Error bars drift away from the main bars - gnuplot

I'm trying to draw bar graphs with error bars. Here is my script,
set term pngcairo
# ... some setup code
set style data histogram
set style fill solid 1.00 border
set style histogram gap 1 errorbars lw 1
set ytics 800
set output "thttpd.png"
plot 'thttpd.dat' using 2:3:xtic(1) title col(2)
My data is like this,
File_size Original_thttpd std_dev priv std_dev
16 617.525151042 46.4794798061 623.229175781 17.4696494741
32 1094.72792871 36.709731068 1105.89255892 21.3383446583
64 1736.16701074 14.9846134633 1738.41502295 23.9069441408
I got figure,
As you can see, the error bars are separated from the main bar. I'm using gnuplot 5.2. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks!

That looks like a bug that was fixed sometime between version 5.2.2 and 5.2.4.
The program failed to recognize that use of "title col(2)" in your plot command necessarily implies the presence of an extra row of data containing column headings. You can bypass this failure by adding the command
set key autotitle columnhead
That will ensure that the program knows about the row of column header labels
even if the autotitle feature isn't used for a particular plot.


Strange behaviour in gnuplot for label with Arial font face in pdfcairo terminal

I am obtaining a strange behaviour on gnuplot 5.2.2 pdfcairo terminal with a label composed of several lines and attempted to be printed align to center. The label is the signature for my plots, it is composed of my name (first line), my institution (second line) and the date, obtained from time(0) and strftime.
In a multiplot script I noticed that the date (3rd line) was printed align to left while the other two line were printed align to center as intended. Then I placed the set label instruction before the first plot was called so that the label is printed two times. Then, in the first call, date was aligned to left but in the second call the date was aligned to center, as intended. Same happens if the align to right mode is intended. However if the strftime string is substituted by a regular string "foo" then alignment works fine.
This behaviour only happens if font is set to Arial and if the terminal is set to pdfcairo. If font is set to Ubuntu (or Times) or if the terminal is set to pngcairo then all calls print the label truly align to center.
A minimal workable example is:
set terminal pdfcairo enhanced color font "Arial,"
set output "prueba.pdf"
set multiplot layout 1,2
set colors podo
Cadena_firma="Martin-Olalla JM\nUniversidad de Sevilla\n".strftime("%Y/%m/%d",time(0))
set label 1 at screen 0.85,0.25 Cadena_firma noenhanced center font "Arial,10" tc rgb '#9d2235' front
set yrange [-2:2]
plot sin(x) lc 3
plot cos(x) lc 3
I attached the output, highlighting the weird printing of the date.
This is only happening in one of the computers I handle. It is easily solvable by changing the font. Nonetheless I am curious and it might be interesting for others.
There have been multiple reports of font problems that all appear to trace back to bad pango/cairo library versions. Some of the problems are OS-specific and some are font-specific. So there are probably multiple issues involved. Here are some tracker items:

Gnuplot segmentation fault

I use ubuntu 16.04 LTS and gnuplot 5.0 patchlevel 3. This is the data file I have and I want to plot it like a heatmap. When I enter this in gnuplot:
set terminal png size 1200,1000
set size square
unset tics
unset border
set view map
do for [i=0:0]{
set autoscale fix
set output sprintf("esatad%.0f.png", i)
plot 'itp.txt' u 1:2:3 every:::(i*s)::(s+i*s) notitle w image
I get the following error "segmentation fault (core image recorded)" and then gnuplot is closed. But when I change 2 lines of the code and try to plot it as a surface:
set terminal png size 1200,1000
set size square
unset tics
unset border
set hidden3d
do for [i=0:0]{
set autoscale fix
set output sprintf("esatad%.0f.png", i)
splot 'itp.txt' u 1:2:3 every:::(i*s)::(s+i*s) notitle w l
I get this image, which is what I want except that it is not a "heatmap". I guess that's it, I have no idea of what is happening... sorry, I'm really a newbie. Also, I've been warned (in this website) about pm3d and dgrid3d plots in which "the colors in your image will not correspond directly to the data in your file." Therefore w image should be prefered. I don't even know if that is relevant, but anyway, what should I do?
Edit: I forgot to say that the "w image" code generates an image with labels and axis but the plot frame is entirely black...
I don't know why you are getting a segmentation fault; that should not happen. It might be worth trying to update to a more recent version of gnuplot.
It seems to me that you might be off by one in your every statement. The following works for me (gnuplot 5.2.2):
set terminal png size 300,250
set size square
unset tics
unset border
set view map
do for [i=0:4]{
set autoscale fix
set output sprintf("esatad%.0f.png", i)
plot 'itp.txt' u 1:2:3 every:::(i*s)::(i*s+s-1) notitle w image
I had the same problem.
Let's say you have a grid of 10 x 20 data.
If the number of all data lines are not equal, for example, one set has 9 lines and the rest have 10 lines, it will generate a segmentation fault (it shouldn't, however).
Maybe double check data if any line is missing.

