What is supposed to be in __init__.py - python-3.x

I am trying to create a Python package. You can have a look at my awful attempt here.
I have a module called imguralbum.py. It lives in a directory called ImgurAlbumDownloader which I understand is the name of the package -- in terms of what you type in an import statement, e.g.
import ImgurAlbumDownloader
My module contains two classes ImgurAlbumDownloader and ImgurAlbumException. I need to be able to use both of these classes in another module (script). However, I cannot for the life of me work out what I am supposed to put in my __init__.py file to make this so. I realize that this duplicates a lot of previously answered questions, but the advice seems very conflicting.

I still have to figure out why (I have some ideas), but this is now working:
from ImgurAlbumDownloader.imguralbum import ImgurAlbumDownloader, ImgurAlbumException
The trick was adding the package name to the module name.

It sure sounds to me like you don't actually want a package. It's OK to just use a single module, if your code just does one main thing and all its parts are closely related. Packages are useful when you have distinct parts of your code that might not all be needed at the same time, or when you have so much code that a single module would be very large and hard to find things in.


Find which module imported another module

I need to find out why some module gets included into compilation.
There is some class that should not be included and I think there are some unused imports or bad architecture that requires unnecessary imports. Is there a way to find which modules import some module, which modules import these modules that include this module, and so on, tracking that down to main class of application?
You could use -D dump-dependencies for this, in which case the compiler will generate two files that can be used to follow the dependency graph in both directions:
There is also a handy online tool created by Mark Knol that helps a lot with analyzing these files. To answer the question "what does Array depend on?", you can just upload the two files and enter "array" into the search field:
Conveniently, the results are also clickable.
I've just came up with very simple idea: just delete this file and there will be compilation errors in places where this module is imported.

How do we import a module high in a project structure into a file that's at a low level? (Python 3.6 +)

Suppose we have the following project structure:
What is a sensible way for demo_file.py to import from utilities_package?
The utilities_package is in a much higher level directory than demo_file.py.
Although it is not shown in the little diagram I gave above, suppose that utilities_package is used everywhere throughout the project. It is not sensible to make utilities_package a sub-directory of demo_sub_sub_package
Some similar questions have been asked here and here.
The asker of the first question neglected to include a __init__.py in their packages. That is not an issue in my case.
The answers given to the the second question linked-to above are problematic:
Most of the answers are quite old. For example, Loader.load_module was deprecated after Python 3.4
Most of the answers are specific to the question in that they only go up one directory, whereas, I would like to go up several levels.
Some of the answers are high-level descriptions without code. Other answers have the opposite problem: they contain ugly-looking code, but don't bother to explain it.
I am open to solutions which require restructuring the project. I'm also interested in solutions which leave the project structure intact, but which insert the relevant code into demo_file.py
It already has the very epic solution for your problems. Please refer there: Relative imports for the billionth time. Just as a notation, the python3 and python2 have the totally different definitions for the relative and absolute import. For version 3+, any modules import directly using import module_name are treated as the absolute importation, which means this module must be included in the sys.path. Otherwise, for any modules import like from one_module import something or from . import something are treated like the relative importation. The dot-notation represent the current directory. However, any module is executed directly by itself, it will lose its namespace, instead it will always be treated as __main__, and all the files in the same directory will automatically add to sys.path by default. Hope it will help you.

Python 3 relative imports or running modules from within packages... which to abandon?

