convert an image into an Fourier image in Python 3 - python-3.x

First time here, and was hoping that someone would be able to help with an issue I’ve been dealing with. I performed the 2D fast Fourier transform on an image data, but got an error of the line norm_fourier_img all time, I want to know how I can correctly write that line and be able to obtain the Fourier image?
from PIL import Image
from array import array
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from numpy.linalg import norm, det
#load the image data into a numpy array
img ="1-z2-ex1250-p20-ch1hv100t0001.tif")
img_data = np.asarray(img)
#perform the 2D fast Fourier transform on the image data and...
fourier = np.fft.fft2(img_data)
fourier = np.fft.fftshift(fourier)
fourier = abs(fourier)
fourier = np.log10(fourier)
#calculate the original contrast range
lowest = np.nanmin(fourier[np.isfinite(fourier)])
highest = np.nanmax(fourier[np.isfinite(fourier)])
original_range = highest - lowest
#convert the normalized data into an image
norm_fourier = (highest - lowest) / original_range * 255
norm_fourier_img = Image.fromarray(norm_fourier)
#display the original image and the Fourier image
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax1.imshow(img, cmap = "gray")
ax1.title.set_text("Original Image")
ax2.title.set_text("Fourier Image")
#show the normalized Fourier image
#convert the output image to 8-bit pixels (grayscale) and save it
enter image description here errors information
enter image description here
this is the original image needed to be converted to Fourier image, but can't see anything come up in the Fourier side.
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
26 norm_fourier = (highest - lowest) / original_range * 255
27 ##convert the normalized data into an image
---> 28 norm_fourier_img = Image.fromarray(norm_fourier)
30 # display the original image and the Fourier image
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PIL\ in fromarray(obj, mode)
2441 raise ValueError("Too many dimensions: %d > %d." % (ndim, ndmax))
-> 2443 size = shape1, shape[0]
2444 if strides is not None:
2445 if hasattr(obj, 'tobytes'):
IndexError: tuple index out of range


Remove Freckles from Simple Binary Image

I have the following NumPy array of a running man, which you can download here:
To display it, use this code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load data
data = np.load('running_man.npy')
# plot data
As you can see there is a lot of noise (freckles) in the image. I would like to get rid of it and retrieve a clean image of the runner. Any idea of how to do it?
This is what I have done so far:
from skimage import measure
# Find contours at a constant value of 1
contours = measure.find_contours(data, 1, fully_connected='high')
# Select the largest contiguous contour
contour = sorted(contours, key=lambda x: len(x))[-1]
# Create an empty image to store the masked array
r_mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype='bool')
# Create a contour image by using the contour coordinates rounded to their nearest integer value
r_mask[np.round(contour[:, 0]).astype('int'), np.round(contour[:, 1]).astype('int')] = 1
# Fill in the hole created by the contour boundary
r_mask = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(r_mask)
# Invert the mask since one wants pixels outside of the region
r_mask = ~r_mask
... but as you can see the outline is very rough !
What works well is to upload the image to an online jpg to SVG converter -> this makes the lines super smooth. ... but I want to be able to do it in python.
I am looking for something that can keep the sharp corners, maybe something that detects the gradient along the edge and only keeps the point where the gradient is above a certain threshold...
For this specific image you can just use numpy:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.load('running_man.npy')
data[data > 1] = 0
For a method that preserves the corners better, we can use median filters, but force the preservation of corners.
Masked Image
Mask after filtering
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load image
img = cv2.imread("run.png");
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
# make mask
_, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU);
# median filter
med = cv2.medianBlur(thresh, 11);
med[thresh == 255] = 255;
# inverse filter
mask = cv2.bitwise_not(med);
med = cv2.medianBlur(mask, 3);
med[mask == 255] = 255;
# recolor
color = np.zeros_like(img);
color[med == 0] = (66, 239, 245);
color[med == 255] = (92, 15, 75);
# show
cv2.imshow("colored", color);

How to deform/scale a 3 dimensional numpy array in one dimension?

