Linux UART slower than specified Baudrate - linux

I'm trying to communicate between two Linux systems via UART.
I want to send large chunks of data. With the specified Baudrate it should take around 5 seconds, but it takes nearly 10 times the expected time.
As I'm sending more than the buffer can handle at once it is send in small parts and I'm draining the buffer in between. If I measure the time needed for the drain and the number of bytes written to the buffer I calculate a Baudrate nearly 10 times lower than the specified Baudrate.
I would expect a slower transmission as the optimal, but not this much.
Did I miss something while setting the UART or while writing? Or is this normal?
The code used for setup:
int bus = open(interface.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); // <- also tryed blocking
if (bus < 0) {
struct termios options;
memset (&options, 0, sizeof options);
if(tcgetattr(bus, &options) != 0){
bus = -1;
cfsetspeed (&options, B230400);
cfmakeraw(&options); // <- also tried this manually. did not make a difference
if(tcsetattr(bus, TCSANOW, &options) != 0)
bus = -1;
tcflush(bus, TCIFLUSH);
The code used to send:
int32_t res = write(bus, data, dataLength);
while (res < dataLength){
tcdrain(bus); // <- taking way longer than expected
int32_t r = write(bus, &data[res], dataLength - res);
if(r == 0)
if(r == -1){
res += r;

The docs are contradictory. cfsetspeed is documented as requiring a speed_t type, while the note says you need to use one of the "B" constants like "B230400." Have you tried using an actual speed_t type?
In any case, the speed you're supplying is the baud rate, which in this case should get you approximately 23,000 bytes/second, assuming there is no throttling.
The speed is dependent on hardware and link limitations. Also the serial protocol allows pausing the transmission.
FWIW, according to the time and speed you listed, if everything works perfectly, you'll get about 1 MB in 50 seconds. What speed are you actually getting?
Another "also" is the options structure. It's been years since I've had to do any serial I/O, but IIRC, you need to actually set the options that you want and are supported by your hardware, like CTS/RTS, XON/XOFF, etc.
This might be helpful.

As I'm sending more than the buffer can handle at once it is send in small parts and I'm draining the buffer in between.
You have only provided code snippets (rather than a minimal, complete, and verifiable example), so your data size is unknown.
But the Linux kernel buffer size is known. What do you think it is?
(FYI it's 4KB.)
If I measure the time needed for the drain and the number of bytese written to the buffer I calculate a Baudrate nearly 10 times lower than the specified Baudrate.
You're confusing throughput with baudrate.
The maximum throughput (of just payload) of an asynchronous serial link will always be less than the baudrate due to framing overhead per character, which could be two of the ten bits of the frame (assuming 8N1). Since your termios configuration is incomplete, the overhead could actually be three of the eleven bits of the frame (assuming 8N2).
In order to achieve the maximum throughput, the tranmitting UART must saturate the line with frames and never let the line go idle.
The userspace program must be able to supply data fast enough, preferably by one large write() to reduce syscall overhead.
Did I miss something while setting the UART or while writing?
With Linux, you have limited access to the UART hardware.
From userspace your program accesses a serial terminal.
Your program accesses the serial terminal in a sub-optinal manner.
Your termios configuration appears to be incomplete.
It leaves both hardware and software flow-control untouched.
The number of stop bits is untouched.
The Ignore modem control lines and Enable receiver flags are not enabled.
For raw reading, the VMIN and VTIME values are not assigned.
Or is this normal?
There are ways to easily speed up the transfer.
First, your program combines non-blocking mode with non-canonical mode. That's a degenerate combination for receiving, and suboptimal for transmitting.
You have provided no reason for using non-blocking mode, and your program is not written to properly utilize it.
Therefore your program should be revised to use blocking mode instead of non-blocking mode.
Second, the tcdrain() between write() syscalls can introduce idle time on the serial link. Use of blocking mode eliminates the need for this delay tactic between write() syscalls.
In fact with blocking mode only one write() syscall should be needed to transmit the entire dataLength. This would also minimize any idle time introduced on the serial link.
Note that the first write() does not properly check the return value for a possible error condition, which is always possible.
Bottom line: your program would be simpler and throughput would be improved by using blocking I/O.


