Decision tree model with R, recall and precision - decision-tree

I made a decision tree model.
I obtained recall and precision for my model. However, I need to obtain recall and precision for each node.
How can I do that with R?
My code:
tree1<- rpart(Interested ~ . , data= training_set, method = 'class', control =rpart.control(minsplit =16, minbucket =16 , cp=0))
rpart.plot(tree1, extra = 4) # pic 1.2
plotcp(tree1) #min error : 0.000219
ptree1 <- prune(tree1, cp=0.000219)
rpart.plot(ptree1, extra = 4, uniform=TRUE) #--trining
pred=predict(tree1, training_set, type='class')
table(pred = pred, true=training_set$Interested)


A batch-normalization error in the epsilon of tensorflow

We found that the implementation of tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization does not conform to its mathematical model. The cause of the problem may come from its epsilon or variance parameter. The occurrence of error is specifically divided into four steps:
(1)Initialize a BN operator (i.e. source_model), randomly input an input (i.e. data), and get an output (i.e. source_result);
(2)Randomly generate a perturbation (i.e. delta). Add the variance of source_model to delta, and subtract delta from epsilon to get a new BN operator (i.e. follow_model);
(3)Input data to follow_model and get a follow_result;
(4)Calculate the distance between source_result and follow_result. Theoretically, it should be small or even 0, in practice it can get a result greater than 1
# from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization, Input
# from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, clone_model
from tensorflow._api.v1.keras.layers import BatchNormalization, Input
from tensorflow._api.v1.keras.models import Model, clone_model
import os
import re
import numpy as np
def SourceModel(shape):
x = Input(shape=shape[1:])
y = BatchNormalization(axis=-1)(x)
return Model(x, y)
def FollowModel_1(source_model):
follow_model = clone_model(source_model)
# read weights
weights = source_model.get_weights()
weights_names = [ for layer in source_model.layers for weight in layer.weights]
variance_idx = FindWeightsIdx("variance", weights_names)
# mutation operator
# delta = np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, 1)[0]
follow_model.layers[1].epsilon += delta # mutation epsilon
weights[variance_idx] -= delta
return follow_model
def FindWeightsIdx(name, weights_names):
# find layer index by name
for idx, names in enumerate(weights_names):
if, names):
return idx
return -1
os.environ['TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH'] = 'true'
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID"
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1"
shape = (10, 32, 32, 3)
data = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape)
delta = -1
source_model = SourceModel(shape)
follow_model = FollowModel_1(source_model)
source_result = source_model.predict(data)
follow_result = follow_model.predict(data)
dis = np.sum(abs(source_result-follow_result))
print("delta:", delta, "; dis:", dis)
No matter how big delta is, dis should be smaller, but it is not. This shows that there may be a bug in the batch-norm operator of tensorflow. This problem occurs in both tf1.x and tf2.x
delta: -1 ; dis: 4497.482
I wouldn't call this is a bug so much as undocumented behavior.
I noticed that, with your code, I did not get any difference for delta > 0, or in fact any delta > -0.001 -- the default epsilon is 0.001, so using a larger delta means we still have epsilon > 0. Any larger negative delta (in particular -1 as in your example) will cause epsilon < 0.
Is epsilon < 0 a problem? Yes, because you need to prevent dividing by 0 when dividing by the variance. Variance is always > 0, so subtracting something here might cause a divide by 0. The more pertinent issue is that epsilon is added to the variance, and then the square root is taken to get the standard deviation, which would crash in case variance + epsilon is < 0, which can happen for small variance and epsilon < 0.
My hunch was that somewhere in the code, they do something like taking abs(epsilon) to prevent such issues. However, I couldn't find anything in the layer implementation and also not in the op that is used by the layer.
However, BN by default uses a "fused" implementation which is faster. This is here. And there we see these lines:
# Set a minimum epsilon to 1.001e-5, which is a requirement by CUDNN to
# prevent exception (see cudnn.h).
min_epsilon = 1.001e-5
epsilon = epsilon if epsilon > min_epsilon else min_epsilon
So indeed, epsilon is always positive. The only thing I don't understand is, you can pass fused=False to the BN constructor, and this should use the more basic implementation, where I couldn't find anything that modifies epsilon. But when I tested it, the issue still remained. Not sure what the problem is...
tl;dr: You have epsilon < 0. Don't do that, it's bad.

