Is it possible to create a launch configuration from an EC2 running instance with node.js sdk? - node.js

From here I learned that is possible to create a launch configuration passing the InstanceId of an actually running instance.
Sadly it only show the possibility to do that from AWS Console and from AWS CLI. I found the documentation about how to do that with the AWS SDK for Java, but nothing for Node.js.
Has anybody found any information about that?

JS documentation says you can
I would use this function - createLaunchConfiguration with param InstanceId.
Documentation well describes InstanceID as -
The ID of the instance to use to create the launch configuration. The
new launch configuration derives attributes from the instance, with
the exception of the block device mapping.
If you do not specify InstanceId, you must specify both ImageId and
To create a launch configuration with a block device mapping or
override any other instance attributes, specify them as part of the
same request.


Using the SSM send_command in Boto3

I'm trying to create a lambda function that will shutdown systemd services running on an EC2 instance. I think using the ssm client from the boto3 module probably is the best choice, and the specific command I was considering to use is the send_command(). Ideally I would like to use Ansible to shutdown the systemd service. So I'm trying to use the "AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks" It's here that I get stuck, it seems like the boto3 ssm client wants some parameters, I've tried following the boto3 documentation here, but really isn't clear on how it wants me to present the parameters, I found the parameters it's looking for inside the "AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks" document - but when I include them in my code, it tells me that the parameters are invalid. I also tried going to AWS' GitHub repository because I know they sometime have examples of code but they didn't have anything for the send_command(). I've upload a gist in case people are interested in what I've written so far, I would definitely be interested in understanding how others have gotten their Ansible playbooks to run using ssm via boto3 python scripts.
As far I can see by looking at the documentation for that SSM document and the code you shared in the gist. you need to add "SourceType":["S3"] and you need to have a path in the Source Info like:
so you need to adjust your global variable S3_DEVOPS_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOKS.
Take a look at the CLI example from the doc link, it should give you ideas on how yo re-structure your Parameters:
aws ssm create-association --name "AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks" \
--targets Key=tag:TagKey,Values=TagValue \
--parameters '{"SourceType":["S3"],"SourceInfo":["{\"path\":\",_directory,_or_playbook_to_download\"}"],"InstallDependencies":["True_or_False"],"PlaybookFile":["file_name.yml"],"ExtraVariables":["key/value_pairs_separated_by_a_space"],"Check":["True_or_False"],"Verbose":["-v,-vv,-vvv, or -vvvv"]}' \
--association-name "name" --schedule-expression "cron_or_rate_expression"

Get Google App Engine LocationId at runtime

The new Cloud Tasks python libraries require location as task creation parameter. I can always look up the location and hardcode it, but everything else, including the project name, is available through environment variables. Is there a way to get the locationId (eg. us-central1) from python3 standard environment?
The REST API (and presumably the python client library) for AppEngine can return the location id if you know the application name:
The Application object that is returned has a "locationId" key.
However, note that the cloud tasks documentation calls out 2 exceptions to verbatim using this identifier: europe-west and us-central need to be passed to tasks as europe-west1 and us-central1 respectively.
It's possible to get this information from the Metadata server. Accessing from your app will return a string of the form 'projects/[numeric-project-id]/regions/[locationId]'.

Openwhisk - passing environment variables to action

Im using NodeJS action in openwhisk.
Is there any way to pass environment variables into whisk so I can read them in my NodeJS action using process.env ?
This is possible but you need to use a custom Docker runtime. The default built-in Node.js runtime does not support this. Apache OpenWhisk uses default action parameters, rather than environment parameters, to pass things like credentials and other application configuration to action code.
If you extend the existing Node.js Docker runtime for Apache OpenWhisk, you can set environment parameters in the build file for the image. This can then be used as the --docker parameter value when creating the action.

Adding AWS EC2 nodes to Rundeck

am trying to use the ec2 nodes plugin but having some problem
After putting the jar in libext, i can see the AWS resource model type
I provided the access key and secret key as part of configuration but can't see my nodes in the list.
I know i need to edit some mapping file, something like this:
# use Name tag for node name
description.default=Ec2 node instance
But don't know location of this file
Could somebody please help me?
It turned out i needed to add Amazon Endpoint and in mapping parameter in Rundeck properties field i just copied code above, after that, EC2 instance became visible as Rundeck node

How-to: Create role instances on emulator

How do I create new instances of some role via C# using Azure emulator? Is there some guide about that? There are some manuals about creating instances in the cloud, not in emulator.
So far I know that:
I need to change config-file. Is it config in sln-file or in some temp-delpoyment folder?
I need to use csrun tool. How to pick params?
Got it.
To change count or instances on emulator, you have to:
update 'ServiceConfiguration.cscfg' file in bin-folder
run 'csrun' tool with params: string.Format("/update:{0};\"{1}\"", deploymentId, "<path to ServiceConfiguration.cscfg>")
where deploymentId:
// get id from RoleEnvironment with regex
var patternt = Regex.Escape("(") + #"\d+" + Regex.Escape(")");
var input = RoleEnvironment.DeploymentId;
var m = Regex.Match(input, patternt);
var deploymentId = m.ToString().Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
If you have troubles running csrun via code, read this:
In local emulator, you need to modify the CSCFG file under the deployment .csx folder, instead of your source code folder, since the local emulator will fire your application up from that folder.
Once you modified the saved your CSCFG file, for example the count of the instances you can retrieve the new value from your code immediately. But if you want the local emulator detect this changes and perform the related actions, such as increase the VMs or invoke the Configuration_Changed method, you need to execute
csrun /update:;
You can retrieve the deployment id from the compute emulator UI.
You can find the instance count in the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg in your Azure project