How to modify timing in readyRead of QextSeriaport [duplicate]

I'm implementing a protocol over serial ports on Linux. The protocol is based on a request answer scheme so the throughput is limited by the time it takes to send a packet to a device and get an answer. The devices are mostly arm based and run Linux >= 3.0. I'm having troubles reducing the round trip time below 10ms (115200 baud, 8 data bit, no parity, 7 byte per message).
What IO interfaces will give me the lowest latency: select, poll, epoll or polling by hand with ioctl? Does blocking or non blocking IO impact latency?
I tried setting the low_latency flag with setserial. But it seemed like it had no effect.
Are there any other things I can try to reduce latency? Since I control all devices it would even be possible to patch the kernel, but its preferred not to.
---- Edit ----
The serial controller uses is an 16550A.
Request / answer schemes tends to be inefficient, and it shows up quickly on serial port. If you are interested in throughtput, look at windowed protocol, like kermit file sending protocol.
Now if you want to stick with your protocol and reduce latency, select, poll, read will all give you roughly the same latency, because as Andy Ross indicated, the real latency is in the hardware FIFO handling.
If you are lucky, you can tweak the driver behaviour without patching, but you still need to look at the driver code. However, having the ARM handle a 10 kHz interrupt rate will certainly not be good for the overall system performance...
Another options is to pad your packet so that you hit the FIFO threshold every time. It will also confirm that if it is or not a FIFO threshold problem.
10 msec # 115200 is enough to transmit 100 bytes (assuming 8N1), so what you are seeing is probably because the low_latency flag is not set. Try
setserial /dev/<tty_name> low_latency
It will set the low_latency flag, which is used by the kernel when moving data up in the tty layer:
void tty_flip_buffer_push(struct tty_struct *tty)
unsigned long flags;
spin_lock_irqsave(&tty->buf.lock, flags);
if (tty->buf.tail != NULL)
tty->buf.tail->commit = tty->buf.tail->used;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tty->buf.lock, flags);
if (tty->low_latency)
The schedule_work call might be responsible for the 10 msec latency you observe.
Having talked to to some more engineers about the topic I came to the conclusion that this problem is not solvable in user space. Since we need to cross the bridge into kernel land, we plan to implement an kernel module which talks our protocol and gives us latencies < 1ms.
--- edit ---
Turns out I was completely wrong. All that was necessary was to increase the kernel tick rate. The default 100 ticks added the 10ms delay. 1000Hz and a negative nice value for the serial process gives me the time behavior I wanted to reach.
Serial ports on linux are "wrapped" into unix-style terminal constructs, which hits you with 1 tick lag, i.e. 10ms. Try if stty -F /dev/ttySx raw low_latency helps, no guarantees though.
On a PC, you can go hardcore and talk to standard serial ports directly, issue setserial /dev/ttySx uart none to unbind linux driver from serial port hw and control the port via inb/outb to port registers. I've tried that, it works great.
The downside is you don't get interrupts when data arrives and you have to poll the register. often.
You should be able to do same on the arm device side, may be much harder on exotic serial port hw.
Here's what setserial does to set low latency on a file descriptor of a port:
ioctl(fd, TIOCGSERIAL, &serial);
serial.flags |= ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY;
ioctl(fd, TIOCSSERIAL, &serial);
In short: Use a USB adapter and ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY.
I've used a FT232RL based USB adapter on Modbus at 115.2 kbs.
I get about 5 transactions (to 4 devices) in about 20 mS total with ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY. This includes two transactions to a slow-poke device (4 mS response time).
Without ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY the total time is about 60 mS.
With FTDI USB adapters ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY sets the inter-character timer on the chip itself to 1 mS (instead of the default 16 mS).
I'm currently using a home-brewed USB adapter and I can set the latency for the adapter itself to whatever value I want. Setting it at 200 µS shaves another mS off that 20 mS.
None of those system calls have an effect on latency. If you want to read and write one byte as fast as possible from userspace, you really aren't going to do better than a simple read()/write() pair. Try replacing the serial stream with a socket from another userspace process and see if the latencies improve. If they don't, then your problems are CPU speed and hardware limitations.
Are you sure your hardware can do this at all? It's not uncommon to find UARTs with a buffer design that introduces many bytes worth of latency.
At those line speeds you should not be seeing latencies that large, regardless of how you check for readiness.
You need to make sure the serial port is in raw mode (so you do "noncanonical reads") and that VMIN and VTIME are set correctly. You want to make sure that VTIME is zero so that an inter-character timer never kicks in. I would probably start with setting VMIN to 1 and tune from there.
The syscall overhead is nothing compared to the time on the wire, so select() vs. poll(), etc. is unlikely to make a difference.

