How can I check if there is a specific parameter in a sails.js request? - node.js

How can I check whether there is a specific parameter inside req.param() in sails.js?
For example, I want to check whether the parameter X_id exists in req.param(). If the parameter exists, then I want to use it. If it doesn't exist, then I want to use a default value instead. I've tried the following code:
X_owner: req.param('X_id') || -1,
But I receive an error when I run this code with out X_id parameter. How can I fix the code?

If you're aiming to use default values for your parameters, I'd suggest using actions2 if you haven't tried. It lets you define parameters (using the inputs' object) and use defaultsTo on inputs you want to have default values for, just like in your models attribute definitions. Using these should help resolve the issue.
As for how to check whether there is a specific parameter inside req.param(), you can use req.allParams() to reveal all current parameters from all sources. These include parameters parsed from the url path, the request body, and the query string in that order.


Is there a better way to validate query string arguments on tornado?

Currently, I validate a query argument like so:
unmount_channel_arg = self.request.arguments.get("unmount_channel", "false")[0].decode("utf-8").lower()
if unmount_channel_arg not in ["true", "false"]:
# Handle it.
Is there a built-in tool in tornado that allows me to just provide a condition or a lambda function and act on that instead of duplicating this code each time I need to verify query arguments?
There is nothing provided by Tornado that would help you with the validation of request inputs.
My solution is to provide helper methods for different types of arguments (eg. get_boolean_argument) that take a default value and the source of the argument (body, query string, either).

Is there a way to pass a parameter to google bigquery to be used in their "IN" function

I'm currently writing an app that accesses google bigquery via their "#google-cloud/bigquery": "^2.0.6" library. In one of my queries I have a where clause where i need to pass a list of ids. If I use UNNEST like in their example and pass an array of strings, it works fine.
However, I have found that UNNEST can be really slow and just want to use IN on its own and pass in a string list of ids. No matter what format of string list I send, the query returns null results. I think this is because of the way they convert parameters in order to avoid sql injection. I have to use a parameter because I, myself want to avoid SQL injection attacks on my app. If i pass just one id it works fine, but if i pass a list it blows up so I figure it has something to do with formatting, but I know my format is correct in terms of what IN would normally expect i.e. IN ('', '')
Has anyone been able to just pass a param to IN and have it work? i.e. IN (#idParam)?
We declare params like this at the beginning of the script:
DECLARE var_country_ids ARRAY<INT64> DEFAULT [1,2,3];
and use like this:
WHERE if(var_country_ids is not null,p.country_id IN UNNEST(var_country_ids),true) AND ...
as you see we let NULL and array notation as well. We don't see issues with speed.

Specify the type of parameter for DELETE request in Nodejs

I would like to do a DELETE request with unspecified number of parameters a=someValue. There is 2 main ways of supplying parameters to my understanding
Query parameters. ?a=someValue . This approach turn everything into
string and since I allow any number of parameters, I cannot know
which one is String, Boolean or Integer
Parameters in Body.This approach goes against the spec of DELETE operation to not have a body. Some server even strip away the body-content. But as I
send an json object, user can specify which type of value each of
their parameters has.
What would be your approach for this?
I'd use query parameters over body as the DELETE method has an optional body. Some clients may choose to ignore the body totally.

How to use MarkLogic search options by name

I'm using the ML9 Java API to upload a search options file to the DB with a name that I can use later in my search call. I would now like to write an xquery transform to highlight the query-matches in a set of elements in the response. Standard snippets won't work for me since they only bring back the fields in which there are matches and because they may not bring back the complete field value, but only the immediate context of the match.
So I want to use the cts:highlight function in a custom transform and want to pass to it the name of the options that I have uploaded into the DB. My question is how I can best get the options element from the DB using the name passed in to the transform method. I want to use this to construct the cts:query that I can pass in to the cts:highlight call as in:
let $query := cts:query(search:parse($query-string, $options))
let $result := cts:highlight($doc, $query, <markup>{$cts:text}
I was thinking I could pass in the query-string and the name of the pre-loaded options and use these to construct the cts:query, but don't know how to get the options from the name.
I found a way to avoid having to read the options. Setting the option 'return-query' to true adds a search:query node to the search:response which is passed to the transform method as the document-node. I'm then able to get this directly in the transform method to use in cts:highlight as:
let $query := cts:query($response/search:response/search:query/*[1])
The options are stored in the modules database associated with your REST instance. You could theoretically dig them out, though that would be relying on an implementation detail (the URI).
You might look into a combination of extract-document-data, as Sam mentioned, plus a search result transform, rather than the heavier approach of doing your own search through what I'd guess is a read transform.
Another alternative might be a custom snippeter that you pull into your options via transform-results. See

When to use 'app.params' and 'req.params'?

Since, I can get parameters from both the methods using a code similar to the one below:
req.params.<PARAM NAME> in single/many separate app.METHOD function(s)
(think this may result in code repetition)
app.params(<ARRAY>,<CALLBACK>) function, independent of the app.METHOD functions, and called if the URL contains any parameter (:id, :name .etc)
What are the use-cases to apply one over the other?
My best guess would be is using app.params for parameter validation or some sort of preprocessing. For example the express docs provide and example where you attach req.user information to the request using app.params and after that you can work directly with the user information instead of processing the parameter again. Using req.params would be more specific in terms of processing the specific query. For example I'd use req.params for a REST endpoint which should perform an operation by id (update/delete) as in general there shouldn't be any additional preprocessing involder.
