Watson Conversation API says: 'Patterns are defined but type is not specified.' - node.js

I am trying to call the updateValue method of the Watson Conversation API using the Watson SDK for Node.js. The request updates the patterns of the patterns-type entity value.
My request fails with a 400 Bad Request and the message:
[ { message: 'Patterns are defined but type is not specified.',
path: '.patterns' } ],
Here is the code I'm using to call the API - pretty standard.:
let params = {
workspace_id: '<redacted>',
entity: 'myEntityType',
type: 'patterns', // tried with and without this line
value: 'myCanonicalValue',
new_patterns: ['test'],
watsonApi.updateValue(params, (error, response) => {
if (error) {
console.log('Error returned by Watson when updating an entity value.');
} else {
Actually, what the request is doing is trying to delete a pattern from the pattern list. Since there is no endpoint for deleting patterns, I fetch the list of patterns, delete the one I need to delete from the pattern list, and send the now-reduced patterns list via the updateValue method. In the above example, imagine the pattern list was ['test', 'test2']. By calling updateValue with ['test'] only, we are deleting the test2 pattern.
I am using a previous API version but I've also tested it in the Assistant API Explorer and the version 2018-07-10 results in the same problem when sending a raw request body formed as follows:
"patterns": ["test"]
Am I doing something wrong or did I forget a parameter?

It's not a bug, but it is a non-intuitive parameter name. The service accepts a type parameter and the Node SDK has a wrapper parameter called new_type. If you are using this to update patterns and not synonyms (the default), then you need to specify new_type as "patterns" even though the parameter is listed as optional.

This appears to be a bug in Watson Conversation Node.js SDK.
To avoid this, always add new_type: 'patterns' to the params:
let params = {
workspace_id: '<redacted>',
entity: 'myEntityType',
new_type: 'patterns',
value: 'myCanonicalValue',
new_patterns: ['test'],

I read the Watson Assistant API for updateValue the following way:
The new_type parameter is not required, valid values are synonyms or patterns. However, if you don't provide that parameter, the default kicks in. According to the documentation the default is synonyms. This would explain the error when you pass in patterns.


How to build a Graqhql mutation with existing variables

This might seem like an odd question, or something really straightforward, but honestly I am struggling to figure out how to do this. I am working in Node.js and I want to set data I have saved on a node object into my GraphQL mutation.
I'm working with a vendor's GraqhQL API, so this isn't something I have created myself, nor do I have a schema file for it. I'm building a mutation that will insert a record into their application, and I can write out everything manually and use a tool like Postman to manually create a new record...the structure of the mutation is not my problem.
What I'm struggling to figure out is how to build the mutation with variables from my node object without just catting a bunch of strings together.
For example, this is what I'm trying to avoid:
class MyClass {
constructor() {
this.username = "my_username"
this.title = "Some Title"
const obj = new MyClass()
let query = "mutation {
createEntry( input: {
author: { username: \"" + obj.username + "\" }
title: \"" + obj.title + "\"
I've noticed that there are a number of different node packages out there for working with Graphql, but none of their documentation that I've seen really addresses the above situation. I've been completely unsuccessful in my Googling attempts, can someone please point me in the right direction? Is there a package out there that's useful for just building queries without requiring a schema or trying to send them at the same time?
GraphQL services typically implement this spec when using HTTP as a transport. That means you can construct a POST request with four parameters:
query - A Document containing GraphQL Operations and Fragments to execute.
operationName - (Optional): The name of the Operation in the Document to execute.
variables - (Optional): Values for any Variables defined by the Operation.
extensions - (Optional): This entry is reserved for implementors to extend the protocol however they see fit.
You can use a Node-friendly version of fetch like cross-fetch, axios, request or any other library of your choice to make the actual HTTP request.
If you have dynamic values you want to substitute inside the query, you should utilize variables to do so. Variables are defined as part of your operation definition at the top of the document:
const query = `
mutation ($input: SomeInputObjectType!) {
createEntry(input: $input) {
# whatever other fields assuming the createEntry
# returns an object and not a scalar
Note that the type you use will depend on the type specified by the input argument -- replace SomeInputObjectType with the appropriate type name. If the vendor did not provide adequate documentation for their service, you should at least have access to a GraphiQL or GraphQL Playground instance where you can look up the argument's type. Otherwise, you can use any generic GraphQL client like Altair and view the schema that way.
Once you've constructed your query, make the request like this:
const variables = {
input: {
title: obj.title,
const response = await fetch(YOUR_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
const { data, errors } = await response.json()

