Linear regression with pytorch - pytorch

I tried to run linear regression on ForestFires dataset.
Dataset is available on Kaggle and gist of my attempt is here:
I am facing two problems:
Output from prediction is of shape 32x1 and target data shape is 32.
input and target shapes do not match: input [32 x 1], target [32]¶
Using view I reshaped predictions tensor.
y_pred = y_pred.view(inputs.shape[0])
Why there is a mismatch in shapes of predicted tensor and actual tensor?
SGD in pytorch never converges. I tried to compute MSE manually using
print(torch.mean((y_pred - labels)**2))
This value does not match
loss = criterion(y_pred,labels)
Can someone highlight where is the mistake in my code?
Thank you.

Problem 1
This is reference about MSELoss from Pytorch docs:
- Input: (N,∗) where * means, any number of additional dimensions
- Target: (N,∗), same shape as the input
So, you need to expand dims of labels: (32) -> (32,1), by using: torch.unsqueeze(labels, 1) or labels.view(-1,1)
torch.unsqueeze(input, dim, out=None) → Tensor
Returns a new tensor with a dimension of size one inserted at the specified position.
The returned tensor shares the same underlying data with this tensor.
Problem 2
After reviewing your code, I realized that you have added size_average param to MSELoss:
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=False)
size_average (bool, optional) – Deprecated (see reduction). By default, the losses are averaged over each loss element in the batch. Note that for some losses, there multiple elements per sample. If the field size_average is set to False, the losses are instead summed for each minibatch. Ignored when reduce is False. Default: True
That's why 2 computed values not matched. This is sample code:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
loss1 = nn.MSELoss()
loss2 = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False)
inputs = torch.randn(32, 1, requires_grad=True)
targets = torch.randn(32, 1)
output1 = loss1(inputs, targets)
output2 = loss2(inputs, targets)
output3 = torch.mean((inputs - targets) ** 2)
print(output1) # tensor(1.0907)
print(output2) # tensor(34.9021)
print(output3) # tensor(1.0907)


Output of the model depends on the shape of the weights tensor

I want to train the model to sum the three inputs. So it is as simple as possible.
Firstly the weights are initialized randomly. It produces bad error estimate (approx. 0.5)
Then I initialize the weights with zeros. There are two options:
the shape of the weights tensor is [1, 3]
the shape of the weights tensor is [3]
When I choose the 1st option the model still works bad and can't learn this simple formula.
When I choose the 2nd option it works perfect with the error of 10e-12.
Why the result depends on the shape of the weights? Why do I need to initialize the model with zeros to solve this simple problem?
import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential as Seq, Linear as Lin
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau
X = torch.rand((1024, 3))
y = (X[:,0] + X[:,1] + X[:,2])
m = Seq(Lin(3, 1, bias=False))
# 1 option
m[0].weight = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=torch.float))
# 2 option
#m[0].weight = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.tensor([0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float))
optim = torch.optim.SGD(m.parameters(), lr=10e-2)
scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optim, 'min', factor=0.5, patience=20, verbose=True)
mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
for epoch in range(500):
out = m(X)
loss = mse(out, y)
if epoch % 20 == 0:
First option doesn't learning because it fails with broadcasting: while out.shape == (1024, 1) corresponding targets y has shape of (1024, ). MSELoss, as expected, computes mean of tensor (out - y)^2, which in this case has shape (1024, 1024), clearly wrong objective for this task. At the same time, after applying 2-nd option tensor (out - y)^2 has size (1024, ) and mean of it corresponds to actual mse. Default approach, without explicit changing weights shape (through option 1 and 2), would work if set target shape to (1024, 1) for example by y = y.unsqueeze(-1) after definition of y.

Pytorch Categorical Cross Entropy loss function behaviour

I have question regarding the computation made by the Categorical Cross Entropy Loss from Pytorch.
I have made this easy code snippet and because I use the argmax of the output tensor as the targets, I cannot understand why the loss is still high.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
ce_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
output = torch.randn(3, 5, requires_grad=True)
targets = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)
loss = ce_loss(outputs, targets)
Thanks for the help understanding it.
Best regards
So here is a sample data from your code with the output, label and loss having the following values
outputs = tensor([[ 0.5968, -0.8249, 1.5018, 2.7888, -0.6125],
[-1.1534, -0.4921, 1.0688, 0.2241, -0.0257],
[ 0.3747, 0.8957, 0.0816, 0.0745, 0.2695]], requires_grad=True)requires_grad=True)
labels = tensor([3, 2, 1])
loss = tensor(0.7354, grad_fn=<NllLossBackward>)
So let's examine the values,
If you compute the softmax output of your logits (outputs), using something like this torch.softmax(outputs,axis=1) you will get
probs = tensor([[0.0771, 0.0186, 0.1907, 0.6906, 0.0230],
[0.0520, 0.1008, 0.4801, 0.2063, 0.1607],
[0.1972, 0.3321, 0.1471, 0.1461, 0.1775]], grad_fn=<SoftmaxBackward>)
So these will be your prediction probabilities.
Now cross-entropy loss is nothing but a combination of softmax and negative log likelihood loss. Hence, your loss can simply be computed using
loss = (torch.log(1/probs[0,3]) + torch.log(1/probs[1,2]) + torch.log(1/probs[2,1])) / 3
, which is the average of the negative log of the probabilities of your true labels. The above equation evaluates to 0.7354, which is equivalent to the value returned from the nn.CrossEntropyLoss module.

