Typed Tagless Final Interpreters: what is the use of duplicate? - haskell

This question is related to the paper Typed Tagless Final Interpreters. In page 11, a function trice is presented, which relies on a duplicate function:
I've tried coding this into Haskell, and the resulting functions look as follows:
thrice :: (Int, (String, Tree)) -> IO () -- Is this the most generic type we can give?
thrice x0 = do
x1 <- dupConsume eval x0
x2 <- dupConsume view x1
print $ toTree x2
dupConsume ev y = do
print (ev y0)
return y1
(y0, y1) = duplicate y
However, since I cannot seem to be able to give a more generic type to thrice I could have just written the simpler function:
thrice' :: (Int, (String, Tree)) -> IO ()
thrice' (reprInt, (reprStr, reprTree)) = do
print $ eval reprInt
print $ view reprStr
print $ toTree reprTree
So I was wondering what is the use of duplicate in this example?

First, as an aside, note that the code in that article is already valid Haskell code, except that some symbols are used in place of usual Haskell syntax. For example, the symbol "◦" is used in place of the (.) operator for function composition.
So you can write thrice as the following valid Haskell code, straight from its definition in the article:
thrice x = dup_consume eval x >>= dup_consume view
>>= print . toTree
dup_consume ev x = print (ev x1) >> return x2
where (x1, x2) = duplicate x
Anyway, back to your question... As you have rightly pointed out, the interpreter duplicate has no real purpose. For example, you can define dup_consume as either the version above or else drop the duplicate entirely and write:
dup_consume ev x = print (ev x1) >> return x2
where (x1, x2) = x
And, of course, you can merge the definition of dup_consume directly into thrice, as you've done.
However, all the final "interpreters" in the article have no real purpose. That's kind of the point. In particular, you don't need eval or view to define thrice either. The following works fine, too:
thrice' :: (Int, (String, Tree)) -> IO ()
thrice' (reprInt, (reprStr, reprTree)) = do
print $ reprInt
print $ reprStr
print $ reprTree
after which you can do the following:
> thrice' (add (lit 5) (neg (lit 2)))
"(5 + (-2))"
Node "Add" [Node "Lit" [Leaf "5"],Node "Neg" [Node "Lit" [Leaf "2"]]]
The idea with these final interpreters is that the typing determines the interpretation. The purpose of the interpreters is only to add typing information without explicit type signatures. So, eval (neg (lit 1)) can be entered at the GHCi prompt without a type signature:
> eval (neg (lit 1))
and it "works" because eval -- which is just the id function -- forces the return value to be an integer, which in turn selects the correct instance to evaluate the final expression rather than viewing it or something else. But you could also write:
> neg (lit 1) :: Int
to get the same effect.
It turns out that duplicate is even less necessary than the other interpreters, because in the only place where it's used -- namely the definition of dup_consume:
dup_consume ev x = print (ev x1) >> return x2
where (x1, x2) = duplicate x
the type checker can already infer that a tuple is needed, so any final expression provided for x, like neg (lit 1) will necessarily be interpreted as the duplicating instance for tuples (i.e,. the instance defined right before the definition of duplicate), so -- as noted above -- you could just write:
dup_consume ev x = print (ev x1) >> return x2
where (x1, x2) = x
and the type checker would figure it out.

I might be wrong, but I suspect your thrice' function may involve parsing the expression multiple times, whereas Oleg's duplicate trick will only copy the parse tree (i.e. parse result).
The need for duplication arises from the pattern matching on parse result, which assigns a monomorphic type to the matched parse result. Therefore, once you've chosen an interpreter for it, you're stuck with it. The paper mentions a higher-rank encoding to reclaim this lost polymorphism at the expense of extensibility, which defeats the point of tagless final interpreters.
An alternative is the duplicate trick which copies the (monomorphic) parse result into another (monomorphic) value to be interpreted differently.
Of course, if parsing always succeeds (for instance by encoding parse errors directly in your parse tree) then there's no need for duplicate since the parse result can remain polymorphic and be interpreted differently.


