Azure Bot: There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code Forbidden - node.js

PROBLEM: When I try to test my bot using the web chat in the MS Azure GUI, it gives me the error
There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code Forbidden
I've done the following:
Created a bot using the Microsoft Bot Framework, LUIS, and NodeJS
Created resource for the bot in MS azure
Successfully tested the bot locally using the bot emulator (without using the bot ID and password)
Set up continuous deployment so all updates made to my repo are reflected in the Azure bot service
Defined all environment variables in the application settings tab of the azure bot service (bot id and password are correct and included)
Included web.config, iisnode.yml, and publish.js files
Heeelp. I've googled this, tried alternative solutions mentioned for similar problems, but no luck.

NEVERMIND! I had stopped the application weeks ago, that's why it gave the forbidden error. I didn't realize until I tried to make a GET request in Postman to the bot endpoint.


How to connect a published bot to bot channel registration on Azure

I'm new to Azure. I had published a bot (developed locally) to Azure, e.g. named MyBot. It was shown as web service. Then I had created a bot channel registration on Azure e.g. named MyRegistration. As instructed, I wrote down the AppID and client secrete value from MyRegistration. In My Registration->settings, I put to the messaging endpoint. In MyBot->Configureation->Application settings, I added "MicrosoftAppId" and "MicrosoftAppPassword" and their values. I turned on "Web sockets" in MyBot->Configureation->General settings. I saved all the changes.
When I run "Test in Web Chat" in MyRegistration, nothing happened. In MyRegistration->Channels, there was "Issues" saying "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code InternalServerError".
Can anybody help to point to what the reasons of failure were? Thank you very much.
Not sure the root reason, but I deployed my bot and go through this process but everything works perfectly for me. This is my steps below:
Deploy my bot service to Azure as a web app.
Create a Bot Channels registration, config my bot-message endpoint and Note Microsoft App ID:
Create a new secret, and note its value by clicking "Manage" Link:
Go to app service, and config App ID and App Password
Back to bot channel and have a web test. everything works as excepted:

Can't talk to QnAMaker bot in Azure or Teams, but can locally with emulator

I created a QnAMaker bot through the website, which then took me through the steps creating the bot in Azure.
When I click on the Test in Web Chat section of the bot in Azure, before I've even typed anything, an error message arrives in Channels > Web Chat > Issues that states: "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code Unauthorized"
I have download the code of the bot locally, and running it with npm, using ngrok and the Bot Emulator, I have successfully managed to connect to the bot and it works.
I haven't touched the AppID or Password in the Bot's settings in Azure, and these are the same credentials I used for the local bot that works.
Could someone please help?
I solved this by removing the bot entirely and creating a brand new one. I think the issue with some sort of mix up with the AppID and AppPassword, even though they were both correct in the settings

Azure web chat testing shows "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code Unauthorized"

I depolyed my microsoft bot to azure. After deployment I went to check my bot response through "Test in Web Chat", But it shows message could not send, So I went to channels and view my web chat then it shows "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code Unauthorized".
Where I missed ? I do not do any mistakes in microsoft app id and microsoft app password. I correctly updated that.
Please help to resolve this issue.
You need to add the 'production' endpoint in the .bot file. This needs to be added by the developer after deployment, along with App Id and App Password. If your bot file does not have a production endpoint and you don't have the app id and password stored somewhere else, you will have to follow this guide to register your bot on the Azure Portal.
I have answered here: "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code NotFound"
But I'll paste the answer here as well for convenience.
What solved my problem was changing the Protocol Setting of the App Service. IF you've deployed your bot using Bot Composer, in the resource group you will find 2 App Services -- one with a 'qna' suffix and the other without. Choose the one without the 'qna' suffix.
Select the App Service --> TLS/SSL settings --> HTTPS Only --> On

Slack messages do not reach Azure

So I have an issue to make the communication possible between Slack and BotFramework. I deploied once a bot on Slack to test the deployment and everything was working fine. I worked on another bot and when I try to deploy it there is no message reaching the bot on Azure.
Since I can not see errors on Azure or from Slack, I think my issue does not come from my code. What seems very strange is that I did not get any message from Slack telling me that the messages can not reach the bot and yet I can not see message reaching Azure.
I use this to install the bot on Slack except that I did not suscribe to events which was working fine with my initial deployment.
I tried with a sample bot, I got the same issue. So I must be missing something about the configuration.
My bot is working fine with cortana and directline.
First thing I'd try is to find out if the problem is on the Slack side or the Bot Service side.
To test out the Bot Service side:
Have you tried running in the test chat?
Or tried debugging the bot service on your local machine?
If it helps, I've written up a little tutorial on how to debug a bot service.
Hope that helps!

New bot not answering messages in microsoft teams

I'm running a bot with Microsoft Teams and have it setup in Azure. It's a demo bot from the bot builder code Microsoft released. I'm pointing it to a local server that has ngrok running. This works fine when I test via Web Chat in Azure but it doesn't work at all when working with Teams.
The app sideloads properly and the manifest is accepted by teams. No response appears to be making it to the server. When I click to show the Bot Channels in Azure some kind of OPTIONS query is being sent to the server and the demo bot throws a 405 error.
The bot id is f22039b8-5400-4569-a0f2-5bdceb8431f2 but I can't talk to it in 1:1 chat either when I specify this ID.
There are no logs in Azure or teams- I don't see any errors, so I have no idea how to start debugging this.
This is a link to someone with the exact same question:
Bot not answering messages in microsoft teams
There is currently a bug in our bot registration code that is causing this. We are currently investigating its root cause.
As a workaround, add the Skype channel and the MS Teams channel to the bot.
