Alternate API on google cloud for NLP - text

Is there a Nexidia , Aurix alternate API on google cloud for phonetic speedAnalytics on calls? Somewhat like NLP for TextAnalytics


Are there Webhooks for Google My Business (GMB)?

Does Google offer webhooks for Google My Business (GMB)?
I don't see any mention in the official docs:
I have already "googled" this question.
Google My Business does not support webhooks. Instead, you can set up real-time notifications using GCP Pub/Sub.

Google Vision API for QR codes Not on Mobile Platform

I want to use Google's Vision API to extract the value of QR codes found on images that are sent by the user to a node server. Unfortunately, I could not find any solution or API from Google. Google has their own Mobile Vision API for Barcodes but as the name suggests, it is only on the mobile platform. Is there a way for me to do this? Does Google have their own API for this that I may have overlooked?
use instascan, not by google but does the work in any website, example.
use jsQR to read from image

What is the google action and dialogflow agent?

We are doing chatbot project using dialogflow currently. I am confused about the relationship between google action and dialogflow agent.
Dialogflow agent is a chatbot supported via NLP engine. When you create an agent, you can create intents that agents can respond. So, it is a simple text based bot.
Google Action(or Actions on Google) is a kind of platform app for Google Assistant. By building this, you can have an assistant app which works on Google Assistant. It is a chatbot with rich response (such as carousels, basic cards, suggestion chips etc.)
When you create a DialogFlow agent, you can use it in a various platform (such as messenger, telegram etc.). If you integrate it with Actions on Google project and deploy, you will have an assistant app.

How to make 3rd party api call in dialogflow's inline editor

How to make 3rd party api call in dialogflow using inline editor please share if you have some code regarding this.
Thank you
You cannot make external network requests (for example an API call) from the inline editor. You need to deploy your code elsewhere. The easiest way to do this is by deploying to a paid Firebase plan. From Google:
Network calls originating from your Cloud Function for Firebase to destinations outside Google's network require billing to be enabled for the underlying Google Cloud or Firebase project.
You can create an API with the technology that you want, as long as the response from the API can be understand by Dialogflow.
You need to configure it by going to Fulfillment, and point it to your API.
The API needs to respond with this structure: Dialogflow.
And If you plan to integrate with Actions on Google, you have this repository which includes some examples of responses.
And here you have some libraries to interact with Dialogflow with different languages.

ChatBot QnaMaker(Microsoft Azure) vs Lex (Amazon AWS)

Looking to make a chatbot on either Microsoft QnaMaker or Lex.
I would like to be able to make API calls to request answer to the question (node.js), train the bot using the API.
Currently I am using QnaMaker but unfortunately it doesn't seem to have response cards where user can click on it.
I know that Amaazon Lex allows this but do they allow training of bot through API?
Yes, you can make intents, put utterances and slots using the API's.
Lex support two types of API's - Model Building API and Runtime API. What you need is Model Building API.
As you are working with node.js, you should be referring this page and read more and more about putIntent() method.
Hope it helps.
