Dialogflow: How do I get sys.boolean? - dialogflow-es

I would like to add training phrases like
I would love to
No, thanks
and extract a boolean var $extraCheese containing True or False which I can use later. If I was expecting a color, I would do $dressColor and #sys.color, but then I don't find #sys.boolean
How do I do this?

It is, indeed, baffling that Dialogflow doesn't offer this natively. They offer this as an option for a Followup Intent, if that is suitable for you, but not as a System Entity.
Fortunately, it is fairly easy for you to make a Boolean Entity yourself.
Click on the + sign next to the Entity menu option on the left.
Set the name for the Entity: such as Boolean.
Add the value for an entity (true for example) which is the text value your webhook will be sent. You then also add aliases for that value. This needs to include the value itelf (true, again), but also anything else the user might say to represent this value (yes, sure, etc).
Then repeat this for other values you may want.
When you're done, you can click Save and then use this entity in your sample phrases just like the built-in entities.


Replace Parameter Value in Dialogflow

Currently, I am training my agent and I am wondering if someone asks a question is it possible to change a parameter value to what you know it would be. So for example if someone asks do you have any beers can I can change the parameter to be beer instead of beers. Another example is if someone asks do you have any Johnny can I change the parameter to be Johnnie Walker instead of Johnny
If this can be done how can I do it?
The easiest way to do this is by creating developer entities for the different beverage types. This way you would define one "standard" term, and then add the other terms that alias to it.
In a developer entity, always the highlighted value in the sample image is the value identified.
In your case, you can have the word "beer" and "beer","beers" as synonyms of it. So that when a user says beers/beer the identified keyword will be "beer".

Dialog flow having trouble matching parameters

I am having an issue where dialogflow does a really bad job of matching paramters.
At first I was trying to use specific fields types like #sys.geo-city-us and #sys.given-name, but when I entered a name like Jones it matched it as a city even though I was answering the question about my name.
In the above example I answered the name question and it matched it to the company even though name and company are #sys.any entities. I don't understand why in response to a question for a specific parameter with the entity type of any it fails to match and tries to plug it into another parameter value.
Is there something I am missing about how parameters are matched?
I think this weirdness may be related to doing both #sys.any and setting is list. I ended up doing #sys.any without is list set for the name and then parsing out the names in the code. Then I left city as #sys.geo-city-us. This seems to work for my specific case but I would caution others that multiple #sys.any fields can cause some weirdness, especially with is list set.
I wish there was a setting that when I ask for X whatever the user relies is taken in as X, because that is not what #sys.any is doing.

Dialogflow: How to restrict an Action parameter to one of the allowed values

Say I create an intent AskForFruit in Dialogflow where the user says:
I want an apple
here apple gets assigned to a param fruit
I want to restrict the value of fruit to 'apple', 'orange' and 'banana' only
If the user says 'peach' the agent will respond with 'Please select between apple, orange and banana'
How do I restrict the value of fruit to these 3 fruits only?
There are two things you need:
fruit should be assigned to a Custom Entity type
You will need a Fallback Intent (or a lower priority Intent) to handle input if there isn't a match.
Custom Entity
You'll create a custom entity by selecting the Entity menu item on the right and then Create Entity.
You'll enter in the possible values this Entity can take on. You can also add aliases for some of the entities if you want.
When you go to create your Intent, you want to make sure the entered phrase has a word highlighted and the Entity Type correctly selected for that word. (And, as #Ido notes in the comments, you probably want to say the parameter is required.)
Fallback Intent
That handles the case when the user says one of the valid fruits. But what about invalid fruits? How you handle this depends on what other things you're talking about.
The easiest solution is to create a Fallback Intent, which is an intent of last resort if nothing else matches. If you're using contexts, you can create a fallback intent for a particular context, and this is a great way to keep track of where you are in a conversation.
In either case, you'd edit your responses to tell them what valid fruits they can pick.
If, however, you want to very specifically respond if they ask for something you don't want, you can create a lower priority intent that will match if there isn't a better match. This is useful if you have a lot of conversation parts and aren't using contexts (but you should use contexts) or want to reserve your Fallback Intent for a more general message.
You change the priority of an intent by clicking on the dot next to the intent name.
So, for example, if you have an AskForSomethingElse intent that would match the more general #sys.any type, you could have it respond with the valid types.

