shell script match data from another text file - linux

i have a shell script
var1=`cat log.json | grep "accountnumber" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'`
echo $var
output of shell script is :-
I want match the above number which is already store in another file (below is the file format ) and print its value .
exapected output

a Compact one line solution can be:
join -t "=" <(sort bf) <(sort fa) | cut -d '=' -f 2
here fa is a file containing out-put of your bash script and bf is the file that has 23466=account-1 format
the output is:

for var1 in $(awk -F ' ' '/accountnumber/{print $1}' log.json)
awk -F= '$1=="'"$var1"'"{print $2}' anotherfile
For a moment there was another answer that almost worked that I think is much slicker than what I wrote. Probably faster / more efficient on large files too. Here it is fixed.
awk -F ' ' '/accountnumber/{print $1}' log.json \
| sort -n \
| join -t= - accountfile \
| cut -d= -f2


Using awk to separate an output containing a tab and a "/" separators into a delimited format

I'll appreciate help in converting this output to a pipe delimited
I have the following output
abcde1234 /path/A/file1
test23455 /path/B/file2345
But I would like in
In awk, If you set FS as [[:blank:]]+/|/ you can print the first and last fields:
awk -v FS='[[:blank:]]+/|/' -v OFS='|' '{print $1, $NF}' file
Here is a one-liner awk solution:
awk -v FS='[ \t].*/' -v OFS='|' '{$1=$1}1' file
and, a sed one-liner:
sed 's%[[:blank:]].*/%|%' file
and a pure bash one
while read -r; do echo "${REPLY%%[[:blank:]]*}|${REPLY##*/}"; done < file
try to use cut 🤷🏻‍♀️.
abcde1234 /path/A/file1
test23455 /path/B/file2345
while IFS= read -r line; do
value1=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f1)
value2=$(echo $line | cut -d '/' -f4)
printf "$value1 $value2\n"
done < <(cat list)

Apply bash script with awk-commands to file

I'm currently working on a bash script to automate a list of regex for a list of links to clean up the file. Currently i'm doing all manually on kate with find/replace, but having it as a script would be more comfortable. Since i'm fairly new to bash scripting, i ask you for help.
Example list of urls:
0: "/suburl0"
1: "/suburl1"
2: "/suburl2"
3: "/suburl3"
4: "/suburl4"
Currently script i have:
awk '[^\x00-\x7F]+' $1 #there are non-ascii chars in the file, so clean it out
awk 'NF' $1 # remove non-character lines
awk '^[0-900]{0,3}: ' $1 #delete all those number infront of the link
awk '"' $1 # remove those quotation marks
awk '!seen[$0]++' $1 #remove duplicate lines
awk '{print "" $0}' $1 #prepend the full url to the suburl
The goal is to apply all those regexes to the file, so the file ends cleaned up
My guess is, that i'm not redirecting the output of awk correctly, but when i tried to pipe it into the file, the file was just empty lines.
A more-or-less translation of what you wanted, without restricting to awk:
cat $1 \
| tr -cd '[:print:][:space:]' \
| grep . \
| sed -r 's/^[0-9]{1,3}: //' \
| tr -d '"' \
| sort -u \
| awk '{print "" $0}'
Note that sort will change the order, I am assuming the order doesn't matter.
Also note that sed -r is GNU.
A slightly simplified and more portable version:
cat $1 \
| tr -cd '[:graph:]\n' \
| grep . \
| tr -d '"' \
| sort -u \
| sed 's,^[0-9]*:,,'