I'll first begin by stating that I have been coming back to this problem over and over again for the last several months. No matter how much I research into it, I cannot seem to find a satisfactory answer. I'm hoping that the community here can help me out.
Basic problem - consider this structure of python packages and python modules.
|- src
|- pkg_1
|- foo_1.py
|- foo_2.py
|- __init__.py
|- pkg2
|- bar_1.py
|- bar_2.py
|- __init__.py
|- do_stuff.py
|- __init__.py
Suppose that module bar_2 needs to import from module foo_1. My options are myriad, but a few present themselves quickly.
(My preferred way) Module bar_2 can do from ..pkg_1 import foo_1. This is great because it doesn't require what amounts to hard-coding a path into the module, thereby allowing flexibility, ease of maintenance, all that. In do_stuff.py if I then write from src.pkg_2 import bar_2 and then run, I am golden. Here is an example setup:
class Foo_1():
def __init__(self):
print('Hello from foo_1!')
from ..pkg_1 import foo_1
class Bar_2():
def __init__(self):
print('Hello from bar_2!')
foo_1.Foo_1() #Prints foo_1 message!
from src.pkg_2 import bar_2
Console prints:
Hello from bar_2!
Hello from foo_1!
All is well. However, consider the next scenario.
Suppose now that I want to run bar_2 as __main__, as follows:
from ..pkg_1 import foo_1
class Bar_2():
def __init__(self):
print('Hello from bar_2!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
A SystemError is raised: from ..pkg_1 import foo_1
SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import
For far longer than I care to admit, I did not understand the reason for this. The solution, though, lies in the fact that when you run a module directly, its __name__ variable is set to __main__. Since the relative imports establish position in the hierarchy with __name__, this means that there is no directory information to parse to figure things out. This makes loads of sense, and I feel very dumb for having not realized it before.
So, thus began my quest (yeah, just getting started). Eventually I learned of the __package__ variable. Reading about it in the PEP notes, it seemed as though it would solve all my problems! So I tried the following boilerplate code before the import statements in bar_2:
if __name__ == '__main__':
__package__ = 'src.pkg_2'
This did not work. :(
I since have come to find out that Guido has addressed this very issue and that he regards the whole notion of running a module from within a package as anti-pattern.
See this link:
This makes sense, as I will be the first to admit that I only do it for on the fly testing... which should never be done! (Right??) Therefore, as best as I understand, there are no elegant ways to run the module from within a package UNLESS you do absolute imports... which I would like to avoid.
So, after all of that, here is my question: Should I use one of the many hacky ways out there to get around this problem and do unholy things with the system path so that I can have my relative import cake and eat it (i.e. test on the fly by running as __main__) too?? I think I already know the answer (I just would like some wizened Yoda-like person to confirm).
Possible Answer:
Use relative imports, because hard-coding paths (and hard-coding in general if avoidable) is ant-pattern.
Do not bother with running modules nested in packages as __main__... instead, run them from your testing module (which you wrote first... right??).
Thank you for taking the time to read this question. I realize there are many other questions regarding this topic... but I wanted to 'share my journey' and see if my current course of action is correct.
Running the following in src/:
python -m pkg2.bar_2
will have pkg2/bar_2.py be your main script while still being inside a package, meaning that relative imports will work.
I follow these rules which prevent any issues:
Always use full imports, no relative imports.
Always start a Python process from the root of the project or using the full absolute path.
It's rather rare that you benefit from relative imports when you have to move files around (and when you do, it's not that much work to rename a few import lines).
Full paths from the root of a project or using the full path on disk of a file removes any ambiguity and will run the desired file.
My answer (and that of many CPython core developers) is essentially the same as Simeon's. The only thing not hard-coded by relative imports is the name of the package ('src', in this case). But you hard-coded it in do_stuff.py anyway. Within-subpackage relative imports (unlike the cross-subpackage imports you exhibit) let you copy the subpackage to another package (with a different name), and possibly change the subpackage name as you do so. Do you really need that particular flexibility? Is it really worth more than the very real cost of relative imports?
Why the subpackages, instead of putting everything in the main package, src? Idlelib has about 60 run-time modules in idlelib/ itself. The only subpackage is idle_test, for test modules. All imports start with idlelib.
I am a big fan of being able to run the test for one module (rather than the package test suite) by running non-cli modules as the main module. It encourages incremental TDD. So I have 'if name.. ' clauses in both run-time and test modules in idlelib.

Is it possible to hide specific functions from appearing in the documentation using haddock?

I use haddock and don't want all of my exported functions to be displayed in the documentation. Is it possible to hide specific functions?
I found the prune attribute at http://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/module-attributes.html, but this is not what I want since some functions which shall be exported don't have a documentation annotation.
Assuming your current module is Foo.Bar, one solution would be to break it up into Foo.Bar and Foo.Bar.Internal. You could move all the definitions related to the function you don't want to export--perhaps even all the definitions--into Foo.Bar.Internal. Then, in Foo.Bar, you would re-export only the definitions you want the world to see.
This approach has a couple of advantages. It lets you export everything you need, while still giving the user a clear sign that certain things shouldn't be used. It also lets you document your special functions inside the Internal module, which is going to be useful (if only for your future self :P).
You could simply not export Foo.Bar.Internal in your .cabal file, hiding it from the world. However, this is not necessarily the best approach; look at the answers to How, why and when to use the ".Internal" modules pattern?, in particular luqui's.
Another possibility is to make a module Foo.Bar.Hidden exporting all of the stuff you want to hide, and then re-export the whole Foo.Bar.Hidden module from Foo.Bar:
module Foo.Bar (
module Foo.Bar.Hidden
import Foo.Bar.Hidden
blah1 = ...
blah2 = ...
blah3 = ...
This way, the hidden stuff will be exported from Foo.Bar, but not included in the documentation. The documentation will only include one relatively unobtrusive link to the Foo.Bar.Hidden module as a whole.

erlang -import not working

I have an erlang program, compiled with rebar, after the new debian release, it won't compile anymore, complaining about this:
bad import declaration
I don't know erlang, I am just trying to compile this thing.
Apparently something bad happened to -import recently http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2013-March/072932.html
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Well, -import(). is working but it does NOT do what you are expecting it to do. It does NOT "import" the module into your module, nor does it go out, find the module and get all the exported functions and allow you to use them without the module name. You use -import like this:
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3]).
Then you can call the explicitly imported functions without module name and the compiler syntactically transforms the call by adding the module name. So the compiler will transform:
map(MyFun, List) ===> lists:map(MyFun, List)
Note that this is ALL it does. There are no checks for whether the module exists or if the function is exported, it is a pure naive syntactic transformation. All it gives you is slightly shorter code. For this reason it is seldom used most people advise not to use it.
Note also that the unit of code for all operations is the module so the compiler does not do any inter-module checking or optimisation at all. Everything between modules like checking a modules existence or which functions it exports is done at run-time when you call a function in the other module.
No, there is no easy way to fix this. The source code has to be updated, and every reference to imported functions prefixed with the module in question. For example, every call to format should be replaced with io_lib:format, though you'd have to know which function was imported from which module.
You could start by removing the -import directives. The compilation should then fail, complaining about undefined functions. That is where you need to provide the correct module name. Look at the documentation pages for io_lib, erl_scan and erl_parse to see which functions are in which module.
Your problem is that you were using the experimental -import(Mod) directive which is part of parameterized modules. These are gone in R16B and onwards.
I often advise against using import. It hurts quick searches and unique naming of foreign calls. Get an editor which can quickly expand names.
Start by looking at what is stored in the location $ERL_LIBS, typically this points to /usr/lib/erlang/lib.