Use Firestore collection get() return type in a function

I'm currently trying to write some code that retrieves a collection from my Firestore instance.
My codebase uses the service repository pattern to keep business logic seperate from the code that retrieves data. For this reason I've made the following code:
import { injectable, inject } from "inversify";
import { IOfficeRepository, TYPES } from "../common/types";
import { Firestore } from "#google-cloud/firestore";
export default class OfficeRepository implements IOfficeRepository {
private fireStoreClient: Firestore;
constructor(#inject(TYPES.FireStoreFactory) firestoreFactory: () => Firestore) {
this.fireStoreClient = firestoreFactory();
public async getOffice(officeId: string): Promise<FirebaseFirestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot<FirebaseFirestore.DocumentData>> {
const officeCollection = "offices";
const document = await this.fireStoreClient.collection(officeCollection).get();
return document;
What I'd like to do is return the value from the get() call to my service, in the service I will be performing checks and executing the business logic that I need.
The get() returns a Promise<FirebaseFirestore.QuerySnapshot<FirebaseFirestore.DocumentData>>, but I am unable to use this as a return type for the function in my repository. I just get the following error:
Type 'QuerySnapshot' is missing the following properties from type 'QueryDocumentSnapshot': createTime, updateTime, data, exists, and 3 more.
I've already looked-up the error, but I wasn't able to find any solution or a post where someone was trying to return the result from the get() function before performing any logic on the result.
So my question is: How would I be able to make this setup work? Or is there something I am doing wrong with this setup? If so, what would be another approach to work this out while using the service repository pattern?
Your declared return type of QueryDocumentSnapshot doesn't match the actual return type of QuerySnapshot.
This line of code:
const document = await this.fireStoreClient.collection(officeCollection).get();
performs a query for all of the documents in the officeCollection collection. As you can see from the API documentation, CollectionReference.get() yields a QuerySnapshot object. The entire set of documents will be available in the returned docs property.
It seems that you expect getOffice to return a single document instead. I'm noticing that you never used the argument officeId to narrow down your query to just the one document you want. Perhaps you meant to do something like this instead to get a single document using its ID?
const document = await this.fireStoreClient
In this case, document will be a DocumentSnapshot object.

Using chain validation to check existence of optional fields with Express Validator

I am trying to check for the existence of an optional field in an API request, and if that field exists, perform a nested validation to check if two other fields (one or the other, or implicitly both) exist inside of it. I am using Express Validator to try and accomplish this task.
// Sample request body
thresholds: {
min: 3,
max: 5
// (Attempted) validation chain
.custom( innerBody => {
console.log('THRESHOLDS', innerBody);
The above snippet is part of a larger validation chain I'm validating the full request body on. I also tried removing the innerBody. string from the inner checks but still no luck. I am console.loging the threshold body, and it prints out correctly, however I still get a validation error, when I'm trying to get my integration test to pass:
{"name":"ValidationError","message":"ValidationError: Validation failed","errors":[{"location":"body","param":"thresholds","value":{"min":3,"max":5},"msg":"Invalid value"}]}
I am relatively new to Express Validator so if I'm chaining the validation wrong/not using oneOf correctly or something would love some pointers!
Looks like the .custom function needs to return a Promise. Answer below:
.custom(innerBody => {
if (!(innerBody.min) || !(innerBody.max)) return Promise.reject('Missing min or max');
return Promise.resolve();
Remember: Always return a boolean value from the callback of .custom()
function. Otherwise your validation might not work as desired.
Source: Custom validation guide
In general, you might have needs in use of Promises if you deal with asynchronous .custom() function. Then you'll be obligated to return Promise.resolve() / Promise.reject() for correct validator behaviour.
Source: SO answer