How to measure sensitivity, speficity, PPV and NPV from confusion matrix for multiclass multiclassification [migrated]

I wonder how to compute precision and recall using a confusion matrix for a multi-class classification problem. Specifically, an observation can only be assigned to its most probable class / label. I would like to compute:
Precision = TP / (TP+FP)
Recall = TP / (TP+FN)
for each class, and then compute the micro-averaged F-measure.
In a 2-hypothesis case, the confusion matrix is usually:
Declare H1
Declare H0
Is H1
Is H0
where I've used something similar to your notation:
TP = true positive (declare H1 when, in truth, H1),
FN = false negative (declare H0 when, in truth, H1),
FP = false positive
TN = true negative
From the raw data, the values in the table would typically be the counts for each occurrence over the test data. From this, you should be able to compute the quantities you need.
The generalization to multi-class problems is to sum over rows / columns of the confusion matrix. Given that the matrix is oriented as above, i.e., that
a given row of the matrix corresponds to specific value for the "truth", we have:
$\text{Precision}_{~i} = \cfrac{M_{ii}}{\sum_j M_{ji}}$
$\text{Recall}_{~i} = \cfrac{M_{ii}}{\sum_j M_{ij}}$
That is, precision is the fraction of events where we correctly declared $i$
out of all instances where the algorithm declared $i$. Conversely, recall is the fraction of events where we correctly declared $i$ out of all of the cases where the true of state of the world is $i$.
Good summary paper, looking at these metrics for multi-class problems:
Sokolova, M., & Lapalme, G. (2009). A systematic analysis of performance measures for classification tasks. Information Processing and Management, 45, p. 427-437. (pdf)
The abstract reads:
This paper presents a systematic analysis of twenty four performance
measures used in the complete spectrum of Machine Learning
classification tasks, i.e., binary, multi-class, multi-labelled, and
hierarchical. For each classification task, the study relates a set of
changes in a confusion matrix to specific characteristics of data.
Then the analysis concentrates on the type of changes to a confusion
matrix that do not change a measure, therefore, preserve a
classifier’s evaluation (measure invariance). The result is the
measure invariance taxonomy with respect to all relevant label
distribution changes in a classification problem. This formal analysis
is supported by examples of applications where invariance properties
of measures lead to a more reliable evaluation of classifiers. Text
classification supplements the discussion with several case studies.
Using sklearn or tensorflow and numpy:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
# or:
# from tensorflow.math import confusion_matrix
import numpy as np
labels = ...
predictions = ...
cm = confusion_matrix(labels, predictions)
recall = np.diag(cm) / np.sum(cm, axis = 1)
precision = np.diag(cm) / np.sum(cm, axis = 0)
To get overall measures of precision and recall, use then
#Cristian Garcia code can be reduced by sklearn.
>>> from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
>>> y_true = [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]
>>> y_pred = [0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1]
>>> precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro')
Here is a different view from the other answers that I think will be helpful to others. The goal here is to allow you to compute these metrics using basic laws of probability.
First, it helps to understand what a confusion matrix is telling us in general. Let $Y$ represent a class label and $\hat Y$ represent a class prediction. In the binary case, let the two possible values for $Y$ and $\hat Y$ be $0$ and $1$, which represent the classes. Next, suppose that the confusion matrix for $Y$ and $\hat Y$ is:
$\hat Y = 0$
$\hat Y = 1$
$Y = 0$
$Y = 1$
With hindsight, let us normalize the rows and columns of this confusion matrix, such that the sum of all elements of the confusion matrix is $1$. Currently, the sum of all elements of the confusion matrix is $10 + 20 + 30 + 40 = 100$, which is our normalization factor. After dividing the elements of the confusion matrix by the normalization factor, we get the following normalized confusion matrix:
$\hat Y = 0$
$\hat Y = 1$
$Y = 0$
$Y = 1$
With this formulation of the confusion matrix, we can interpret $Y$ and $\hat Y$ slightly differently. We can interpret them as jointly Bernoulli (binary) random variables, where their normalized confusion matrix represents their joint probability mass function. When we interpret $Y$ and $\hat Y$ this way, the definitions of precision and recall are much easier to remember using Bayes' rule and the law of total probability:
\text{Precision} &= P(Y = 1 \mid \hat Y = 1) = \frac{P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 1)}{P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 1) + P(Y = 0 , \hat Y = 1)} \\
\text{Recall} &= P(\hat Y = 1 \mid Y = 1) = \frac{P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 1)}{P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 1) + P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 0)}
How do we determine these probabilities? We can estimate them using the normalized confusion matrix. From the table above, we see that
P(Y = 0 , \hat Y = 0) &\approx \frac{1}{10} \\
P(Y = 0 , \hat Y = 1) &\approx \frac{2}{10} \\
P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 0) &\approx \frac{3}{10} \\
P(Y = 1 , \hat Y = 1) &\approx \frac{4}{10}
Therefore, the precision and recall for this specific example are
\text{Precision} &= P(Y = 1 \mid \hat Y = 1) = \frac{\frac{4}{10}}{\frac{4}{10} + \frac{2}{10}} = \frac{4}{4 + 2} = \frac{2}{3} \\
\text{Recall} &= P(\hat Y = 1 \mid Y = 1) = \frac{\frac{4}{10}}{\frac{4}{10} + \frac{3}{10}} = \frac{4}{4 + 3} = \frac{4}{7}
Note that, from the calculations above, we didn't really need to normalize the confusion matrix before computing the precision and recall. The reason for this is that, because of Bayes' rule, we end up dividing one value that is normalized by another value that is normalized, which means that the normalization factor can be cancelled out.
A nice thing about this interpretation is that it can be generalized to confusion matrices of any size. In the case where there are more than 2 classes, $Y$ and $\hat Y$ are no longer considered to be jointly Bernoulli, but rather jointly categorical. Moreover, we would need to specify which class we are computing the precision and recall for. In fact, the definitions above may be interpreted as the precision and recall for class $1$. We can also compute the precision and recall for class $0$, but these have different names in the literature.

