Magento - How to pass value from template to js file? - magento-1.8

I developed an extension where you can define a connection id for newsletter 2 go.
I need to pass this id to the script skin\frontend\base\default\fekete\Newsletter2Go\js\utils.js
My first approach was to pass it to the script by adding a get parameter to it.
{... Hint: I removed the rest code which is not relevant for this question ... }
(window,document,"script","skin/frontend/base/default/fekete/Newsletter2Go/js/utils.js?id=<?php echo $id ?>","n2g");
I checked if this worked like this:
function findGetParameter(parameterName) {
var result = null,
tmp = [];
var items ="&");
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
tmp = items[index].split("=");
if (tmp[0] === parameterName) result = decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]);
return result;
But it alerts null.
How can I pass the id to the script, without having to move the whole script to the template?

I solved it by creating a new extension. I developed a controller and then just made a XHR Request to my route, which just returns the needed value.


How can i simplify checking if a value exist in Json doc

Here is my scenario, i am parsing via javascript a webpage and then post the result to an restApi to store the json in a db. The code works fine as long as all fields i defined in my script are send. Problem is over time they website might change names for fields and that would cause my code to crash.
Originally i used code like this
const mySchool = new mls.School();
mySchool.highSchoolDistrict = data["HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT"].trim();
mySchool.elementary = data.ELEMENTARY.trim();
mySchool.elementaryOther = data["ELEMENTARY OTHER"].trim();
mySchool.middleJrHigh = data["MIDDLE/JR HIGH"].trim();
mySchool.middleJrHighOther = data["MIDDLE/JR HIGH OTHER"].trim();
mySchool.highSchool = data["HIGH SCHOOL"].trim();
mySchool.highSchoolOther = data["HIGH SCHOOL OTHER"].trim(); = mySchool;
but when the element does not exist it complains about that it can not use trim of undefined. So to fix this i came up with this
if (data["PATIO/PORCH"]) {
newExterior.patioPorch = data["PATIO/PORCH"].trim();
this works but i am wondering if there is a more global approach then to go and check each field if it is defined ?
You could leverage a sort of helper function to check first if the item is undefined, and if not, return a trim()-ed version of the string.
var data = Array();
data["HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT"] = " 123 ";
function trimString(inputStr) {
return (inputStr != undefined && typeof inputStr == "string") ? inputStr.trim() : undefined;
console.log(trimString(data["HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT"]));
console.log(trimString(data["ELEMENTARY OTHER"]));

Undefined data from content script in background

Im trying to pass data from content script:
var text = document.getElementsByClassName("some_class");
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({key: "abc", data: results}, function(response){});
And then recieve it in background:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
if (message.key == "abc") {
var a =;
var b =;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var c = a[i].innerText;
I get undefined in all variables. And all i want to do is to pass collection that i got from page to background and process it there. What am i doing wrong?
var text = document.getElementsByClassName("some_class");
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({key: "abc", data: results}, function(response){});
text vs results
But even then, you can't pass DOM nodes around, because they are not JSON-serializable.
You need to extract the information on the content script side and pass only what you need (i.e. if you need only innerText, pass that and not the node)

Sitecore HOWTO: Search item bucket for items with specific values

I have an item bucket with more then 30 000 items inside. What I need is to quickly search items that have particular field set to particular value, or even better is to make something like SELECT WHERE fieldValue IN (1,2,3,4) statement. Are there any ready solutions?
I searched the web and the only thing I found is "Developer's Guide to Item
Buckets and Search" but there is no code examples.
You need something like this. The Bucket item is an IIndexable so it can be searched using Sitecore 7 search API.
This code snippet below can easily be adapted to meet your needs and it's just a question of modifying the where clause.if you need any further help with the sitecore 7 syntax just write a comment on the QuickStart blog post below and I'll get back to you.
var bucketItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(bucketPath);
if (bucketItem != null && BucketManager.IsBucket(bucketItem))
using (var searchContext = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(bucketItem as IIndexable).CreateSearchContext())
var result = searchContext.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem().Where(x => x.Name == itemName).FirstOrDefault();
if(result != null)
Context.Item = result.GetItem();
Further reading on my blog post here:
Using Sitecore Content Editor:
Go to the bucket item then In search tab, start typing the following (replace fieldname and value with actual field name and value):
Then hit enter, you see the result of the query, you can multiple queries at once if you want.
Using Sitecore Content Search API:
using Sitecore.ContentSearch;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.SearchTypes;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.Utilities
ID bucketItemID = "GUID of your bucket item";
ID templateID = "Guid of your item's template under bucket";
string values = "1,2,3,4,5";
using (var context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_web_index").CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
predicate = PredicateBuilder.And(item => item.TemplateId == new ID(templateID)
&& item.Paths.Contains(bucketItemID));
var innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<SearchResultItem>();
foreach(string val in values.Split(','))
innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<SearchResultItem>();
innerPredicate = innerPredicate.Or(item => item["FIELDNAME"] == val);
predicate = predicate.And(innerPredicate);
var result = predicate.GetResults();
List<Item> ResultsItems = new List<Item>();
foreach (var hit in result.Hits)
Item item = hit.Document.GetItem();
if(item !=null)
ResultsItems .Add(item);
The following links can give good start with the Search API:
Hope this helps!

