I'm joining 2 datasets using Apache Spark ML LSH's approxSimilarityJoin method, but I'm seeings some strange behaviour.
After the (inner) join the dataset is a bit skewed, however every time one or more tasks take an inordinate amount of time to complete.
As you can see the median is 6ms per task (I'm running it on a smaller source dataset to test), but 1 task takes 10min. It's hardly using any CPU cycles, it actually joins data, but so, so slow.
The next slowest task runs in 14s, has 4x more records & actually spills to disk.
If you look
The join itself is a inner join between the two datasets on pos & hashValue (minhash) in accordance with minhash specification & udf to calculate the jaccard distance between match pairs.
Explode the hashtables:
struct(col("*")).as(inputName), posexplode(col($(outputCol))).as(explodeCols))
Jaccard distance function:
override protected[ml] def keyDistance(x: Vector, y: Vector): Double = {
val xSet = x.toSparse.indices.toSet
val ySet = y.toSparse.indices.toSet
val intersectionSize = xSet.intersect(ySet).size.toDouble
val unionSize = xSet.size + ySet.size - intersectionSize
assert(unionSize > 0, "The union of two input sets must have at least 1 elements")
1 - intersectionSize / unionSize
Join of processed datasets :
// Do a hash join on where the exploded hash values are equal.
val joinedDataset = explodedA.join(explodedB, explodeCols)
.drop(explodeCols: _*).distinct()
// Add a new column to store the distance of the two rows.
val distUDF = udf((x: Vector, y: Vector) => keyDistance(x, y), DataTypes.DoubleType)
val joinedDatasetWithDist = joinedDataset.select(col("*"),
distUDF(col(s"$leftColName.${$(inputCol)}"), col(s"$rightColName.${$(inputCol)}")).as(distCol)
// Filter the joined datasets where the distance are smaller than the threshold.
joinedDatasetWithDist.filter(col(distCol) < threshold)
I've tried combinations of caching, repartitioning and even enabling spark.speculation, all to no avail.
The data consists of shingles address text that have to be matched:
53536, Evansville, WI => 53, 35, 36, ev, va, an, ns, vi, il, ll, le, wi
will have a short distance with records where there is a typo in the city or zip.
Which gives pretty accurate results, but may be the cause of the join skew.
My question is:
What may cause this discrepancy? (One task taking very very long, even though it has less records)
How can I prevent this skew in minhash without losing accuracy?
Is there a better way to do this at scale? ( I can't Jaro-Winkler / levenshtein compare millions of records with all records in location dataset)
It might be a bit late but I will post my answer here anyways to help others out. I recently had similar issues with matching misspelled company names (All executors dead MinHash LSH PySpark approxSimilarityJoin self-join on EMR cluster). Someone helped me out by suggesting to take NGrams to reduce the data skew. It helped me a lot. You could also try using e.g. 3-grams or 4-grams.
I don’t know how dirty the data is, but you could try to make use of states. It reduces the number of possible matches substantially already.
What really helped me improving the accuracy of the matches is to postprocess the connected components (group of connected matches made by the MinHashLSH) by running a label propagation algorithm on each component. This also allows you to increase N (of the NGrams), therefore mitigating the problem of skewed data, setting the jaccard distance parameter in approxSimilarityJoin less tightly, and postprocess using label propagation.
Finally, I am currently looking into using skipgrams to match it. I found that in some cases it works better and reduces the data skew somewhat.
I am trying to understand how "mapInPandas" works in Spark.
The example quoted on the Databricks blog is:
from typing import Iterator
import pandas as pd
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, 21), (2, 30)], ("id", "age"))
def pandas_filter(iterator: Iterator[pd.DataFrame]) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
for pdf in iterator:
yield pdf[pdf.id == 1]
df.mapInPandas(pandas_filter, schema=df.schema).show()
Question is, how many "pdf" are going to be in the iterator?
I guessed that perhaps they would be as many as the number of partitions
but when I further tested the code it seemed like they were far too many (on a different dataset with ~100 m records)
So is there a way to know how the number of iterations is determined and
if there is a way to make it equal to the number of partitions?
You can find that in documentation:
Data partitions in Spark are converted into Arrow record batches, which can temporarily lead to high memory usage in the JVM. To avoid possible out of memory exceptions, the size of the Arrow record batches can be adjusted by setting the conf “spark.sql.execution.arrow.maxRecordsPerBatch” to an integer that will determine the maximum number of rows for each batch. The default value is 10,000 records per batch. If the number of columns is large, the value should be adjusted accordingly. Using this limit, each data partition will be made into 1 or more record batches for processing.
so if you have 10M records, the you will have ~10,000 iterators
Following function is supposed to join two DataFrames and return the number of checkouts per location. It is based on the Seattle Public Library data set.
def topKCheckoutLocations(checkoutDF: DataFrame, libraryInventoryDF: DataFrame, k: Int): DataFrame = {
.join(libraryInventoryDF, "ItemType")
.groupBy("ItemBarCode", "ItemLocation") //grouping by ItemBarCode and ItemLocation
.agg(count("ItemBarCode")) //counting number of ItemBarCode for each ItemLocation
.withColumnRenamed("count(ItemBarCode)", "NumCheckoutItemsAtLocation")
.select($"ItemLocation", $"NumCheckoutItemsAtLocation")
When I run this, it takes ages to finish (40+ minutes), and I'm pretty sure it is not supposed to take more than a couple of minutes. Can I change the order of the calls to decrease computation time?
