fromList xs)
This gives me a parse error on input 'a'. Is the syntax I found even correct, or have they changed it? I also added some more extensions which are in the code in the link, which didn't help either (currently I have GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances).
My other suspicion was that I just can't bind polymorphic types, but my test for this:
bla :: (n :: Nat) -> a -> Vec (S n) a
bla = undefined
failed, too, with Kind mis-match Expected kind 'ArgKind', but 'n' has kind 'Nat' (don't really know what that means).
Could anyone help me with a working version of fromList and also clarify the other issues? Unfortunately, DataKinds isn't documented very well yet and seems to assume that everybody using it has profound type theory knowledge.
Haskell, unlike Agda, does not have dependent types, so there is no way to do exactly what you want. Types cannot be parameterized by value, since Haskell enforces a phase distinction between runtime and compile time. The way DataKinds works conceptually is actually really simple: data types are promoted to kinds (types of types) and data constructors are promoted to types.
fromList :: (ls :: [a]) -> Vec (length ls) a
has a couple of problems: (ls :: [a]) does not really make sense (at least when you are only faking dependent types with promotion), and length is a type variable instead of a type function. What you want to say is
fromList :: [a] -> Vec ??? a
where ??? is the length of the list. The problem is that you have no way of getting the length of the list at compile time... so we might try
fromList :: [a] -> Vec len a
but this is wrong, since it says that fromList can return a list of any length. Instead what we want to say is
fromList :: exists len. [a] -> Vec len a
but Haskell does not support this. Instead
data VecAnyLength a where
VecAnyLength :: Vec len a -> VecAnyLength a
cons a (VecAnyLength v) = VecAnyLength (Cons a v)
fromList :: [a] -> VecAnyLength a
fromList [] = VecAnyLength Nil
fromList (x:xs) = cons x (fromList xs)
you can actually use a VecAnyLength by pattern matching, and thus getting a (locally) psuedo-dependently typed value.
bla :: (n :: Nat) -> a -> Vec (S n) a
does not work because Haskell functions can only take arguments of kind *. Instead you might try
data HNat :: Nat -> * where
Zero :: HNat Z
Succ :: HNat n -> HNat (S n)
bla :: HNat n -> a -> Ven (S n) a
which is even definable
bla Zero a = Cons a Nil
bla (Succ n) a = Cons a (bla n a)
You can use some typeclass magic here (see HList for more):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances
, NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Eq, Show)
data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: Vec Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
instance Show (Vec Z a) where
show Nil = "."
instance (Show a, Show (Vec m a)) => Show (Vec (S m) a) where
show (Cons x xs) = show x ++ " " ++ show xs
class FromList m where
fromList :: [a] -> Vec m a
instance FromList Z where
fromList [] = Nil
instance FromList n => FromList (S n) where
fromList (x:xs) = Cons x $ fromList xs
t5 = fromList [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
but this not realy solve the problem:
> :t t5
t5 :: (Num a, FromList m) => Vec m a
Lists are formed at runtime, their length is not known at compile time, so the compiler can't infer the type for t5, it must be specified explicitly:
*Main> t5
Ambiguous type variable `m0' in the constraint:
(FromList m0) arising from a use of `t5'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the expression: t5
In an equation for `it': it = t5
*Main> t5 :: Vec 'Z Int
*** Exception: /tmp/d.hs:20:3-19: Non-exhaustive patterns in function fromList
*Main> t5 :: Vec ('S ('S ('S 'Z))) Int
1 2 3 *** Exception: /tmp/d.hs:20:3-19: Non-exhaustive patterns in function fromList
*Main> t5 :: Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Z))))) Int
1 2 3 4 5 .
*Main> t5 :: Vec ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S ('S 'Z))))))) Int
1 2 3 4 5 *** Exception: /tmp/d.hs:23:3-40: Non-exhaustive patterns in function fromList
Languages with dependent types have maps from terms to types, types can be formed dynamically at runtime too, so this problem does not exist.
On top of the previous answers :
value level, from [a] to exist n. Vec n a
value to typed value, from [a] to Vec 5 a, where you have to provide a specific n.
A variant of the 1st transform, goes like
reify :: [a] -> (forall (n::Nat). Proxy n -> Vec n a -> w) -> w
reify [] k = k (Proxy # 'Z) Nil
reify (x:xs) k = reify xs (\(_ :: Proxy n) v -> k (Proxy # ('S n)) (Cons x v))
It still goes from a value [a] to a typed value Vec n a in which n is (statically) quantified. This is similar to the VecAnyLength approach, without introducing an actual datatype to perform quantification.
The proxy here is to explicit the n as a Nat. it can be removed from the code and n left silent, appearing only in the type Vec n a, and not provided to the values constructed, as it is in Proxy # ('S n).