python module not found via systemd, but works manually - python-3.x

I have a code in python that I use
import requests
It´s works if I run the code on command line.
But when I put in systemd It didn't work.
In log I see error:
Aug 2 15:08:19 beaglebone python3[2140]: import requests
Aug 2 15:08:19 beaglebone python3[2140]: ImportError: No module named 'requests'
I´m using debian in BeagleBone

You've asked a variation of the FAQ Why do things behave differently under systemd?.
This may have to do with the current working directory or environment variables that provide Python library paths.
At top of your python code before your import line, immediately dump out the current working directory and all environment variables. Review the differences under systemd vs manual use.
I think you'll find the issue there. For example, if requests was found relative to your current working directory and systemd is using a different directory.
See the answer to above linked FAQ for more possibilities.


Where does python under conda look for a package?

I am trying to manually install a python3.8 module under conda. My module is a python wrapper of a C++ library. It comes with CMakeLists.txt. By specifying -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to miniconda3 directory, I achieve that the corresponding .so module appears in miniconda3/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/.
Then, I run python in the same terminal and I can successfully import the module. But if I open another terminal, then the module cannot be found.
I have checked that both terminals run the same python (which python), and have identical environment (by comparing printenv outputs). I also have checked that sys.path values are identical and include miniconda3/lib/python3.8/. Still, the behavior is different.
So where does python look for modules?
The official documentation says that sys.path is the place, but it seems not the only place.
EDIT: This answer is most likely not related to the current problem.
Try running this command in your terminal before you open up python:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/dist-packages
This isn't python looking for .so files, but rather ld (linker).
EDIT: The issue stemmed from different working directories in the used terminal windows. Python searches within sys.path and cwd (current working directory) for imported modules. More in the discussion under the question.

Failing importing module to Slurm

I am a beginner and I am starting using a local cluster that works with Slurm.
I am able to execute some python codes with the usual modules (numpy, scipy, etc..) but as I try to run a script that includes my own library:, the following message is displayed:
No module named myownlib
I sought a lot for the solution, probably looking in the wrong direction. Hereby what I tried to fix this:
I created an environment file, with conda;
I wrote the following
(That led to the error mentioned before)
module purge
source myownlib-devel #This is the name I gave into the environment file)
/usr/bin/python ~/
Any suggestions?
(Thank you in advance...)
One of the most probable cause could be a difference in Python version between the login node where you created the environment and the compute nodes. If you loaded a specific Python module with module load for creating the virtual env, you should load the same module in the submission script. The default Python version for the login node could be Python 3 while the default version for the compute nodes could be Python 2, depending on the Linux distribution and list of modules loaded.

How to embed FreeCAD in a Python virtual environment?

How do I setup a Python virtual environment with the FreeCAD library embedded as to enable import as a module into scripts?
I would like to avoid using the FreeCAD GUI as well as being dependent on having FreeCAD installed on the system, when working with Python scripts that use FreeCAD libraries to create and modify 3D geometry. I hope a Python virtual environment can make that possible.
I am working in PyCharm 2021.1.1 with Python 3.8 in virtualenv on Debian 10.
I started out with FreeCAD documentation for embedding in scripts as a basis:
In one attempt, I downloaded and unpacked .deb packages from Debian, taking care to get the correct versions required by each dependency. In another attempt, I copied the contents of a FreeCAD flatpak install, as it should contain all the libraries that FreeCAD depends on.
After placing the libraries to be imported in the virtual maching folder, I have pointed to them with sys.path.append() as well as PyCharm's Project Structure tool in various attempts. In both cases the virtual environment detects where is located, but fails to find any of its dependencies, even when located in the same folder. When importing these dependencies explicitly, each of them have the same issue. This leads to a dead end when an import fails because it does not define a module export function according to Python:
ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_libnghttp2)
I seem to be looking at a very long chain of broken dependencies, even though I make the required libraries available and inform Python where they are located.
I would appreciate either straight up instructions for how to do this or pointers to documentation that describes importing FreeCAD libraries in Python virtual environments, as I have not come across anything that specific yet.
I came across a few prior questions which seemed to have similar intent, but no answers:
Embedding FreeCAD in python script
Is it possible to embed Blender/Freecad in a python program?
Similar questions for Conda focus on importing libraries from the host system rather than embedding them in the virtual environment:
Incude FreeCAD in system path for just one conda virtual environment
Other people's questions on FreeCAD forums went unanswered:
Figuring this out was a great learning experience. The problem with piecing dependencies together is that for that approach to work out, everything from the FreeCAD and its dependencies to the Python interpreter and its dependencies seems to need to be built on the same versions of the libraries that they depend on to avoid causing segmentation faults that brings everything to a crashing halt. This means that the idea of grabbing FreeCAD modules and libraries it depends on from a Flatpak installation is in theory not horrible, as all parts are built together using the same library versions. I just couldn't make it work out, presumably due to how the included libraries are located and difficulty identifying an executable for the included Python interpreter. In the end, I looked into the contents of the FreeCAD AppImage, and that turned out to have everything needed in a folder structure that appears to be very friendly to what PyCharm and Python expects from modules and libraries.
This is what I did to get FreeCAD to work with PyCharm and virtualenv:
Download FreeCAD AppImage
Make AppImage executable
chmod -v +x ~/Downloads/FreeCAD_*.AppImage
Create folder for extracting AppImage
mkdir -v ~/Documents/freecad_appimage
Extract AppImage from folder (note: this expands to close to 30000 files requiring in excess of 2 GB disk space)
cd ~/Documents/freecad_appimage
~/Downloads/./FreeCAD_*.AppImage --appimage-extract
Create folder for PyCharm project
mkdir -v ~/Documents/pycharm_freecad_project
Create pycharm project using Python interpreter from extracted AppImage
Location: ~/Documents/pycharm_freecad_project
New environment using: Virtualenv
Location: ~/Documents/pycharm_freecad_project/venv
Base interpreter: ~/Documents/freecad_appimage/squashfs-root/usr/bin/python
Inherit global site-packages: False
Make available to all projects: False
Add folder containing library as Content Root to PyCharm Project Structure and mark as Sources (by doing so, you shouldn't have to set PYTHONPATH or sys.path values, as PyCharm provides module location information to the interpreter)
File: Settings: Project: Project Structure: Add Content Root
After this PyCharm is busy indexing files for a while.
Open Python Console in PyCharm and run command to check basic functioning
import FreeCAD
Create python script with example functionality
import FreeCAD
vec = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(0, 0, 0)
Run script
Debug script
All FreeCAD functionality I have used in my scripts so far has worked. However, one kink seems to be that the FreeCAD module needs to be imported before the Path module. Otherwise the Python interpreter exits with code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV).
There are a couple of issues with PyCharm: It is showing a red squiggly line under the import name and claiming that an error has happened because "No module named 'FreeCAD'", even though the script is running perfectly. Also, PyCharm fails to provide code completion in the code view, even though it manages to do so in it's Python Console. I am creating new questions to address those issues and will update info here if I find a solution.

