How to read a [nonblocking] filedescriptor of a file that is appended to (aka, like tail -f)? - linux

Actually, I am using libev; but under the hood this is using epoll (I'm only on linux). When I add a watcher to read a file and all data has been read then I do get a call back that there is data to read, but read(2) returns 0 (EOF). At that point I have to stop the watcher or else it will continue to tell me that there is something to read. However, if I stop the watcher and then some other process appends data to that file then I'll never see it.
What is the correct way to get notified that there is additional/appended data in a file that can be read when before I already read till the end?
I'd prefer the answer in terms of libev, but lower level will do too (I can then probably translate that to how to do that with libev).

It is very common, for some reason, for people to think that making an fd nonblocking, or calling poll/select/.. has different behaviour for files compared to other types of file descriptions, but nonblocking behaviour and I/O readyness behaviour is essentially the same for all of types of file descriptions: the kernel will immediately return from read/write etc. if the outcome is known, and will signal I/O readyness when this is the case. When a socket has an EOF condition, select will signal that the socket is ready to read, and you will get 0 (for EOF). The same happens for files - if you are at the end of a file, the kernel will return immediately from read and return 0 to signal EOF.
The important difference is that files can change contents at random places, and can be extended. Pipes and sockets are not random access and cannot be appended to once closed. Thus, while the behaviour is consistent, it is often not what is wanted, namely waiting for a file to change in some way.
The conflict in many people's minds is simply that they want to be told "when there is new data", but if you think about it a bit, you will realise that simply waking you up would not be an adequate interface for this, as you have no way of knowing why you woke up, and what changed.
POSIX doesn't have an interface to do that, other than regularly polling the fd or file (and in case of random changes, regularly reading the whole file!). Some operating systems have an interface to do something similar to that (kqueue on BSDs, inotify on GNU/Linux) , but they are usually not a perfect match, either (for example, inotify cannot watch an fd for changes, it will watch a path for changes).
The closest you can get with libev is to use an ev_stat watcher. It behaves as if you would stat() a path regularly, and invoke the watcher callback whenever the stat data changes. Portably, it does just that: it regularly calls stat, but on some operating systems (currently only inotify on GNU/Linux, as kqueue doesn't have correct semantics for this) it can use other mechanisms to speed this up in some cases, although it will fall back to regular stat polling everywhere, for example for when the file is on a network file system, where inotify can't see remote changes.
To answer your question: If you have a path, you can use an ev_stat watcher to watch for stat data changes, such as size/mtime etc. changes. Doing this right can be a bit tricky (see the libev documentation, especially the part about stat time resolution:, and you have to keep in mind that this watches a path, not a file descriptor, so you might want to compare the device/inode of your file descriptor and the watched path regularly to see if you still have the correct file open.
This still doesn't tell you what part of the file has changed.
Alternatively, since you apparently only want to read appended data, you could opt to just read() the file regularly (in an ev_timer callback) and do away with all the complexity and hassles of an ev_stat watcher setup (while not forgetting to also compare the path stat data with your fd stat data to see if you still hasve the right file open, depending on whether the file your are reading might get renamed or replaced. Sometimes programs also truncate files, something you can also detect by seeing the size decrease between stat calls).
This is essentially what older tail -f implementations do, while newer ones might, for example, take hints (only) from inotify, just like ev_stat watchers do.
None of that is easy, and details depend on your knowledge of how exactly the file changes, but it's the best you can do.


If I private-`mmap` a file and read it, then another process writes to the same file, will another read at the same location return the same value?