I would like to deform/scale a three dimensional numpy array in one dimension. I will visualize my problem in 2D:
I have the original image, which is a 2D numpy array:
Then I want to deform/scale it for some factor in dimension 0, or horizontal dimension:
For PIL images, there are a lot of solutions, for example in pytorch, but what if I have a numpy array of shapes (w, h, d) = (288, 288, 468)? I would like to upsample the width with a factor of 1.04, for example, to (299, 288, 468). Each cell contains a normalized number between 0 and 1.
I am not sure, if I am simply not looking for the correct vocabulary, if I try to search online. So also correcting my question would help. Or tell me the mathematical background of this problem, then I can write the code on my own.
Thank you!
You can repeat the array along the specific axis a number of times equal to ceil(factor) where factor > 1 and then evenly space indices on the stretched dimension to select int(factor * old_length) elements. This does not perform any kind of interpolation but just repeats some of the elements:
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import imread
img = imread('/tmp/example.png')
print(img.shape) # (512, 512)
axis = 1
factor = 1.25
stretched = np.repeat(img, math.ceil(factor), axis=axis)
print(stretched.shape) # (512, 1024)
indices = np.linspace(0, stretched.shape[axis] - 1, int(img.shape[axis] * factor))
indices = np.rint(indices).astype(int)
result = np.take(stretched, indices, axis=axis)
print(result.shape) # (512, 640)
cv2.imwrite('/tmp/stretched.png', result)
This is the result (left is original example.png and right is stretched.png):
Looks like it is as easy as using the torch.nn.functional.interpolate functional from pytorch and choosing 'trilinear' as interpolation mode:
import torch
PET = torch.tensor(data)
print("Old shape = {}".format(PET.shape))
scale_factor_x = 1.4
# Scaling.
PET = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(PET.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0),\
scale_factor=(scale_factor_x, 1, 1), mode='trilinear').squeeze().squeeze()
print("New shape = {}".format(PET.shape))
>>> Old shape = torch.Size([288, 288, 468])
>>> New shape = torch.Size([403, 288, 468])
I verified the results by looking at the data, but I can't show them here due to data privacy. Sorry!
This is an example for linear up-sampling a 3D Image with scipy.interpolate, hope it helps.
(I worked quite a lot with np.meshgrid here, if you not familiar with it i recently explained it here)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
# should be 1.3.0
# =============================================================================
# producing a test image "image3D"
# =============================================================================
def some_function(x,y,z):
# output is a 3D Gaussian with some periodic modification
# its only for testing so this part is not impotent
out = np.sin(2*np.pi*x)*np.cos(np.pi*y)*np.cos(4*np.pi*z)*np.exp(-(x**2+y**2+z**2))
return out
# define a grid to evaluate the function on.
# the dimension of the 3D-Image will be (20,20,20)
N = 20
x = np.linspace(-1,1,N)
y = np.linspace(-1,1,N)
z = np.linspace(-1,1,N)
xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x,y,z,indexing ='ij')
image3D = some_function(xx,yy,zz)
# =============================================================================
# plot the testimage "image3D"
# you will see 5 images that corresponds to the slicing of the
# z-axis similar to your example picture_
# =============================================================================
def plot_slices(image_3d):
f, loax = plt.subplots(1,5,figsize=(15,5))
loax = loax.flatten()
for ii,i in enumerate([8,9,10,11,12]):
# =============================================================================
# interpolate the image
# =============================================================================
interpolation_function = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y, z), image3D, method = 'linear')
# =============================================================================
# evaluate at new grid
# =============================================================================
# create the new grid that you want
x_new = np.linspace(-1,1,30)
y_new = np.linspace(-1,1,40)
z_new = np.linspace(-1,1,N)
xx_new, yy_new, zz_new = np.meshgrid(x_new,y_new,z_new,indexing ='ij')
# change the order of the points to match the input shape of the interpolation
# function. That's a bit messy but i couldn't figure out a way around that
evaluation_points = np.rollaxis(np.array([xx_new,yy_new,zz_new]),0,4)
interpolated = interpolation_function(evaluation_points)
The original (20,20,20) dimensional 3D Image:
And the upsampeled (30,40,20) dimensional 3D Image:

Overlapped predictions on segmented image

Context and examples of symptoms
I am using a neural network to do super-resolution (increase the resolution of images). However, since an image can be big, I need to segment it in multiple smaller images and make predictions on each one of those separately before merging the result back together.
Here are examples of what this gives me:
Example 1: you can see a subtle vertical line passing through the shoulder of the skier in the output picture.
Example 2: once you start seeing them, you'll notice that the subtle lines are forming squares throughout the whole image (remnants of the way I segmented the image for individual predictions).
Example 3: you can clearly see the vertical line crossing the lake.
Source of the problem
Basically, my network makes poor predictions along the edges, which I believe is normal since there is less "surrounding" information.
Source code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from keras.models import load_model
from constants import verbosity, save_dir, overlap, \
model_name, tests_path, input_width, input_height
from utils import float_im
def predict(args):
model = load_model(save_dir + '/' + args.model)
image = + args.image)[:, :, :3] # removing possible extra channels (Alpha)
print("Image shape:", image.shape)
predictions = []
images = []
crops = seq_crop(image) # crops into multiple sub-parts the image based on 'input_' constants
for i in range(len(crops)): # amount of vertical crops
for j in range(len(crops[0])): # amount of horizontal crops
current_image = crops[i][j]
print("Moving on to predictions. Amount:", len(images))
for p in range(len(images)):
if p%3 == 0 and verbosity == 2:
print("--prediction #", p)
# Hack because GPU can only handle one image at a time
input_img = (np.expand_dims(images[p], 0)) # Add the image to a batch where it's the only member
predictions.append(model.predict(input_img)[0]) # returns a list of lists, one for each image in the batch
return predictions, image, crops
def show_pred_output(input, pred):
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.title("Input : " + str(input.shape[1]) + "x" + str(input.shape[0]))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.title("Output : " + str(pred.shape[1]) + "x" + str(pred.shape[0]))
# adapted from
def seq_crop(img):
To crop the whole image in a list of sub-images of the same size.
Size comes from "input_" variables in the 'constants' (Evaluation).
Padding with 0 the Bottom and Right image.
:param img: input image
:return: list of sub-images with defined size
width_shape = ceildiv(img.shape[1], input_width)
height_shape = ceildiv(img.shape[0], input_height)
sub_images = [] # will contain all the cropped sub-parts of the image
for j in range(height_shape):
horizontal = []
for i in range(width_shape):
horizontal.append(crop_precise(img, i*input_width, j*input_height, input_width, input_height))
return sub_images
def crop_precise(img, coord_x, coord_y, width_length, height_length):
To crop a precise portion of an image.
When trying to crop outside of the boundaries, the input to padded with zeros.
:param img: image to crop
:param coord_x: width coordinate (top left point)
:param coord_y: height coordinate (top left point)
:param width_length: width of the cropped portion starting from coord_x
:param height_length: height of the cropped portion starting from coord_y
:return: the cropped part of the image
tmp_img = img[coord_y:coord_y + height_length, coord_x:coord_x + width_length]
return float_im(tmp_img) # From [0,255] to [0.,1.]
# from
def ceildiv(a, b):
return -(-a // b)
# adapted from
def reconstruct(predictions, crops):
# unflatten predictions
def nest(data, template):
data = iter(data)
return [[next(data) for _ in row] for row in template]
if len(crops) != 0:
predictions = nest(predictions, crops)
H = np.cumsum([x[0].shape[0] for x in predictions])
W = np.cumsum([x.shape[1] for x in predictions[0]])
D = predictions[0][0]
recon = np.empty((H[-1], W[-1], D.shape[2]), D.dtype)
for rd, rs in zip(np.split(recon, H[:-1], 0), predictions):
for d, s in zip(np.split(rd, W[:-1], 1), rs):
d[...] = s
return recon
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(" - ", args)
preds, original, crops = predict(args) # returns the predictions along with the original
enhanced = reconstruct(preds, crops) # reconstructs the enhanced image from predictions
plt.imsave('output/' +, enhanced,
show_pred_output(original, enhanced)
The question (what I want)
There are many obvious naive approaches to solving this problem, but I'm convinced there must be a very concise way of doing it: how do I add an overlap_amount variable which would allow me to make overlapped predictions, thus discarding the "edge parts" of each sub-image ("segments") and replacing it with the result of the predictions on the segments surrounding it (since they would not contain "edge-predictions")?
I, of course, want to minimize the amount of "useless" predictions (pixels to be discarded). It might also be worth noting that the input segments produce an output segment which is 4 times bigger (i.e. if it was a 20x20 pixels image, you now get a 80x80 pixels image as output).
I solved a similiar problem by moving inference into the CPU. It was much, much slower but at least in my case solved the patch border problems better than overlapping ROI voting- or discarding based approaches I also tested.
Assuming you are using the Tensorflow backend:
from tensorflow.python import device
with device('cpu:0')
prediction = model.predict(...)
Of course assuming that you have enough RAM to fit your model. Comment below if that is not the case and I'll check out if there's something in my code that could be used here.
Solved it through a naive approach. It could be much better, but at least this works.
The process
Basically, it takes the initial image, then adds a padding around it, then crops it in multiple sub-images which are all lined up into an array. The crops are done so that all images overlap their surrounding neighbours as well.
