How to configure Appid Service with IBMid Identity provider - ibm-appid

I am searching to configure IBMid Provider using APPID (Bluemix) service, I found there a way by configuring SAML 2.0, but how to get the SAML details.

IBMid do not have SAML interface. Please ping me on Slack/ST.


Provision Azure AD Users to wso2 identity server using SCIM

In order to configure "Auto Provisioning" from Azure Active Directory to wso2 identity server/manager, Initial connection needed are as:- "Tenant Url" & "secret token".
Can you please let me know how to generate "Secret Token" in wso2 identity server and will it work with rest api for scim.
Ref: salesforce like application do provide secret token initially when account is setup.
You can use any authentication mechanism to authenticate with WSO2 Identity Server SCIM endpoints such as basic auth,oauth. Please refer [1] for basic auth.

Can I integrate a SAML application with Azure AD B2C?

Our current application is authenticating users with a SAML IdP. We wish to retain their implementation of SAML and update the application’s configuration with Azure AD B2C, not switch to OAuth2 or OpenID Connect. Does Azure AD B2C currently support receiving authentication requests via SAML? I am unable to find this in the documentation.
Azure B2C does (has for a while) provide SAML connectivity through custom policies in the Identity Experience Framework currently in public preview -
Azure AD B2C does not support integrating with applications / relaying parties via SAML yet.
You can support this ask and keep up to date on its progress by voting for it in the Azure AD B2C feedback forum: (Application) SAML Protocol support.
You can configure Configure SAML Relying party application:
The full documentation can be found here:
NOTE: AS Per July 2019, SAML Relying Party support is available as a preview feature

Service Provider vs Identity Server in OAuth2 and Identity Server

Is there is any service provider in OAuth2 and OpenId Connect? Is Service Provider and Resource server are same or different? Whats the different? I heard Service Provider in SAML.
What is called Service Provider in SAML is called Relying Party in OpenID Connect, which is a comparable concept. OAuth 2.0 is not a federated SSO protocol like SAML is so comparing OAuth 2.0 terminology (i.e. Resource Server) with SAML doesn't work very well.

Is it possible to add salesforce as an identity provider to ACS

As The ACS Management Portal doesn't provide built-in support for configuring salesforce as an identity provider:
Is there any way to add salesforce as an identity provider manually to ACS?
Thread: Does Azure ACS support saml 2.0 IdPs like Salesforce? doesn't come to any conclusion on the matter.
No, you can't add SalesForce as IdP in Azure Access Control Service.
Nope. Unfortunately, ACS doesn't support SAML-P identity providers at this time.
How about add a custom STS as identity provider, in these STS use saml2.0 idps?
Ping me (through the contact page on, this is the thing I'm trying to solve with

Does Azure ACS support saml 2.0 IdPs like Salesforce?

I have no Access Control Service (ACS) installed, but I've seen on some online video demo that Salesforce is not in the list of available pre-installed identity providers. Salesforce can be configured as IdP (standard SAML 2.0 is used). Can I setup ACS so that I can use Salesforce as identity provider? Thanks
I haven't personally used a SAML 2.0 token provider, but it's official description says that ACS supports SAML 2.0 tokens. A list of supported protocols are OAuth 2.0, WS-Trust, and WS-Federation (as by official statement).
Also, there is no currently automated (with user interface) way to add identity providers that are out of predefined in the ACS. You can however use the ACS cmdLets to manually add IPs that have a supported protocol. Here is a Vittorio's blog that shows how to add an openID provider.
If you can configure the SalesFores as IdP with the use of SAML 2.0 tokens, you just to identify the protocol - is it OAuth, is it WS-Trust of WS-Federation, and execute a PowerShell command which would look something like this:
PS:\>Add-IdentityProvider –Namespace "myacsnamespace" –ManagementKey "XXXXXXXX" -Type "Manual" -Name "SalesForce" -Protocol OAuth –SignInAddress ""
The list of supported protocols for this command is: WsFederation, OAuth, OpenId, WsTrust. So the SalesForce IdP configuration must use some of those protocols with SAML 2.0 tokens and it must work. I think it's the OAuth as by this wiki.
Hope this helps!