Keras ImageDataGenerator sample_weight with data augmentation

I have a question about the use of the sample_weight parameter in the context of data augmentation in Keras with the ImageDataGenerator. Let's say I have a series of simple images with just one class of objects. So, for each image, I will have a corresponding mask with pixels = 0 for the background and 1 for where the object is labeled.
However, this dataset is unbalanced because a significant amount of these images are empty, which mean with masks just containing 0.
If I understood well, the 'sample_weight' parameter of the flow method of ImageDataGenerator is here to put the focus on the the samples of my dataset that I find more interesting, i.e. where my object is present.
My question is: what is the concrete influence of this sample_weight parameter on the training of my model. Does it influence the data augmentation? If I use the 'validation_split' parameter, does it influence the way validation sets are generated?
Here is the part of my code my question refers to:
data_gen_args = dict(rotation_range=90,
rescale=1. / 255,
image_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(**data_gen_args)
imf = image_datagen.flow(
sample_weight = sample_weight,
save_to_dir = 'traindir',
save_prefix = 'train_'
valf = image_datagen.flow(
sample_weight = sample_weight,
save_to_dir = 'valdir',
save_prefix = 'val_'
model = unet.UNet2(numberOfClasses, imshape, '', learningRate, depth=4)
history = model.fit_generator(generator=imf,
Thank you in advance for your attention.
As for Keras 2.2.5 with preprocessing at 1.1.0, the sample_weight is passed along with the samples and applied during processing. When calling .fit_generator, the model is trained on batches, each batch using sample weights:
model.train_on_batch(x, y,
In the source code of .train_on_batch, the documentation states: "sample_weight: Optional array of the same length as x, containing weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. (...)". The actual application of weights happens when calculating loss on each batch. When compiling a model, Keras generates a "weighted loss" function out of the desired loss function. The weighted computation is stated in the code as:
def weighted(y_true, y_pred, weights, mask=None):
"""Wrapper function.
# Arguments
y_true: `y_true` argument of `fn`.
y_pred: `y_pred` argument of `fn`.
weights: Weights tensor.
mask: Mask tensor.
# Returns
Scalar tensor.
# score_array has ndim >= 2
score_array = fn(y_true, y_pred)
if mask is not None:
# Cast the mask to floatX to avoid float64 upcasting in Theano
mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
# mask should have the same shape as score_array
score_array *= mask
# the loss per batch should be proportional
# to the number of unmasked samples.
score_array /= K.mean(mask) + K.epsilon()
# apply sample weighting
if weights is not None:
# reduce score_array to same ndim as weight array
ndim = K.ndim(score_array)
weight_ndim = K.ndim(weights)
score_array = K.mean(score_array,
axis=list(range(weight_ndim, ndim)))
score_array *= weights
score_array /= K.mean(K.cast(K.not_equal(weights, 0), K.floatx()))
return K.mean(score_array)
This wrapper shows it first calculates the desired loss (call to fn(y_true, y_pred)), then applies weighing if weights where passed (either with sample_weight or class_weight).
With this context in mind:
what is the concrete influence of this sample_weight parameter on the training of my model.
Weights are basically multiplied to the loss (and normalized). So "heavy" weights (more than 1) samples cause more loss, so larger gradients. "Light" weights reduce the importance of the sample and lead to smaller gradients.
Does it influence the data augmentation?
It depends on what you mean. Here is what I can say from experience, where I perform augmentation before feeding a Keras data generator (doing so as there were issues in preprocessing, as far as I know still existing in Preprocessing 1.1.0):
When feeding already augmented data to the generator, the .flow call will require a sample weights list as long as the input data. So the influence of weighing on augmentation depends on how the weights are chosen. A data point augmented N times may assign the same weight to each augmentation, or 1/N depending on the intent.
The default behaviour in Keras seems to assign the same weight to each augmentation (transform) performed by Keras. The code looks pretty clear, although I have never relied on it.
If I use the 'validation_split' parameter, does it influence the way validation sets are generated?
The sample_weight parameter does not seem to interfere with validation_split. I have not looked into the code specifically, but splitting basically gets the input data, and keeps a split for validation---whatever the data is. When sample_weight is added, what changes is each data point: Without weight, data is (x, y); with weight, data becomes (x, y, weight).