(Context: I'm trying to establish which sequences of mmap operations are safe from the "memory safety" point of view, i.e. what assumptions I can make about mmaped memory without risking security bugs as a consequence of undefined behaviour, or miscompiles due to compilers making incorrect assumptions about how memory could behave. I'm currently working on Linux but am hoping to port the program to other operating systems in the future, so although I'm primarily interested in Linux, answers about how other operating systems behave would also be appreciated.)
Suppose I map a portion into file into memory using mmap with MAP_PRIVATE. Now, assuming that the file doesn't change while I have it mapped, if I access part of the returned memory, I'll be given information from the file at that offset; and (because I used MAP_PRIVATE) if I write to the returned memory, my writes will persist in my process's memory but will have no effect on the underlying file.
However, I'm interested in what will happen if the file does change while I have it mapped (because some other process also has the file open and is writing to it). There are several cases that I know the answers to already:
If I map the file with MAP_SHARED, then if any other process writes to the file via a shared mmap, my own process's memory will also be updated. (This is the intended behaviour of MAP_SHARED, as one of its intended purposes is for shared-memory concurrency.) It's less clear what will happen if another process writes to the file via other means, but I'm not interested in that case.
If the following sequence of events occurs:
I map the file with MAP_PRIVATE;
A portion of the file I haven't accessed yet is written by another process;
I read that portion of the file via my mapping;
then, at least on Linux, the read might return either the old value or the new value:
It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.
— man 2 mmap on Linux
(This case – which is not the case I'm asking about – is covered in this existing StackOverflow question.)
I also checked the POSIX definition of mmap, but (unless I missed it) it doesn't seem to cover this case at all, leaving it unclear whether all POSIX systems would act the same way.
Linux's behaviour makes sense here: at the time of the access, the kernel might have already mapped the requested part of the file into memory, in which case it doesn't want to change the portion that's already there, but it might need to load it from disk, in which case it will see any new value that may have been written to the file since it was opened. So there are performance reasons to use the new value in some cases and the old value in other cases.
If the following sequence of events occurs:
I map the file with MAP_PRIVATE;
I write to a memory address within the file mapping;
Another process changes that part of the file;
then although I don't know this for certain, I think it's very likely that the rule is that the memory address in question continues to reflect the old value, that was written by our process. The reason is that the kernel needs to maintain two copies of that part of the file anyway: the values as seen by our process (which, because it used MAP_PRIVATE, can write to its view of the file without changing the underlying file), and the values that are actually in the file on disk. Writes by other processes obviously need to change the second copy here, so it would be bizarre to also change the first copy; doing so would make the interface less usable and also come at a performance cost, and would have no advantages.
There is one sequence of events, though, where I don't know what happens (and for which the behaviour is hard to determine experimentally, given the number of possible factors that might be relevant):
I map the file with MAP_PRIVATE;
I read some portion of the file via the mapping, without writing;
Another process changes part of the file that I just read;
I read the same portion of the file via the mapping, again.
In this situation, am I guaranteed to read the same data twice? Or is it possible to read the old data the first time and the new data the second time?

Retrieving a list of all file descriptors (files) that a process ever opened in linux

I would like to be able to get a list of all of the file descriptors (now considering this question to pertain to actual files) that a process ever opened during the runtime of the process. The problem with polling /proc/(PID)/fd/ is that you only get a snapshot in time of what is currently open. Is there a way to force linux to keep this information around long enough to log it for the entire run of the process?
First, notice that a file descriptor which is open-ed then close-d by the application is recycled by the kernel (a future open could give the same file descriptor). See open(2) and close(2) and read Advanced Linux Programming.
Then, consider using strace(1); you'll be able to log all the syscalls (or perhaps just open, socket, close, accept, ... that is the syscalls changing the file descriptor table). Of course strace is using the ptrace(2) syscall (which you probably don't want to bother using directly).
The simplest way would be to run strace -o /tmp/ yourprog argments... and to look, e.g. with some pager like less, into the quite big /tmp/ file.
As Gearoid Murphy commented you could restrict the output of strace using e.g. -e trace=file.
BTW, to debug Makefile-s this is the wrong approach. Learn more about remake.

Can file size be used to detect a partial append?

