Azure architecture for web to long background service app fabric application - azure

I've been doing some research on how to try to organize an Azure system and would like some feedback on improvements.
I have a web interface that clients will be using. Think of this as a dashboard. This dashboard needs to kick off long running Selenium C# console jobs that run inside a Service Fabric console application.
What is the best way to implement this architecture without having an application constantly run listening for Service Bus message queue messages? I'm thinking during development this could really eat up $.
Initial design thoughts were:
Web app for dashboard - customer facing
The above web application needs to kick off a Service Fabric console application that runs Selenium ChromeDriver.
I was going to achieve this by implementing Service Bus on the web request, and then a listener console application inside Service Fabric that will spin up the Selenium ChromeDriver console application.
Is there a better way to do this aside from having a constant listening polling handler application always running?
I'm not sure how to trigger the Service Bus console application without having the Service Bus listener.

Unless you are talking about Azure Service Fabric Mesh, which is currently in public preview, hosting any process as a Service Fabric application requires a Service Fabric Cluster, meaning you have a Virtual Machine Scale Set running 24x7. Given this fact, I don't understand this part:
What is the best way to implement this architecture without having an application constantly run listening for service bus message queue messages? I'm thinking during development this could really eat up $.
You are already paying for the cluster anyway.
You might be better of skipping Service Fabric and spin up a container doing the work using Azure Container Instances and bring it down once the long running job has completed.


Azure function apps and web sockets

I can see multiple places that web sockets are not supported in function apps. I just want to create a web socket for some seconds and close it down again. So I do not have a need for a complex socket framework. I was wondering why this settings is present if it is not supported? Has Microsoft started supporting this feature?
Azure Functions are generally hosted in 2 ways:
Consumption Plan (Serverless)
App Service Plan (Dedicated)
Consumption Plan (Serverless)
In this plan, the underlying machine is de-provisioned when the server is idle. So, you may lose your active Web-Socket connections when the machine is idle and de-provisioned.
Also, below is the statement from the Microsoft Azure Function team:
There are some challenges here because WebSocket is really a stateful protocol (you have a long lived connection between a given client and a given server) while Azure Functions is designed to be stateless. For example, we will often deprovision a Function App from one VM and start it on a different VM (perhaps in a different scale unit) based on capacity constraints. This is safe to do for us today because of our stateless design - but if we did it when there were WebSockets connections to that VM, we'd be terminating those connections. Source: GitHub
App Service Plan (Dedicated)
If you are using a dedicated App Service Plan, then Web Sockets will work for sure, because there is a machine in the background which is not serverless (always available).
Just make sure you have enabled Web Sockets in the configuration (as you have done already).
Check web-socket connection limits for App Service Plans from here -
App Service limits

How detailed is the Application Insights telemetry using Docker hosted in Azure Container Instances

When I deployed my app to Azure App Service I got quite awesome telemetry out of the box.
Some of the telemetry data is generated by the App Service itself, some of it by my ASP.NET Core app that is using Application Insights logging.
As a result I could find out slow http requests, all application and IIS logs related to the request and see a nice chart showing where the time was spent, e.g. waiting for a SQL query or some http call.
I wonder how much of this telemetry can I get if I decide to go with Azure Container Instances.
The telemetry collected from the application itself using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK- you'd pretty much everything of that irrespective of where app is runnning - vm or container or app service.
When you run the Application Insights image on your Docker host, you get these benefits:
Lifecycle telemetry about all the containers running on the host - start, stop, and so on.
Performance counters for all the containers. CPU, memory, network usage, and more.
If you installed Application Insights SDK for Java in the apps running in the containers, all the telemetry of those apps will have additional properties identifying the container and host machine. So for example, if you have instances of an app running in more than one host, you can easily filter your app telemetry by host.