use of base_score parameter in R for XGBoost multiclass problem

Im trying to understand how a xgboost works for a multiclass problem. I have used the IRIS dataset to predict which species an input belongs to based on its characteristics and computed results in R.
The code is below
test <-
test$y <- ifelse(test$Species=="setosa",0,
x_iris <- test[,c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width","Petal.Length","Petal.Width")]
y_iris <- test[,"y"]
iris_model <- xgboost(data = data.matrix(x_iris), label = y_iris, eta = 0.1, base_score = 0.5, nround=1,
subsample = 1, colsample_bytree = 1, num_class = 3, max_depth = 4, lambda = 0,
eval_metric = "mlogloss", objective = "multi:softprob")
xgb.plot.tree(model = iris_model, feature_names = colnames(x_iris))
I tried to manually compute the results and compare the gain and cover value with the R output. I have noticed a couple of things:
The initial probability is always 1/(num of classes) irrespective of what we provide in the
‘base_score’ parameter in R. The 'base_score' actually gets added at the end, to the final
log_odds value and it matches with the R output when we run the predict function to get log of odds. In the case of binary classification, the ‘base_score’ parameter is used as initial probability for the model.
predict(iris_model,data.matrix(x_iris), reshape = TRUE, outputmargin = FALSE)
The loss function is (2.0f * p * (1.0f - p) * wt) for multiclass problems and
(p * (1.0f - p) * wt) for binary problems.
There is an explanation for loss function in the github repo , but no info on why the base_score gets added at the end.
Is it because the algorithm in R was designed this way or does the XGBoost multiclass algorithm work like this?

