VBA/Formula logic advice - excel

I have a VBA/Formula logic issue which I hope to pick your brains on.
Step 1
User completes a data table from Column C Row 2 onward which tells a macro how many times to duplicate the row by per Column B Row 2.
I have a formula which then populates Column A Row 2 with the column header:
The above formula will only populate the first column Name which is great if we are not duplicating the rows. However, the issue is that I need to populate the column header of the row that has been duplicated so it looks at the column after the first one of that row.
Step 2
This is what the finished data table should look like:
Any advice would be appreciated.

Option Explicit
Const TitleRow As Integer = 1
Const StartGenColumn As Integer = 47 ' AU
Sub GenerateRows()
Dim SrcRow As Integer, DestRow As Integer, SrcCol As Integer
Dim NumCoreColumns As Integer, LastGenColumn As Integer
Dim SrcWS As Worksheet, DestWS As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
NumCoreColumns = StartGenColumn - 1
' find the last column
LastGenColumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(TitleRow, ActiveSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' check if it has the totals
If InStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(TitleRow + 1, LastGenColumn).Formula, "SUM") Then
LastGenColumn = LastGenColumn - 1
' put in a total so that we can tell when we've finished processing
ActiveSheet.Cells(TitleRow + 1, LastGenColumn + 1).Formula = "=SUM(" & ColLetter(StartGenColumn) & (TitleRow + 1) & _
":" & ColLetter(LastGenColumn) & (TitleRow + 1) & ")"
' fill down
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(TitleRow + 1, LastGenColumn + 1), Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, LastGenColumn + 1)).FillDown
End If
Set SrcWS = ActiveSheet
If LastGenColumn > StartGenColumn Then
' create the new worksheet
Set DestWS = ActiveSheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' populate the titles
SrcWS.Range(SrcWS.Cells(TitleRow, 1), SrcWS.Cells(TitleRow, NumCoreColumns)).Copy
' always at top of new sheet
DestWS.Range(DestWS.Cells(1, 1), DestWS.Cells(1, NumCoreColumns)).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
SrcRow = TitleRow + 1
DestRow = 2
' while we still have something to do
Do While SrcWS.Cells(SrcRow, LastGenColumn + 1) <> "" And SrcWS.Cells(SrcRow, LastGenColumn + 1) > 0
' copy the core data
SrcWS.Range(SrcWS.Cells(SrcRow, 1), SrcWS.Cells(SrcRow, NumCoreColumns)).Copy
' what to we need to generate
For SrcCol = StartGenColumn To LastGenColumn
For i = 1 To SrcWS.Cells(SrcRow, SrcCol).Value
DestWS.Range(DestWS.Cells(DestRow, 1), DestWS.Cells(DestRow, NumCoreColumns)).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
' copy in the title and colour
DestWS.Cells(DestRow, 1).Value = SrcWS.Cells(TitleRow, SrcCol).Value
DestWS.Cells(DestRow, 1).Interior.Color = SrcWS.Cells(TitleRow, SrcCol).Interior.Color
DestRow = DestRow + 1
Next i
Next SrcCol
SrcRow = SrcRow + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
DestWS.Cells(1, 1).EntireColumn.AutoFit
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
Private Function ColLetter(Col As Integer) As String
Dim Arr
Arr = Split(Cells(1, Col).Address(True, False), "$")
ColLetter = Arr(0)
End Function


How to Paste Data in Columns and Rows in this way

i have some label data to print in columns and rows format based on the user defined input Value. their are 3 main inputs based conditions:
1) No of starting label to skip 2) No of label per Row 3) No of Rows Per page
I have one data sheet which has data in column A and No of copies to be printed in column B. i am attaching examples images with different input and output in page i expect to be printed. Also giving link to code which could be relevant for my purpose.
