Can I pipe lshw warnings to /dev/null when I run it as a standard user? - linux

I'm trying to create an alias for getting memory on my machine, currently I have alias mem="lshw | grep size | awk -F: '{print $2}'", and when I run it as a non-super user, I get the following warning message:
WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
WARNING: output may be incomplete or inaccurate, you should run this program as super-user.
size: 23GiB
I'm not worried about the results being potentially incomplete, in fact when I diff the output when running as root vs a standard user, it's exactly the same. Does anybody know how to get rid of these warnings? I tried piping stderr to /dev/null, but that didn't work. Does anyone else know how to get rid of these warnings?

Can I interest you in
alias mem='free -g | grep Mem | awk '\''{print $2 " GiB"}'\'
free -m will give MiB; you can change the " GiB" part to whatever you want (or remove it).
I don't have lshw installed on my machine, so I can't help you debug your version, unfortunately.

alias mem="lshw 2> /dev/null| grep size | awk -F: '{print $2}'"
Alternatively you can use free or read from /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal

I'm not sure how you piped to dev/null, but this works for me:
lshw 2> /dev/null | grep size | awk -F: '{print $2}'
Ignoring that there are other tools more suited to getting the memory, if there is something you need and lshw is your only option, you would be better suited to use -json or -xml output and use a tool to parse it like jq or xmllint. The version of lshw on my distro outputs invalid json that can't be parsed, but does have valid xml output.
This would accomplish your goal, although the path may very well be different for you:
lshw -xml 2> /dev/null | xmllint --xpath '/list/node/node/node[#id="memory"]/size/text()' -

Or add a one grep:
... | grep "size:"


Finding an exact match in QNX without using grep -w

I'm writing a script that needs to find an exact match in a file that is compatible with QNX and POSIX compliant Linux
more detail:
Im trying to find the user of a process so the original command I wrote was
user=$(ps -aux | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' | grep -w ${process} | awk '{}print $1')
which works perfectly in POSIX compliant Linux
however, QNX isn't totally POSIX compliant and grep -w isn't usable for my I need to find an exact match without grep -w
I think you want to print field 1 if field 2 exactly matches something:
ps -aux | awk -v p=$process '$2==p{print $1}'
-w is not a valid POSIX option for grep, shouldn't be using that for an application that is supposed to be portable between POSIX systems. Could always just ps -p $1 -o user= ? What are you going to do with grep and awk in cases where the user may be the same as the process id?

GREP fails to find the mount point of my device in bash script

Need less to say after reading this, I am a newie. The code:
IBL=`blkid |grep "deviceLabel" | awk '{print $1}'`
BSHOW="echo ${IBL::-1}"
seems to work; however, when I do this:
SP_CHECK=`df -h | grep ${BSHOW}`
echo "this is SP_CHECK= ${SP_CHECK}
sp shows nothing. Any idea why? any pointers to what topic I can look at to learn better?

Is it possible to find which process is using OPENSSL in linux?

Suppose, one process is running and accessing OPENSSL shared library to perform some operation. Is there any way to find the pid of this process ?
Is there any way to find on which core this process is running ?
If possible, does it require any special privilege like sudo etc?
OS- Debian/Ubuntu
Depending on what exactly you want, something like this might do:
lsof | grep /usr/lib64/ | awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort -u
This essentially:
uses lsof to list all open files on the system
searches for the OpenSSL library path (which also catches versioned names like
selects the process name and PID
removes any duplicate entries
Note that this will also output processes using previous instances of the shared library file that were e.g. updated to a new version and then deleted. It also has the minor issue of outputting duplicates when a process has multiple threads with different names.
And yes, this may indeed require elevated privileges, depending on the permissions on your /proc directory.
If you really do need the processor core(s), you could try something like this (credit to dkaz):
lsof | grep /usr/lib64/ | awk '{print $2}' |
xargs -r ps -L --no-headers -o pid,psr,comm -p | sort -u
Adding the lwp variable to the ps command would also show the thread IDs:
lsof | grep /usr/lib64/ | awk '{print $2}' |
xargs -r ps -L --no-headers -o pid,lwp,psr,comm -p
PS: The what-core-are-the-users-of-this-library-on requirement still sounds a bit unusual. It might be more useful if you mentioned the problem that you are trying to solve in broader terms.
thkala is almost right. The problem is that the answer is half, since it doesn't give the core.
I would run that:
$ lsof | grep /usr/lib64/ |awk '{print $2}' | xargs ps -o pid,psr,comm -p

Why does 'top | grep > file' not work?

I tested the following command, but it doesn't work.
$> top -b -d 1 | grep java > top.log
It doesn't use standard error. I checked that it uses standard output, but top.log is always empty. Why is this?
By default, grep buffers output which implies that nothing would be written to top.log until the grep output exceeds the size of the buffer (which might vary across systems).
Tell grep to use line buffering on output. Try:
top -b -d 1 | grep --line-buffered java > top.log
In my embedded machine, grep hadn't the --line-buffered option. So I used this workaround for my myself:
while :;do top -b -n 1 | grep java >> top.log;done &
By this way I could have a running monitor in the background for a program like "java" and keep all results in the file top.log.

Buffering problem when piping output between CLI programs

I'm trying to tail apache error logs through a few filters.
This works perfectly:
tail -fn0 /var/log/apache2/error.log | egrep -v "PHP Notice|File does not exist"
but there are some literal "\n" in the output which I want to replace with an actual new line so I pipe into perl:
tail -fn0 /var/log/apache2/error.log | egrep -v "PHP Notice|File does not exist" | perl -ne 's/\\n/\n/g; print"$_"'
This seems to have some caching issue (first page hit produces nothing, second page hit and two loads of debugging info comes out), It also seems a bit tempramental.
So I tried sed:
tail -fn0 /var/log/apache2/error.log | egrep -v "PHP Notice|File does not exist" | sed 's/\\n/\n/g'
which seems to suffer the same problem.
Correct, when you use most programs to file or pipe they buffer output. You can control this in some cases: the GNU grep family accepts the --line-buffered option, specifically for use in pipelines like this. Also, in Perl you can use $| = 1; for the same effect. (sed doesn't have any such option that I'm aware of.)
It's the stuff at the beginning or middle of the pipeline that will be buffering, not the end (which is talking to your terminal so it will be line buffered) so you want to use egrep --line-buffered.
Looks like you can use -u for sed as in:
tail -f myLog | sed -u "s/\(joelog\)/^[[46;1m\1^[[0m/g" | sed -u 's/\\n/\n/g'
which tails the log, highlights 'joelog', and then adds linebreaks where there are '\n'
