I'm hoping to leverage GitLab CI/CD / gitlab-runner to keep custom code up to date on a fleet of servers.
Desired effect is that when a commit is made against a certain project in GitLab, several servers then automatically pull those changes down.
Is it possible to leverage gitlab-runner's in this way, so that every runner registered with the project executes the contents of the .gitlab-ci.yml file? Or is there a better tool to accomplish this?
I could use Ansible to push updates files down to each server, but I was looking for something easier to solve for - something inherent in GitLab.
Edit: Alternative Solution
I decided to go the route of pre- and post-hook files in my repos as described here:
Basically I will be denoting a primary server as the main source for code pushes into the master repo, and have defined my entire fleet as remote repos in .git/config there. Using post-hooks inside of bare repo's on all of my servers, I can then copy my code into the proper execution path.
#ahxn81 Runners aren't really intended to be used in the pull way you describe. The Ansible push method you proposed is more in line with typical deploy flow. I can see why you might prefer the simplicity of the pull method over pushing via script. I guess a fleet of servers these days is via kubernetes or docker swarm which can simplify deployment after an initial setup headache.
We've started using a private Gitlab installation for project management (Git, Bug-tracking and so on). I know it's fairly trivial to share out or mirror the Git repos, but what about the Issue Tracking content?
I see Gitlab offers a fairly involved and tedious method to manually back up and restore a Gitlab installation, but I'm looking for close to real time mirroring in case of hard drive failure or other catastrophes..
Git repositories can be easily mirrored using Git protocol. Other types of data in GitLab are stored in the database and can't be mirrored in the same way.
Using a good old backup and restore process is probably the best solution for the situation you described. GitLab has this documented at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/raketasks/backup_restore.html. The process really isn't that difficult - gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create to create a backup, and gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=<timestamp> to restore.
If you need a higher level of service, GitLab supports high availability - https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability/
I have a Jenkins set-up consisting of one Master and two Slaves. I have Jenkins jobs (which run only on the slaves) which will create binaries on every commit. Currently, Jenkins archives these artifacts into some place within the Jenkins Master. When i wish to download the binaries using a bash shell script, i use wget url_link_to_particular_artifact. I wish to change this. I want to copy all the generated artifacts into one common location on the master node. So, the url would remain the same and only the last part would change with respect to the generated binary name. I label my binaries with tags so it is easy to retrieve them later on. Now, is there a plugin which will copy artifacts into the master node but to the location that I can provide. The master and slave nodes are all redhat linux machines.
I have already gone through the Artifactory Plugin and I do not wish to use it. I want something really simple to implement. Is there really a need for a web server to be running at the location on the master where I wish to copy the artifacts into? Can i transfer the artifacts from slave to master over SSH? If yes, how?
I have made some progress and I am sort of stuck now: Assuming we have a web-server on the Jenkins master node that is running. Is it possible for the slave nodes to send the artifacts to this location and the web-server sort of writes it into the file system at that location on the Master??
This, of course, is possible, but let me explain to you, why this is a bad idea.
Jenkins is not your artifact repository. Indeed you can store your artifacts in Jenkins, but it was not designed to do so. If you will do that for most of your jobs, you will run into problems with disk space, etc. or even race condition with names.
Not to mention that you don't want to have hundreds or thousands of files in one directory.
Better approach would be to use an artifact repository, such as Nexus to store your artifacts. You can manage and retrieve them easily thru different channels.
Keep in mind that it would be nice to keep your Jenkins in stateless mode and version control your configuration for easy restoration.
If you still want to store your artifacts in one web location, I'd suggest to setup an nginx server, proxy /jenkins calls to jenkins and /artifacts to your artifacts directory.
Please note: I am not interested in any enterprise/for-pay (Tower?) solutions here, only solutions available via Ansible's OSS offering.
OK so I've got my Ansible project configured and working perfectly, woo hoo! Looks something like this:
There's several things I need to accomplish to get this working in a production environment:
I need to be able to automate the deployment of changes to this project
I need to schedule playbooks to be ran, say, every 30 seconds (to ensure all managed nodes are always in compliance)
So my concerns:
How are changes usually deployed to live Ansible projects? Say the project is located at myansible01.example.com:/opt/ansible (my Ansible server). Is it sufficient to simply delete the Ansible project root (rm -rf /opt/ansible) and then copy the latest (containing changes) Ansible project back to the same location? What happens if Ansible is currently running any plays while I perform this "drop-n-swap"?
It looks like the commercial offering (Ansible Tower) has a scheduling feature built into it, but not the OSS offering. How can I schedule Ansible OSS to run plays at certain times? For instance, I might want certain plays to be ran every 30 seconds, so as to ensure nodes are always within compliance. Is cron sufficient to do this, or is there a more standard approach?
For this kind of task you typically want an orchestration engine such as Jenkins to do all your, well, orchestration.
You can set Jenkins to run playbooks on timers or other events such as a push to an SCM such as git.
Typically a job starts by checking out a tag/branch of our Ansible code base and then applying it to all of our specified servers so you always know what is being run. If you want, this can simply be the head on master (in git terms) so it's always applying the most recent changes. If you were also to have this to hook into your SCM repo then a simple push will force those changes to be applied to all of your servers.
Because of that immediacy you might want to consider only doing this on some test servers that then have some form of testing done against them (such as Serverspec) to verify that your changes are good before rolling them out to a production environment.
Jenkins, by default, will not run a job while the same job is running (or if you are maxed out on executor slots) so you can always be sure that it will only pull the repo (including any changes) after your Ansible run is complete. If you have multiple jobs running you can use blocking to prevent jobs running at the same time (both trying to apply potentially different configurations to the servers) but you don't have to worry about a new job starting and pulling the repo into the already running job as Jenkins separates these into separate work spaces.
We use Jenkins for manual runs of Ansible against our environment but we also have a "self healing" Jenkins job that simply runs a tagged commit of our Ansible code base against our environment, forcing it to an idempotent state to prevent natural drift of configurations. When we need to do something different to the environment or are running a slightly further ahead commit of our code base in to it we can easily disable the self healing job until we're happy with things and then either just re-enable the job to put things back or advance the tag that Jenkins is using to now use the more recent commit.
I'm experimenting with Puppet scripts for deployment.
I find the hardest part about the process of writing those scripts is iteratively testing them.
I don't want to puppet apply on my local development machine, that liable to screw stuff up. I have a clean-slate remote box where I want to apply. I also don't see how a puppetmaster can help me; I might be using a puppetmaster at a later point for production deployments, but for now, I just want to get my code working.
So I put together a quick shell script that would rsync the different directories from my local puppet module path to /tmp on the remote machine, and then run puppet apply. This is terribly inconvenient. It's slow, especially if we're talking about a syntax error.
I think what I want really is something like a puppetd <-> puppetmaster connection, where puppetd on the remote machine receives an already compiled manifest. Just an adhoc-one over a SSH connection, without having to actual setup an Puppetmaster, dealing with certificates etc. puppet apply user#host.
There seems to be nothing of the sort, but how do other people deal with this? I experience of working on a Puppet script is incredibly frustrating to me, as is.
I'd recommend using Vagrant. If you're not testing the puppet master setup you can use the built in provisioner integration.
Once you have everything setup you can run vagrant provision or just run puppet apply on the vagrant vm.
Here's a related article you may find helpful as well.
I would also take a look at puppet rpsec tests, using rspec-puppet and puppetlabs-spec-helper. The rspec-puppet-init will break puppet doc and geppetto and maybe some other things due to the symlinks, and there are some issues with hiera, but the tests are easy to setup otherwise and work well, and can also be tied into jenkins/hudson.
I usually have two levels of testing for my Puppet scripts.
Unit tests for quick feedback: Written using rspec-puppet, these compile a Puppet catalog for the class/define/etc being tested, and make assertions about it. Run locally each time I make a minor change, and on the build server each time I check in. The tests run quickly (<10 seconds), and pick up syntax and dependency issues.
Functional tests to make sure it really works: Written using Cucumber with the Aruba library. When I'm finished implementing a feature and the unit tests for it pass, these tests provision a VM (using Vagrant) with the appropriate Puppet manifest(s), log in, and make assertions about the VM's state. The tests themselves look something like:
Given I am SSHed into Vagrant box "webserver"
When I type "php --version"
Then the output should include "PHP 5.4.11"
Vagrant is the most useful environment for rapid infrastructure development that I've found. It most closely (99%) will mirror your production setup, and you can account for those tiny differences in puppet so everything works as expected. It takes about 30 minutes to get going with it and will pay you back many times over in saved time messing around with file copy scripts :)
If it's helpful to visualize, on my desktop I have 3 terminals side by side:
Terminal 1) Editing puppet manifests, classes, ruby code, etc
Terminal 2) Running 'vagrant provision' which simply does a puppet apply along with any facts you want to pass, etc.
Terminal 3) 'vagrant ssh' into the box so I can poke around as puppet is doing its work
Hope this helps!
Why don't you want to run a puppetmaster? It's created for exactly this situation.
If you absolutely cannot run a puppetmaster, then you would have to wrap your puppet calls in another script that first downloads the file (with curl or wget) and apply them after a successful download. Given that the puppetmaster is a fairly simple application to run, I don't see how not using it would be any better.
I stumbled across rump while looking at another question. If you're using git, it might be useful. There's a slide deck available.
From the README.md: "Rump helps you run Puppet locally against a Git checkout."
You may be interested in citac, a toolkit for automated testing of Puppet scripts. It is available on Github: https://github.com/citac/citac
Citac systematically executes your Puppet manifest in various configurations, imitating transient system faults, different resource execution orders, and more. The generated test reports inform you about issues with non-idempotent resources, convergence-related issues, etc.
The tool uses Docker containers for execution, hence your system remains untouched while testing. State changes are tracked during execution of the Puppet script, and detailed test reports are generated.
To get an idea of which bugs the tool is able to detect, a large-scale evaluation with more than 150 public Puppet scripts has been performed. The results are available here: http://citac.github.io/eval/
Please feel free to provide feedback, pull requests, etc. Happy testing!