Dexguard implemenation - dexguard

Hi getting the below error with dexguard and I have also excluded the in rule
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class void failed to verify: void [0x0] Constructor returning without calling superclass constructor (declaration of '' appears in /data/app/com.intradiem.agentmobile-nzRaODeKWvj81AKePijb-A==/base.apk)
at com.intradiem.agentmobile.IntradiemApplication.(:27)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)

This sounds like a problem with the -assumenosideeffects rule.
Ensure that you do not use wildcards in combination with this rule, like that:
-assumenosideeffects class XXX {
This will also remove calls to the superclass constructors as you experience it.


Trying to define a Mockito-stub executes the mocked method. Why?

We are trying to define a UnitTest where we mock an object which I here called x for simplicity:
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doNothing;
import org.kubek2k.springockito.annotations.SpringockitoContextLoader;
import org.kubek2k.springockito.annotations.WrapWithSpy;
loader = SpringockitoContextLoader.class,
inheritLocations = true)
public class SyncServiceIntegrationTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest {
private EventDrivenIssueDeliveryConfirmer x;
public void setUp() {
i.e. we want our UT (not shown here) to later NOT call the method foobar on that object x.
Strange enough we get an NPE during initialization of this UT-class. The NPE is thrown by method foobar(), when the passed argument is null.
As turned out this call with argument null happens in the line doNothing()... in the setup-method which in our understanding is supposed to just define the mock-object's stubbing. But instead it evaluates the any(Event.class)-expression which apparently yields null and with that result it then calls the foobar(...)-method on x which causes the NPE.
Besides the NullPointerException we also get an error message from Mockito:
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
... <stack trace omitted for brevity>
Misplaced or misused argument matcher detected here:
-> at ch.sst.integration.SyncServiceIntegrationTest .setUp(
You cannot use argument matchers outside of verification or stubbing.
Examples of correct usage of argument matchers:
... <examples omitted for brevity>
Unfinished stubbing detected here:
-> at ch.sst.integration.SyncServiceIntegrationTest .setUp(
Why is that so??? Why is our stubbing considered "unfinished"? What are we missing here?
Later addition:
The issue seems to have to do with the fact that class
EventDrivenIssueDeliveryConfirmer is marked with #Transactional. Removing/commenting that lets the UT succeed. But of course that's no workaround - we need that annotation.
At least this provides a hint in which direction to search. The wrapping caused by #Transactional and the wrapping done by Mockito seem to step on each other's foot here.
I have the same issue but with a totally different setup: kotlin, mockito and, of course, mockito-kotlin.
I comment on this issue because maybe somebody will come to this question with the kotlin mockito problem in the future? I sure did. Anyhow.
When not declaring a method as open in kotlin it's compiled as a final method which can't be mocked by mockito-kotlin. As a result the method gets executed which to me is kind of weird but that's what it does. It's mentioned in the mockito-kotlin github issues under

Why i can't put more than 1 setters of same argument type in class which implements genericHandler in dsl?

I have created a class implementing GenericHandler to use in .handle() method. I have setters for the class, but if i have more than 1 setter with same argument type, i am getting "Found Ambiguous parameter type".
Why there is such restriction?
That's just because ServiceActivatingHandler is based on the MessagingMethodInvokerHelper logic on background to determine the appropriate messaging method. And setters are candidate for that purpose.
So, if you really hae several of them with the same param type, we end up with ambiguity issue.
To fix your case, I suggest mark your Object handle(P payload, Map<String, Object> headers); implementation with #ServiceActivator.
From other side I agree that it is not so good as we expect from Framework. So, feel free to raise a JIRA issue on the matter and we will fix .handle() to be more strict and rely only on the handle() method from the GenericHandler implementation.
I faced the same problem while using Spring integration while using a service adaptor. Could not define multiple properties of type java.lang.String - I would get a IllegalArgumentException claiming "ambiguous parameters".
After finding no solution to the issue, decided to just create a class to encapsulate those properties, configure this as a bean, and then inject it into the spring-integration config.

Is it possible to make Map<?, ?> someMethod work with JAX-B?

When trying to generate web service artifacts using cxf-java2ws-plugin, which in turn uses JAX-B, I get the error below on a method that looks like this:
Map<?, ?> myMethod(...);
Changing the method signature is a last resort so i'm looking for alternatives.
Caused by: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 2 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions
java.util.Map is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces.
this problem is related to the following location:
at java.util.Map
at private java.util.Map
java.util.Map does not have a no-arg default constructor.
this problem is related to the following location:
at java.util.Map
at private java.util.Map
JAXB will allow you to have a property of type Map, but not to use it as a root level object.

Why can't I add Contract.Requires in an overridden method?

I'm using code contract (actually, learning using this).
I'm facing something weird to me... I override a method, defined in a 3rd party assembly. I want to add a Contract.Require statement like this:
public class MyClass: MyParentClass
protected override void DoIt(MyParameter param)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(param != null);
protected void ExecuteMyTask(MyParameter param)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(param != null);
/* body of the method */
However, I'm getting warnings like this:
Warning 1 CodeContracts:
Method 'MyClass.DoIt(MyParameter)' overrides 'MyParentClass.DoIt(MyParameter))', thus cannot add Requires.
[edit] changed the code a bit to show alternatives issues [/edit]
If I remove the Contract.Requires in the DoIt method, I get another warning, telling me I have to provide unproven param != null
I don't understand this warning. What is the cause, and can I solve it?
You can't add extra requirements which your callers may not know about. It violates Liskov's Subtitution Principle. The point of polymorphism is that a caller should be able to treat a reference which actually refers to an instance of your derived class as if it refers to an instance of the base class.
MyParentClass foo = GetParentClassFromSomewhere();
If that's statically determined to be valid, it's wrong for your derived class to hold up its hands and say "No! You're not meant to call DoIt with a null argument!" The aim of static analysis of contracts is that you can determine validity of calls, logic etc at compile-time... so no extra restrictions can be added at execution time, which is what happens here due to polymorphism.
A derived class can add guarantees about what it will do - what it will ensure - but it can't make any more demands from its callers for overridden methods.
I'd like to note that you can do what Jon suggested (this answers adds upon his) but also have your contract without violating LSP.
You can do so by replacing the override keyword with new.
The base remains the base; all you did is introduce another functionality (as the keywords literally suggest).
It's not ideal for static-checking because the safety could be easily casted away (cast to base-class first, then call the method) but that's a must because otherwise it would violate LSP and you do not want to do that obviously. Better than nothing though, I'd say.
In an ideal world you could also override the method and call the new one, but C# wouldn't let you do so because the methods would have the same signatures (even tho it would make perfect sense; that's the trade-off).

dllexport'ing an incomplete class

[EDIT: further digging revealed a different root issue. I'm rephrasing the question, but leaving the old version below, for consistency with the answer by #Leo]
It seems VC++ (both under VS2005 & VS2010) allows me to dllexport classes with missing implementations! The following code builds fine:
// missingimp.h :
class __declspec(dllexport) MissingImp
void DoStuff(); // no implementation anywhere
void DoMoreStuff(); // neither for this
// missingimp.cpp
#include "missingimp.h"
The code both compiles and links fine (in dll configuration) - and of course statically linking with the resulting dll fails.
Is this be a bug? is this behavior somehow by design??
[Old question:]
I'm trying to dllexport a class, that has a data member templated on a forward-declared type:
// Class2Export.h:
class ForwardDeclared ;
template<class T> class TemplatedClass
T *m_ptr;
TemplatedClass() { m_ptr->DoSomething(); }
class __declspec(dllexport) ExportedClass
TemplatedClass<ForwardDeclared> TemplateForward;
// Class2Export.cpp:
#include "Class2Export.h"
(This is not a contrived example - in the real code TemplatedClass is a smart pointer, but that seems irrelevant to the issue at hand.)
This code fails to compile, with -
error C2027: use of undefined type
That still makes some kind of sense, based on a reply from MS:
If TemplatedClass has a constructor
then a constructor will be
automatically generated for
ExportedClass. Since ExportedClass is
exported the compiler tries to export
the constructor but fails to generate
code for it because ForwardDeclared is
But I suspect that is not the ultimate answer, as when I declare (without even implementing!) a ctor for ExportedClass:
class __declspec(dllexport) ExportedClass
TemplatedClass<ForwardDeclared> TemplateForward;
both compile and link succeed (with a due warning*). The issue over at MS-connect seems abandoned - perhaps anyone can shed some light over this strange behaviour?
*EDIT: the generated warning is C4251 :
class 'TemplatedClass ' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'ExportedClass'
Unless I've got the wrong end of the stick, the issue is about when the ExportedClass constructor code is generated.
If the ExportedClass constructor code is generated before ForwardDeclared is declared (not forward-declared but properly declared) then you'll get an error, since the ExportedClass constructor implicitly calls the TemplatedClass constructor, and that calls a method on ForwardDeclared which is undefined.
Your final example, the one which compiles and links with a warning, works because the ExportedClass constructor is never defined. (Presumably the warning is that ExportedClass::ExportedClass does not exist. Since nothing actually tries to use it it's just a warning and not an error.) You've avoided the issue there. As it is, that code is not useful as nothing can create ExportedClass (it has no constructor) but if you define the constructor somewhere then everything should work fine, provided ForwardDeclared is declared/defined before then.
If you change your final example to this you should get the errors back again: (All that's added are two braces to give the ExportedClass constructor an empty body)
class __declspec(dllexport) ExportedClass
ExportedClass() { } // Error here
TemplatedClass<ForwardDeclared> TemplateForward;
And that code is what you are implicitly doing if you don't have a constructor for ExportedClass at all. In these cases the constructor's code is being generated there and then in the header file. On the other hand, when the constructor is declared without a body in the header you are leaving the code to be defined and generated somewhere else.
Eventually I found an answer in MS forums.
I'm linking to it here, in case it's useful to anyone some day.