Problem getting value from "Checkbox group value prompt"

I've value prompt with ui:checkbox group
parameter: p_IsLastMonth
Name: Prompt_IsLastMonth
ItemCount: 1; UseValue:Yes, DisplayValue: LastMonth?
and two Date Prompts.
Whenever the checkbox is checked, the UseValue 'Yes' is passed to the parameter 'p_IsLastMonth'. But whenever the checkbox is left as it is, it results in an error.
Element 'selectOptions' is not valid for content model: 'All(style,defaultSelections,conditionalStyles,conditionalRender,XMLAttributes)'
I also tried giving a default value. But the default value has to be in the collection. But i want only one checkbox to be displayed.
I tried with html checkbox. But i'm not able to send the value 'either yes or no' to the parameter through javascript because however the finish button overrides the value.
Any help?
There are 2 ways you can use Parameters:
Evaluate Parameter value
Evaluate expression against Parameter value.
Either way your Parameter has some value, and no value is a kind of value. And you need to cater for empty value in some way. Eg:
If (?Parameter? <>'') then ([Selection Criteria] = 'True') Else (1=1)
([Selection Criteria] = ?Parameter?) OR ?Parameter? = ''
There other ways of using parameters too. You should choose one that better suits situation and coding practices you are following.
You can use optional checkbox or text item. In Cognos 10 I get "Deselect" option under checkbox group.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can accomplish what you want to do with only one checkbox. The only way you can leave a value prompt unselected and still submit the prompt page is to make it "optional", which means no value will be passed. An option is to use two check boxes and make them "required" so that either "yes" or "no" must be selected (but this can result in both being selected, which isn't good), or preferably use a radio list with two values and "yes" as the default. There may be a javascript answer to this, but I try to avoid that as much as possible since it sometimes leaves you open to version upgrade issues. Using a radio list is your easiest option.
Well here is something that will work. I've done advanced scorecarding and dashboarding for years with Cognos and Javascript will work:
Create a real cognos parameter that has both choices you need Yes/No with no being the default. Put them perhaps in a html table somewhere off the main real-estate of the report/param canvas. Once you have the param configed you can make the size as small as you want and then make the table/checkbox invisible by turning the visible property to no. Basically the users won't see these params. Don't do box-type = non or the parameter won't even get generated. You could also wait on hidding them until we get step 3 working(Make it easier to troubleshoot).
Then create a HTML parameter that the user will use to interact with in the style that you want the users to see, and use javascript onchange events to manipulate the real hidden parameter by finding it via DOM model. You can make finding it easier by perhaps surrounding the hidden params with an HTML tag that has a unique name/ID and referencing the child items from there.
Since your cognos parameter is invisible you may not even need to use a check box... you could simply use a hidden text box that has stores Yes/No. This will make your coding simplified on the javascript until you get used to it.
Also When programming with javascript on Cognos i find using alert to echo a object's innerhtml to screen while troubleshooting to be very handy.
* One other less impressive approach if i remember right as well..
1. Leave your original cognos style checkbox alone and create another cognos prompt that is always defaulted to "-NO-" and hidden on the canvas.
2. In the expressions used to evaluate the parameters the would evaulate the concatenation values of both params and you could take logical action based on those values. So if the concatted results were "-No-" then you know the original paramater was not selected and to use "No". etc... I believe there could be a nuance to getting this to evaluate correctly in the expression editors but i have got this owrking before as well. * So i your case if the concatted results first 3 characters = "Yes" the "Yes" otherwise no.

Enable/disable editing of a form field from code

I'm not a Notes programmer, however, for my sins, have been working on some Notes features for an in-house project recently. I need to enable/disable editing of a field depending on circumstances. It seems to me to be a fairly standard feature, I need, but I can't find any information on how to do this anywhere.
In form setup (and other field's onchange) code, something like the following:
if some requirement = true then
textField.enable = true
textField.enable = false
end if
I've seen other places where there's a workaround of conditionally hiding paragraphs based on some code, having 2 paragraphs with opposite hiding conditions, one with an editable field, the other with a computed field. However, I don't know enough about Notes to see how this is implemented (I can see it done on other forms, but there seem to be some 'magic' steps within Notes which I either can't see or don't get).
The reply from Kerr seems to be what I'm looking for, but I still can't find out where the InputEnabled property is located. Should have said in the initial question, I'm using Notes 7.0.3.
In fairness, it doesn't matter what the circumstances are for when to enable/disable the field, it's just some boolean condition that is set, in my case only on form loading so I don't even have to worry about this changing dynamically while the form is displayed.
I've got a few issues with Notes, my largest bugbear being that it's so tied so tightly to the Designer UI, which is utter shite. I can do this sort of thing programmatically in most GUI languages (C#, Java, Delphi, even VB), but I need to open property boxes in Notes and set them correctly.
This would be OK as an optional method, but forcing you to go this way means you can only work as well as the IDE lets you in this case, and the IDE here seems to actively work against you. You can't open multiple functions/scripts, you can't swap from one script to another without going back to the menus on the left, you can't easily search the codebase for occurrences of variables/fields (and believe me, this is a major failing for me because either Notes or the internal codebase in my case seems to make a lot of use of global variables!), you can only work with fields through the property boxes that get displayed, you can't edit code in Designer while debugging through the main Notes client.
While the Java side of the coding is better than LotusScript, it's still fairly crappy (why can't you debug INTO Java code?? Why do you need to re-import JAR files for each Java class, does each class have a different CLASSPATH???). Possibly this was improved in Notes 8, I hear it's based on Eclipse. Does anyone know whether this is true or not?
It would help to hear more specifics about the 'circumstances', but the most common way to handle this is to use a hide when formula on the field you want to enable/disable.
Technically you are not enabling or disabling the field, just hiding it, but usually that works just as well.
Since there are few events to work with in Notes, developers commonly use the document refresh as the 'event' to cause the field to hide or show.
Let's assume you have two fields called TriggerField and Subject. Say also you want to disable the Subject based on a value in the TriggerField. The easiest way to do so is to set the TriggerField as a Dialog List type and check the "Refresh fields on keyword change" option. This means when the value of the dialog list changes, the entire document will get refreshed.
Then in your hide when formula for the Subject field, you specify your criteria for when to show or hide that field. Anytime field values change, followed by a refresh of the document (i.e. form), that hide when formula will be re-evaluated.
There are other ways, depending on your circumstances, to solve this problem. If you want to let the user refresh the form themselves, put a button on the form that calls the #Command([ViewRefreshFields]) command. You can add any other formulas to that button before the refresh command if you want to make other changes to the form at the same time.
Another option is to make a certain field display-only. Then create a button that runs LotusScript to allow users to change that display-only field. In the script you can propmt the user for a value, set the display-only field, and then call for a document refresh.
In ND7 and up if you want to just disable the field for input, write an appropriate formula in the InputEnabled section of the field you want to disable.
So I have two fields one called Trigger, a checkbox with the value "On" and another Subject that is a text field. When Trigger is checked I want the value Subject to be enabled.
I simply put the following formula in the Input Enabled element of the field Subject:
Trigger = "On"
I also want this to be recalculated whenever the value of Trigger changes so I select the "Refresh fields on keyword change" option on the Trigger field.
If you're stuck in an older version you need to to hide paragraphs appropriately.
