Changing from existing nodejs installation through apt to NVM - node.js

I am on Ubuntu 18.04 with existing NodeJS installed through apt.
(currently on version 9.11.1)
I want to uninstall this and switch to NVM without destroying other dependencies (like yarn) and preferrably my whole system. I need to do these cleanly and I don't want to risk missing a step. Can you please help me?

(nvm maintainer here)
You can install nvm on top of your system node, without losing anything (although node and npm themselves will be shadowed by the nvm-managed node).
Separately, you can run npm ls -g --depth=0 to get a list of your global modules, and then you can reinstall those after you've installed and activated an nvm-managed node.
If you installed yarn a different way than npm install -g yarn, then uninstalling your system node/npm shouldn't impact it.


Homebrew/Node.js showing up though not installed

When I do find . -name "node*" from my root directory, I get:
but brew ls doesn't show node and node -v and npm show that the commands are not installed on PATH? What's going on here?
I went through the process of
I went through the process of removing all traces of Node and npm from my own installation as npm was corrupted (was mishandling vulnerabilities), and now want to install it using brew, or in some other way so all the errors with npm when attempting to npm install don't occur. Why does brew have node installed even though I didn't install it?
Those files are not NodeJS itself, but are the instructions that tell Homebrew how to install NodeJS. You can remove those formula (along with any others that are not being used) with brew cleanup.
Edit: You cannot actually remove the formulae since those are needed if you were to install it at a later point.

Updating to stable version of nodejs with n

this is my first time trying to update the nodejs version of a unix server. I want to use it to create a react app, and facing the following:
>npx create-react-app test
You are running Node 8.11.3.
Create React App requires Node 10 or higher.
Please update your version of Node.
So I have tried to update the version with the following commands:
>sudo npm cache clean -f
>sudo npm install -g n
>sudo n stable
installed : v14.15.4 to /usr/local/bin/node
active : v8.11.3 at /bin/node
However it seems that didn't upgrade the version, it installed a different version in a different path.
I am not sure if it is possible just to upgrade the version that is already active, I prefer not to do a workaround and just upgrade it directly.
As complementary information if I run n doctor I see the following:
>n doctor
Checking n install destination is in PATH...
'/usr/local/bin' is not in PATH
As I said previously, what I am looking for is a safe way to update the version already installed to be able to use create-react-app, being able to rollback to previous version easily if something doesn't work, I understand that the way is using n.
Thanks in advance.
I suggest you add /usr/local/bin to the start of your PATH (so it comes before /bin).
I do not recommend you try and overwrite /bin/node using n. Something else installed /bin/node in a system directory, and overwriting it using n could leave things in a mixed and confused state. n installs to /usr/local by default, but you can set N_PREFIX to install to your home folder, for example.
To avoid confusion with having two versions of node installed, you may wish to uninstall the /bin version, likely installed by your platform package manager.
Tip: Changing where node and npm are installed is likely to change where your global npm packages are installed. I suggest you list what you have installed now in case you want to reinstall then in the "new" location. npm list -g --depth=0

Install Yarn after NPM

I need some help and clarification regarding Yarn installation process.
MacOS ver. 10.14.2
I've installed Homebrew via official site (ver. 2.0.1).
I've installed NPM by downloading package from official site (ver. 10.15.1 LTS).
Now when I tried to install yarn via brew install yarn
I have the following error:
The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using `brew postinstall node`
As I undertand, NPM installs node locally, when, for instance, I try to use create-react-app. When I use Homebrew to install yarn, it tries to install node globally. And we have conflict here.
I've found suggestion to use:
sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/
I am not entirely sure what this command does.
So, the questions are:
Why changing the owner of the folder should be a solution? How will it affect multi user system?
What is the correct way to install yarn?
Can be there any conflicts if node is installed globally and locally (app folder.)
P.S. Please correct me, if I have wrong understanding here.
As Trott points out, npm does not install Node. npm is a package manager that comes bundled with Node. If you install Node, you automatically install npm.
Why changing the owner of the folder should be a solution? How will it affect multi user system?
It's not. Changing the permissions of this folder is sometimes suggested as a workaround for when you have npm installed in a location owned by root. This can cause EACCES errors when you try to install packages globally.
What is the correct way to install yarn?
While you can install Yarn through the Homebrew package manager, I would recommend doing: npm install -g yarn.
Can be there any conflicts if node is installed globally and locally (app folder).
You can't install Node globally and locally. You can install multiple versions of Node on the same machine, however.
I'm not a big fan of having one global Node installation, as it makes it a pain to update (esp. if one application relies on an older version of Node) and, depending on how you install Node, it can lead to permissions errors.
The better way is to use a version manager. This will allow you to install multiple Node versions on your machine, avoid permissions errors and swap between these Node versions at will.
I would recommend using nvm. It works nicely on MacOS. The TL;DR for installing nvm is:
curl -o- | bash
But I would encourage you to look at the project on GitHub and read its README. There is also a good tutorial on how to use it here.
Once you have Node installed using nvm, run npm install -g yarn to install Yarn globally and you should be off to the races.
Finally, you might want to read this tutorial on using npm, as it could help to clear up some of the concepts.
I have faced a problem after install yarn by running npm install -g yarn command in my OS Windows 10 Pro. That was showing yarn' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.
Whatever, I have found the solution:
After npm,
go to CMD from your windows PC,
write : *npm install -g yarn*
Go to Environmental Variables set up.
Edit Path and add new and paste:
Restart your terminal. And then check again in your cmd by running :
*yarn* or *yarn --version*

Unable to remove NodeJS

It says that node is installed in my /home/raheel/.nvm/v0.10.40/bin/node.
But it does not remove node with apt-get remove node.
I exactly don't remember how did i install it as i was following a tutorial.
nvm stores copies of node in a different place than the copy that your package manager installs. Also, it should be noted that the node package in Debian/Ubuntu is not node.js, but instead an amateur radio program (the actual package name is nodejs/nodejs-legacy).
So to remove nvm's copy of node, you could do nvm uninstall 0.10.40 to uninstall that particular version or you can do nvm deactivate to remove nvm's node binaries from your $PATH entirely.

Node install error

Im trying to install node + npm using brew and keep getting the following:
$brew install node
Warning: node-0.10.33_1 already installed, it's just not linked
Any ideas whats going on and how to fix?
Try brew doctor that should give you some idea of what the problem is. Also, I strongly recommend not installing node directly using brew, but actually installing nvm through (brew install nvm)
nvm is the node version manager, which allows you to install different versions of node, and quickly swap between them.
I have the same problem.
but I try lots method (e.g. nvm, uninstall, brew doctor, blabla...), and decide use pkg instead.
it would install perfectly without homebrew.
but if you are so likely use homebrew, I have no idea about this.
I had this problem as well. It was due to part of a leftover installation from running and using the pkg installer from Simply:
brew uninstall node
rm -rf /usr/local/include/node
brew install node
And you're good to go. You could probably get away with skipping the uninstall and just performing a brew link node, but I didn't try that.