How can I run a Flask application

The Flask official website says that we can run a Flask application by
$ export
$ flask run
The second command doesn't work for me.
$ flask run
Command 'flask' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install python3-flask
Instead this works
python3 -m flask run
How can I make the second command works? If I run sudo apt install python3-flask, will I get two installations of flask?
Can the two commands be combined into one command without using environment variable?
Bear with me as I will try to explain the different pieces and how they all interconnect. export is setting an operating system environment variable called FLASK_APP and is simply pointing to the entry file to start your flask application. This is no different than setting any other environment variable on your operating system. Now the flask team has provided everyone with a command called flask run which can be used to start up your flask application and this command will use the value set within your FLASK_APP environment variable when it attempts to start your flask server. So the reason why your python3 -m flask run command works is because you're telling your operating system's install of python to run the flask run command as a script, which is how this command is intended to be invoked.
For reference:
-m mod : run library module as a script (terminates option list)
Additionally, python attempts to resolve modules from it's sys.path environment variable and it looks in the following order of directories to resolve the requested module:
The current directory where the script has been invoked. This is why you can always import modules contained in the same directory as one another.
The value of your PYTHONPATH environment variable
The standard library directory on your path
Lastly, the site packages directory, i.e. your third party packages like flask
Now the reason your flask run command didn't initially work is because python couldn't find flask within any of the four locations listed above. However, once you gave the -m python knew to look in your site-packages directory for flask and was able to find said module.
For reference you can see where python is looking to resolve modules by printing out the sys.path variable to the console:
import sys
Ok so that answers the first part of your first question, now as for the second part of your first question:
"If I run sudo apt install python3-flask, will I get two installations of flask?"
Yes, this would install flask globally on your system and I would highly advise against this as you can mess up your system pretty badly if you're not careful. So how do I avoid messing with my system level python configurations?
Virtualenv to the rescue, Virtual environments allow you to have a sandboxed area to play around with libraries. With the worst case scenario being you blow them away and start fresh if you screwed something up, without affecting your Operating System's install of python. You should have a one to one relationship between each python project and virtual environment. If you use virtualenv I highly suggest looking into Virtualenvwrapper which wraps virtualenv with easier to remember commands. Although I think all the cool kids are using pipenv now so you may want to look into that as well, I will leave that decision up to you. What's nice is once you've activated your virtual environment and are developing you can just use flask run since your virtual environment will be on your python path.
As for your second question: "Can the two commands be combined into one command without using environment variable?"
No you would still need to set the FLASK_APP environment variable to use flask run since it looks for the value of that environment variable to start your flask server. Perhaps you could try something like: flask run
on the command line and see if that helps you, but you're still setting the FLASK_APP environment variable. Alternatively, you could just start the entry file for your flask server directly, with a:
I know that was a lot, but hopefully that helps clarify things for you!

Specify Python3 to Atom on Windows 10

In advance, sorry if this is question ought be on SuperUser or another site
The python3 shebang doesn't seem to work on win10. (I cant check right now, but I believe the analogous approach worked on MacOS for me last night). Consider the following
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("hello world")
Leads to the error 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. This makes sense because I only have a python3 distro on my machine (which can only be called like python3). However, Atom seems to be ignoring the shebang altogether. FYI, I'm running the script with the popular "script" atom package.
I've tried the permutation, #!/usr/bin python3, but this doesn't work either.
I've tried permutations
I'm still interested in how shebangs work within the Atom environment, but as far as getting python3 up and running, you dont need a shebang. You can simply change a config file ( from within Atom, then relaunch. See Daniel Chamorro's excellent answer here: How to setup Atom's script to run Python 3.x scripts? May the combination with Windows 7 Pro x64 be the issue?