ServiceStack - Customize Generated OpenAPI JSON using OpenApiFeature

Using the ServiceStack OpenApiFeature, the generated operationId in the openapi.json file follows this convention:
[RequestName][route path slice without first path*][http verb][digit if required for uniqueness]
The route path slice without first path* simply removes the first item in the path. So if the route path is blog/author/name, the logic would grab author/name.
This is defined in the OpenApiService::GetOperationName method. In some cases, this logic creates sub-optimal operation naming in tools that rely on openapi.json. As an example, if you have a service that exposes GET operations for a customer's details, customer summary, etc. and the details request is defined like this:
[Api("Get a customer's details.")]
[Route("/customer/details", "GET")]
public class GetCustomerDetailsRequest : IReturn<GetCustomerDetailsResponse>
{ ... }
The route will be something like this (which is good):
...but the generated OpenAPI operationId would be GetCustomerDetailsRequestdetails_Get, which isn't great.
Is there a way to customize the generated operationId using the OpenApiFeature? If not, is there some other naming convention that will maintain the REST-esque route convention but provide a better OpenAPI operationId?
EDIT: Thanks to mythz for pointing out the ApiDeclarationFilter. It allows you to complete customize the generated openapi.json. This is how I'm changing the operationId:
Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature
ApiDeclarationFilter = declaration =>
foreach (var p in declaration.Paths)
foreach (var httpVerb in _httpVerbs) // _httpVerbs is just a list of http verbs
// retrieve the operation value using reflection and pattern matching. This is to prevent having to use a switch statement to go through each http verb and check if it's been implemented
if (p.Value.GetType().GetProperty(httpVerb).GetValue(p.Value) is OpenApiOperation operation)
// Set the "OperationId" property using the convention [RequestClassName]_[Http Verb]. Note for simplicity here, I'm not checking for a unique operation Id. You should do that to ensure open api compliance
ReflectionHelper.SetProperty($"{httpVerb}.OperationId", p.Value,
Apart from the API metadata attributes, you can further customize what JSON is returned using the filters available, e.g:
Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature
ApiDeclarationFilter = (openApiDoc) => ...,
OperationFilter = (verb, operation) => ...,
SchemaFilter = (schema) => ...,
SchemaPropertyFilter = (openApiProperty) => ...,

Botframework (Node) - dialogData stripping out regex

Does the BotBuilder Node SDK actively strip out anything that is stored the dialogData object?
For example, I have created a simple loop and I am storing a regex in session.dialogData.questions. When I console log this after storing it, I can see that my regex is stored as expected:
validation: /^[0-9]{19}$/,
However, when I try and log the same session.dialogData.questions object in the next step of my waterfall, then the regex seems to have been converted into an empty object:
validation: {}
I presume this a deliberate attempt to prevent XSS and other types of exploitation?
The code for this example can be found below:
const builder = require('botbuilder')
const lib = new builder.Library('FormBuilder')
lib.dialog('/', [
(session, args) => {
session.dialogData.questions = {
validation: /^[0-9]{19}$/
builder.Prompts.confirm(session, 'Would you like to proceed?')
(session, results) => {
module.exports.createLibrary = () => {
return lib.clone()
Regarding your initial question, no the SDK doesn't actively strip anything out of the dialogData object. Anything that is, except for regexp...
I'm not sure why this is, but for the time being I recommend storing your pattern as a string, '^[0-9]{19}$', and then constructing a new regexp via new RegExp(session.dialogData.questions.validation) when needed.
I tried storing a method to construct a new RegExp using this.questions.validation, but likewise this was also stripped out.
Per Ezequiel's comment, this isn't a Bot Framework issue in the end. It is not possible to store non-serializable data inside JSON.