Using Just and Nothing Haskell

I am implementing a lambda calculus interpreter and one of the functions I have to write is specified as follows. I have written all of the other functions but this one is really giving me trouble because it needs to return either Just Expr or Nothing and I'm not sure how to propogate this through the recursion:
A single step. Now write a function to do a single step of reduction:
appNF_OneStep :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
where the built-in Maybe type is defined as follows:
data Maybe a =
| Just a
appNF_OneStep takes an expression e. If there is a redex available in e, it picks the correct applicative
order redex and reduces e. (Note that in applicative order we are pursuing the leftmost, innermost strategy
as follows. Pick the leftmost redex R; if there are nested (inner) redexes within R, pick the leftmost one,
and so on, until we reach a redex without nested ones.) If a reduction was carried out, resulting in a
new expression expr', appNF_OneStep returns Just expr', otherwise it returns Nothing.
As example inputs/outputs:
Input: App (Lambda "x" (Lambda "y" (Var "x"))) (Lambda "x" (Var "x"))
Correct Output: Just (Lambda "1_" (Lambda "x" (Var "x")))
Another example:
Input: Lambda "y" (Lambda "x" (Var "x"))
Correct Output: Nothing
As can be seen, the entire expression with only the one reduction performed is wrapped inside of the Just.
I will provide a few hints.
You need to perform the recursive calls, and check whether their result is Nothing or Just something. This part of your code looks OK:
appNF_OneStep (App e1 e2) =
let f = appNF_OneStep e1
a = appNF_OneStep e2
Let's continue from there. There are four possible cases:
appNF_OneStep (App e1 e2) =
let f = appNF_OneStep e1
a = appNF_OneStep e2
in case (f, a) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> ??? -- case 1
(Nothing, Just a') -> ??? -- case 2
(Just f', Nothing) -> ??? -- case 3
(Just f', Just a') -> ??? -- case 4
In case 1, both e1 and e2 can not be reduced. Can we reduce their application? How?
In case 2, e1 can not be reduced, but e2 can (to a'). Can we reduce their application? How?
And so on. You might not need to consider all four cases if you discover some of them are similar and can be grouped. Still, I'd recommend you start by examining all four cases, to understand what's going on.
The rest of the code has some issues:
appNF_OneStep::Expr -> Maybe Expr
appNF_OneStep (Var x) = (Var x)
Here the result (Var x) is an Expr, not a Maybe Expr, so it has the wrong type. We might fix that to Just (Var x). Is that really the right result, though? Do we really have that a variable can make one reduction step resulting in itself?
appNF_OneStep (Lambda x ex) = (Lambda x (appNFOneStep ex))
returns the wrong type, Expr instead of Maybe Expr. On top of that, Lambda expects an Expr as second argument, but the recursive call is Maybe Expr, so that won't do. You need to proceed by cases, as for application:
appNF_OneStep (Lambda x ex) = case appNFOneStep ex of
Nothing -> ???
Just a -> ???
Once you get fluent with Haskell, you could replace some of this boring code with helpers like fmap, but there is no need to hurry. Try to learn the basics of pattern matching and algebraic types, first.

How to use Data.SBV to help derive correct stack machine implementation?