TTY input queue too slow to return data

I've recently noticed a very odd behavior on my system (running on an AT91SAM9G15): Despite the fact I'm reading serial port continuously, TTY driver takes sometimes 1,2s to deliver data from the input queue.
Thing is: I'm not losing any data, it just takes too many calls to read for it to come.
Maybe my code will help to explain the problem.
First off, I set my serial port:
/* 8N1 */
tty.c_cflag = (tty.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8;
/** Parity bit (none) */
tty.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD);
/** Stop bit (1)*/
tty.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
/* Noncanonical mode */
tty.c_lflag = 0;
tty.c_oflag = 0;
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
Later on, select is called:
s_ret = select(rfid_fd + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &port_timeval);
So read() can do its magic:
if ((rd_ret = read(rfid_fd, &recv_buff[u16_recv_len], (u16_req_len - u16_recv_len))) > 0)
Right afterwards, if I keep reading serial port for 15s for example, for several times I can see no data coming and that data, which I know arrived on time (it's timestamped), comes late. Delays in fetching data from input queue may vary from 300ms to 1,5s.
I've tried every kind of setting I could think of. It's tricky now since I don't know if at91 UART drivers aren't delivering data to tty driver or tty driver isn't fetching it? Which is which here?
Any help would be appreciated.
The normal procedure to set port flags is to read the termios structure, save it for later restoring, modify (in a copy of it) the flags you want to change, and do a tcsetattr() call. You have initialised c_lflag = 0; which can have some secondary effects related to your problem.
The next thing you have to consider is reading the documentation about VMIN and VTIME elements. Setting both to 0 makes the driver a non blocking device, so you'll get in a loop trying to read whatever should be in the buffer. But before doing that, think twice that you have two threads competing for putting the characters in the buffer (your process, trying to get it from the buffer and the driver interrupt routine, that tries to put the character just read) without rest. It should be better (and probably here is the problem) to wait for one character to be available, setting VMIN to 1 and VTIME to 0. This makes the driver to awake your process as soon as one character is available, and probably nearer to what you want.
After all this amount of guesses, you haven't post any reproducible code that can be used to check what you say, so this is the most we can do to help you.