As I never managed to finish computation I never actually got to check whether the output is correct. I assume it is.
The checkoutDF has 3 mio. rows.
For spark job performance
Select the required column from the dataset before joins to
decrease data size
Partition your both dataset by join column ("ItemType") to avoid shuffling
I have a Spark DataFrame where all fields are integer type. I need to count how many individual cells are greater than 0.
I am running locally and have a DataFrame with 17,000 rows and 450 columns.
I have tried two methods, both yielding slow results:
Version 1:
(for (c <- df.columns) yield df.where(s"$c > 0").count).sum
Version 2:
df.columns.map(c => df.filter(df(c) > 0).count)
This calculation takes 80 seconds of wall clock time. With Python Pandas, it takes a fraction of second. I am aware that for small data sets and local operation, Python may perform better, but this seems extreme.
Trying to make a Spark-to-Spark comparison, I find that running MLlib's PCA algorithm on the same data (converted to a RowMatrix) takes less than 2 seconds!
Is there a more efficient implementation I should be using?
If not, how is the seemingly much more complex PCA calculation so much faster?
What to do
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, count, when}
df.select(df.columns map (c => count(when(col(c) > 0, 1)) as c): _*)
Your both attempts create number of jobs proportional to the number of columns. Computing the execution plan and scheduling the job alone are expensive and add significant overhead depending on the amount of data.
Furthermore, data might be loaded from disk and / or parsed each time the job is executed, unless data is fully cached with significant memory safety margin which ensures that the cached data will not be evicted.
This means that in the worst case scenario nested-loop-like structure you use can roughly quadratic in terms of the number of columns.
The code shown above handles all columns at the same time, requiring only a single data scan.
The problem with your approach is that the file is scanned for every column (unless you have cached it in memory). The fastet way with a single FileScan should be:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{explode,array}
val cnt: Long = df
Still I think it will be slower than with Pandas, as Spark has a certain overhead due to the parallelization engine
I have a dataset of points of interest on the maps like the following:
ID latitude longitude
1 48.860294 2.338629
2 48.858093 2.294694
3 48.8581965 2.2937403
4 48.8529717 2.3477134
The goal is to find those clusters of points that are very close to each other (distance less than 100m).
So the output I expect for this dataset would be:
(2, 3)
The point 2 and 3 are very close to each other with a distance less than 100m, while the others are far away so they should be ignored.
Since the dataset is huge with all the points of interest in the world, I need to do it with Spark with some parallel processing.
What approach should I take for this case?
I actually solved this problem using the following 2 approaches:
DBSCAN algorithm implemented as Spark job with partitioning
GeoSpark with spacial distance join
both of them are based on Spark so they work well with large scale of data.
however I found the dbscan-on-spark consumes a lot of memory, so I ended up using the GeoSpark with distance join.
I would love to do a cross join here , however that probably won't work since your data is huge.
One approach is to partition the data per region wise. That means you can change the input data as
ID latitude longitude latitiude_int longitude_int group_unique_id
1 48.860294 2.338629 48 2 48_2
2 48.858093 2.294694 48 2 48_2
3 48.8581965 2.2937403 48 2 48_2
4 48.8529717 2.3477134 48 2 48_2
The assumption here if the integral portion of the lat/long changes that will result > 100m deviation.
Now you can partition the data w.r.t group_unique_id and then do a cross join per partition.
This will probably reduce the workload.
I use Spark 2.0.2, Kafka 0.10.1 and the spark-streaming-kafka-0-8 integration. I want to do the following:
I extract features in a streaming job out of NetFlow connections and than apply the records to a k-means model. Some of the features are simple ones which are calculated directly from the record. But I also have more complex features which depend on records from a specified time window before. They count how many connections in the last second were to the same host or service as the current one. I decided to use the SQL window functions for this.
So I build window specifications:
val hostCountWindow = Window.partitionBy("plainrecord.ip_dst").orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
val serviceCountWindow = Window.partitionBy("service").orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
And a function which is called to extract this features on every batch:
def extractTrafficFeatures(dataset: Dataset[Row]) = {
.withColumn("host_count", count(dataset("plainrecord.ip_dst")).over(hostCountWindow))
.withColumn("srv_count", count(dataset("service")).over(serviceCountWindow))
And use this function as follows
stream.map(...).map(...).foreachRDD { rdd =>
val dataframe = rdd.toDF(featureHeaders: _*).transform(extractTrafficFeatures(_))
The problem is that this has a very bad performance. A batch needs between 1 and 3 seconds for a average input rate of less than 100 records per second. I guess it comes from the partitioning, which produces a lot of shuffling?
I tried to use the RDD API and countByValueAndWindow(). This seems to be much faster, but the code looks way nicer and cleaner with the DataFrame API.
Is there a better way to calculate these features on the streaming data? Or am I doing something wrong here?
Relatively low performance is to be expected here. Your code has to shuffle and sort data twice, once for:
.orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
and once for:
.orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
This will have a huge impact on the runtime and if these are the hard requirements you won't be able to do much better.