Graham Hutton, in the 2nd edition of Programming in Haskell, spends the last 2 chapters on the topic of stack machine based implementation of an AST.
And he finishes by showing how to derive the correct implementation of that machine from the semantic model of the AST.
I'm trying to enlist the help of Data.SBV in that derivation, and failing.
And I'm hoping that someone can help me understand whether I'm:
Asking for something that Data.SBV can't do, or
Asking Data.SBV for something it can do, but asking incorrectly.
-- test/sbv-stack.lhs - Data.SBV assisted stack machine implementation derivation.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
import qualified Data.SBV.List as L
import Data.SBV.List ((.:), (.++)) -- Since they don't collide w/ any existing list functions.
-- AST Definition
data Exp = Val SWord8
| Sum Exp Exp
-- Our "Meaning" Function
eval :: Exp -> SWord8
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Sum x y) = eval x + eval y
type Stack = SList Word8
-- Our "Operational" Definition.
-- This function attempts to implement the *specification* provided by our
-- "meaning" function, above, in a way that is more conducive to
-- implementation in our available (and, perhaps, quite primitive)
-- computational machinery.
-- Note that we've (temporarily) assumed that this machinery will consist
-- of some form of *stack-based computation engine* (because we're
-- following Hutton's example).
-- Note that we give the *specification* of the function in the first
-- (commented out) line of the definition. The derivation of the actual
-- correct definition from this specification is detailed in Ch. 17 of
-- Hutton's book.
eval' :: Exp -> Stack -> Stack
-- eval' e s = eval e : s -- our "specification"
eval' (Val n) s = push n s -- We're defining this one manually.
push :: SWord8 -> Stack -> Stack
push n s = n .: s
eval' (Sum x y) s = add (eval' y (eval' x s))
add :: Stack -> Stack
add = uninterpret "add" s -- This is the function we're asking to be derived.
-- Now, let's just ask SBV to "solve" our specification of `eval'`:
spec :: Goal
spec = do x :: SWord8 <- forall "x"
y :: SWord8 <- forall "y"
-- Our spec., from above, specialized to the `Sum` case:
constrain $ eval' (Sum (Val x) (Val y)) L.nil .== eval (Sum (Val x) (Val y)) .: L.nil
We get:
λ> :l test/sbv-stack.lhs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test/sbv-stack.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
Collecting type info for 1 module(s) ...
λ> sat spec
Reason: smt tactic failed to show goal to be sat/unsat (incomplete quantifiers)
What happened?!
Well, maybe, asking SBV to solve for anything other than a predicate (i.e. - a -> Bool) doesn't work?
The fundamental issue here is that you are mixing SMTLib's sequence logic and quantifiers. And the problem turns out to be too difficult for an SMT solver to handle. This sort of synthesis of functions is indeed possible if you restrict yourself to basic logics. (Bitvectors, Integers, Reals.) But adding sequences to the mix puts it into the undecidable fragment.
This doesn't mean z3 cannot synthesize your add function. Perhaps a future version might be able to handle it. But at this point you're at the mercy of heuristics. To see why, note that you're asking the solver to synthesize the following definition:
add :: Stack -> Stack
add s = v .: s''
where (a, s') = L.uncons s
(b, s'') = L.uncons s'
v = a + b
while this looks rather innocent and simple, it requires capabilities beyond the current abilities of z3. In general, z3 can currently synthesize functions that only make a finite number of choices on concrete elements. But it is unable to do so if the output depends on input for every choice of input. (Think of it as a case-analysis producing engine: It can conjure up a function that maps certain inputs to others, but cannot figure out if something should be incremented or two things must be added. This follows from the work in finite-model finding theory, and is way beyond the scope of this answer! See here for details: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.00096)
A better use case for SBV and SMT solving for this sort of problem is to actually tell it what the add function is, and then prove some given program is correctly "compiled" using Hutton's strategy. Note that I'm explicitly saying a "given" program: It would also be very difficult to model and prove this for an arbitrary program, but you can do this rather easily for a given fixed program. If you are interested in proving the correspondence for arbitrary programs, you really should be looking at theorem provers such as Isabelle, Coq, ACL2, etc.; which can deal with induction, a proof technique you will no doubt need for this sort of problem. Note that SMT solvers cannot perform induction in general. (You can use e-matching to simulate some induction like proofs, but it's a kludge at best and in general unmaintainable.)
Here's your example, coded to prove the \x -> \y -> x + y program is "correctly" compiled and executed with respect to reference semantics:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
import qualified Data.SBV.List as L
import Data.SBV.List ((.:))
-- AST Definition
data Exp = Val SWord8
| Sum Exp Exp
-- Our "Meaning" Function
eval :: Exp -> SWord8
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Sum x y) = eval x + eval y
-- Evaluation by "execution"
type Stack = SList Word8
run :: Exp -> SWord8
run e = L.head (eval' e L.nil)
where eval' :: Exp -> Stack -> Stack
eval' (Val n) s = n .: s
eval' (Sum x y) s = add (eval' y (eval' x s))
add :: Stack -> Stack
add s = v .: s''
where (a, s') = L.uncons s
(b, s'') = L.uncons s'
v = a + b
correct :: IO ThmResult
correct = prove $ do x :: SWord8 <- forall "x"
y :: SWord8 <- forall "y"
let pgm = Sum (Val x) (Val y)
spec = eval pgm
machine = run pgm
return $ spec .== machine
When I run this, I get:
*Main> correct
And the proof takes almost no time. You can easily extend this by adding other operators, binding forms, function calls, the whole works if you like. So long as you stick to a fixed "program" for verification, it should work out just fine.
If you make a mistake, let's say define add by subtraction (modify the last line of it to ready v = a - b), you get:
*Main> correct
Falsifiable. Counter-example:
x = 32 :: Word8
y = 0 :: Word8
I hope this gives an idea of what the current capabilities of SMT solvers are and how you can put them to use in Haskell via SBV.
Program synthesis is an active research area with many custom techniques and tools. An out of the box use of an SMT-solver will not get you there. But if you do build such a custom system in Haskell, you can use SBV to access an underlying SMT solver to solve many constraints you'll have to handle during the process.
(Aside: An extended example, similar in spirit but with different goals, is shipped with the SBV package: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/sbv-8.5/docs/Documentation-SBV-Examples-Strings-SQLInjection.html. This program shows how to use SBV and SMT solvers to find SQL injection vulnerabilities in an idealized SQL implementation. That might be of some interest here, and would be more aligned with how SMT solvers are typically used in practice.)

