Running Cron jobs inside Docker containers - linux

I have a simple question hopefully; I'm new to Docker and Linux.
Most of the articles/stackoverflow posts suggest installing cron INSIDE the docker container to get it to work as can be seen at this link
However, based on the picture attached below, we can see that the Docker Engine is an abstraction layer between the HOST OS's system and utility libraries and the application container.
Why are we not REUSING the system cron that comes with the HOST instead of installing cron INSIDE the container? It almost feels redundant.
My understanding of docker is you'd install application level libraries and packages like npm node modules INSIDE your nodejs app container for example but if you need a system utility like cron, then you would somehow call back out to the HOST OS's native cron utility; so why not use the HOST's cron within our container somehow, why reinstall cron inside the container?
Lastly, would you use docker-compose instead and separate out the cron service into its own container then somehow have the cron service talk to the application container and referencing its environment vars?
I mean the environment variables defined in the app container; making those accessible to the cron container?
So that we may follow best practice of one service per container?

Use cron on the host machine if you want, eg
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/docker run image
As far as I'm aware, modern container applications use some form of scheduling from the host (eco)system. You could use cron on the host machine to trigger docker run commands. You could use a general purpose scheduler like Airflow. You could use a full-fletched container platform like DC/OS, which come with built in scheduling services.
There is nothing wrong with running cron together with your application inside a container per se. However, if you trigger the application container from a scheduling service outside your application container, your container would terminate after the job is finished, thus releasing any resources to other applications.
Secondly, it's considered good practice to have one container per service. Cron is a service in itself.


Using existing Ansible roles to create a custom Docker image

I currently use Ansible to manage and deploy a fleet of servers.
I wish to start using Docker for some applications and would like to build a Docker image using the same scripts we use to configure on non Dockerized hosts.
For example we have an Ansible role that builds Nginx with 3rd party modules, would like to use the same role to build a Docker image with the custom Nginx.
Any ideas how I would get this done?
There is the "Ansible Container" project, That page points also to the github repo.
It is not clear how well maintained it is, but their reasoning and approach makes sense.
Consider that you might have some adjustments to do regarding two aspects:
a container should do only one thing (microservice)
how to pass configuration to the container at runtime (Docker has some guidelines, such as environmental variables if possible or mounting a volume with the configuration files)
That's a perfect example where the docker-systemctl-replacement script should be used.
It has been developed to allow ansible scripts to target both virtual machines and docker containers. It had been developed when distros did switch to systemd which was hard to enable for containers. When overwriting /usr/bin/systemctl then the docker container will then look good enough for ansible that all the old scripts will continue to run, installing rpm/deb, and having 'service:'s started and enabled.

Docker in Docker [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it ok to run docker from inside docker?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
We have app and which will spin the short term (short span) docker containers. Right now, it runs in Ubunut16.04 server (VM) and we installed docker, and nodejs in same server. We have nodejs app which runs in same server so whenever a request comes in, then the nodejs app will spin up a docker container and execute a user input inside the docker container. Once after the docker finish its job or if it runs out of admin defined resources then the docker container will be forcefully killed (docker kill) and removed (docker rm).
Now my question is, is it best practices to run the Ubunte16.04 docker container and run nodjes app and the short term docker containers inside the Ubunuter16.04 docker container.
In short run a docker inside other docker container.
Docker-in-Docker is generally considered fragile and hard to maintain and using it isn’t a best practice. has a little discussion on this.
A straightforward (but potentially dangerous) way to rearrange this is to give the server process access to the host’s Docker socket, with docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock. Then it could launch its own Docker containers as needed. Note that if you do this, these sub-containers’ docker run -v options refer to the host’s filesystem, not the calling container’s filesystem, so if you’re trying to use the filesystem to transfer data this can get tricky. Also note that being able to run any Docker command this way gives unlimited access to the host, so you need to be extremely careful about how you launch containers.
A larger redesign would be to introduce some sort of message-queueing system; I’ve successfully used RabbitMQ in the past but there are many other options. Instead of the server process launching a subprocess directly, it writes a message to a queue. Instead of the workers being short-lived processes that start and stop frequently, you have a long-lived worker that reads jobs off the queue and does them. This puts you in a much more established Docker space where nothing needs to dynamically start and stop containers, and you can easily test the Node-Rabbit-worker stack in a non-Docker environment.

Is it possible to launch a new Docker container from within a running Docker container using Docker Compose?

I have a Node.js application running inside a Docker Container.
I need to launch a new container from my Node.js application (via code; e.g. child_process.spawn()) with the sole purpose of running a Python script. I also need to pass one argument (a database record ID) to this Python script. So the command is:
python 56fb661b7e51f80736d48113
Note that I do not want this container to run inside the current container but rather to be a separate container.
I understand an orchestration framework such as Swarm or Kubernates would be better suited for this task, but it has been requested that I use Docker Compose locally on my machine in my development environment, and then we will use Kubernates in production.
Is it possible to launch a new Docker container (just a container, not a whole new machine/VM) from within a running Docker container using Docker Compose, and if so, how might I go about doing so?
I haven't done it myself, but from what I gather if your have docker installed on your child container, if you make the docker socket of the host available in the child you are able to interact with it. i.e.
You'll need to config your child's docker process to point to that socket (presumably the DOCKER_HOST envvar should work?) but thats the basic idea. Running docker commands against that socket should work on the host. use this method which might help give you some pointers.
Obviously, this method of using docker creates a number of issues, but if its best for your situation then go for it.

How to automatically start services inside a docker container

I am trying to find the best way to automatically start services inside a docker container once it has been restarted.
I don't mean starting the docker container on restart. I'm trying to achieve the following way:
I stop a container; and
when I start it again, the same services (processes) I was running before will start up again.
I.e. if I am running apache and ssh inside the container starting those service on container restart
That's really not the docker way (multiple processes per container). You can try to go down that path, as I did for several months, but you'll find that you'll be going against the docker team's design principles most of the time. I used the phusion/baseimage base image and it really is well designed, with a good init process and support for run-it and ssh out of the box. Tread carefully, if you go down that path however.

Docker continuous deployment workflow

I'm planning to set up a jenkins-based CD workflow with Docker at the end.
My idea is to automatically build (by Jenkins) a docker image for every green build, then deploy that image either by jenkins or by 'hand' (I'm not yet sure whether I want to automatically run each green build).
Getting to the point of having a new image built is easy. My question is about the deployment itself. What's the best practice to 'reload' or 'restart' a running docker container? Suppose the image changed for the container, how do I gracefully reload it while having a service running inside? Do I need to do the traditional dance with multiple running containers and load balancing or is there a 'dockery' way?
Suppose the image changed for the container, how do I gracefully reload it while having a service running inside?
You don't want this.
Docker is a simple system for managing apps and their dependencies. It's simple and robust because ALL dependencies of an application are bundled with it. If your app runs today on your laptop, it will run tomorrow on your server. This is because we have captured 100% of the "inputs" for your application.
As soon as you introduce concepts like "upgrade" and "restart", your application can (accidentally) store state internally. That means it might behave differently tomorrow than it does today (after being restarted and upgraded 100 times).
It's better use a load balancer (or similar) to transition between your versions than to try and muck with the philosophy of Docker.
The Docker machine itself should always be immutable as you have to replace it for a new deployment. Storing state inside the Docker container will not work when you want to ship new releases often that you've built on your CI.
Docker supports Volumes which will let you write files that are permanent into some folder on the host. When you then upgrade the Docker container you use the same volume so you've got access to the same files written by the old container:
