Cannot find Common Tools for Visual C++ 2017 - visual-c++

I have Visual Studio Professional 2017, and the project I'm using requires Common Tools for Visual C++, which I don't have installed.
However, I can't find it on the Visual Studio 2017 installer nor the Microsoft official website. Any suggestions?

Get the VS 2017 installer here. You can get the "Trial" versions of Professional or Enterprise and then upgrade them to full versions with your license key.
And get other VS installers here.

As Chuck Walbourn said, Common Tools for Visual C++ does not exist for Visual Studio 2017. The component that I was missing was Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015.


Visual studio 2015 c++ project creation failed

I have installed visual studio 2015 and when I try to create a visual c++ project it shows "Project creation failed error" at the lower end of the panel, though it works fine with visual c# or other projects.
I have been googling for two days now and have tried tampering with the registry as administrator but it didn't work.
My control panel shows installation of the following:
microsoft visual c++ 2015 Redistributable(x86)-14.0,microsoft visual
c++ 2015 Redistributable(x64)-14.0,microsoft visual c++ 2013
Redistributable(x86)-12.0, microsoft visual c++ 2013
Redistributable(x64)-12.0,microsoft visual c++ 2012
Redistributable(x86)-11.0,microsoft visual c++ 2012
Redistributable(x64)-11.0, microsoft visual c++ 2010 x64
Redistributable-10.0,microsoft visual c++ 2010 x86
Redistributable-10.0,microsoft visual c++ 2008 Redistributable-x64
9.0.30721.6161,microsoft visual c++ 2008 Redistributable-x86 9.0.30721.6161, microsoft visual c++ Compilers 2010 standard-enu x64,microsoft visual c++ Compilers 2010 standard-enu x86
I got this problem after installing the English translations (I am forced by Microsoft site to download the French version).
Switching back the language to French solved the problem. I spent a good 8 hours on this, reinstalling, deleting files manually, etc...
Hope it helps you

Is it possible to add the Visual C++ v120 Compiler Tool Set to Visual Studio 2015?

I have a programm using an GSL library which worked quite well with Visual Studio 2013. Now I set up a new Windows version and installed Visual Studio 2015 RC Community.
After that I can not compile the code anymore. After converting the code to the new tool set I got the error that some external symbols of the libraries could not be found. I think this has something to do with the fact, that the library was build with Visual C++ v120.
So is there a possiblilty to add this Compiler Version to the Studio? And does it work without trouble next to a new version installed. I do not want to install the older version of VS, because of the possibility of some troubles haveing to version parallel installed.
You can install VS2013 toolset version from your VS2015 installer without installing visual studio 2013. From the 2015 installer, select Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 Tools. Thats it.
Found it in a msdn forum (have to be the first time something is actually solved in a microsoft forum)
Install Visual Studio 2013
Open your Project in Visual Studio 2015
In the General page of the Project Properties, change the Platform Toolset to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)"
You never have to open Visual Studio 2013; you just have to install it so that Visual Studio 2015 can find the toolset. (Unfortunately there is no way to install just the toolset.)

Visual Studio 2012 Program Languages

When I installed visual studio 2012 Ultimate edition I didn't saw to ask me a question about what programming languages I prefer to install. It automatically installed all languages (C#,C++...). Is it normal or I missed the window which I choose which languages I want ?
This is normal. Visual Studio 2012 by default installs all features.

Is it possible to develop extensions for visual studio 2012 using free tools?

I would like to make a template for F# lib + XNA 4.0 + Xbox360 for visual studio 2012.
All I have is Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition for Web.
When I try to install the Visual Studio 2012 SDK, it stops after reporting that it requires Visual Studio 2012. The log seems to indicate it's looking for the Professional edition.
I'm not interested in buying a professional license for hobby work, and I am a bit surprised Microsoft would want to prevent hobbyists from extending their product.
I do have a professional license for Visual Studio 2010, though. If there's a way to make extensions for 2012 using 2010, that would work for me.
You can use VS2010 to develop extension compatible with VS2012.
All you have to do is to manually change vsixmanifest to make it work with newer version:
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
Note however that Visual Studio Express does not support extensions, so you won't be able to install it in VS2012 Express anyway.

How to use PEX in Visual Studio 2012

VS 2010 powertools installation helped to use PEX & Moles in VS 2010.
Now with VS 2012, I understand that Moles becomes enriched as Fakes but hopefully PEX is retained, please confirm.
Also, how to use PEX in 2012. What needs to be installed (like VS 2010 powertool) to get that working for 2012.
Thanks !!
As far as I know, they are waiting for a final version of Visual Studio 2012 to release a version of Pex compatible with it.
I can't understand why Microsoft doesn't make this things clear... :/
Below are the comments from
Pex for Visual Studio 2012 2 Posts | Last Post April 23, 2013
Written April 23, 2013
Flynn Hi, I am wondering: There is PEX for Visual Studio 2010, there is Code Digger for Visual Studio 2012 and portable libraries but
is nothing for Visual Studio 2012 and all the the other library
formats. Why is that?
Written April 23, 2013 Nikolai Tillmann Code Digger (for Portable
Class Libraries) is the first Visual Studio extension from the Pex
Team for Visual Studio 2012. Stay tuned for future extensions that
bring more aspects of the rich experience of the Pex Visual Studio
2010 Power Tools to the latest version of Visual Studio. If you are
looking for a particular Pex feature for Visual Studio 2012, drop as
an email at*
Looks like they introduced Code Digger.
From the PEX webpage:
Code Digger for Visual Studio 2012 is a lightweight version of Pex that allows you to explore public .NET methods in Portable Class Libraries directly from the code editor.
As far as I have read from Microsofts documentation PEX for Visual Studio 2012 is now an integral part called "Fakes and Moles", please look here:
And here:
You can continue to use PEX for test generation by opening your solution(s) in VS 2010 , even if  you are normally working inside VS 2012. VS project schema is very compatible between VS 2010 and VS 2012.
You also could consider to run command line PEX from 2010 add-in. See the answer in Create NUnit test cases automatically from Pex. read more about this in Exercise 5 of Parameterized Unit Testing with Microsoft Pex
According to This Webcast
Code Digger was released so that people can see the power of PEX when used properly before they release the Visual Studio 2012 version where people pick it apart for not working with platform specific cases.
They don't speak of a release date but since Visual Studio 2013 is now RTM you'd think that it would be soon. I definitely miss PEX as it helped with Parameterized Unit Testing.