Why are ML/Haskell datatypes useful for defining "languages" like arithmetic expressions?

This is more of a soft question about static type systems in functional languages like those of the ML family. I understand why you need datatypes to describe data structures like lists and trees but defining "expressions" like those of propositional logic within datatypes seems to bring just some convenience and is not necessary. For example
datatype arithmetic_exp = Constant of int
| Neg of arithmetic_exp
| Add of (arithmetic_exp * arithmetic_exp)
| Mult of (arithmetic_exp * arithmetic_exp)
defines a set of values, on which you can write an eval function which would give you the result. You could just as well define 4 functions: const: int -> int, neg: int -> int, add: int * int -> int and mult: int * int -> int and then an expression of the sort add (mult (const 3, neg 2), neg 4) would give you the same thing without any loss of static security. The only complication is that you have to do four things instead of two. While learning SML and Haskell I've been trying to think about which features give you something necessary and which are just a convenience, so this is the reason why I'm asking. I guess this would matter if you want to decouple the process of evaluating a value from the value itself but I'm not sure where that would be useful.
Thanks a lot.
There is a duality between initial / first-order / datatype-based encodings (aka deep embeddings) and final / higher-order / evaluator-based encodings (aka shallow embeddings). You can indeed typically use a typeclass of combinators instead of a datatype (and convert back and forth between the two).
Here is a module showing the two approaches:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, Rank2Types #-}
module Expr where
data Expr where
Val :: Int -> Expr
Add :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
class Expr' a where
val :: Int -> a
add :: a -> a -> a
You can see that the two definitions look eerily similar. Expr' a is basically describing an algebra on Expr which means that you can get an a out of an Expr if you have such an Expr' a. Similarly, because you can write an instance Expr' Expr, you're able to reify a term of type forall a. Expr' a => a into a syntactic value of type Expr:
expr :: Expr' a => Expr -> a
expr e = case e of
Val n -> val n
Add p q -> add (expr p) (expr q)
instance Expr' Expr where
val = Val
add = Add
expr' :: (forall a. Expr' a => a) -> Expr
expr' e = e
In the end, picking a representation over another really depends on what your main focus is: if you want to inspect the structure of the expression (e.g. if you want to optimise / compile it), it's easier if you have access to an AST. If, on the other hand, you're only interested in computing an invariant using a fold (e.g. the depth of the expression or its evaluation), a higher order encoding will do.
The ADT is in a form you can inspect and manipulate in ways other than simply evaluating it. Once you hide all the interesting data in a function call, there is no longer anything you can do with it but evaluate it. Consider this definition, similar to the one in your question, but with a Var term to represent variables and with the Mul and Neg terms removed to focus on addition.
data Expr a = Constant a
| Add (Expr a) (Expr a)
| Var String
deriving Show
The obvious function to write is eval, of course. It requires a way to look up a variable's value, and is straightforward:
-- cheating a little bit by assuming all Vars are defined
eval :: Num a => Expr a -> (String -> a) -> a
eval (Constant x) _env = x
eval (Add x y) env = eval x env + eval y env
eval (Var x) env = env x
But suppose you don't have a variable mapping yet. You have a large expression that you will evaluate many times, for different choices of variable. And some silly recursive function built up an expression like:
Add (Constant 1)
(Add (Constant 1)
(Add (Constant 1)
(Add (Constant 1)
(Add (Constant 1)
(Add (Constant 1)
(Var "x"))))))
