Why the import "from tensorflow.train import Feature" doesn't work - python-3.x

That's probably totally noob question which has something to do with python module importing, but I can't understand why the following is valid:
> import tensorflow as tf
> f = tf.train.Feature()
> from tensorflow import train
> f = train.Feature()
But the following statement causes an error:
> from tensorflow.train import Feature
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.train'
Can please somebody explain me why it doesn't work this way? My goal is to use more short notation in the code like this:
> example = Example(
'x1': Feature(float_list=FloatList(value=feature_x1.ravel())),
'x2': Feature(float_list=FloatList(value=feature_x2.ravel())),
'y': Feature(int64_list=Int64List(value=label))
tensorflow version is 1.7.0

from tensorflow.train import Feature
from tensorflow.core.example.feature_pb2 import Feature
Remarks about TensorFlow's Aliases
In general, you have to remember that, for example:
from tensorflow import train
is actually an alias for
from tensorflow.python.training import training
You can easily check the real module name by printing the module. For the current example you will get:
from tensorflow import train
print (train)
<module 'tensorflow.python.training.training' from ....
Your Problem
In Tensorflow 1.7, you can't use from tensorflow.train import Feature, because the from clause needs an actual module name (and not an alias). Given train is an alias, you will get an ImportError.
By doing
from tensorflow import train
print (train.Feature)
<class 'tensorflow.core.example.feature_pb2.Feature'>
you'll get the complete path of train. Now, you can use the import path as shown above in the solution above.
In TensorFlow 1.9.0, from tensorflow.train import Feature will work, because tensorflow.train is an actual package, which you can therefore import. (This is what I see in my installed Tensorflow 1.9.0, as well as in the documentation, but not in the Github repository. It must be generated somewhere.)
Info about the path of the modules
You can find the complete module path in the docs. Every module has a "Defined in" section. See image below (taken from Module: tf.train):

I would advise against importing Feature (or any other object) from the non-public API, which is inconvenient (you have to figure out where Feature is actually defined), verbose, and subject to change in future versions.
I would suggest as an alternative to simply define
import tensorflow as tf
Feature = tf.train.Feature


inspect.py file in folder makes importing pandas not work anymore

I am sorry if this is a silly question but I came across a wierd behaviour. I have a folder with some files, one of them named inspect.py
However, if I change the name inspect.py to somethingelse.py, importing pandas starts working.
I would really like to understand why this is. I assume it has something to do with the module called inspect which (I THINK??) comes by default installed.
Can anyone help me understand this, please?
Looking a np.ma.core.py I see
import builtins
import inspect
import operator
import warnings
import textwrap
import re
These are all base Python modules. Your local inspect.py gets imported instead, which messes with the importing the rest of np.ma.core, and numpy in turn. And pandas depends on numpy.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google.cloud.automl_v1beta1.proto'

I am trying to follow this tutorial on Google Cloud Platform,
https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ai-platform-samples/blob/master/notebooks/samples/tables/census_income_prediction/getting_started_notebook.ipynb, however, I am running into issues when I try to import the autoML module, specifically the below two lines
# AutoML library.
from google.cloud import automl_v1beta1 as automl
import google.cloud.automl_v1beta1.proto.data_types_pb2 as data_types
The first line works, but for the 2nd one, I get the error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google.cloud.automl_v1beta1.proto'. It seems for some reason there is no module called proto and I cannot figure out how to resolve this. There are a couple of posts regarding the issue of not being able to find module google.cloud. In my case I am able to import automl_v1beta1 from google.cloud but not proto.data_types_pb2 from google.cloud.automl_v1beta1
I think you can:
from google.cloud import automl_v1beta1 as automl
import google.cloud.automl_v1beta1.types as data_types
import google.cloud.automl_v1beta1 as automl
import google.cloud.automl_v1beta1.types as data_types
But (!) given the import errors, there may be other changes to the SDK in the code that follows.

Why do I have to import a library twice in Python (IDLE and the imported file)?

I am running Python 3.7.6 shell and have the library numpy installed correctly.
In my shell I type:
import numpy as np
and can use numpy however I desire. I then proceed to import 'my_lib.py' which contains:
def softmax(x):
e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=0)
In my shell I can call the function softmax(x) but I immediately get the error
NameError: name 'np' is not defined
My hypothesis here would be I've imported numpy into 'shell scope' and i've also imported softmax(x) into 'shell scope' so everything should be happy. To fix this problem I have to add
import numpy as np
into 'my_lib.py'.
How come I have to import numpy twice?
The code in each module can only use identifiers (names) that have be defined in or imported into that module. The global dict in each module only contains names global to that module. It might better be called the module dict or modular dict, but the name goes back to when there were no modules in computing.
You might benefit from reading https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html and probably elsewhere in the tutorial.
(None of this has anything to do with the editor you use to write code or the IDE or shell you use to pass code to Python.)

Unable to import estimation module in lifetimes

I'm trying to analyze customer shopping data and I'm trying this using lifetimes package in Python.I'm unable to import estimation module in lifetime
from lifetimes.utils import *
from lifetimes.plotting import *
from lifetimes.estimation import *
from lifetimes.estimation import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lifetimes.estimation'
install lifetimes version
pip install Lifetimes==
Thought to expand on it a bit more in case anyone else faces the same issue (due to following redundant codes).
The lifetimes.estimation module is no longer available within the lifetimes package (as per the latest model documentation). All the functionalities in this module were moved to other modules and you really do not need this module anymore. Continue using the latest model version 0.11.1 and don't import this specific submodule.

How to use keras as interface of theano?

for tensorflow, this post very well explain how to using keras with tensorflow
But, I don't find how to use keras with theano directly.
Is it impossible using like tensorflow??
The official documentation is here: https://keras.io/backend/
Basically, edit your $HOME/.keras/keras.json (linux) or %USERPROFILE%\.keras\keras.json (windows) configuration file.
"image_data_format": "channels_last",
"epsilon": 1e-07,
"floatx": "float32",
"backend": "theano"
(Note the "backend" is set to "theano".)
This will of course change all your Keras projects to use Theano.
If you only want to change 1 project, you can set the KERAS_BACKEND environment variable, either from the command line or in code before you import keras:
import os
os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "theano"
import keras
(I tested this on Windows 10 with Python 3.5 with both Theano and TensorFlow installed (remove this, and it uses TensorFlow, include it and it will use Theano)).
It's nice to include in your Python source because this dependency is then included explicitly in source control. As the underlying ML library Keras is using is not 100% abstracted (there are lots of little differences that seep through), having the code indicate that it needs one or the other is probably a good idea.
I hope that helps,
