How to debug Express.js app with WebStorm - node.js

I am currently developing Express.js application which I suppose to use as an API for my Angular application. I need to debug Express app with WebStorm.
Can any one help me to figure out how to make this possible?

Webstorm has a native debugging tool for node.js, including breakpoints, call stack, in-editor expressions evaluation etc. You can find the exact explanation in the
following link to jetbrains' blog, including specific example for an express application.


Is it possible to turn express server serving react frontend into desktop app using electron?

I have made a web app using express and react, and I want to bundle it into a desktop application, is this possible using electron?
I recommend the tutorial at:
This isn't too hard actually, you can find all instructions you need in
To accomplish this, either your app keeps hosting it with express locally and electrons connects to localhost, or even better, do it by not hosting any servers and just keeping your JSX and html files in your project.
If you're using TypeScript and ES6, also consider taking a look here for some examples:

Using generated express app as backend in Angular 12

thank you for visiting my question. i was learning web developer by myself since 2020 (i have no mentor and all of my teacher is you, guys!). my path is to be a MEAN stack.
i have learn about fundamental HTML, CSS, JS Native, Bootstrap, SCSS and currently i was learning about JS Framework (Angular) and i was learning NodeJS and simulating a simple CRUD with mongoDB (NodeJS is not using Angular, EJS instead). btw everything i do is through local machine!
i just curious how it looks like attaching NodeJS in our ng project. i have tried to integrate it but because of lack information i still fail to integrate between those two.
and can we use generated express app which is comes by using command
ng add #nguniversal/express-engine
i still have doubt on how to do it correctly or if it was answered, may you refer the related article so i can learn from it? thanks in advance <3

Nodejs and Expressjs difference

What is the difference between nodejs and expressjs and
Is it possible to create webpage only using nodejs?
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. Node allows you to write and run Javascript code server-side.
Express.js is a framework for Node.js. Basically instead of writing 20 lines of code for a simple functionality with Node.js, you can write it in 2 lines using Express.js.
You can write the webapp using Node.js, but I don`t recommend it. Express is a minimalistic framework and it will make you life easier.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. Node allows you to write and run Javascript code server-side.
Express.js is a framework for Node.js
Express is built on top of Node, so yes Express adds more features. Node is just a Javascript environment with libraries to make it easy to write software, where Express extends Node specifically to make webservers easy to write.
Express/Connect adds the concept of middleware, a simplified way of managing different routes, automated integration with several templating engines and a bunch more.
All nodejs framework in here
Help it help you.

Is express similar to grunt? what is the difference? what are the advantages of express over grunt?

I've been working on node,grunt,bower and yeoman from couple of months. I came across MEAN stack applications, in which expressjs is providing the server environment(my understanding). Are both grunt and express similar?
Requesting for some helpful link on express and MEAN stack.
Express is a webserver framework on top of nodejs (like symphony for php).
Grunt is an automation tool (like make or gulp) and not a webserver.
The only thing they have in common is, that they use the JavaScript programming language.
MEAN is a full stack environment for developing web applications. MEAN uses MongoDB as database backend, Express as webserver framework, AngularJs for the client side and all is based on NodeJs. When your application gets more complex and you need some sort of deployment procedure you may use Grunt to automate this.

AngularJS app packaging for autonomous application

I wrote an angularJS app (with nodeJS and ExpressJS as my server). My app is totally independent from the server (I used pouchDB for the data). I would like to create an app/package that can be run from a computer or tablet. How can I do that?
I'm sure there are already lot of questions/answers about this topic but I couldn't find the right solution so I apologize in advance!
If you r looking for an full-stack framework, i can really recommend Ionic.
It is a framework, that contains it's own customizable ui-framework(build on sass bootstrap), it is build on cordova aka phonegap and makes it easy to deploy and test the code on android, ios, ... . It is also optimized for angularjs and offers for most functions a directive.
I really love it. I did write a blogpost in german: kkonstantin/ionic
Maybe take your existing frontend javascript code and make use of a css framework, to make it look great for all window sizes.
Like: Ratchet (build on bootstrap)
Then you just make use of Phonegap to deploy your html/css/javascript code to the plattforms.
