simple UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning - node.js

When I try to run this, i get "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning". But last "catch" received control anyway with correct "err" object.
I have got two warnings:
If I comment "return delay(5000);" all works fine.
Why does Node.JS handle "promiseErr" before I do that?
const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
let promiseErr = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
reject(new Error("__error__"));
let promiseOk = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
.then( () => {
return delay(5000);
.then( () => {
return promiseErr;
.then( () => {
.catch( (err) => {
console.log(`ERR ${err}`);
program output

You have a rejected promise asynchronously (after 5000ms). Node.js detects unhandled promises by looking at promises that were not handled synchronously or within a microtick (inside a then).
Since Node.js cannot know "for sure" when a promise rejection is unhandled at the moment it errors on the safe side and gives you the warning. It is generally better to add catch handlers to promise errors synchronously as much as possible.
You can suppress the warning by adding a .catch(() => {}) to promiseErr when you create it which will handle the exception:
var promiseErr = ...
promiseErr.catch(() => {}); // add a catch handler without changing the original
In general - the solution is to not write code in such an error prone way. If promiseOk or delay rejects (which Node has no way of knowing) - then the exception in promiseErr itself is indeed unhandeld - so this is not really a safe way to write code.


Firebase onCall method finishes before code execution completes

I have a rather intensive Node function that includes multiple aync tasks that waits for the previous action to complete prior to going to the next step. It's crucial that the entire task finishes when it is called. I'm seeing issues where the onCall function will end before the code execution finishes. I can see this in the logs, as I'm console logging the various methods called from top to bottom until the function is "complete". The parent function is here:
exports.myHandyFunction = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const response = async () => {
try {
let result = await some_main_function_elsewhere_in_code();
} catch (err) {
console.log('parent promise caught error:')
I've increased the function's timeout from 60s to 240s hoping that this is purely a function timeout issue? This is pretty troubling, as I have some complex logic being called that ends up not fully completing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your response function is async. When you call it, you're not awaiting for it's execution. This is leading on the premature end of the oncall method execution.
Instead of wrapping the business logic inside an async function, wrapped inside a promise, you can change the code like this:
exports.myHandyFunction = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let result = await some_main_function_elsewhere_in_code();
} catch (err) {
console.log('parent promise caught error:')
Basically, the Promise is declared as async, so we can use the await constructor inside of it. Then, we just have to call the some_main_function_elsewhere_in_code method, awaiting for it.

unhandled promise rejection warning (despite having catch block)

I seem to have a chained catch block for handling promise rejection (and it does catch the rejection ok) but I still see the warning about unhandled promise rejection. What am I not getting right here?
.then(function(rt) {
request_token = rt+'2'
return kc.generateSession(request_token, api_secret)
.then(function(resp) {
return kc.setAccessToken(resp.access_token)
.then(() => console.log(kc))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
So, I tried recreating this example and seeing if something is wrong with your promise chain, but I don't think there is because my below example works fine, ie: I tried throwing errors, and rejecting each one of the mock functions but no matter what I do in the mock functions, the 'this happens here' still gets printed.
function testResolve() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => res(1))
function generateSession(a, b) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
res(`a: ${a}, b: ${b}`)
function setAccessToken(token) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
.then(function(rt) {
var request_token = rt+'2'
return generateSession(request_token, 'a1')
.then(function(resp) {
return setAccessToken(resp.access_token)
.then(() => console.log(x))
.catch(err => {
console.log('this happens here')
I would check the unhandled promise rejection message and see the line number that it gives you, and look at the filename where the error occurred. It's possible that there was an unhandled rejection inside code somewhere else, because as far as I know this promise chain should catch any errors that happen anywhere in the chain.

Catching thrown errors with SinonJS, UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning

I have the following async function that checks the returned value from a promise and I having trouble writing
async function fetchData(pageLocation) {
const data = await
if (!data || !data.mapping) {
const error = new Error(`Unknown channel ${pageLocation}`);
error.code = 404;
throw (error);
return data.mapping;
Test case
describe.only('fetchData', () => {
let fetchPage;
beforeEach(() => {
fetchPage =
apiService: {
it('should throw an error when there is no available Data', () => {
channeData', async function() {
const fetchChannelSectionData = pageService.__get__('fetchData');
expect(async () => { await fetchData('pageLocation'); }).to.throw();
What causing the main issue is having an async function and a promise I am able to use the same approach when it is not an async function and there is no await I have looked into the following links
Catching thrown errors with SinonJS
enter link description here
but I haven't been successful
please advise on how should this be done ...
That is one of the reasons I don't like async, await, they are just syntactic sugar over promises, but they uses normal/sync semantics but just in appearance.
Async functions never throws, no matter how bad is the error you throw inside it, they will just return a rejected promise. In your case, your function is not throwing at all, it is returning a rejected promise, and you are not attaching any catch hanlder to that promise, hence the warning. When you use async function or promises, forget about normal handling of errors, promises catches any error automatically and encapsulates them on a rejected promise.
So, in your case the correc way of doing this will vary depending on your testing framework, but it could be something like this:
it('should throw an error when there is no available Data', () => {
channeData', async function() {
const fetchChannelSectionData = pageService.__get__('fetchData');
fetchData('pageLocation').catch(err => {