Then, each image is fed into the network and the predictions are collected (4x on the resolution of the image, basically, in this case). When reconstructing the image, each prediction is taken individually and it's edge is cropped out (since it contains errors). The cropping is done so that the gluing of all the predictions ends up with no overlap, and only the middle parts of the predictions coming from the neural network are stuck together.
Finally, the surrounding padding is removed.
No more line! :D
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from keras.models import load_model
from constants import verbosity, save_dir, overlap, \
model_name, tests_path, input_width, input_height, scale_fact
from utils import float_im
def predict(args):
Super-resolution on the input image using the model.
:param args:
'predictions' contains an array of every single cropped sub-image once enhanced (the outputs of the model).
'image' is the original image, untouched.
'crops' is the array of every single cropped sub-image that will be used as input to the model.
model = load_model(save_dir + '/' + args.model)
image = + args.image)[:, :, :3] # removing possible extra channels (Alpha)
print("Image shape:", image.shape)
predictions = []
images = []
# Padding and cropping the image
overlap_pad = (overlap, overlap) # padding tuple
pad_width = (overlap_pad, overlap_pad, (0, 0)) # assumes color channel as last
padded_image = np.pad(image, pad_width, 'constant') # padding the border
crops = seq_crop(padded_image) # crops into multiple sub-parts the image based on 'input_' constants
# Arranging the divided image into a single-dimension array of sub-images
for i in range(len(crops)): # amount of vertical crops
for j in range(len(crops[0])): # amount of horizontal crops
current_image = crops[i][j]
print("Moving on to predictions. Amount:", len(images))
upscaled_overlap = overlap * 2
for p in range(len(images)):
if p % 3 == 0 and verbosity == 2:
print("--prediction #", p)
# Hack due to some GPUs that can only handle one image at a time
input_img = (np.expand_dims(images[p], 0)) # Add the image to a batch where it's the only member
pred = model.predict(input_img)[0] # returns a list of lists, one for each image in the batch
# Cropping the useless parts of the overlapped predictions (to prevent the repeated erroneous edge-prediction)
pred = pred[upscaled_overlap:pred.shape[0]-upscaled_overlap, upscaled_overlap:pred.shape[1]-upscaled_overlap]
return predictions, image, crops
def show_pred_output(input, pred):
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.title("Input : " + str(input.shape[1]) + "x" + str(input.shape[0]))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.title("Output : " + str(pred.shape[1]) + "x" + str(pred.shape[0]))
# adapted from
def seq_crop(img):
To crop the whole image in a list of sub-images of the same size.
Size comes from "input_" variables in the 'constants' (Evaluation).
Padding with 0 the Bottom and Right image.
:param img: input image
:return: list of sub-images with defined size (as per 'constants')
sub_images = [] # will contain all the cropped sub-parts of the image
j, shifted_height = 0, 0
while shifted_height < (img.shape[0] - input_height):
horizontal = []
shifted_height = j * (input_height - overlap)
i, shifted_width = 0, 0
while shifted_width < (img.shape[1] - input_width):
shifted_width = i * (input_width - overlap)
i += 1
j += 1
return sub_images
def crop_precise(img, coord_x, coord_y, width_length, height_length):
To crop a precise portion of an image.
When trying to crop outside of the boundaries, the input to padded with zeros.
:param img: image to crop
:param coord_x: width coordinate (top left point)
:param coord_y: height coordinate (top left point)
:param width_length: width of the cropped portion starting from coord_x (toward right)
:param height_length: height of the cropped portion starting from coord_y (toward bottom)
:return: the cropped part of the image
tmp_img = img[coord_y:coord_y + height_length, coord_x:coord_x + width_length]
return float_im(tmp_img) # From [0,255] to [0.,1.]
# adapted from
def reconstruct(predictions, crops):
Used to reconstruct a whole image from an array of mini-predictions.
The image had to be split in sub-images because the GPU's memory
couldn't handle the prediction on a whole image.
:param predictions: an array of upsampled images, from left to right, top to bottom.
:param crops: 2D array of the cropped images
:return: the reconstructed image as a whole
# unflatten predictions
def nest(data, template):
data = iter(data)
return [[next(data) for _ in row] for row in template]
if len(crops) != 0:
predictions = nest(predictions, crops)
# At this point "predictions" is a 3D image of the individual outputs
H = np.cumsum([x[0].shape[0] for x in predictions])
W = np.cumsum([x.shape[1] for x in predictions[0]])
D = predictions[0][0]
recon = np.empty((H[-1], W[-1], D.shape[2]), D.dtype)
for rd, rs in zip(np.split(recon, H[:-1], 0), predictions):
for d, s in zip(np.split(rd, W[:-1], 1), rs):
d[...] = s
# Removing the pad from the reconstruction
tmp_overlap = overlap * (scale_fact - 1) # using "-2" leaves the outer edge-prediction error
return recon[tmp_overlap:recon.shape[0]-tmp_overlap, tmp_overlap:recon.shape[1]-tmp_overlap]
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(" - ", args)
preds, original, crops = predict(args) # returns the predictions along with the original
enhanced = reconstruct(preds, crops) # reconstructs the enhanced image from predictions
# Save and display the result
plt.imsave('output/' +, enhanced,
show_pred_output(original, enhanced)
Constants and extra bits
verbosity = 2
input_width = 64
input_height = 64
overlap = 16
scale_fact = 4
def float_im(img):
return np.divide(img, 255.)
A possibly better alternative which you might want to consider if you run into the same kind of problem as me; it's the same basic idea, but more polished and perfected.