Writing out DMA buffers into memory mapped file

I need to write in embedded Linux(2.6.37) as fast as possible incoming DMA buffers to HD partition as raw device /dev/sda1. Buffers are aligned as required and are of equal 512KB length. The process may continue for a very long time and fill as much as, for example, 256GB of data.
I need to use the memory-mapped file technique (O_DIRECT not applicable), but can't understand the exact way how to do this.
So, in pseudo code "normal" writing:
while(1) {
p = GetVirtualPointerToNewBuffer();
if (InputStopped())
write(fd, p, BLOCK512KB);
Now, I will be very thankful for the similar pseudo/real code example of how to utilize memory-mapped technique for this writing.
Thanks to kestasx the latest working test code looks like following:
#define TSIZE (64*KB)
void* TBuf;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int fdi=open("input.dat", O_RDONLY);
//int fdo=open("/dev/sdb2", O_RDWR);
int fdo=open("output.dat", O_RDWR);
int i, offs=0;
void* addr;
i = posix_memalign(&TBuf, TSIZE, TSIZE);
if ((fdo < 1) || (fdi < 1)) {
printf("Error in files\n");
return -1; }
while(1) {
addr = mmap((void*)TBuf, TSIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fdo, offs);
if ((unsigned int)addr == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) {
printf("Error MMAP=%d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
return -1; }
i = read(fdi, TBuf, TSIZE);
if (i != TSIZE) {
printf("End of data\n");
return 0; }
i = munmap(addr, TSIZE);
offs += TSIZE;
1. To precisely imitate the DMA work, I need to move read() call before mmp(), because when the DMA finishes it provides me with the address where it has put data. So, in pseudo code:
while(1) {
read(fdi, TBuf, TSIZE);
addr = mmap((void*)TBuf, TSIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_FIXED|MAP_SHARED, fdo, offs);
munmap(addr, TSIZE);
offs += TSIZE; }
This variant fails after(!) the first loop - read() says BAD ADDRESS on TBuf.
Without understanding exactly what I do, I substituted munmap() with msync(). This worked perfectly.
So, the question here - why unmapping the addr influenced on TBuf?
2.With the previous example working I went to the real system with the DMA. The same loop, just instead of read() call is the call which waits for a DMA buffer to be ready and its virtual address provided.
There are no error, the code runs, BUT nothing is recorded (!).
My thought was that Linux does not see that the area was updated and therefore does not sync() a thing.
To test this, I eliminated in the working example the read() call - and yes, nothing was recorded too.
So, the question here - how can I tell Linux that the mapped region contains new data, please, flush it!
Thanks a lot!!!
If I correctly understand, it makes sense if You mmap() file (not sure if it You can mmap() raw partition/block-device) and data via DMA is written directly to this memory region.
For this to work You need to be able to control p (where new buffer is placed) or address where file is maped. If You don't - You'll have to copy memory contents (and will lose some benefits of mmap).
So psudo code would be:
truncate("data.bin", 256GB);
fd = open( "data.bin", O_RDWR );
p = GetVirtualPointerToNewBuffer();
adr = mmap( p, 1GB, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset_in_file );
munmap( adr, 1GB );
This is first step only and I'm not completely sure if it will work with DMA (have no such experience).
I assume it is 32bit system, but even then 1GB mapped file size may be too big (if Your RAM is smaller You'll be swaping).
If this setup will work, next step would be to make loop to map regions of file at different offsets and unmap already filled ones.
Most likely You'll need to align addr to 4KB boundary.
When You'll unmap region, it's data will be synced to disk. So You'll need some testing to select appropriate mapped region size (while next region is filled by DMA, there must be enough time to unmap/write previous one).
What exactly happens when You fill mmap'ed region via DMA I simply don't know (not sure how exactly dirty pages are detected: what is done by hardware, and what must be done by software).
UPDATE2: To my best knowledge:
DMA works the following way:
CPU arranges DMA transfer (address where to write transfered data in RAM);
DMA controller does the actual work, while CPU can do it's own work in parallel;
once DMA transfer is complete - DMA controller signals CPU via IRQ line (interrupt), so CPU can handle the result.
This seems simple while virtual memory is not involved: DMA should work independently from runing process (actual VM table in use by CPU). Yet it should be some mehanism to invalidate CPU cache for modified by DMA physical RAM pages (don't know if CPU needs to do something, or it is done authomatically by hardware).
mmap() forks the following way:
after successfull call of mmap(), file on disk is attached to process memory range (most likely some data structure is filled in OS kernel to hold this info);
I/O (reading or writing) from mmaped range triggers pagefault, which is handled by kernel loading appropriate blocks from atached file;
writes to mmaped range are handled by hardware (don't know how exactly: maybe writes to previously unmodified pages triger some fault, which is handled by kernel marking these pages dirty; or maybe this marking is done entirely in hardware and this info is available to kernel when it needs to flush modified pages to disk).
modified (dirty) pages are written to disk by OS (as it sees appropriate) or can be forced via msync() or munmap()
In theory it should be possible to do DMA transfers to mmaped range, but You need to find out, how exactly pages ar marked dirty (if You need to do something to inform kernel which pages need to be written to disk).
Even if modified by DMA pages are not marked dirty, You should be able to triger marking by rewriting (reading ant then writing the same) at least one value in each page (most likely each 4KB) transfered. Just make sure this rewriting is not removed (optimised out) by compiler.
It seems file opened O_WRONLY can't be mmap'ed (see question comments, my experimets confirm this too). It is logical conclusion of mmap() workings described above. The same is confirmed here (with reference to POSIX standart requirement to ensure file is readable regardless of maping protection flags).
Unless there is some way around, it actually means that by using mmap() You can't avoid reading of results file (unnecessary step in Your case).
Regarding DMA transfers to mapped range, I think it will be a requirement to ensure maped pages are preloalocated before DMA starts (so there is real memory asigned to both DMA and maped region). On Linux there is MAP_POPULATE mmap flag, but from manual it seams it works with MAP_PRIVATE mapings only (changes are not writen to disk), so most likely it is usuitable. Likely You'll have to triger pagefaults manually by accessing each maped page. This should triger reading of results file.
If You still wish to use mmap and DMA together, but avoid reading of results file, You'll have to modify kernel internals to allow mmap to use O_WRONLY files (for example by zero-filling trigered pages, instead of reading them from disk).