FileStream Promise resolving early

I am experiencing a rather weird problem in nodeJS, and I cannot quite figure out why.
Consider the following code:
(async () => {
console.log ("1");
await new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout (() => {
console.log ("2");
resolve ();
}, 1000);
console.log ("3");
process.exit ();
This code does exactly what it is supposed to do. It prints 123, in that order. After the print of 1, it waits approximately one second. Perfect. Now let's see the following example:
const fs = require ("fs");
(async () => {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream ("file.txt");
stream.write ("Test");
console.log ("1");
await new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on ("finish", () => {
console.log ("2");
resolve ();
console.log ("3");
process.exit ();
From my understanding, this code should either complete, or - in case the finish event never gets fired - run infinitely. What happens is the exact opposite: It prints 1, then quits. Shouldn't it at least print another 3 before quitting, since this is the end of the script?
Important: I know that the promise will not resolve, because .end() is not called on the stream. I want to know why the script finishes anyway.
Can anyone explain this behaviour to me?
The best explanation is probably to write this without the async/await keywords and for you to undertstand these don't do anything "magical" and are simply "sugar" for a different way to resolve a Promise as opposed to .then().
const fs = require ("mz/fs");
const stream = fs.createWriteStream("file.txt");
new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on ("finish", () => {
}).then(() => {
That's the exact same thing right! So where's the catch.
The thing you are really missing is there is "nothing" that says when you open a file handle it "must" be explicitly closed before the program can exit. As such, there is "nothing to wait for" and the program completes but does not "branch" into the part that is still awaiting the Promise to resolve().
The reason why it only logs "1" is because the remaining branch "is" waiting for the Promise to resolve, but it's just never going to get there before the program finishes.
Of course that all changes when you actually call stream.end() immediately after the write or ideally by "awaiting" any write requests that may be pending:
const fs = require ("mz/fs");
(async () => {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream ("file.txt");
await stream.write ("Test"); // await here before continuing
console.log ("1");
await new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
stream.on ("finish", () => {
console.log ("2");
//resolve ();
console.log ("3");
//process.exit ();
That of course will log each output in the listing, as you should well know.
So If you were expecting to see the "3" in the log, the reason why it does not is because of the await where we don't ever close the stream. Again probably best demonstrated by getting rid of the await:
const fs = require ("mz/fs");
(async () => {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream ("file.txt");
await stream.write ("Test");
console.log ("1");
new Promise ((resolve, reject) => { // remove await - execution hoisted
stream.on ("finish", () => {
console.log ("2");
//resolve ();
console.log ("3");
//process.exit ();
Then you "should" see:
At least on most systems unless you have an "extreme" lag. But generally the "finish" should get fired before the next line was reached after "awaiting" the write.
NOTE: Just using the mz library here for demonstration of an an await on the write() method without wrapping a callback. Generally speaking the callback execution should resolve just the same.

Node stream catch Promise's error?

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => someReadStream
.on('data', data => somePromise(data))
.on('end', () => resolve(true))
.on('error', e => reject(e)));
This stream can't catch the error that thrown by somePromise.
How to catch the a Promise's error in a stream?
Also is there any way to make the stream return the result by the 'somePromise'?
You can catch somePromise like:
.on('data', data => somePromise(data).catch(e => reject(e)))
If you want to return somePromise result:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let results = [];
.on('data', data => results.push(somePromise(data)))
.on('end', () => resolve(Promise.all(results).catch(e => reject(e))))
.on('error', e => reject(e)));
The stream will not catch the error - so either you accumulate, like Andriy2 suggested (but keep in mind that you may run into memory consumption issues if you run through big ammounts of data) or you use the scramjet framework like this:
const {DataStream} = require("scramjet");
return someReadStream
.pipe(new DataStream())
.consume((data) => somePromise(data))
Scramjet is pretty lightweight so you'll add just 3 dependent modules in total.
DataStream.prototype.consume returns a Promise which makes your code even easier. :)
-- EDIT --
In a recent version a catch method was introduced so you can even handle the error to your liking - even dismiss (by resolving the catch block):
.catch(err => {
if (!(err instanceOf DismissableError))
throw err;
logger.error("A dismissable error occured", err);