I'm thinking about ways for my application to detect a partially-written record after a program or OS crash. Since records are only ever appended to a file (never overwritten), is a crash while writing guaranteed to yield a file size that is shorter than it should be? Is this guaranteed even if the file was opened in read-write mode instead of append mode, so long as writes are always at the end of the file? This would greatly simplify crash recovery, since comparing the last record's expected size and position with the actual file size would be enough to detect a partial write.
I understand that random-access writes can be reordered by the filesystem, but I'm having trouble finding information on whether this can happen when appending. I imagine an out-of-order append would require the filesystem to create a "hole" at the tail of the (sparse) file, write blocks beyond the hole, and then fill in the blocks in between, but I'm hoping that such an approach would be so inefficient that nobody would ever implement their filesystem that way.
I suppose another problem might be a filesystem updating the directory entry's file size field before appending the new blocks to to the file, and the OS crashing in between. Does this ever happen in practice? (ext4, perhaps?) Is there a quick way to detect it? (And what happens when trying to read the unwritten blocks that should exist according to the file's size?)
Is there anything else, such as write reordering performed by a disk/flash drive, that would get in the way of using file size as a way to detect a partial append? I don't expect to be able to compensate for this sort of drive trickery in my application, but it would be good to know about.
If you want to be SURE that you're never going to lose records, you need a consistent journaling or transactional system for your files.
There is absolutely no guarantee that a write will have been fulfilled unless you either set O_DIRECT [which you probably do not want to do], or you use markers to indicate aht "this has been fully committed", that are only written when the file is closed. You can either do that in the mainfile, or, for example, have a file that records, externally, "last written record". If you open & close that file, it should be safe as long as the APP is what is crashing - if the OS crashes [or is otherwise abruptly stopped - e.g. power cut, disk unplugged, etc], all bets are off.
Write reordering and write caching is/can be done at all levels - the C library, the OS, the filesystem module and the hard disk/controller itself are all ABLE to reorder writes.

using files as IPC on linux

I have one writer which creates and sometimes updates a file with some status information. The readers are implemented in lua (so I got only and possibly bash (cat, grep, whatever). I am worried about what would happen if the status information is updated (which means a complete file rewrite) while a reader has an open handle to the file: what can happen? I have also read that if the write/read operation is below 4KB, it is atomic: that would be perfectly fine for me, as the status info can fit well in such dimension. Can I make this assumption?
A read or write is atomic under 4Kbytes only for pipes, not for disk files (for which the atomic granularity may be the file system block size, usually 512 bytes).
In practice you could avoid bothering about such issues (assuming your status file is e.g. less than 512 bytes), and I believe that if the writer is opening and writing quickly that file (in particular, if you avoid open(2)-ing a file and keeping the opened file handle for a long time -many seconds-, then write(2)-ing later -once, a small string- inside it), you don't need to bother.
If you are paranoid, but do assume that readers are (like grep) opening a file and reading it quickly, you could write to a temporary file and rename(2)-ing it when written (and close(2)-ed) in totality.
As Duck suggested, locking the file in both readers and writers is also a solution.
I may be mistaken, in which case someone will correct me, but I don't think the external readers are going to pay any attention to whether the file is being simultaneously updated. They are are going to print (or possibly eof or error out) whatever is there.
In any case, why not avoid the whole mess and just use file locks. Have the writer flock (or similar) and the readers check the lock. If they get the lock they know they are ok to read.

Does each Unix file description have its own read/write buffers?

In reference to this question about read() and write(), I'm wondering if each open file description has its own read and write buffers or if perhaps there's a single read and write buffer for a file when it has been opened multiple times at once. I'm curious because this would have an effect on what exactly happens with overlapping writes to the same file. Perhaps this is something that varies among Unixes?
(To my understanding, "file description" refers to the info/options about an open file, such as the current marker position. "File descriptor", in contrast, refers to just the number used in a process to refer to a description.)
This depends a bit on whether you are talking about sockets or actual files.
Strictly speaking, a descriptor never has its own buffers; it's just a handle to a deeper abstraction.
File system objects have their "own" buffers, at least when they are required. That is, if a program writes less than the file system block size, the kernel has no choice but to read a FS block and merge the write with the existing data.
This buffer is attached to the vnode and at a lower level, possibly an inode. It's owned by the file and not the descriptor. It may be kept around for a long time if memory is available.
In the case of a socket, then a stream, but not specifically a single descriptor, does actually have buffers that it owns.
If the files were open in blocking mode then yes there should only be one buffer. I would bet the default is non blocking for performance reasons.