It would be wasteful to recompute 1+1+1+1+1+1 every time you evaluate this: wouldn't it be nice if your evaluator could realize that this is just another way of writing Add (Constant 6) (Var "x")?
So, you write an expression optimizer, which runs before any variables are available and tries to simplify expressions. There are many simplification rules you could apply, of course; below I've implemented just two very easy ones to illustrate the point.
simplify :: Num a => Expr a -> Expr a
simplify (Add (Constant x) (Constant y)) = Constant $ x + y
simplify (Add (Constant x) (Add (Constant y) z)) = simplify $ Add (Constant $ x + y) z
simplify x = x
Now how does our silly expression look?
> simplify $ Add (Constant 1) (Add (Constant 1) (Add (Constant 1) (Add (Constant 1) (Add (Constant 1) (Add (Constant 1) (Var "x"))))))
Add (Constant 6) (Var "x")
All the unnecessary stuff has been removed, and you now have a nice clean expression to try for various values of x.
How do you do the same thing with a representation of this expression in functions? You can't, because there is no "intermediate form" between the initial specification of the expression and its final evaluation: you can only look at the expression as a single, opaque function call. Evaluating it at a particular value of x necessarily evaluates each of the subexpressions anew, and there is no way to disentangle them.
Here's an extension of the functional type you propose in your question, again enriched with variables:
type FExpr a = (String -> a) -> a
lit :: a -> FExpr a
lit x _env = x
add :: Num a => FExpr a -> FExpr a -> FExpr a
add x y env = x env + y env
var :: String -> FExpr a
var x env = env x
with the same silly expression to evaluate many times:
sample :: Num a => FExpr a
sample = add (lit 1)
(add (lit 1)
(add (lit 1)
(add (lit 1)
(add (lit 1)
(add (lit 1)
(var "x"))))))
It works as expected:
> sample $ \_var -> 5
But it has to do a bunch of addition every time you try it for a different x, even though the addition and the variable are mostly unrelated. And there's no way you can simplify the expression tree. You can't simplify it while defining it: that is, you can't make add smarter, because it can't inspect its arguments at all: its arguments are functions which, as far as add is concerned, could do anything at all. And you can't simplify it after constructing it, either: at that point you just have an opaque function that takes in a variable lookup function and produces a value.
By modeling the important parts of your problem as data types in their own right, you make them values that your program can manipulate intelligently. If you leave them as functions, you get a shorter program that is less powerful, because you lock all the information inside lambdas that only GHC can manipulate.
And once you've written it with ADTs, it's not hard to collapse that representation back into the shorter function-based representation if you want. That is, it might be nice to have a function of type
convert :: Expr a -> FExpr a
But in fact, we've already done this! That's exactly the type that eval has. You just might not have noticed because of the FExpr type alias, which is not used in the definition of eval.
So in a way, the ADT representation is more general and more powerful, acting as a tree that you can fold up in many different ways. One of those ways is evaluating it, in exactly the way that the function-based representation does. But there are others:
Simplify the expression before evaluating it
Produce a list of all the variables that must be defined for this expression to be well formed
Count how deeply nested the deepest part of the tree is, to estimate how many stack frames an evaluator might need
Convert the expression to a String approximating a Haskell expression you could type to get the same result
So if possible you'd like to work with information-rich ADTs for as long as you can, and then eventually fold the tree up into a more compact form once you have something specific to do with it.

