BCC not working properly with mail command - linux

I am attempting to send an e-mail to a recipient and bcc two other address using th e mail command. The issue is that the "-b " flag is not being read as such leading mail to try sending an e-mail to " -b someone#example.com ". The command is shown below.
mail -s "Test" person1#example.com -b person2#example.com </dev/null

Traditional Unix tools generally prefer their options before any non-option arguments, not mixed freely as some other conventions allow.
mail -s "Test" -b person2#example.com person1#example.com</dev/null
The SYNOPSIS section of the man page spells this out.


adding the .txt file's content in the body of the message in the mail of mailx command in linux

I have written a script where i am storing the name of the top 10 processes which are using the greatest ram of the cpu with a command:
ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head >/etc/tmp/file.txt
Now I am attaching this file in the mailx command to send a mail with its body as content with the command:
echo -e "Warning, server memory is running low!\n\nFree memory: $free MB\n$file" | mailx -a "ALERT" -s "$subject" -r "$from" -c "$also_to" "$to"
this "subject" , "from", "also_to", "to" are some variables and have actual mailid defined in the shell script.
when I get receive the mail I get the content in a very rough order like the picture below that i have added.that mail's pic
I want this content to of the file to be in proper format or if I could just send this txt file as an attachment, I made a whole study for sending the file as an attachment using the mailx command but to no avail.
You are misusing the -a option. You are supposed to use it to add a mail header (Header: value), not the single word "ALERT" like you did.
As to how to send the file as an attachment, I usually use the -A option with no trouble (at worst, I vaguely remember that sometimes I had to specify the file encoding so that accented characters are correctly displayed, but you don't need this with your ASCII file)

Change the From field in an email with the mail command under linux without the -a option

Problem: when I use the mail command under linux (Ubuntu Server 16.04) as root to send an email (several scripts on my server do so), the From: field in the mail header looks like From: root#mydomain.org. I want it to look like From: admin#mydomain.org.
Attempt: I already found the option -a "From: admin#mydomain.org" to add the field to the mail header.
My whole command looks like this:
echo "content" | mail -s "subject" "recipient#wherever.org" -a "From: admin#mydmain.org"
Second Problem: However, I do not want to write the -a option at every point I use the mail command in a script because this is some kind of hard coding.
Second Attempt: My best attempt yet is to write a wrapper, though I think there should be a cleaner method to always add that header field to mails sent with the mail command.
Question: Does anyone know a better way which does not include hard coding? Still I want to use such a simple command line as above to not make things unnecessary complicated.
the mail command reads ~/.mailrc or a different startup file given by the environment variable MAILRC. (see manpage, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/bsd-mailx.1.html#contenttoc4)
this file can contain the line set from=you#example.org.
trap 'rm -f "$conf"' EXIT
echo set from=you#example.org > "$conf"
export MAILRC="$conf"
# now mail will use you#example.org as From:

Saving messages from mailx command line

Is there a way to save messages to a file using mailx, using only the command line? I know that I can copy messages to a file by first entering mailx:
mailx -A my_account
Then typing
& c 1-10 first_ten_messages.txt
Which would save the first 10 messages to a file.
What i'd like to do is something similar but without having the interactive part. So something like:
mailx -A my_account --options "c 1-10 first_ten_messages.txt"
Is this possible?
this should do it.
echo 'c 1-10 first_ten_messages.txt' | mailx -A my_account
If you want to select messages from specific a specific sender, you can run a similar command:
echo 'c from "Baji Boo" from_baji_boo.txt' | mailx -A my_account.
It is important to note that from works with the enveloped name, not straight email address.
In general, running mailx and typing h will give you good information as well as reading man mailx.
You can search messages in different ways and save to a file using the echo method.

Bash mail - Send as another user only

I've been working on sending HTML emails using BSD mail and so far I've been successful. I've even been able to modify, not change though, the sender.
Current Command:
cat $htmlFile | mail -s "$(echo -e "$subject\nContent-Type: text/html")" $recipient -v -- -F $sender
However when the email comes through, the sender is only appending the $sender to the host name. Let's assume that the following is true
$sender='Application Support<support#acmeinc.com>'
When the email comes through it reads:
Application Support<support#acmeinc.com> <root#server.com>
How can I make it so that only the $sender variable is used in the email instead of appended?
OS: RHEL 5.10
Kernel Rev: 2.6.18-371.8.1.el5
Still not sure what you're trying to do here, so I will take a stab and guess that you are looking for the -r flag? It sets the 'from-addr'. I don't think it is present/supported in BSD mail, but it is in mailx.
Other options include doing stuff with postfix/sendmail in order to set the sender address. You can do lots of stuff with aliases and the like, and more advanced mangling can be done through "transports" if you write your own handler.

