I have a spark-streaming job that runs on EMR, scheduled by Airflow. We want to gracefully terminate this EMR cluster every week.
But when I issue the kill or SIGTERM signal to the running spark-streaming application it is reporting as "failed" task in the Airflow DAG. This is preventing the DAG to move further, preventing the next run from triggering.
Is there any way either to kill the running spark-streaming app to mark success or to let the DAG complete even though it sees the task as failed?
Is there any way either to kill the running spark-streaming app to mark success or to let the DAG complete even though it sees the task as failed?
For the first part, can you share your code that kills the Spark app? I think you should be able to have this task return success and have everything downstream "just work".
I'm not too familiar with EMR, but looking at the docs it looks like "job flow" is their name for the Spark cluster. In that case, are you using the built-in EmrTerminateJobFlowOperator?
I wonder if the failed task is the cluster terminating propagating back an error code or something? Also, is it possible that the cluster is failing to terminate and your code is raising an exception leading to a failed task?
To answer the second part, if you have multiple upstream tasks, you can use an alternate trigger rule on the operator to determine which downstream tasks run.
class TriggerRule(object):
ALL_SUCCESS = 'all_success'
ALL_FAILED = 'all_failed'
ALL_DONE = 'all_done'
ONE_SUCCESS = 'one_success'
ONE_FAILED = 'one_failed'
DUMMY = 'dummy'
Here is my setup:
Kubernetes cluster running airflow, which submits the spark job to Kubernetes cluster, job runs fine but the container are suppose to die once the job is done but they are still hanging there.
Airflow Setup comes up on K8S cluster.
Dag is baked in the airflow docker image because somehow I am not able to sync the dags from s3. For some reason the cron wont run.
Submits the spark job to K8S Cluster and job runs fine.
But now instead of dying post execution and completion of job it still hangs around.
Here is my SparkSubmitOperator function
spark_submit_task = SparkSubmitOperator(
'spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.aws.credentials.provider': 'com.amazonaws.auth.InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider',
'spark.rpc.message.maxSize': '1024',
'spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl': 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem',
'spark.kubernetes.container.image': 'dockerhub/spark-image:v0.1',
'spark.kubernetes.namespace' : 'random',
'spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent',
'spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName': 'airflow-spark'
Figured the problem it was my mistake I wasn't closing the spark session, added the following
My use case is the following. Via Terraform I want to create an EMR cluster, Start a Spark Job and terminate the cluster when the job is finished.
I found this step mechanism in Terraform documentation (https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/emr_cluster.html#step-1) but I didn't find any example for a Spark Job on Google (an
Maybe i'm doing wrong because my use case seems pretty simple but i can't find an other way to do it.
Thanks for your help
I found it finally
With step instruction it's possible to launch a Spark Job form a Jar stored in s3
step {
action_on_failure = "TERMINATE_CLUSTER"
name = "Launch Spark Job"
hadoop_jar_step {
jar = "command-runner.jar"
args = ["spark-submit","--class","com.mycompany.App","--master","yarn","s3://my_bucket/my_jar_with_dependencies.jar"]
I started a yarn cluster mode spark job through spark-submit.
To indicate partial failure etc I want to pass exitcode from driver to script calling spark-submit.
I tried both, System.exit and throwing SparkUserAppException in driver, but in both cases CLI only got 1, not what exitcode I passed.
I think it is impossible to pass custom exitcode, since any exitcode passed by driver will be converted to yarn status and yarn will convert any failed exitCode to 1 or failed.
By looking at spark code, I can conclude this:
It is possible in client mode. Look at runMain() method of SparkSubmit class
Whereas in cluster mode, it is not possible to get the exit status of the driver because your driver class will be running in one of the executors.
There an alternate solution that might/might not be suitable for your use case:
Host a REST API with an endpoint to receive the status update from your driver code. In the case of any exceptions, let your driver code use this endpoint to update the status.
You can save the exit code in the output file (on HDFS or local FS) and make your script wait for this file appearance, read and proceed. This is definitely is not an elegant way, but it may help you to proceed.
When saving file, pay attention to the permissions to this location. Your spark process has to have RW access.
I am using Spark 2.0 and sometimes my job fails due to problems with input. For example, I am reading CSV files off from a S3 folder based on the date, and if there's no data for the current date, my job has nothing to process so it throws an exception as follows. This gets printed in the driver's logs.
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Path does not exist: s3n://data/2016-08-31/*.csv;
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.failAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:40)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.failAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:58)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:174)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:67)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:729)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:185)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:210)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:124)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
16/09/03 10:51:54 INFO SparkContext: Invoking stop() from shutdown hook
16/09/03 10:51:54 INFO SparkUI: Stopped Spark web UI at
16/09/03 10:51:54 INFO StandaloneSchedulerBackend: Shutting down all executors
16/09/03 10:51:54 INFO CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend$DriverEndpoint: Asking each executor to shut down
Spark App app-20160903105040-0007 state changed to FINISHED
However, despite this uncaught exception, my Spark Job status is 'FINISHED'. I would expect it to be in 'FAILED' status because there was an exception. Why is it marked as FINISHED? How can I find out whether the job failed or not?
