Redirect a Rewrite URL Address - .htaccess

Adding this to my .htaccess file works to shorten the URL and get rid of the .shtml bit.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule about about.shtml
But, the original address http://xxx/about.shtml also still exists. I don't want Google or anyone to see that one, so I tried redirecting it to the rewritten URL:
Redirect 301 /about.shtml /about
This gives an error on Firefox that it's not working and on Google that it is being redirected too many times. Maybe it's going in some sort of a loop.
I don't want the original file to show up anywhere in the web address (with the.shtml ending), so not sure what else besides a redirect to do.


How do I redirect a web URL using .htaccess

I want to redirect users who enter this website URL:
I cant test it because I'm sending this to somebody.
I have these but I don't know for sure which one works:
RedirectMatch 301*) $1
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewriterule ^bananas(.*)$ $1 [r=301,nc]
Please specify if you want to redirect or rewrite. The rules you are using serve different purposes and you used both in your example.
Redirect: Actually load a different site when entering the url (end up at url and content of /fruits/bananas)
Rewrite: Url stays the same but server provides rewritten content (url stays at /bananas, but show /fruits/bananas content)
Also it is not clear if you only want one single directory to be redirected or all files that are contained in that directory.
Checkout this as a guide:
I believe you are looking for
Redirect 301 /bananas
The HTTP 301 stands for Moved Permanently.
I haven't tested it, though.

Htaccess. Redirect from non-friendly Url

I need friendly URL only for some pages on my website, I added this code to htaccess
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule languages/english-online.html languages/english.php
And now when I open in browser I see the content of page "languages/english.php". It's OK
But I also want to do: if somebody tries to enter to, he will be redirected to
I've tried everything, I get or 500 error or nothing happends.
Please help
Did you try:
Redirect /languages/english.php
Similar code worked for files on my own website.

301 redirect using regular expression in .htaccess

I have suddenly been hit with hundreds of 404 crawl errors to pages which must have been on a previous site (though I thought I'd got them all...). It's a bit strange as I've never seen any page with index.php in it, yet all the errors start with index.php/xxxxx.
So, I want to do the following:
redirect 301 index.php/<wildcard>
in the .htaccess file.
Can someone tell me whether this is correct, and what I have to put in the <wildcard> place if it is? If this is incorrect, what is the code to accomplish this?
You can use a the Redirect directive in the htaccess file and do a simple regular expression assuming your site doesn't use /index.php/query/parameters like some PHP frameworks do.
Redirect 301 /index.php/(.+)

Simple and neat .htaccess redirect help required

This is a strange one...
A while back I managed to write a .htaccess redirect that worked so that the URL was read like: - and what the real URL of this page was
The problem has been that the FTP system of my webhost hides .htaccess files even though they are allowed and do operate - and so I have checked back on local copies I have of my .htaccess files and none of them have the code as to how this works - and I've forgotten how I did it!!
Essentially, I am using wildcards so that anything after mt?page= will actually be showing PageParser.php?file= but without having the PageParser.php showing within the URL (and this is the important bit, because the index.php on my site root is actually sent through PageParser.php first so that anything which shouldn't be there is wiped out before the end user sees it) - so how can .htaccess redirect/rewrite the URL so that any link to /mt?page= show the file located at /PageParser.php?file= without changing the URL the user sees?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)mt?page=(.*)$ $1PageParser.php?file=$2
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=([^&]+)
RewriteRule ^mt$ /PageParser.php?file=%1.php [NC,L]
This rule will rewrite (internal redirect) request for /mt?page=hello to /PageParser.php?file=hello.php without changing URL in browser.
Your source URL example ( has index while target URL ( has index.php. The above rule will add .php to the page name value, so if you request /mt?page=hello.php it will be rewritten to /PageParser.php?file=hello.php.php.
If there is a typo in your URL example and page value should be passed as is, then remove .php bit from rewrite rule.
The rule will work fine even if some other parameters are present (e.g. /mt?page=hello&name=Pinky) but those extra parameters will not be passed to rewritten URL. If needed -- add QSA flag to rewrite rule.
This rule is to be placed in .htaccess in website root folder. If placed elsewhere some small tweaking may be required.
Better write no explanation (I knew it/I did it before .. but now I forgot how I did it) than having these "excuses". While it may be 100% true, it just does not sound that great.

.htaccess Redirect on a url with spaces in it

I have a link from anther website that I do not have control of two three.exe
The correct URL is
Note the underscores instead of spaces.
I searched the internet and found this code snippet for .htaccess
# Redirect old file path to new file path
Redirect /one%20two%20three.exe
I added this snippet to my preexisting root .htaccess at the top of the file.
But it does not seem to work. My browser does not redirect and I get a 404 error page.
I believe that it has something to do with the spaces in the original URL but I don't know how to handle spaces in the URL.
You could try a couple of things (both untested)
Redirect "/one two three.exe"
or use RewriteRule instead of Redirect:
RewriteRule /one\ two\ three.exe