How to attach a file using mail command on Linux? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I send a file as an email attachment using Linux command line?
(25 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm on a server running a Linux shell.
I need to mail a simple file to a recipient.
How to do this, prefereably using only the mail command?
UPDATE: got a good solution, using mutt instead:
$ echo | mutt -a syslogs.tar.gz admin#domain.org
Example using uuencode:
uuencode surfing.jpeg surfing.jpeg | mail sylvia#home.com
and reference article:
you may apt install sharutils to have uuencode command
mail on every version of modern Linux that I've tried can do it. No need for other software:
matiu#matiu-laptop:~$ mail -a doc.jpg someone#somewhere.com
Subject: testing
This is a test
ctrl+d when you're done typing.
$ echo | mutt -a syslogs.tar.gz admin#domain.org
But it uses mutt, not mail (or mailx).
mailx might help as well. From the mailx man page:
-a file
Attach the given file to the message.
Pretty easy, right?
My answer needs base64 in addition to mail, but some uuencode versions can also do base64 with -m, or you can forget about mime and use the plain uuencode output...
SUBJECT="Auto emailed"
MIME="application/x-gzip" # Adjust this to the proper mime-type of file
(cat <<EOF
From: $FROM
Subject: $SUBJECT
Date: $(date +"%a, %b %e %Y %T %z")
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="$boundary"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
This email has attached the file
Content-Type: $MIME;name="$FILE"
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="$FILE"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: $ENCODING
base64 $FILE
echo ""
echo "--$boundary" ) | mail
mailx -a /path/to/file email#address
You might go into interactive mode (it will prompt you with "Subject: " and then a blank line), enter a subject, then enter a body and hit Ctrl+D (EOT) to finish.
mpack -a \
-s"Hey: might this serve as your report?" \
-m 0 -c application/x-tar-gz \
survey_results.tar.gz \
mpack and munpack work together with metamail to extend mailx
and make it useful with modern email cluttered with HTML markup and attachments.
Those four packages taken together will permit you to handle
any email you could in a GUI mail client.
Using ubuntu 10.4, this is how the mutt solution is written
echo | mutt -a myfile.zip -- admin#domain.org
There are a lot of answers here using mutt or mailx or people saying mail doesn't support "-a"
First, Ubuntu 14.0.4 mail from mailutils supports this:
mail -A filename -s "subject" email#example.com
Second, I found that by using the "man mail" command and searching for "attach"
The following is a decent solution across Unix/Linux installations, that does not rely on any unusual program features. This supports a multi-line message body, multiple attachments, and all the other typical features of mailx.
Unfortunately, it does not fit on a single line.
# Get the date stamp for temporary files
DT_STAMP=`date +'%C%y%m%d%H%M%S'`
# Create a multi-line body
echo "here you put the message body
which can be split across multiple lines!
" > body-${DT_STAMP}.mail
# Add several attachments
uuencode File1.pdf File1.pdf > attachments-${DT_STAMP}.mail
uuencode File2.pdf File2.pdf >> attachments-${DT_STAMP}.mail
# Put everything together and send it off!
cat body-${DT_STAMP}.mail attachments-${DT_STAMP}.mail > out-${DT_STAMP}.mail
mailx -s "here you put the message subject" nobody#test-address.com < out-${DT_STAMP}.mail
# Clean up temporary files
rm body-${DT_STAMP}.mail
rm attachments-${DT_STAMP}.mail
rm out-${DT_STAMP}.mail
On Linux I would suggest,
uuencode abc.gz abc.gz > abc.gz.enc # This is optional, but good to have
# to prevent binary file corruption.
# also it make sure to get original
# file on other system, w/o worry of endianness
# Sending Mail, multiple attachments, and multiple receivers.
echo "Body Part of Mail" | mailx -s "Subject Line" -a attachment1 -a abc.gz.enc "youremail#domain.com anotheremail#domain.com"
Upon receiving mail attachment, if you have used uuencode, you would need uudecode
uudecode abc.gz.enc
# This will generate file as original with name as same as the 2nd argument for uuencode.
I use mailutils and the confusing part is that in order to attach a file you need to use the capital A parameter. below is an example.
echo 'here you put the message body' | mail -A syslogs.tar.gz admin#domain.org
If you want to know if your mail command is from mailutils just run "mail -V".
root#your-server:~$ mail -V
mail (GNU Mailutils) 2.99.98
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
With mailx you can do:
mailx -s "My Subject" -a ./mail_att.csv -S from=noreply#foo.com recipient#bar.com < ./mail_body.txt
This worked great on our GNU Linux servers, but unfortunately my dev environment is Mac OsX which only has a crummy old BSD version of mailx. Normally I use Coreutils to get better versions of unix commands than the Mac BSD ones, but mailx is not in Coreutils.
I found a solution from notpeter in an unrelated thread (https://serverfault.com/questions/196001/using-unix-mail-mailx-with-a-modern-mail-server-imap-instead-of-mbox-files) which was to download the Heirloom mailx OSX binary package from http://www.tramm.li/iWiki/HeirloomNotes.html.
It has a more featured mailx which can handle the above command syntax.
(Apologies for poor cross linking linking or attribution, I'm new to the site.)