SignalR Actors or Stateless Services

I'm looking into migrating an application to Service Fabric running on Azure. It's a realtime chat-style application using SignalR. I'd like to have an instance of a service running, self-hosting a SignalR hub (via OWIN) for each "affinity group" in which users are communicating. This is so I can avoid having to scale out SignalR with a backplane. I'd like to be able to spin these services up and down as groups of users enter and leave my application. I would expect I could host tens of these services per VM with a typical load of hundreds of users per group.
My idea is that I'd have a service locator that clients connect to initially to discover which service (port) is hosting their group. I would also have a service that spun up an instance of the chat service when the first request for that group came in.
How would I architect this in Service Fabric on Azure so that a) each of the services/actors is accessible with a SignalR client from the internet? and b) I'm only running as many services as necessary to serve m active groups out of n total groups? The demand for this app is very transient and spiky, so I'm hoping to take advantage of the fact that services are simply processes and can be provisioned in a matter of seconds vs. my current scenario where I have to spin up entire cloud services and wait tens of minutes to handle spikes (at which point it's too late)
You would do a few things:
Have a "service manager service" that intercepted initial join requests and created new Service Fabric services on the fly if they didn't already exist OR if they did already exist resolve the service's current location and then return that address to the client
Alternatively they could just pass back the internal service name (if you're ok exposing that information) and the client could do the resolution and then connection. To some degree this will depend on how much info you want to expose to the client, whether you can or want to modify it to "know about" Service Fabric, etc.
The client would then connect to the actual backing service directly
You would have to come up with some sort of mechanism for the actual chat services to know that there is nobody left and to either delete themselves or to go back through the manager.
You probably would be best off modeling the chat service as a Reliable Service rather than an actor as the Reliable Services stack allows more flexibility around communication protocols/stacks.

Is it safe to host NServiceBus subscribers (message/event handlers) under IIS (including Azure Web Roles)

We are designing a system that is web based but also uses NServiceBus and Azure Service Bus to communicate. We have an on premiss server running IIS for the application and also several cloud services running web roles for communicating with external parties (those parties call on a RESTful interface in the cloud and the message is put on the bus or vice versa).
Both the cloud solutions and the on premiss server need to subscribe and publish messages. The publishing does not seem an issue but what happens to those subscriptions if IIS shuts down the processes, do they get woken again when a message arrives or is the service bus really pull based subscription so requiring an active listener.
I have seen questions on here about hosting publishers but nothing about the safety of subscribers.
Extra Info:
Quite by chance we noticed that sometimes in our development environment the applications would need to be started a couple of times before the messages would start arriving. However it occurred to me that if there were actually messages already in the queue when the application started then they would be processed and otherwise not. So the restart just means that it sees older messages and processes them then once running it gets on just fine. However another colleague noted that nsb related startup log files were only being generated after he visited the website hosted in the same web application for the first time. I have just had a similar problem, messages were in the queue but the breakpoint on the handler was not being hit. When I hit a webapi method on the same iis application instance suddenly messages were being processed. So my conclusion from this is that no, it is not safe to host a subscriber under iis or in this case even a web role.
I am answering my own question based on my experience rather than any deep knowledge of NServiceBus or Azure Service Bus.
It seems that it is not safe to rely on the service bus listener to be active under IIS or a web role. Both can shut down the process and, as the bus listener relies on polling the service rather than messages being pushed to the listener from the service, so no further messages will be received until the process starts again.
The good news is that the process will be restarted when the associated web site or web service is hit. so if you absolutely know that you will receive more traffic on the site than on the bus then you might take the risk that the bus listener will remain active. However for our project we are in the process of splitting the listener into a separate windows service.

WebRole vs WorkerRole

Hi I am implementing a TCPIP listener in Azure WorkerRole. The WorkerRole listens for incoming TCP data and stores it in Azure Table Storage.
Everything is working fine when i do this in Run() of WorkerRole.
But when implement the same thing in a Run() of WebRole, i get a message "WebIIS has exited" and debug mode exits in dev environment.
Why is this?
Can some one explain where the WebRole difers from WorkerRole? Can we implement a TCPIP listener which continuously listens in a WebRole?
Just think that WebRole works like a Web Application. by receiving a request then it returns a reponse while Worker Role works like a Windows Service. Although both can hand TPC messages they difers in the way they hand it. Web Role only will be available while process the request. Worker Role will be available constantly. If you want a Web Role to be continuosly listening a TCP channel the most probably is that Worker Role will fit your requierements better.
My answer on a similar question:
In short, web roles are for IIS, and worker roles are for everything else. In this case, I think you want a worker role.
What is an Azure Cloud Service Role?
In Azure, a Cloud Service Role is a collection of managed, load-balanced, Platform-as-a-Service virtual machines that work together to perform common tasks. Cloud Service Roles are managed by Azure fabric controller and provide the ultimate combination of scalability, control, and customization
What is a Web Role?
Web Role is a Cloud Service role in Azure that is configured and customized to run web applications developed on programming languages / technologies that are supported by Internet Information Services (IIS), such as ASP.NET, PHP, Windows Communication Foundation and Fast CGI.
What is a Worker Role?
Worker Role is any role in Azure that runs applications and services level tasks, which generally do not require IIS. In Worker Roles, IIS is not installed by default. They are mainly used to perform supporting background processes along with Web Roles and do tasks such as automatically compressing uploaded images, run scripts when something changes in database, get new messages from queue and process and more.
