I have a userform which I input information into, one of the inputs are called webpage and I want to open the webpage for each item I input into the userform when I click a command button.
Sheets("Data").Range("DataStart").Offset(TargetRow, 10).Value = Webpage
MyForm.Webpage = Sheets("Data").Range("DataStart").Offset(TargetRow, 10).Value
I am trying to use follow.hyperlink
Private Sub Webpage_Click()
Dim webpage As String
Set webpage = MyForm.Webpage = Sheets("Data").Range("DataStart").Offset(TargetRow, 10).Value
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="webpage"
End Sub
This doesn´t work.
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=webpage
no quotes
You can also use the Shell to open a specific browser, if required:
Sub Open_HyperLinks()
Dim browserPath As String
Dim linkURL As String
browserPath = Environ("PROGRAMFILES(X86)") & "\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
linkURL = Cells(1, 1).Value
Shell browserPath & " -url " & linkURL
End Sub
I am working on some VBA to export data from Excel to a fillable pdf in Adobe Acrobat. I'm following a tutorial from YouTube that accomplishes exactly what I need, just different variable names and ranges obviously. I have the code able to successfully open the pdf template and navigate to the first field, but it isn't entering the text from the specified range. According to what I found it should basically be "tab to get to first field, then type the client name in that field" but it won't type anything. The clients are grouped by households (HHName). Here is the code I have so far
Sub CreatePDFForms()
Dim PDFTemplateFile, NewPDFName, SavePDFFolder, HHName As String
Dim DateRun As Date
Dim HHRow, LastRow As Long
With Sheet1
LastRow = .Range("A999").End(xlUp).Row 'Last Row
PDFTemplateFile = .Range("Z4").Value 'Template File Name
SavePDFFolder = .Range("Z7").Value 'Save PDF Folder
ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink PDFTemplateFile
Application.Wait Now + 0.00005
For HHRow = 2 To 2
HHName = .Range("A" & HHRow).Value 'HH Name
DateRun = .Range("B" & HHRow).Value 'Date Run
Application.SendKeys "{Tab}", True
Application.SendKeys HHName, True
Application.Wait Now + 0.00001
Next HHRow
Application.SendKeys "{numlock}%s", True
End With
End Sub
I've tried renaming variables, deleting and retyping. I'm very new to VBA and coding in general so my troubleshooting skills are not that great. Thank you for the help
I want to screen a lot of websites quickly using VBA. I have to have a quick look at them myself, so I basically just need my code to search for a new URL every other second in the same tab.
The existing VBA code I use is:
Sub test
End = Range("A2:C2").End(xlDown).Row
Dim chromepath As String
chromepath = """chrome.exe"""
Dim Weburl As String
Dim I As Integer
For I = 2 To end
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
Weburl = Cells(I, 1).Value & """"
Shell (chromepath & " -url " & Cells(I, 1))
end sub
The issue I am having is that it opens a lot of tabs, instead of searching in the same tab every other second. Has anyone found a solution for this?
Sub Submit_Click()
Dim wApp As Object
Dim wDoc As Object
Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wApp.Visible = True
'Retrieves the word doc template and inserts values from the userform using bookmarks
Set wDoc = wApp.Documents.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\Documents\template1.docx ", ReadOnly:=False)
With wDoc
.Bookmarks("bookmark1").Range.Text = Me.TextBox1.Value
.Bookmarks("bookmark2").Range.Text = Me.TextBox3.Value
.Bookmarks("bookmark3").Range.Text = Me.TextBox4.Value
.Bookmarks("bookmark4").Range.Text = Me.TextBox5.Value
'set the default filename
ProposedFileName = Format(Now(), "DD-MMM-YYYY") & "Serial Number" & " " & TextBox1.Value _
& " " & TextBox2.Value & "- RMA" & ".docx"
'trying to save file back to .doc instead of the default .xlms format
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
With fd
.FilterIndex = 2
.InitialFileName = ProposedFileName
If .Show Then
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 Filename:=.SelectedItems(1), _
Call CommandButton4_Click 'cancel save
End If
End With
Set fd = Nothing
End Sub
Hi all,
My script above is only a partial one that is taken from my userform. Basicall the scenario is my userform opens a word document template and inserts texts in the document from the excel userform using bookmarks.
After I click submit on the userform, the filedialog opens with the default .xlms and does not allow me to save it back to .doc
I have been searching and modifying my script for ages and cannot seem to get it right. I would appreciate if someone can tell me how. Thank you.
Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()
'set default file name and file path
ProposedFileName = Format(Now(), "DDMMMYYYY") & " " & TextBox1.Value & "-" & TextBox2.Value & ".doc"
ProposedFilePath = "C:\Users\"
'save the word document called by excel to a .doc format
With wApp.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
wDoc.SaveAs2 ProposedFilePath & ProposedFileName, _
FilterIndex = 1, _
End With
'unloads the userforms and .doc file after the document is saved
Unload Me
'a dialog box pops up after document is saved to say where the file is saved since I was't unable to implement the browse folder option
MsgBox "The document is saved in " & ProposedFilePath, vbOKOnly
Cancel = False
Exit Sub
End Sub
Hi All,
Thank you for the help. I have managed to solve my problem with the above code but unfortunately could not do it with the browse location dialog box. I hope this will become useful for everyone who needs it.
However, if anyone knows how to implement the browse folder location with this code will be better and useful for others.
I have created a simple spreadsheet in Excel 2010 containing a form that loads as the spreadsheet opens. The employee fills out the required form data and presses a "Save" button macro utilizing the SaveAs method.
My question is if it possible to disable the form in the saved copy? The reason is that I would like to avoid the form to load when our bookkeeping department opens the copy to review the data.
To clarify this is how my vba code is
Sub SaveAsButton()
Dim applicationUserName As String
Dim saveLocation As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim weekNo As String
Dim year As String
weekNo = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Service").Range("M4").Value
Debug.Print (weekNo)
year = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Service").Range("R4").Value
Debug.Print (year)
applicationUserName = Application.UserName
Debug.Print (applicationUserName)
saveLocation = "w:\Service Users\" & applicationUserName & "\Service\"
Debug.Print (saveLocation)
fileName = "Service" & "-" & weekNo & "-" & year & "-" & applicationUserName
Debug.Print (fileName)
fileName = Replace(fileName, " ", "")
Debug.Print (fileName)
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs (saveLocation & fileName)
End Sub
Thank you.
If you don't need any code in the final workbook you could simply save as .xlsx and thereby remove all the vb components
You may want to use CustomProperties for that.
First, create a CustomProperty:
ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add "Saved", False, msoPropertyTypeNumber, 0
Change the value of the CustomProperty to 1 when user saves the form (add the following code to SaveAsButton()):
ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("Saved").Value = 1
Add a check if ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("Saved").Value = 0 to the method which opens the form.
I found a VBA code online that opens up an internal (shared drive) PDF document page in IE (e.g. goes to page 8 of PDF file). I would like to display text in the cell for a user to click (e.g. "Click here to view").
Problem: The cell currently displays '0' and I have to go to the function bar and hit [Enter] to execute.
Excel Version: 2003
Function call:
VBA Code:
Function GoToPDFpage(Fname As String, pg As Integer)
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Navigate Fname & "#page=" & pg
.Visible = True
End With
End Function
I was able to display text, but it's still not a link like I wanted.
="Click to view" & GoToPDFpage("S:\...x_2011.pdf",8)
Thank you for your help.
If you dont have a high complex workbook/worksheet you could try the following:
Turn the "Click to view" cell into a Hyperlink with following characteristics.
Make it point to itself
The text inside the cell must always be the string Page= plus the number that you what the pdf to open in. Eg.: Page=8
Then go to the workseet module and paste the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
If Left(ActiveCell.Value, 4) = "Page" Then
GoToPDFpage Range("A1").Value, Mid(ActiveCell.Value, 6)
'This code asumes that the file address is writen in the cell A1
End If
End Sub
The above written code will trigger every time you run a hyperlink in the worksheet.
As the hyperlink always point to itself, the "Activecell.Value" will always have the page number that you want to open.
I'm assuming that you can put the file address in the cell A1. You could modify this portion to point to any other cell. (including: The cell to the right of the current hyperlink, etc).
This might not be the best option, but if you only need a quick feature in a couple of cells, it might be enough.
Hope it helps !
To make each HLink reference to itself, you can select all the cells where you have the links and then run this procedure:
Sub RefHLink()
Dim xCell As Range
For Each xCell In Selection
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
xCell.Address, ScreenTip:="Click Here", TextToDisplay:="Page="
Next xCell
End Sub
how about letting excel write a batch file then running it?
*edit paths to pdf and AcroRd32.exe
Sub batfile()
Dim retVal
filePath = "path\pdf.bat"
pg = 2
Open filePath For Output As #1
Print #1, "Start /Max /w " & Chr(34) & "Current E-book" & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" & Chr(34) & " /a " & Chr(34) & "page=" & pg & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & "H:\Documents\RPG\Dragonlance\New folder\Sample File.pdf" & Chr(34) & ""
Close #1
retVal = Shell(strFilePath)
End Sub
Try Menu->Data->Data Validation. In the 2nd tab you can write your message.