How to match cv2.imread to the keras image.img_load output

I'm studying deep learning. Trained an image classification algorithm. The problem is, however, that to train images I used:
test_image = image.load_img('some.png', target_size = (64, 64))
test_image = image.img_to_array(test_image)
While for actual application I use:
test_image = cv2.imread('trick.png')
test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (64, 64))
But I found that those give a different ndarray (different data):
Last entries from load_image:
[ 64. 71. 66.]
[ 64. 71. 66.]
[ 62. 69. 67.]]]
Last entries from cv2.imread:
[ 15 23 27]
[ 16 24 28]
[ 14 24 28]]]
, so the system is not working. Is there a way to match results of one to another?
OpenCV reads images in BGR format whereas in keras, it is represented in RGB. To get the OpenCV version to correspond to the order we expect (RGB), simply reverse the channels:
test_image = cv2.imread('trick.png')
test_image = cv2.resize(test_image, (64, 64))
test_image = test_image[...,::-1] # Added
The last line reverses the channels to be in RGB order. You can then feed this into your keras model.
Another point I'd like to add is that cv2.imread usually reads in images in uint8 precision. Examining the output of your keras loaded image, you can see that the data is in floating point precision so you may also want to convert to a floating-point representation, such as float32:
import numpy as np
# ...
# ...
test_image = test_image[...,::-1].astype(np.float32)
As a final point, depending on how you trained your model it's usually customary to normalize the image pixel values to a [0,1] range. If you did this with your keras model, make sure you divide your values by 255 in your image read in through OpenCV:
import numpy as np
# ...
# ...
test_image = (test_image[...,::-1].astype(np.float32)) / 255.0
Recently, I came across the same issue. I tried to convert the color channel and resize the image with OpenCV. However, PIL and OpenCV have very different ways of image resizing.
Here is the exact solution to this problem.
This is the function that takes image file path , convert to targeted size and prepares for the Keras model -
import cv2
import keras
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing import image
from PIL import Image
def prepare_image (file):
im_resized = image.load_img(file, target_size = (224,224))
img_array = image.img_to_array(im_resized)
image_array_expanded = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis = 0)
return keras.applications.mobilenet.preprocess_input(image_array_expanded)
# execute the function
PIL_image = prepare_image ("lena.png")
If you have an OpenCV image then the function will be like this -
def prepare_image2 (img):
# convert the color from BGR to RGB then convert to PIL array
cvt_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
im_pil = Image.fromarray(cvt_image)
# resize the array (image) then PIL image
im_resized = im_pil.resize((224, 224))
img_array = image.img_to_array(im_resized)
image_array_expanded = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis = 0)
return keras.applications.mobilenet.preprocess_input(image_array_expanded)
# execute the function
img = cv2.imread("lena.png")
cv2_image = prepare_image2 (img)
# finally check if it is working
np.array_equal(PIL_image, cv2_image)
>> True
Besides CV2 using the BGR format and Keras (using PIL as a backend) using the RGB format, there are also significant differences in the resize methods of CV2 and PIL using the same parameters.
Multiple references can be found on the internet but the general idea is that there are subtle differences in pixel coordinate systems used in the two resize algorithms and also potential issues with different methods of casting to float as an intermediate step in the interpolation algo. End result is a visually similar image but one that is slightly shifted/perturbed between versions.
A perfect example of an adversarial attack that can cause huge differences in accuracy despite small input differences.