Symbolic theory proving using SBV and Haskell

I'm using SBV (with Z3 backend) in Haskell to create some theory provers. I want to check if forall x and y with given constrains (like x + y = y + x, where + is a "plus operator", not addition) some other terms are valid. I want to define axioms about the + expression (like associativity, identity etc.) and then check for further equalities, like check if a + (b + c) == (a + c) + b is valid formal a, b and c.
I was trying to accomplish it using something like:
main = do
let x = forall "x"
let y = forall "y"
out <- prove $ (x .== x)
print "end"
But it seems we cannot use the .== operator on symbolic values. Is this a missing feature or wrong usage? Are we able to do it somehow using SBV?
That sort of reasoning is indeed possible, through the use of uninterpreted sorts and functions. Be warned, however, that reasoning about such structures typically requires quantified axioms, and SMT-solvers are usually not terribly good at reasoning with quantifiers.
Having said that, here's how I would go about it, using SBV.
First, some boiler-plate code to get an uninterpreted type T:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Generics
import Data.SBV
-- Uninterpreted type T
data T = TBase () deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Read, Show)
instance SymWord T
instance HasKind T
type ST = SBV T
Once you do this, you'll have access to an uninterpreted type T and its symbolic counterpart ST. Let's declare plus and zero, again just uninterpreted constants with the right types:
-- Uninterpreted addition
plus :: ST -> ST -> ST
plus = uninterpret "plus"
-- Uninterpreted zero
zero :: ST
zero = uninterpret "zero"
So far, all we told SBV is that there exists a type T, and a function plus, and a constant zero; expressly being uninterpreted. That is, the SMT solver makes no assumptions other than the fact that they have the given types.
Let's first try to prove that 0+x = x:
bad = prove $ \x -> zero `plus` x .== x
If you try this, you'll get the following response:
*Main> bad
Falsifiable. Counter-example:
s0 = T!val!0 :: T
What the SMT solver is telling you is that the property does not hold, and here's a value where it doesn't hold. The value T!val!0 is a Z3 specific response; other solvers can return other things. It's essentially an internal identifier for a habitant of the type T; and other than that we know nothing about it. This isn't terribly useful of course, as you don't really know what associations it made for plus and zero, but it is to be expected.
To prove the property, let's tell the SMT solver two more things. First, that plus is commutative. And second, that zero added on the right doesn't do anything. These are done via addAxiom calls. Unfortunately, you have to write your axioms in the SMTLib syntax, as SBV doesn't (at least yet) support axioms written using Haskell. Note also we switch to using the Symbolic monad here:
good = prove $ do
addAxiom "plus-zero-axioms"
[ "(assert (forall ((x T) (y T)) (= (plus x y) (plus y x))))"
, "(assert (forall ((x T)) (= (plus x zero) x)))"
x <- free "x"
return $ zero `plus` x .== x
Note how we told the solver x+y = y+x and x+0 = x, and asked it to prove 0+x = x. Writing axioms this way looks really ugly since you have to use the SMTLib syntax, but that's the current state of affairs. Now we have:
*Main> good
Quantified axioms and uninterpreted-types/functions are not the easiest things to use via the SBV interface, but you can get some mileage out of it this way. If you have heavy use of quantifiers in your axioms, it's unlikely that the solver will be able to answer your queries; and will likely respond unknown. It all depends on the solver you use, and how hard the properties to prove are.
Your use of the API isn't quite right. The simplest way to prove mathematical equalities would be to use simple functions. For instance, associativity over unbounded Integers can be expressed this way:
prove $ \x y z -> x + (y + z) .== (x + y) + (z :: SInteger)
If you need a more programmatic interface (and sometimes you will), then you can use the Symbolic monad, thusly:
plusAssoc = prove $ do x <- sInteger "x"
y <- sInteger "y"
z <- sInteger "z"
return $ x + (y + z) .== (x + y) + z
I'd recommend browsing through many of the examples provided in the hackage site to get familiar with the API: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/sbv

Data constructor in template haskell

I'm trying to create the ring Z/n (like normal arithmetic, but modulo some integer). An example instance is Z4:
instance Additive.C Z4 where
zero = Z4 0
(Z4 x) + (Z4 y) = Z4 $ (x + y) `mod` 4
And so on for the ring. I'd like to be able to quickly generate these things, and I think the way to do it is with template haskell. Ideally I'd like to just go $(makeZ 4) and have it spit out the code for Z4 like I defined above.
I'm having a lot of trouble with this though. When I do genData n = [d| data $n = $n Integer] I get "parse error in data/newtype declaration". It does work if I don't use variables though: [d| data Z5 = Z5 Integer |], which must mean that I'm doing something weird with the variables. I'm not sure what though; I tried constructing them via newName and that didn't seem to work either.
Can anyone help me with what's going on here?
The Template Haskell documentation lists the things you are allowed to splice.
A splice can occur in place of
an expression; the spliced expression must have type Q Exp
an type; the spliced expression must have type Q Typ
a list of top-level declarations; the spliced expression must have type Q [Dec]
In both occurrences of $n, however, you're trying to splice a name.
This means you can't do this using quotations and splices. You'll have to build declaration using the various combinators available in the Language.Haskell.TH module.
I think this should be equivalent to what you're trying to do.
genData :: Name -> Q [Dec]
genData n = fmap (:[]) $ dataD (cxt []) n []
[normalC n [strictType notStrict [t| Integer |]]] []
Yep, it's a bit ugly, but there you go. To use this, call it with a fresh name, e.g.
$(genData (mkName "Z5"))