InvalidArgumentError: logits and labels must have the same first dimension seq2seq Tensorflow

I am getting this error in seq2seq.sequence_loss even though first dim of logits and labels has same dimension, i.e. batchSize
I have created a seq2seq model in TF 1.0 version. My loss function is as follows :
logits = self.decoder_logits_train
targets = self.decoder_train_targets
self.loss = seq2seq.sequence_loss(logits=logits, targets=targets, weights=self.loss_weights)
self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.loss)
I am getting following error on running my network while training :
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): logits and labels must have the same first dimension, got logits shape [1280,150000] and labels shape [1536]
[[Node: sequence_loss/SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits/SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits = SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits[T=DT_FLOAT, Tlabels=DT_INT32, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](sequence_loss/Reshape, sequence_loss/Reshape_1)]]
I confirm the shapes of logits and targets tensors as follows :
a,b =[model.decoder_logits_train, model.decoder_train_targets], feed_dict)
print(np.shape(a)) # (128, 10, 150000) which is (BatchSize, MaxSeqSize, Vocabsize)
print(np.shape(b)) # (128, 12) which is (BatchSize, Max length of seq including padding)
So, since the first dimension of targets and logits are same then why I am getting this error ?
Interestingly, in error u can observe that the dimension of logits is mentioned as (1280, 150000), which is (128 * 10, 150000) [product of first two dimension, vocab_size], and same for targets i.e. (1536), which is (128*12), again product of first two dimension ?
Note : Tensorflow 1.0 CPU version
maybe your way of padding wrong. if you padded _EOS to the end of target seq, then the max_length(real length of target sentence) should add 1 to be [batch, max_len+1]. Since you padded _GO and _EOS, your target sentence length should add 2, which makes it equals 12.
I read some other people's implementation of NMT, they only padded _EOS for target sentence, while _GO for input of decoder. Tell me if I'm wrong.
I had the same error as you and I understood the problem:
The problem:
You run the decoder using this parameters:
targets are the decoder_inputs. They have length max_length because of padding. Shape: [batch_size, max_length]
sequence_length are the non-padded-lengths of all the targets of your current batch. Shape: [batch_size]
Your logits, that are the output tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode has shape:
[batch_size, longer_sequence_in_this_batch, n_classes]
Where longer_sequence_in_this_batch is equal to tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)
So, you have a problem when computing the loss because you try to use both:
Your logits with 1st dimension shape longer_sequence_in_this_batch
Your targets with 1st dimension shape max_length
Note that longer_sequence_in_this_batch <= max_length
How to fix it:
You can simply apply some padding to your logits.
logits = self.decoder_logits_train
targets = self.decoder_train_targets
paddings = [[0, 0], [0, max_length-tf.shape(logits)[1]], [0, 0]]
padded_logits = tf.pad(logits, paddings, 'CONSTANT', constant_values=0)
self.loss = seq2seq.sequence_loss(logits=padded_logits, targets=targets,
Using this method,you ensure that your logits will be padded as the targets and will have dimension [batch_size, max_length, n_classes]
For more information about the pad function, visit
Tensorflow's documentation
The error message seems to be a bit misleading, as you actually need first and second dimensions to be the same. This is written here:
logits: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length,
num_decoder_symbols] and dtype float. The logits correspond to the
prediction across all classes at each timestep.
targets: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length] and dtype
int. The target represents the true class at each timestep.
This also makes sense, as logits are probability vectors, while targets represent the real output, so they need to be of the same length.

How to handle variable shape bias in TensorFlow?

I was just modifying some an LSTM network I had written to print out the test error. The issues, I realized, is that the model I had defined depends on the batch size.
Specifically, the input is a tensor of shape [batch_size, time_steps, features]. The input enters the LSTM cell and the output, which I turn into a list of time_steps 2D tensors, with each 2D tensor having shape [batch_size, hidden_units]. Each 2D tensor is then multiplied by a weight vector of shape [hidden_units] to yield a vector of shape [batch_size] which has added to it a bias vector of shape [batch_size].
In words, I give the model N sequences, and I expect it to output a scalar for each time step for each sequence. That is, the output is a list of N vectors, one for each time step.
For training, I give the model batches of size 13. For the test data, I feed the entire data set, which consists of over 400 examples. Thus, an error is raised, since the bias has fixed shape batch_size.
I haven't found a way to make it's shape variable without raising an error.
I can add complete code if requested. Added code anyways.
def basic_lstm(inputs, number_steps, number_features, number_hidden_units, batch_size):
weights = {
'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([number_hidden_units, 1]))
biases = {
'out': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[batch_size, 1]))
lstm_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(number_hidden_units)
init_state = lstm_cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
hidden_layer_outputs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm_cell, inputs,
initial_state=init_state, dtype=tf.float32)
results = tf.squeeze(tf.stack([tf.matmul(output, weights['out'])
+ biases['out'] for output
in tf.unstack(tf.transpose(hidden_layer_outputs, (1, 0, 2)))], axis=1))
return results
You want the biases to be a shape of (batch_size, )
For example (using zeros instead of tf.constant but similar problem), I was able to specify the shape as a single integer:
biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(10,dtype=tf.float32))