Data Sheet
Print Sheet
My codes are limited to 3 columns with unlimited rows and without skip
Here Can you tweak these codes for Userform : Make it small and efficient are codes for dynamic userfrom textbox creation given by #Brian M Stafford but not sure how to implement for this purpose
Public Sub GenerateLabels()
Dim CopyRowValue As String
Dim SecondDataCol, ThirdDataCol, FirstDataCol As Long
Dim SecondDataRow, ThirdDataRow, FirstDataRow As Long
Set shdata = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
Set shgenerate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LabelGenerate")
Set shDesignFormat = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LabelDesignFormatBeforePrint")
FirstDataCol = shgenerate.Cells(1, shgenerate.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
SecondDataCol = shgenerate.Cells(1, shgenerate.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
ThirdDataCol = shgenerate.Cells(1, shgenerate.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
FirstDataRow = shgenerate.Cells(shgenerate.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
SecondDataRow = shgenerate.Cells(shgenerate.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
ThirdDataRow = shgenerate.Cells(shgenerate.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
'======== Copy From Data Sheet============
Last_Row = Sheets("Database").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For r = 2 To Last_Row
shdata.Cells(x, "A").Copy
shDesignFormat.Range("B3").Paste 'pasting data to design sheet before print (to format data)
CopyRowValue = Worksheets("Database").Cells(r, "B").value
For r2 = 1 To CopyRowValue
'=====Paste to Generate Sheet ====
'Cells(FirstDataRow + 1, FirstDataCol + 1).Offset(0, 0).Select
If IsEmpty(shgenerate.Cells(FirstDataRow + 0, FirstDataCol + 0).Offset(0, 0).value) = True Then
shDesignFormat.Range("B3").Copy _
Destination:=shgenerate.Cells(FirstDataRow + 0, FirstDataCol + 0).Offset(0, 0)
ElseIf IsEmpty(shgenerate.Cells(SecondDataRow + 0, SecondDataCol + 2).Offset(0, 0).value) = True Then 'offset used to find empty cell if design layout changed
shDesignFormat.Range("B3").Copy _
Destination:=shgenerate.Cells(SecondDataRow + 0, SecondDataCol + 2).Offset(0, 0)
ElseIf IsEmpty(shgenerate.Cells(ThirdDataRow + 0, ThirdDataCol + 4).Offset(0, 0).value) = True Then
shDesignFormat.Range("B3").Copy _
Destination:=shgenerate.Cells(ThirdDataRow + 0, ThirdDataCol + 4).Offset(0, 0)
SecondDataRow = SecondDataRow + 2
ThirdDataRow = ThirdDataRow + 2
FirstDataRow = FirstDataRow + 2
End If
Next r2
Next r
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Looking at your code, my first thought was it could be simplified. Once I did this, I began modifying to add needed requirements. The main task was keeping track of the current location. The code ended up like this:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GenerateLabels(ByVal LabelsToSkip As Integer, ByVal LabelsPerRow As Integer, ByVal RowsPerPage As Integer)
Dim shdata As Worksheet
Dim shgenerate As Worksheet
Dim shDesignFormat As Worksheet
Dim curRow As Long
Dim curCol As Long
Dim RowsPerPageCount As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim r2 As Long
Set shdata = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
Set shgenerate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LabelGenerate")
Set shDesignFormat = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LabelDesignFormatBeforePrint")
curRow = 1
curCol = 1
RowsPerPageCount = 1
For r = 2 To shdata.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'======== Copy From Data Sheet============
shdata.Cells(r, "A").Copy
shDesignFormat.Range("B3").PasteSpecial 'pasting data to design sheet before print (to format data)
For r2 = 1 To shdata.Cells(r, "B").Value + LabelsToSkip
'=====Paste to Generate Sheet ====
If curCol > LabelsPerRow * 2 Then '* 2 for double spacing
curCol = 1
If RowsPerPage > 0 And (RowsPerPageCount + 1) Mod (RowsPerPage + 1) = 0 Then
curRow = curRow + 10 'new page
RowsPerPageCount = 1
curRow = curRow + 2
RowsPerPageCount = RowsPerPageCount + 1
End If
End If
If r2 > LabelsToSkip Then
LabelsToSkip = 0
shDesignFormat.Range("B3").Copy Destination:=shgenerate.Cells(curRow, curCol)
End If
curCol = curCol + 2
Next r2
Next r
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
I recommend using Option Explicit and declaring all variables that you need.

Filter out entire rows if group value is below 10

I am trying to remove rows from a spreadsheet in VBA if the sum total of value exceeds a specific amount.
For example, if I have the following data, names in A1 down and values in A2 down:
I would like to remove all rows where the total sum of the value in row A does not reach 10 or above in row B, this would leave the following results:
Thomas = 18 and John = 15 so all rows with Thomas and John are kept.