Role of class_weight in loss functions for linearSVC and LogisticRegression

I am trying to figure out what exactly the loss function formula is and how I can manually calculate it when class_weight='auto' in case of svm.svc, svm.linearSVC and linear_model.LogisticRegression.
For balanced data, say you have a trained classifier: clf_c. Logistic loss should be (am I correct?):
def logistic_loss(x,y,w,b,b0):
x: nxp data matrix where n is number of data points and p is number of features.
y: nx1 vector of true labels (-1 or 1).
w: nx1 vector of weights (vector of 1./n for balanced data).
b: px1 vector of feature weights.
b0: intercept.
s = y
if 0 in np.unique(y):
print 'yes'
s = 2. * y - 1
l =, np.log(1 + np.exp(-s * (, np.squeeze(b)) + b0))))
return l
I realized that logisticRegression has predict_log_proba() which gives you exactly that when data is balanced:
b, b0 = clf_c.coef_, clf_c.intercept_
w = np.ones(len(y))/len(y)
-(clf_c.predict_log_proba(x[xrange(len(x)), np.floor((y+1)/2).astype(np.int8)]).mean() == logistic_loss(x,y,w,b,b0)
Note, np.floor((y+1)/2).astype(np.int8) simply maps y=(-1,1) to y=(0,1).
But this does not work when data is imbalanced.
What's more, you expect the classifier (here, logisticRegression) to perform similarly (in terms of loss function value) when data in balance and class_weight=None versus when data is imbalanced and class_weight='auto'. I need to have a way to calculate the loss function (without the regularization term) for both scenarios and compare them.
In short, what does class_weight = 'auto' exactly mean? Does it mean class_weight = {-1 : (y==1).sum()/(y==-1).sum() , 1 : 1.} or rather class_weight = {-1 : 1./(y==-1).sum() , 1 : 1./(y==1).sum()}?
Any help is much much appreciated. I tried going through the source code, but I am not a programmer and I am stuck.
Thanks a lot in advance.
class_weight heuristics
I am a bit puzzled by your first proposition for the class_weight='auto' heuristic, as:
class_weight = {-1 : (y == 1).sum() / (y == -1).sum(),
1 : 1.}
is the same as your second proposition if we normalize it so that the weights sum to one.
Anyway to understand what class_weight="auto" does, see this question:
what is the difference between class weight = none and auto in svm scikit learn.
I am copying it here for later comparison:
This means that each class you have (in classes) gets a weight equal
to 1 divided by the number of times that class appears in your data
(y), so classes that appear more often will get lower weights. This is
then further divided by the mean of all the inverse class frequencies.
Note how this is not completely obvious ;).
This heuristic is deprecated and will be removed in 0.18. It will be replaced by another heuristic, class_weight='balanced'.
The 'balanced' heuristic weighs classes proportionally to the inverse of their frequency.
From the docs:
The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust
weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data:
n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)).
np.bincount(y) is an array with the element i being the count of class i samples.
Here's a bit of code to compare the two:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.utils import compute_class_weight
n_classes = 3
n_samples = 1000
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, n_features=20, n_informative=10,
n_classes=n_classes, weights=[0.05, 0.4, 0.55])
print("Count of samples per class: ", np.bincount(y))
balanced_weights = n_samples /(n_classes * np.bincount(y))
# Equivalent to the following, using version 0.17+:
# compute_class_weight("balanced", [0, 1, 2], y)
print("Balanced weights: ", balanced_weights)
print("'auto' weights: ", compute_class_weight("auto", [0, 1, 2], y))
Count of samples per class: [ 57 396 547]
Balanced weights: [ 5.84795322 0.84175084 0.60938452]
'auto' weights: [ 2.40356854 0.3459682 0.25046327]
The loss functions
Now the real question is: how are these weights used to train the classifier?
I don't have a thorough answer here unfortunately.
For SVC and linearSVC the docstring is pretty clear
Set the parameter C of class i to class_weight[i]*C for SVC.
So high weights mean less regularization for the class and a higher incentive for the svm to classify it properly.
I do not know how they work with logistic regression. I'll try to look into it but most of the code is in liblinear or libsvm and I'm not too familiar with those.
However, note that the weights in class_weight do not influence directly methods such as predict_proba. They change its ouput because the classifier optimizes a different loss function.
Not sure this is clear, so here's a snippet to explain what I mean (you need to run the first one for the imports and variable definition):
lr = LogisticRegression(class_weight="auto"), y)
# We get some probabilities...
new_lr = LogisticRegression(class_weight={0: 100, 1: 1, 2: 1}), y)
# We get different probabilities...
# Let's cheat a bit and hand-modify our new classifier.
new_lr.intercept_ = lr.intercept_.copy()
new_lr.coef_ = lr.coef_.copy()
# Now we get the SAME probabilities.
np.testing.assert_array_equal(new_lr.predict_proba(X), lr.predict_proba(X))
Hope this helps.

scikit learn: how to check coefficients significance

i tried to do a LR with SKLearn for a rather large dataset with ~600 dummy and only few interval variables (and 300 K lines in my dataset) and the resulting confusion matrix looks suspicious. I wanted to check the significance of the returned coefficients and ANOVA but I cannot find how to access it. Is it possible at all? And what is the best strategy for data that contains lots of dummy variables? Thanks a lot!
Scikit-learn deliberately does not support statistical inference. If you want out-of-the-box coefficients significance tests (and much more), you can use Logit estimator from Statsmodels. This package mimics interface glm models in R, so you could find it familiar.
If you still want to stick to scikit-learn LogisticRegression, you can use asymtotic approximation to distribution of maximum likelihiood estimates. Precisely, for a vector of maximum likelihood estimates theta, its variance-covariance matrix can be estimated as inverse(H), where H is the Hessian matrix of log-likelihood at theta. This is exactly what the function below does:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
def logit_pvalue(model, x):
""" Calculate z-scores for scikit-learn LogisticRegression.
model: fitted sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression with intercept and large C
x: matrix on which the model was fit
This function uses asymtptics for maximum likelihood estimates.
p = model.predict_proba(x)
n = len(p)
m = len(model.coef_[0]) + 1
coefs = np.concatenate([model.intercept_, model.coef_[0]])
x_full = np.matrix(np.insert(np.array(x), 0, 1, axis = 1))
ans = np.zeros((m, m))
for i in range(n):
ans = ans +[i, :]), x_full[i, :]) * p[i,1] * p[i, 0]
vcov = np.linalg.inv(np.matrix(ans))
se = np.sqrt(np.diag(vcov))
t = coefs/se
p = (1 - norm.cdf(abs(t))) * 2
return p
# test p-values
x = np.arange(10)[:, np.newaxis]
y = np.array([0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1])
model = LogisticRegression(C=1e30).fit(x, y)
print(logit_pvalue(model, x))
# compare with statsmodels
import statsmodels.api as sm
sm_model = sm.Logit(y, sm.add_constant(x)).fit(disp=0)
The outputs of print() are identical, and they happen to be coefficient p-values.
[ 0.11413093 0.08779978]
[ 0.11413093 0.08779979]
sm_model.summary() also prints a nicely formatted HTML summary.