NodeJS for-loop unsuccessful at trimming urls that end in with numbers

I'm trying to take a group of Facebook Page urls and extract only the entity title of the page. Ie for '' I'm looking only for 'BalanceSpaBoca.' This script works great for most of the sample data I'm using (the testFBurls array), printing only the trimmed string. For others, though, it prints both the trimmed string and the original string. It seems like all of the urls that get printed twice end with a string of numbers, but I'm not sure why that should make any difference in how the program runs.
var testFBurls = [
var possibleFBurlStarts = [
for (var count=0; count<testFBurls.length; count++){
var currentURL = testFBurls[count];
if (currentURL.indexOf(".com/photo") > -1) {
testFBurls.splice(i, 1);
for (var i=0; i < possibleFBurlStarts.length; i++){
var indexOfSubstring = currentURL.indexOf(possibleFBurlStarts[i]);
if (indexOfSubstring > -1) {
var res = currentURL.replace(possibleFBurlStarts[i], "");
if (count == testFBurls.length-1){
Here's my console output
Notice that the first url is listed twice (first in its original form, and secondly in its truncated form), but then the second url (the third line in the output) is listed in truncated form alone. Any ideas what is causing this disparity? Only the truncated url should be printed.
You're modifying the array you're iterating through while you're iterating through it: testFBurls.splice(i, 1); which is typically a not-great thing to do. In any case, I think you should be able to accomplish your goal a lot easier with a simple regular expression:
for (var count=0; count<testFBurls.length; count++){
var matches = testFBurls[count].match(/^https?\:\/\/www\.facebook\.com\/(?:pages\/)?([^\/]+)/);
if (matches) {
console.log('found it:', matches[1]);

Check if a message has a label using Google Script

At work we have a google script code that is run every 4 hours and check everyone's #folders for unread mail. If unread mail is found it is moved to INBOX and tagged with ##UNREAD.
What i need is a way for the script to check if it already has the ##UNREAD tag and in that case not move to inbox.
This is the code
function process_unread() {
//Define user label
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("#Josh");
//Define unread label
var unreadlabel = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("##UNREAD");
if (label) {
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var thread = threads[i];
if (thread.isUnread()) {
//Remove label
How can i only move emails if they do not have the ##UNREAD label?
Here is my attempt:
function process_unread() {
//Define user label
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("#Josh");
//Define unread label
var unreadlabel = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("##UNREAD");
if (label) {
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var thread = threads[i];
var labels = thread.getLabels();
var doesThisThreadHaveTheLabel = false;
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
var thisParticularLabel = labels[i].getName();
if (thisParticularLabel === "##UNREAD") {
var doesThisThreadHaveTheLabel = true;
if (thread.isUnread() && doesThisThreadHaveTheLabel === false) {
//Remove label
Before you move the thread to the inbox, you want to make sure it does NOT have the label. So add another condition to the If check.
if (thread.isUnread() && doesThisThreadHaveTheLabel === false) {
I created a variable: doesThisThreadHaveTheLabel that will either have a true or false value. It's default gets set to false before every for loop.
var doesThisThreadHaveTheLabel = false;
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
You can debug the code to check it:
In the above picture, you see an icon of a bug in the menu. Before you click that, first click the drop down menu just to the right of the bug, and choose the name of the function to run. Also, add a breakpoint to the code. In that picture you'll see a red dot in the line numbers in the code editor. That's where the code will stop.
I added the label #josh to one of the emails in my account, so the variable label has an object in it. But, I don't have any emails with a label ##UNREAD , so you'll notice that in the list of variables, the variable unreadlabel has a value of null.
In that picture, the code is suspended on the line, 269. I can step in to the next line of code by clicking the step in icon. Hover over the icon to get a context help to pop up.
I stepped line by line further, and retrieved the label that was put into the variable "ThisParticularLabel". You can see in the window, that it has a value of #Josh.
I stepped through that code, and it ended after the main for loop had run once. I also ran that code by itself without debugging it, and it ran in:
Execution succeeded [0.246 seconds total runtime]
You need to debug your code, and see what it is doing on every line, and know what every single variable has for a value, and how the conditional statements are working.
Script will not finish with two for loops both using variable i as i will be set to 0 continually by the inner for loop and will not increment. Switch inner loop to j variable and script will finish.