All other rows would be deleted.
Please note that I will always know that the data is in row A and B but I do not know how many rows there will be and need to execute until the first blank cell.
It worked. You can see this here:
Sub run()
Dim rowIndex, countSameRow, sumSameRow As Integer
sumSameRow = Cells(1, 2)
rowIndex = 2
countSameRow = 1
While IsEmpty(Cells(rowIndex, 1)) = False
If (Cells(rowIndex, 1) = Cells(rowIndex - 1, 1)) Then
sumSameRow = sumSameRow + Cells(rowIndex, 2)
countSameRow = countSameRow + 1
If (sumSameRow < 10) Then
Rows(rowIndex - 1 & ":" & rowIndex - countSameRow).Delete
rowIndex = rowIndex - countSameRow
End If
countSameRow = 1
sumSameRow = Cells(rowIndex, 2)
End If
If IsEmpty(Cells(rowIndex + 1, 1)) Then
If (sumSameRow < 10) Then
Rows(rowIndex & ":" & rowIndex - countSameRow + 1).Delete
End If
End If
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
End Sub
Totally agree you should write your own code first, but I couldn't help but write some starting code for you. See if the below fits your purpose:
Sub Test()
Dim lr As Long, x As Long
Dim arr As Variant, rng As Range
Dim dict1 As Object: Set dict1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim dict2 As Object: Set dict2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With Sheet1 'Change according to your sheets CodeName
'Get all of your data form A:B in memory (array)
lr = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
arr = .Range("A1:B" & lr)
'Step through the array and fill up our two dictionaries
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If dict1(arr(x, 1)) <> "" Then
dict1(arr(x, 1)) = Join(Array(dict1(arr(x, 1)), x & ":" & x), ",")
dict1(arr(x, 1)) = x & ":" & x
End If
dict2(arr(x, 1)) = dict2(arr(x, 1)) + arr(x, 2)
Next x
'Step through our second dictionary and check if value < 10
For Each Key In dict2.keys
If dict2(Key) < 10 Then
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Union(rng, .Range(dict1(Key)))
Set rng = .Range(dict1(Key))
End If
End If
Next Key
'If any where below 10, this Range object has been filled, so delete it.
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Here is another method that uses Autofilter and SUMIF to delete the lines.
This assumes there is a header row, if not then add a row first.
It adds a sumif in column C and filters all that is less than 10, then deletes them.
Then removes column C again.
Sub filter()
Range("C1").Value = "Sum"
Lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("C2:C" & Lastrow).Formula = "=sumif(A:A,A2,B:B)"
Range("A2").AutoFilter ' add a filter to table
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$C$" & Lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="<10", Operator:=xlAnd ' filter all below 10
ActiveSheet.Range("A2:C" & Lastrow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete ' delete them
Range("A1").AutoFilter ' remove filter again
Columns("C:C").EntireColumn.Delete ' remove column C
End Sub

How to transpose single column into multiple uneven columns/rows in Excel using VBA

I have different test dates and times that can be up to about 100 tests each time point. I received the data that was only a single column that consists of thousands of rows, which should have been delivered in a matrix type grid.
I have only copied a sample, which has 6 time points and up to 4 tests each. I need Excel to "recognize" when there is only a date/time in a cell, then copy that cell to the next date/time to paste in a new sheet and column.
Eventually, I was hoping to also have the Title of the test separated from the results. However, if this is not plausible without knowing the name of every test, I can skip it. This is the data I start with:
01/02/2010 0:03
Ounces: 10.87
Concentration: 6.89 (L)
Expiration Date: 11/2/2019 5:47:00
01/06/2011 2:06
Ounces: 18.09
Concentration: 10.7 (H)
Expiration Date: 11/2/2019 5:47:00
Other: Resampled
01/06/2011 2:06
Ounces: 12.87
Concentration: 10.9 (H)
Expiration Date: 11/2/2019 5:47:00
Other: 2nd Sample
09/15/2012 7:07
Ounces: 8.53
Concentration: 9.72
Expiration Date: 12/5/2019 4:45:00
05/02/2013 15:52
Ounces: 11.62
Concentration: 8.42
05/09/2017 1:45
Ounces: 9.34
Concentration: 8.98
I created the following Excel VBA, but am still new at programming, especially loops within loops, so I could not figure out how to create the offset that is dynamic enough to both select the right cells, but to copy them over to a new column. I also have redundancy within the code.
Sub Transpose()
Dim dDate As Date
Dim NumberofTasks As Long
Dim x As Long
sSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
dSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
' All Data is in Column A
NumberofTasks = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 1 To NumberofTasks
If IsDate(.Range("A" & x).Value) Then '<-- check if current cell at Column A is Date
Range(Cells(x, 1), Cells(x, 1).Offset(4, 0)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Next x
End With
End Sub
This is what I hoped would happen (but on a much larger scale):
However, the offset places another date in another cell with the current code. Thank you for any help you can provide me.
There are many ways to skin a cat. Here is one way using arrays which is much much faster than looping through the range
I am for the sake of coding, assuming that the data is in Sheet1 and looks like below
Store the data from the worksheet in an array; Let's call it InputArray
Create an output array for storing data; Let's call it OutputArray
Loop through InputArray and find the date and then find the rest of the records. store in OutputArray
direct the output from OutputArray to the relevant worksheet.
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim InputArray As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim recCount As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim OutputArray() As String
'~~> Set relevant input sheet
Set ws = Sheet1
With ws
'~~> Find Last Row in Col A
lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'~~> Store col A in array
InputArray = .Range("A1:A" & lRow).Value
'~~> Find Total number of records
For i = LBound(InputArray) To UBound(InputArray)
If IsDate(InputArray(i, 1)) Then recCount = recCount + 1
Next i
'~~> Create an array for output
ReDim OutputArray(1 To 5, 1 To recCount + 1)
recCount = 2
'~~> Fill Col A of output array
OutputArray(1, 1) = "Title"
OutputArray(2, 1) = "Ounces"
OutputArray(3, 1) = "Concentration"
OutputArray(4, 1) = "Expiration Date"
OutputArray(5, 1) = "Other"
'~~> Loop through input array
For i = UBound(InputArray) To LBound(InputArray) Step -1
If IsDate(InputArray(i, 1)) Then '< Check if date
OutputArray(1, recCount) = InputArray(i, 1)
'~~> Check for Ounces and store in array
If i + 1 < UBound(InputArray) + 1 Then _
If UCase(Left(Trim(InputArray(i + 1, 1)), 2)) = "OU" _
Then OutputArray(2, recCount) = Trim(Replace(InputArray(i + 1, 1), "Ounces:", ""))
'~~> Check for Concentration and store in array
If i + 2 < UBound(InputArray) + 1 Then _
If UCase(Left(Trim(InputArray(i + 2, 1)), 2)) = "CO" _
Then OutputArray(3, recCount) = Trim(Replace(InputArray(i + 2, 1), "Concentration:", ""))
'~~> Check for Expiration Date and store in array
If i + 3 < UBound(InputArray) + 1 Then _
If UCase(Left(Trim(InputArray(i + 3, 1)), 2)) = "EX" _
Then OutputArray(4, recCount) = Trim(Replace(InputArray(i + 3, 1), "Expiration Date:", ""))
'~~> Check for Other and store in array
If i + 4 < UBound(InputArray) + 1 Then _
If UCase(Left(Trim(InputArray(i + 4, 1)), 2)) = "OT" _
Then OutputArray(5, recCount) = Trim(Replace(InputArray(i + 4, 1), "Other:", ""))
recCount = recCount + 1
End If
Next i
End With
'~~> Output it to relevant sheet
Sheet2.Range("A1").Resize(5, recCount - 1).Value = OutputArray
End Sub
I think here is better way to do it using Range.Find
Assuming the Data is in 1st Column of Sheet1 ie. Column A
In Demo the Expiration Date is not right, I have corrected that in the Code.
Try this code:
Sub TP()
Dim wk As Worksheet: Set wk = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lr As Long: lr = wk.Cells(wk.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
j = 4
For i = 3 To lr
Set rng = wk.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 1).End(xlDown))
wk.Cells(2, j).Value = rng.Cells(1, 1).Value
Set fnd = rng.Find("Ounces")
If Not fnd Is Nothing Then wk.Cells(3, j).Value = Split(fnd.Value, ":")(1)
Set fnd = Nothing
Set fnd = rng.Find("Concentration")
If Not fnd Is Nothing Then wk.Cells(4, j).Value = Split(fnd.Value, ":")(1)
Set fnd = Nothing
Set fnd = rng.Find("Expiration")
If Not fnd Is Nothing Then wk.Cells(5, j).Value = Right(fnd.Value, Len(fnd.Value) - Len(Split(fnd.Value, ":")(0)) - 2)
Set fnd = Nothing
Set fnd = rng.Find("Other")
If Not fnd Is Nothing Then wk.Cells(6, j).Value = Split(fnd.Value, ":")(1)
Set fnd = Nothing
i = Cells(i, 1).End(xlDown).row + 1
j = j + 1
End Sub
May try something like this. Original code was modified and organized to complete the task intended. It takes cares if the other parameters of the test result are not organised in sequence as shown, blank row in between the parameters, no blank row between test results and or missing parameters. It only considers parameters found between rows of two test titles (date time). Takes only 0.5 seconds to process 200 test results from more than 1 K rows.
Option Explicit
Sub Transpose()
Dim dDate As Date
Dim NumberofTasks As Long
Dim x As Long, LastRow As Long, Xval As Variant
Dim srcWs As Worksheet, trgWs As Worksheet
Dim tm As Double
tm = Timer
Set srcWs = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set trgWs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
trgWs.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Title"
trgWs.Cells(2, 1).Value = "Ounces:"
trgWs.Cells(3, 1).Value = "Concentration:"
trgWs.Cells(4, 1).Value = "Expiration Date:"
trgWs.Cells(5, 1).Value = "Other:"
With srcWs
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
NumberofTasks = 0
x = 1
Do While x <= LastRow
Xval = .Cells(x, 1).Value
If IsDate(Xval) Then
NumberofTasks = NumberofTasks + 1
trgWs.Cells(1, NumberofTasks + 1).Value = .Range("A" & x).Value
ElseIf VarType(Xval) = vbString And NumberofTasks > 0 Then
Xval = Trim(LCase(Xval))
If InStr(1, Xval, "ounces:") > 0 Then
trgWs.Cells(2, NumberofTasks + 1).Value = Trim(Replace(Xval, "ounces:", ""))
ElseIf InStr(1, Xval, "concentration:") > 0 Then
trgWs.Cells(3, NumberofTasks + 1).Value = Trim(Replace(Xval, "concentration:", ""))
ElseIf InStr(1, Xval, "expiration date:") > 0 Then
trgWs.Cells(4, NumberofTasks + 1).Value = Trim(Replace(Xval, "expiration date:", ""))
ElseIf InStr(1, Xval, "other:") > 0 Then
trgWs.Cells(5, NumberofTasks + 1).Value = Trim(Replace(Xval, "other:", ""))
End If
End If
x = x + 1
End With
'Debug.Print "Seconds "; Timer - tm
End Sub
Tested to produce the result like

Match three columns on two worksheet and copying like rows on both sheets to a new sheet

Dim rOriginal As Range 'row records in the lookup sheet (cList = Sheet2)
Dim rFind As Range 'row record in the target sheet (TotalList = Sheet1)
Dim rTableOriginal As Range 'row records in the lookup sheet (cList = Sheet2)
Dim rTableFind As Range 'row record in the target sheet (TotalList = Sheet1)
Dim shOriginal As Worksheet
Dim shFind As Worksheet
Dim booFound As Boolean
Dim shMix As Worksheet
'Initiate all used objects and variables
Set shOriginal = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Male")
Set shFind = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Female")
Set shMix = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mix")
Set rTableOriginal = shOriginal.Range(shOriginal.Rows(2), shOriginal.Rows(shOriginal.Rows.count).End(xlUp))
Set rTableFind = shFind.Range(shFind.Rows(2), shFind.Rows(shFind.Rows.count).End(xlUp))
booFound = False
For Each rOriginal In rTableOriginal.Rows
booFound = False
For Each rFind In rTableFind.Rows
'Check if the E and F column contain the same information
If rOriginal.Cells(1, 1) = rFind.Cells(1, 1) And rOriginal.Cells(1, 13) = rFind.Cells(1, 13) And rOriginal.Cells(1, 11) = rFind.Cells(1, 11) Then
'The record is found so we can search for the next one
booFound = True
GoTo FindNextOriginal 'Alternatively use Exit For
End If
Next rFind
'In case the code is extended I always use a boolean and an If statement to make sure we cannot
'by accident end up in this copy-paste-apply_yellow part!!