Crop an image to smaller size from left to right and top to bottom using OpenCV

I have an image 315x581. I want to crop it in 28x28 from top left to bottom right, then I need to save each 28x28 image in folder.
I could crop just one image from y1=0 to y2=28 and x1=0 to x2=28.
First problem is: I used cv2.imwrite("cropped.jpg", cropped) to save this small image, but It doesn't save it, provided that it works some line above.
Second problem is: How can I write a code which it keeps on cropping the image in 28x28 from left to right and top to bottom and save each subimage.
I used for loop, but I don't know how to complete it.
Thank you so much for any help.
Here this is my code,
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import PIL.Image
import os
import gzip
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
#finalsSave='C:/Users/Tala/Documents/PythonProjects/Poster-OpenCV-MaskXray/Xray Result'
# load the image
img = cv2.imread(image1LL,0)
mask = cv2.imread(mask1LL,0)
# combine foreground+background
final1LL = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img,mask = mask)
# Save the image
# crop the image using array slices -- it's a NumPy array
# after all!
for y2 in range(0,580,28):
for x2 in range(0,314,28):
cropped = final1LL[0:28, 0:28]
cv2.imshow('cropped', cropped)
cv2.imwrite("cropped.jpg", cropped)
Your approach is good, but there is some fine tuning required. The following code will help you:
import cv2
filename = 'p1.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(filename, 1)
interval = 100
stride = 100
count = 0
print img.shape
for i in range(0, img.shape[0], interval):
for j in range(0, img.shape[1], interval):
print j
cropped_img = img[j:j + stride, i:i + stride] #--- Notice this part where you have to add the stride as well ---
count += 1
cv2.imwrite('cropped_image_' + str(count) + '_.jpg', cropped_img) #--- Also take note of how you would save all the cropped images by incrementing the count variable ---
My result:
Original image:
Some of the cropped images:
Cropped image 1
Cropped image 2
Cropped image 3
If you are using it in PyTorch as a deep learning framework, then this task would be quite easy and can be done without the need for any other external image processing libraries such as OpenCV. The below code will convert a single image into a stack of multiple images in a form of PyTorch tensor. If you want to use only images then you need to remove the line "transforms.ToTensor()" and save the "tens" variable in the code as an image using matplotlib.
Note: Here bird image is used with dimension 32 x 32 x 3, crop images 5x5x3 with stride =1.
image ='bird.png')
tensreal = trans(image)
trans = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(32),
stride = 1
crop_height = 5
crop_width = 5
img_height = 32
img_width = 32
tens_list = []
for i in range(0,img_width-crop_width,stride):
for j in range(0,img_height-crop_height ,stride):
tens = trans(image)
tens1 = tens[:, j:j+crop_height, i:i+crop_width]
all_tens = torch.stack(tens_list)
