Error importing scikit-learn in Python environment - python-3.x

I'm working on a data science project and when I import sklearn, I get the following error:
I searched on the Internet and tried to solve it by re-installing the library but it didn't work. I also checked the Windows version and current Python installation, both are 64-bit.
Please help.

I tried updating conda and updated multiple modules like mkl, scipy, sklearn, conda-env etc. using conda instead of pip and it worked.


Tensorflow is installed and Tensorflow hub is installed still getting error

I have been googling and doing everything I have read about this issue and it seems it will not work and I cant figure it out.
Here is the issue:Tensorflow error
I have made sure that hub is installed and it is:
Tensorflow hub installed
This should be working and it keeps erroring out.
You can try updating tensor flow.
$ pip install --upgrade tensorflow # for Python 2.7
$ pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow # for Python 3.n
This may depend on what code editor you are using and what interoperator or package installer you are using. I think sometimes you might have to uninstall python. I am familiar with anaconda and I have had this problem but upgrading the module most of the time worked.
Its usually because there are multiple instalations or versions of python on the environment.

Importing Tensorflow on Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

I have a problem with importing TensorFlow. I have tried multiple versions of Numpy, Python, and TensorFlow and I still get the following error:
AttributeError: NDARRAY_SPEC
I have tried using conda and pip for installation and neither one works. I have no idea what might be the cause of this problem and it started happening about a week ago before that TensorFlow was working fine!
I believe you are using windows, and you have an incompatible version of tensorflow installed or you are missing a dependency. First make sure you have the following installed correct version of Visual C++ installed for your version of windows. here is the direct link.
If it still doesn't work, enable longpaths,
If you are having a clash with other packages, create a new conda environment first if you haven't already, and install tensorflow like this.
conda create -n tfenv
conda activate tfenv
conda install tensorflow
Then try to import tensorflow as tf again.

'xlrd' installed, but getting the error: "Missing optional dependency 'xlrd'..."

I'm using Python 3.7 and I recently upgraded to Spyder 4.2.0 from Spyder 4.1.5. Now when I run my code (which was working fine before) I get the following error:
ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'xlrd'. Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support Use pip or conda to install xlrd.
So apparently Spyder thinks 'xlrd' ('Excel Reader'?) is not installed. So I went to the Anaconda prompt and tried pip install xlrd, but it replied with
Requirement already satisfied: xlrd in c:\users\michael\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (2.0.1)
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling xlrd anyways, using pip, but it didn't change anything. How do I resolve this error?
Also, I'm not sure if this matters or not, but I originally installed Spyder via Anaconda, whereas now I just downloaded Spyder 4.2.0 by itself, through this link:
Also, on the linked github page, it says: "If you are new to Python or the Scientific Python ecosystem, we strongly recommend you to install and use Anaconda. It comes with Spyder and all its dependencies, along with the most important Python scientific libraries (i.e. Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, IPython, etc) in a single, easy to use environment."
I had at first assumed this was meant for people downloading Python/Anaconda for the very first time, but now I'm thinking this applies to a semi newbie at Python such as me? As someone who is not very familiar with how packages and dependencies work, should I be downloading Anaconda every time I want to update Python or Spyder?
Apologies for the (probably) silly newbie question...
This sounds like you needed to re-start Spyder for it to pick up the package you installed.
However, as the author of xlrd, I would suggest you do the following:
Stop Spyder
conda install openpyxl
Start Spyder.
Change your pandas code to be pd.read_excel(..., engine='openpxyl')

Tensor flow package installation in PyCharm

I have been successfully using PyCharm for my python work.All the packages can be easily installed by going to settings and then project interpreter but tensorflow installation is showing error.In suggestions it asked me to upgrade pip module.But even after that it shows error with following message:
" Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tensorflow"
I am able to install all other packages but error is with tensorflow only.I am using windows.
Please run pip install tensorflow in command line and post the output here. Tensorflow can be installed on Windows but the process is often annoying.
You could also tried anaconda. It is has very nice UI and you could switch between different version.

qfrm module - No module named 'qfrm.Options' (Python 3.5.1)

I am quite newbie in python and I am trying to make the qfrm library to work. Unfortunately there is no documentation about this library. I installed it using pip and when I try to import it I get the following error:
No module named 'qfrm.Options'
Does anyone have a solutions for this? I am using python 3.5.1. and PyCharm
I also ran into this problem. The current version in the PyPi index is qfrm-
The version on the website appears to be qfrm- Although it is older, it worked without error for me.
If you download the ...23 whl file and install that one (pip install [file_name].whl) you may find it works better.
I'm on Python version 2.7.11 and was unable to install qfrm version and received the error message: No module named 'qfrm.Options'
However, I was able to install qfrm version, as follows: pip install -v qfrm==