If booFound = True Then
'If not found then copy form the Original sheet ...
'... paste on the Find sheet and apply the Yellow interior color
With shMix.Rows(Mix.Rows.count + 1)
End With
End If
Next rOriginal
So I have searched the site and came up with the codes above. But it still doesn't seem to work. My objective is to match 3 columns on sheet "Male" with another 3 columns on sheet "Female" if it matches, the code will then copy the row on both sheets and paste it on sheet "Mix". The columns I am trying to compare are columns A , K and M respectively.
Column A | Column K | Column M
1/1/2000 | 20 | 1
2/1/2000 | 21 | 4
3/1/2000 | 22 | 5
1/1/2000 | 20 | 1
4/1/2000 | 24 | 3
6/1/2000 | 25 | 6
Copy row 1 on both worksheet and paste it in sheet "Mix"
I've found that the most efficient method for something like a three column match is often a Scripting.Dictionary object that comes with its own unique reference key index. Temporary 'helper' columns that concatenate the three values for a single comparison are another option but 'in-memory' evaluation is usually the most efficient.
Sub three_col_match_and_copy()
Dim c As Long, v As Long, w As Long, vTMPs As Variant, itm As String, vVALs() As Variant, k As Variant
Dim dTMPs As Object '<~~ late binding use As New Scipting.Dictionary for early binding
Dim dMIXs As Object '<~~ late binding use As New Scipting.Dictionary for early binding
'late binding of the dictionary object
Set dTMPs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dMIXs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'grab all of Males into variant array
With Worksheets("male")
With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
With .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count).Offset(1, 0)
vTMPs = .Cells.Value2
End With
End With
End With
'build first dictionary
For v = LBound(vTMPs, 1) To UBound(vTMPs, 1)
If Not dTMPs.exists(Join(Array(vTMPs(v, 1), vTMPs(v, 11), vTMPs(v, 13)), ChrW(8203))) Then
itm = "gonna be discarded in any event"
dTMPs.Add Key:=Join(Array(vTMPs(v, 1), vTMPs(v, 11), vTMPs(v, 13)), ChrW(8203)), _
End If
Next v
'grab all of Females into reused variant array
With Worksheets("female")
With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
With .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count).Offset(1, 0)
vTMPs = .Cells.Value2
End With
End With
End With
'save for later
c = UBound(vTMPs, 2)
'build second dictionary on matches
For v = LBound(vTMPs, 1) To UBound(vTMPs, 1)
If dTMPs.exists(Join(Array(vTMPs(v, 1), vTMPs(v, 11), vTMPs(v, 13)), ChrW(8203))) Then
itm = vTMPs(v, 1)
For w = LBound(vTMPs, 2) + 1 To UBound(vTMPs, 2)
itm = Join(Array(itm, vTMPs(v, w)), ChrW(8203))
Next w
dMIXs.Add Key:=Join(Array(vTMPs(v, 1), vTMPs(v, 11), vTMPs(v, 13)), ChrW(8203)), _
End If
Next v
'continue if there is something to xfer
If CBool(dMIXs.Count) Then
'create variant array of the matches from the dictionary
v = 1
ReDim vVALs(1 To dMIXs.Count, 1 To UBound(vTMPs, 2))
Debug.Print LBound(vVALs, 1) & ":" & UBound(vVALs, 1)
Debug.Print LBound(vVALs, 2) & ":" & UBound(vVALs, 2)
For Each k In dMIXs
vTMPs = Split(dMIXs.Item(k), ChrW(8203))
For w = LBound(vTMPs) To UBound(vTMPs)
vVALs(v, w + 1) = vTMPs(w)
Next w
v = v + 1
Debug.Print dMIXs.Item(k)
Next k
'put the matched rows into the Mix worksheet
With Worksheets("mix")
With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
With .Resize(UBound(vVALs, 1), UBound(vVALs, 2)).Offset(1, 0)
.Cells = vVALs
End With
End With
End With
End If
dTMPs.RemoveAll: Set dTMPs = Nothing
dMIXs.RemoveAll: Set dMIXs = Nothing
End Sub
I have used raw values in the transfer. You will most likely have to correctly format things like date values in the Mix worksheet but that should not be a problem for a 'programming enthusiast'.