vmsplice() and TCP

In the original vmsplice() implementation, it was suggested that if you had a user-land buffer 2x the maximum number of pages that could fit in a pipe, a successful vmsplice() on the second half of the buffer would guarantee that the kernel was done using the first half of the buffer.
But that was not true after all, and particularly for TCP, the kernel pages would be kept until receiving ACK from the other side. Fixing this was left as future work, and thus for TCP, the kernel would still have to copy the pages from the pipe.
vmsplice() has the SPLICE_F_GIFT option that sort-of deals with this, but the problem is that this exposes two other problems - how to efficiently get fresh pages from the kernel, and how to reduce cache trashing. The first issue is that mmap requires the kernel to clear the pages, and the second issue is that although mmap might use the fancy kscrubd feature in the kernel, that increases the working set of the process (cache trashing).
Based on this, I have these questions:
What is the current state for notifying userland about the safe re-use of pages? I am especially interested in pages splice()d onto a socket (TCP). Did anything happen during the last 5 years?
Is mmap / vmsplice / splice / munmap the current best practice for zero-copying in a TCP server or have we better options today?
Yes, due to the TCP socket holding on to the pages for an indeterminate time you cannot use the double-buffering scheme mentioned in the example code. Also, in my use case the pages come from circular buffer so I cannot gift the pages to the kernel and alloc fresh pages. I can verify that I am seeing data corruption in the received data.
I resorted to polling the level of the TCP socket's send queue until it drains to 0. This fixes data corruption but is suboptimal because draining the send queue to 0 affects throughput.
n = ::vmsplice(mVmsplicePipe.fd.w, &iov, 1, 0);
while (n) {
// splice pipe to socket
m = ::splice(mVmsplicePipe.fd.r, NULL, mFd, NULL, n, 0);
n -= m;
while(1) {
int outsize=0;
int result;
result = ::ioctl(mFd, SIOCOUTQ, &outsize);
if (result == 0) {
LOG_NOISE("outsize %d", outsize);
} else {
//if (outsize <= (bufLen >> 1)) {
if (outsize == 0) {
LOG("outsize %d <= %u", outsize, bufLen>>1);

Serial port : not able to write big chunk of data

I am trying to send text data from one PC to other using Serial cable. One of the PC is running linux and I am sending data from it using write(2) system call. The log size is approx 65K bytes but the write(2) system call returns some 4K bytes (i.e. this much amount of data is getting transferred). I tried breaking the data in chunks of 4K but write(2) returns -1.
My question is that "Is there any buffer limit for writing data on serial port? or can I send data of any size?. Also do I need to continously read data from other PC as I write 4K chunk of data"
Do I need to do any special configuration in termios structure for sending (huge) data?
The transmit buffer is one page (took a look at Linux 2.6.18 sources) - which is 4K in most (if not all) cases.
The other end must read (don't know the size of the receive buffer), but more importantly you should not write faster than the serial port can transmit, if you are using 115200 bps 8-N-1 you can write the 4K chunk approximately 3 times a second. (115200 / 9 / 4096 = 3.125)
Yes, there is a buffer limit - but when you reach that limit, the write() should block.
When write() returns -1, what is errno set to?
Make sure that the receiver is reading.
You should update the current position it your buffer from the write(), and continue the next write from there. (Applies to all writes(), regardless if the fd is a serial port, tcp socket or a file.)
If you get an error back for subsequent writes. Judging by the manpage, its safe to retry the writes for the following errnos: EAGAIN, EINTR, and probably ENOSPC. Use perror() to see what you get. (..and post it, I am curious.)
EFBIG would seem to indicate that you are trying to write using a buffer (or rather count) that is too large, but that is probably much larger than 64k.
If the internal buffer is filled up, because you are writing to fast, try to (nano)sleep a little between the writes. There are several clever ways of doing this (like tcp does), but if the rate is known, just write at a fixed rate.
If you think the receiver is actually reading, but not much happens, have a look at the serial ports flow-control options and if the cable is wired for DTS/RTS.