Note: I am spawning the Spark jobs using SparkLauncher, and listening to state changes through AppHandle. But the state change I receive is FINISHED whereas I am expecting FAILED.
The one FINISHED you see is for Spark application not a job. It is FINISHED since the Spark context was able to start and stop properly.
You can see any job information using JavaSparkStatusTracker.
For active jobs nothing additional should be done, since it has ".getActiveJobIds" method.
For getting finished/failed you will need to setup the job group ID in the thread from which you are calling for a spark execution:
JavaSparkContext sc;
sc.setJobGroup(MY_JOB_ID, "Some description");
Then whenever you need, you can read the status of each job with in specified job group:
JavaSparkStatusTracker statusTracker = sc.statusTracker();
for (int jobId : statusTracker.getJobIdsForGroup(JOB_GROUP_ALL)) {
final SparkJobInfo jobInfo = statusTracker.getJobInfo(jobId);
final JobExecutionStatus status = jobInfo.status();
The JobExecutionStatus can be one of RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, UNKNOWN; The last one is for case of job is submitted, but not actually started.
Note: all this is available from Spark driver, which is jar you are launching using SparkLauncher. So above code should be placed into the jar.
If you want to check in general is there any failures from the side of Spark Launcher, you can exit the application started by Jar with exit code different than 0 using kind of System.exit(1), if detected a job failure. The Process returned by SparkLauncher::launch contains exitValue method, so you can detect is it failed or no.
you can always go to spark history server and click on your job id to
get the job details.
If you are using yarn then you can go to resource manager web UI to
track your job status.
I'm running a Spark cluster in standalone mode.
I've submitted a Spark application in cluster mode using options:
--deploy-mode cluster –supervise
So that the job is fault tolerant.
Now I need to keep the cluster running but stop the application from running.
Things I have tried:
Stopping the cluster and restarting it. But the application resumes
execution when I do that.
Used Kill -9 of a daemon named DriverWrapper but the job resumes again after that.
I've also removed temporary files and directories and restarted the cluster but the job resumes again.
So the running application is really fault tolerant.
Based on the above scenario can someone suggest how I can stop the job from running or what else I can try to stop the application from running but keep the cluster running.
Something just accrued to me, if I call sparkContext.stop() that should do it but that requires a bit of work in the code which is OK but can you suggest any other way without code change.
If you wish to kill an application that is failing repeatedly, you may do so through:
./bin/spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.Client kill <master url> <driver ID>
You can find the driver ID through the standalone Master web UI at http://:8080.
From Spark Doc
Revisiting this because I wasn't able to use the existing answer without debugging a few things.
My goal was to programmatically kill a driver that runs persistently once a day, deploy any updates to the code, then restart it. So I won't know ahead of time what my driver ID is. It took me some time to figure out that you can only kill the drivers if you submitted your driver with the --deploy-mode cluster option. It also took me some time to realize that there was a difference between application ID and driver ID, and while you can easily correlate an application name with an application ID, I have yet to find a way to divine the driver ID through their api endpoints and correlate that to either an application name or the class you are running. So while run-class org.apache.spark.deploy.Client kill <master url> <driver ID> works, you need to make sure you are deploying your driver in cluster mode and are using the driver ID and not the application ID.
Additionally, there is a submission endpoint that spark provides by default at http://<spark master>:6066/v1/submissions and you can use http://<spark master>:6066/v1/submissions/kill/<driver ID> to kill your driver.
Since I wasn't able to find the driver ID that correlated to a specific job from any api endpoint, I wrote a python web scraper to get the info from the basic spark master web page at port 8080 then kill it using the endpoint at port 6066. I'd prefer to get this data in a supported way, but this is the best solution I could find.
import sys, re, requests, json
from selenium import webdriver
classes_to_kill = sys.argv
spark_master = 'masterurl'
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
driver.get("http://" + spark_master + ":8080/")
for running_driver in driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*/div/h4[contains(text(), 'Running Drivers')]"):
for driver_id in running_driver.find_elements_by_xpath("..//table/tbody/tr/td[contains(text(), 'driver-')]"):
for class_to_kill in classes_to_kill:
right_class = driver_id.find_elements_by_xpath("../td[text()='" + class_to_kill + "']")
if len(right_class) > 0:
driver_to_kill = re.search('^driver-\S+', driver_id.text).group(0)
print "Killing " + driver_to_kill
result = requests.post("http://" + spark_master + ":6066/v1/submissions/kill/" + driver_to_kill)
print json.dumps(json.loads(result.text), indent=4)
according this link use to stop if your master use yarn
yarn application -list
yarn application -kill application_id