Kindly try the following code
Sub Test()
Dim lastr As Long
Dim lastrmale As Long
Dim lastrfemale As Long
Dim lastrmix As Long
Dim malesheet As Worksheet
Dim Femalesheet As Worksheet
Dim mixsheet As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Set malesheet = Worksheets("Male")
Set Femalesheet = Worksheets("Female")
Set mixsheet = Worksheets("mix")
lastrmale = malesheet.Range("A" & malesheet.Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row + 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastrfemale = Femalesheet.Range("A" & Femalesheet.Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row + 1).End(xlUp).Row
lastr = WorksheetFunction.Min(lastrmale, lastrfemale)
lastrmix = 2
For i = 2 To lastr
If (malesheet.Range("A" & i).Value = Femalesheet.Range("A" & i).Value) And (malesheet.Range("K" & i).Value = Femalesheet.Range("K" & i).Value) And (malesheet.Range("M" & i).Value = Femalesheet.Range("M" & i).Value) Then
malesheet.Rows(i & ":" & i).Copy
mixsheet.Range("A" & lastrmix).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
lastrmix = lastrmix + 1
Femalesheet.Rows(i & ":" & i).Copy
mixsheet.Range("A" & lastrmix).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
lastrmix = lastrmix + 1
End If
End Sub

How to receive all combinations of all columns?

I am trying to get all row combinations of all columns (say 8 columns). The following vba macro can do that but I get an error that says data overload:
Option Explicit
Const sTitle As String = "shg Cartesian Product"
Sub CartesianProduct()
' shg 2012, 2013
' Choose one from col A, one from col B, ...
Dim rInp As Range
Dim avInp As Variant ' ragged input list
Dim nCol As Long ' # columns in list
Dim rOut As Range ' output range
Dim iCol As Long ' column index
Dim iRow As Long ' row index
Dim aiCum() As Long ' cum count of arrangements from right to left
Dim aiCnt() As Long ' count of items in each column
Dim iArr As Long ' arrangement number
Dim avOut As Variant ' output buffer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rInp = Range("rgnInp")
If VarType(rInp.Value) = vbEmpty Then
MsgBox Prompt:="No input!", _
Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _
Exit Sub
End If
Set rInp = rInp.CurrentRegion
If rInp.Columns.Count < 2 Or rInp.Rows.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox Prompt:="Must have more than one row and more than one columns!", _
Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _
Exit Sub
End If
With rInp
.Style = "Input"
avInp = .Value
nCol = .Columns.Count
Set rOut = .Resize(1).Offset(.Rows.Count + 1)
Range(rOut.Offset(-1, -1), Cells(Rows.Count, Columns.Count)).Clear
End With
ReDim aiCum(1 To nCol + 1)
ReDim aiCnt(1 To nCol)
aiCum(nCol + 1) = 1
For iCol = nCol To 1 Step -1
For iRow = 1 To UBound(avInp, 1)
If IsEmpty(avInp(iRow, iCol)) Then Exit For
aiCnt(iCol) = aiCnt(iCol) + 1
Next iRow
aiCum(iCol) = aiCnt(iCol) * aiCum(iCol + 1) <------ This is where it says error is
Next iCol
If aiCum(1) > Rows.Count - rOut.Row + 1 Then
MsgBox Prompt:=Format(aiCum(1), "#,##0") & _
" is too many rows!", _
Buttons:=vbOKOnly, Title:=sTitle
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim avOut(1 To aiCum(1), 1 To nCol)
For iArr = 1 To aiCum(1)
For iCol = 1 To nCol
avOut(iArr, iCol) = avInp((Int((iArr - 1) * aiCnt(iCol) / aiCum(iCol))) Mod aiCnt(iCol) + 1, iCol)
Next iCol
Next iArr
With rOut.Resize(aiCum(1), nCol)
.NumberFormat = "#"
.Value = avOut
.Style = "Code"
.Cells(1, 0).Value = 1
.Cells(2, 0).Value = 2
.Cells(1, 0).Resize(2).AutoFill .Columns(0)
End With
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
End Sub
Is there away to adjust for this? I also want it to not bring back the same values for a row. So lets say that two columns had the exact same data. If column A has lets say Ice cream, cake, and cookies and so does Column B, I don't want Row 1 to have cookies in column B if it is already picked in Column A.