Extract last digits from each word in a string with multiple words using bash

Given a string with multiple words like below, all in one line:
first-second-third-201805241346 first-second-third-201805241348 first-second-third-201805241548 first-second-third-201705241540
I am trying to the maximum number from the string, in this case the answer should be 201805241548
I have tried using awk and grep, but I am only getting the answer as last word in the string.
I am interested in how to get this accomplished.
echo 'first-second-third-201805241346 first-second-third-201805241348 first-second-third-201805241548 first-second-third-201705241540' |\
grep -o '[0-9]\+' | sort -n | tail -1
The relevant part is grep -o '[0-9]\+' | sort -n | tail -n 1.
Using single gnu awk command:
s='first-second-third-201805241346 first-second-third-201805241348 first-second-third-201805241548 first-second-third-201705241540'
awk -F- -v RS='[[:blank:]]+' '$NF>max{max=$NF} END{print max}' <<< "$s"
Or using grep + awk (if gnu awk is not available):
grep -Eo '[0-9]+' <<< "$s" | awk '$1>max{max=$1} END{print max}'
Another awk
echo 'first-...-201705241540' | awk -v RS='[^0-9]+' '$0>max{max=$0} END{print max}'
Gnarly pure bash:
n='first-second-third-201805241346 \
first-second-third-201805241348 \
first-second-third-201805241548 \
p=0 m=0 eval echo -n "${z//\;/\;m=\$((m>p?m:p))\;};m=\$((m>p?m:p))"
echo $m
How it works: This code constructs code, then runs it.
z="${n//+([a-z-])/;p=}" substitutes non-numbers with some pre-code
-- setting $p to the value of each number, (useless on its own). At this point echo $z would output:
;p=201805241346 \ ;p=201805241348 \ ;p=201805241548 \ ;p=201705241540
Substitute the added ;s for more code that sets $m to the
greatest value of $p, which needs eval to run it -- the actual
code the whole line with eval runs looks like this:
p=0 m=0
Print $m.

How get value from text file in linux

I have some file xxx.conf in text format. I have some text "disablelog = 1" in this file.
When I use
grep -r "disablelog" oscam.conf
output is
disablelog = 1
But i need only value 1.
Do you have some idea please?
one way is to use awk to print just the value
grep -r "disablelog" oscam.conf | awk '{print $3}'
you could also use sed to replace diablelog = with empty
grep -r 'disablelog' oscam.conf | sed -e 's/disablelog = //'
If you also want to get the lines with or without space before and after = use
grep -r 'disablelog' oscam.conf | sed 's/disablelog\s*=\s*//'
above command will also match
Assuming you need it as a var in a script:
DISABLELOG=$(awk -F= '/^.*disablelog/{gsub(/ /,"",$2);print $2}' /path/to/oscam.conf)
When calling this script, the output should be 1.
Edit: No matter wether there is whitespace or not between the equals sign and the value, the above will handle that. The regex should be anchored in either way to improve performance.
grep -r "disablelog" oscam.conf | awk -F= '{print $2}'
Just for fun a solution without awk
grep -r disablelog | cut -d= -f2 | xargs
xargs is used here to trim the whitespace

Get N line from unzip -l

I have a jar file, i need to execute the files in it in Linux.
So I need to get the result of the unzip -l command line by line.
I have managed to extract the files names with this command :
unzip -l package.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep com/tests/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3 ;
But i can't figure out how to obtain the file names one after another to execute them.
How can i do it please ?
Thanks a lot.
If all you need the first row in a column, add a pipe and get the first line using head -1
So your one liner will look like :
unzip -l package.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep com/tests/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3 |head -1;
That will give you first line
now, club head and tail to get second line.
unzip -l package.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep com/tests/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3 |head -2 | tail -1;
to get second line.
But from scripting piont of view this is not a good approach. What you need is a loop as below:
for class in `unzip -l el-api.jar | awk '{print $NF}' | grep javax/el/[A-Za-Z] | cut -d "/" -f3`; do echo $class; done;
you can replace echo $class with whatever command you wish - and use $class to get the current class name.
Here is my attempt, which also take into account Daddou's request to remove the .class extension:
unzip -l package.jar | \
awk -F'/' '/com\/tests\/[A-Za-z]/ {sub(/\.class/, "", $NF); print $NF}' | \
while read baseName
echo " $baseName"
The awk command also handles the tasks of grep and cut
The awk command also handles the removal of the .class extension
The result of the awk command is piped into the while read... command
baseName represents the name of the class file, with the .class extension removed
Now, you can do something with that $baseName