Gnuplot Expand Plot to Fill Area

I am making a video for my simulation, where each each frame is a picture of the simulation, and a graph. I'm making the graph with gnuplot, and I first run the simulation to determine the x and y ranges to use and then hardcode the range into the plot script. It works okay, but the plot does not use up the entire surface, there is a ton of white space, and the plot is only about 1/4 of the total area. Is there a way to make the plot expand closer to the edges of the boundary, or a way to control the plot placement?
set term postscript eps color enhanced "Helvetica" 36
set output 'image.eps'
set size ratio 0.8
set logscale x
set xlabel 'Time(Arb. Units)'
set xrange [10:100000]
set yrange [0:1.6]
set y2range [0:0.5]
set ylabel 'Absorption(%)'
set y2label 'Emission'
set format x '%.0e'
set xtics 10, 100, 100000
set key noautotitles
plot 'absorption.dat' axes x1y1 w lines lt 3 lw 5, 'emission.dat' axes x1y2 w lines lt 1 lw 5
Here is what comes out:
I set a grey background so you can see what space is being wasted.
Edit: I've also tried the png terminal, but that seems to make the problem even worse. The plot is shrunk even further. I replaced the top two lines of the script with:
set term png font Helvetica 36
set output 'image.png'
Then this is what comes out:
There are several things involved in the computation of the plot size:
Different terminals have different default canvas sizes. If the defaults don't fit your needs, change the size set terminal ... size ...
The canvas has a fixed aspect ratio (given by the terminals size settings) and you impose an additional constraint with set size ratio... which affects only the plot but not the canvas size. So, if you need this size ratio you must adapt the plot canvas to it.
A third parameter are the margins. Since gnuplot don't exactly know how the labels will be rendered by the terminal, the margins cannot be exact. You can set margins manually with set bmargin ... (for the bottom margin) and equivalently for the other margins.
I would suggest to use a terminal that accept the crop flag
e.g. png, gif, jpeg but also epscairo

gnuplot ignores x and y ranges when using dgrid3d

I have a file with scattered data (points located approximatelly on the vertices of a regular grid): first two columns are the x and y coordinates, then a few more columns with other data that I need to plot. I want to obtain color maps that represent this data, and since points are scattered I'm using dgrid3d to generate a regular grid and have a smoother representation. My problem is that when I set dgrid3d, gnuplot ignores the x and y ranges and plot the grid outside the figure frame. Bellow is a minimal script to reproduce my problem:
set view map
set yrange [0.4:0.8]
set xrange [0.2:0.8]
set pm3d
set style data lines
set dgrid3d 100,100,4
splot "./Terr.dat" using 1:2:(log($6)) pal
The result that I obtain is the following image:
Setting the option clip1in or clip4in of pm3d has no effect. If I unset view so that the result is a 3D surface, it also ignores the x and y ranges. I could easily write an script to pre-process the data and remove the points outside the range I want, but gnuplot should be able to manage this. Any idea?
I'm using gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 6
I'm not sure that I am able to reproduce your problem, but there are a few funny things with your script. I'm not exactly sure what the line set style data lines is supposed to do in this context as you're plotting with pm3d. I created a simple datafile:
0 1 4
1 0 5
0 0 2
1 1 3
And I plotted it using this script:
set view map
set yrange [0.4:0.8]
set xrange [0.2:0.8]
set dgrid3d 100,100,4
splot 'test.dat' u 1:2:3 w pm3d
And it seemed to "work" (I'm using gnuplot 4.6.0).
There are a few things of note however -- Notice that every point in my original domain was out of the given x and y ranges. Gnuplot still used those points when constructing the surface. This is also demonstrates reasonably nicely what the gnuplot weighting function looks like (although we could do even better by using only 1 point in our data file.)
Between my 2 computers, I have access to gnuplot4.2.6, gnuplot4.3.0, gnuplot4.4.2, gnuplot4.6.0, gnuplot4.6.1 and gnuplot4.7.0. gnuplot4.2.6 is the only version which exhibits the behavior you describe. It looks to me like they changed the behavior of pm3d in the 4.3 CVS branch, but didn't push those changes back into gnuplot4.2. The easy fix is to upgrade to gnuplot4.6 -- I've been using it as my default gnuplot for a few months now and it seems to be pretty stable.

How to make plots larger in GnuPlot

I am generating mapped 3D plots using the following config file (XRANGE and YRANGE are set later)
set term postscript eps enhanced
set size square
set xlabel "X position"
set ylabel "Y position"
#Have a gradient of colors from blue (low) to red (high)
set pm3d map
set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31
set xrange [0 : XRANGE]
set yrange [0 : YRANGE]
set style line 1 lw 1
unset key
set dgrid3d 45,45
set hidden3d
splot "" u 1:2:3
The resulting image looks something like this
Note: I have converted to jpg so the quality is lower, and I have placed a border around the image.
A great deal of space is wasted above and below. This is not a problem until I embed the image into a LaTex document, at which point it will look like so (again, pdf document converted to jpg image)
The image on the right is also created with GnuPlot, but it is slightly larger (as is evident by looking at the border I have drawn around the top two images). The reason for this is because GnuPlot pads the 3D plot with top and bottom white space. How can I remove this without having to manually edit all 50+ plots I have?
There are two solutions to this, one is unreliable, the other is a hack.
Using GnuPlot, the margin settings can be used to specify distances from the appropriate margins. For example, setting lmargin 0 and bmargin 0 essentially pushes the axes off the page. Similar values can be assigned to the tmargin and rmargin to stretch the graph. Although this worked for 2D graphs, it did not work for 3D graphs (I suspect this has to do with the fact that I set the graph to be a square).
When graphs are set to be of square size, Gnuplot still calculates for the entire screen. The eps file can be manipulated directly to change this by looking for a line like so %%BoundingBox: 50 50 410 302 and changing 410 to something smaller. Alternatively, and this is what I did, you can run eps2eps in.eps out.eps and it will crop it for you. Just make sure in.eps is not the same file as out.eps or it won't work.
I also crop the Bounding Box afterwards, since I hate playing around with margins in gnuplot. I realized that somehow, eps2eps indeed does adjust the bounding box, but it also transforms text (labels etc) into pixel-graphic?!
I usually use "epstool" which conserves text as text when croping the bb, the command I use is:
epstool --copy --bbox in.eps out.eps
Use the <scale> argument in set view, this will magnify the plot without changing text size or title position.
In your case, because you use the map view, you need:
set view 180,0,1.5
where 180,0 is equivalent to map view and 1.5 is the scaling factor.
