Unreal Engine 4 Beginner: Error While Adding an Empty C++ Component - visual-c++

The scene is empty with just a Chair[A Static Mesh Component].
Tried cleaning the project.
I am completely new.

What you can do is to open File Explorer and navigate to your project, and right click on .uproject file and select option Generate Visual Studio Files. After that you can compile

This is a known issue in 4.20 and 4.20.1 which has been reported and has been declared fixed but they haven't patched it in the engine yet.
It is only an intellisense error however. If you have problems compiling then just use the in - editor button for compilation and don't compile from Visual Studio.
Here is the original bug report:
The fix will be included in 4.20.2 when it releases.


Android Studio Not Recognizing Imports in TextView

I want to watch android sources code, but Android Studio has so many errors in base Android code. How do I fix these?
Since no one has jumped in here to help with this...
The longer answer here is that the imports (in red) are failing because Android Studio can't find them. So all the calls made to those libraries are failing. So ALL your code after that is full of errors.
For instance, the android.annotation.ColorInt seems to be broken. A quick Google search provides THIS: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/annotation/ColorInt.html
Which tells me that the reason that dependency is broken is because whatever you have there is deprecated and should now use a new reference.
Continue with this sort of research and your problem is solved.

AS 0.4.2 not resolving ActionBarSherlock in GUI, though builds ok

I've added ActionBarSherlock to an existing android app that includes three of my own libraries. It was super easy to add the maven reference to the build.gradle files of the main project and the libraries that needed it, so that the main project now has:
dependencies {
compile project(':ads')
compile project(':core')
compile project(':iap')
compile files('libs/libGoogleAnalyticsServices.jar')
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:18.0.+'
compile 'com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4.4.0#aar'
I can go to the command line and do a ./gradlew assembleRelease and everything builds and runs as expected. However, when I'm inside Android Studio (0.4.2), it won't recognise the import statement, e.g.
import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockActivity;
will get a nice red underline below "app". Accordingly the IDE shows errors for the unrecognised references. I've tried:
clicking the "Sync Project with Gradle Files" button
using the GUI to add the library reference (Open Module Settings, "Dependences" tab, "+")
restarting Android Studio
reading a lot of Stack Overflow articles!
Any suggestions on next steps? The ability to import via the compile / maven dependency was awesome, but being able to edit cleanly in the GUI would be nice :-).
To clear the errors, right click on the project and select Properties. Select Java Compiler and change the “Compiler compliance level” to 1.6.
After upgrading to Android Studio 0.4.6, this problem disappeared. Go figure!

Reference defining all Visual Studio 2012 Solution Explorer Icons

I have been unable to find a reference to the new Visual Studio 2012 Solution Explorer icons. From time to time, some of our .sql files icons change as with the one with the yellow triangle below. Does such a reference exist? If not, what does this yellow triangle icon mean?
I don't have a reference for all the icons. However, I believe the yellow triangle indicates that there are warnings associated with referenced assembly.
View the warnings by going to Error List (usually in the at the bottom of Visual Studio or in the menu VIEW - Error List or by Ctrl + W, E).
Then click on the Warnings tab. There should be one or more warnings about the assembly. Usually there are missing or conflicting references or something like "the primary reference X could not be resolved because it has an indirect dependency on Y which has a different version of the framework.
This could happen if you reference an assembly that is built for a new version of the .NET framework. (Example your assembly is using .NET 4.0 but the assembly you want to use is built with .NET 4.5).
The icon indicates a document warning.
Follow this link Visual Studio image library. The download contains a document listing of the icon and what it means.
As Chris Weber says, the problem may arise if you add a new project to your solution, and the new project targets a higher version of the .NET framework than the other projects in the same solution.
Fix: Right click your newly added project, go to properties. On the left handside, find the topmost tab called "Application". In the right frame, you should see a dropdown where you can set "Target Framework". Make sure this is the same version as the rest of your solution.

Error getting to Test Window in VS 2012 RC

I have been using the customer preview of Visual Studio 2012 up until day before yesterday when the Release Candidate became available. After I installed the Release Candidate, I can't get to the Test Window (Test / Windows / Test Explorer).
I get the following lengthy error which I've copied manually here. (Since this is my first question, I couldn't post the picture, and the screen would not allow me to copy the text to the clipboard. Hopefully there are no typos.)
The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided below. Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.
1) Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: testPlatform
Resulting in: An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.ReqeustConfigurationFactory'.
Resulting in: Cannot activate part
Element: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.ReqeustConfigurationFactory -->
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.ReqeustConfigurationFactory --> CachedAssemblyCatalog
Resulting in: Cannot get export
(ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.RequestConfigurationFactory")' from part
(ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Model.RequestConfigurationFactory") --> CachedAssemblyCatalog
The error occurs regardless of whether I have opened a solution or not. A second attempt to open the window yields "Cannot create the tool window." After restarting Visual Studio, and attempting to get to the Test Window, I get the long message again.
At the time I upgraded Visual Studio to the Release Candidate, I had installed:
ReSharper (Beta)
Code Contracts -- the last thing I had installed before upgrading Visual Studio. I cannot guarantee that the test window was working after I installed this.
I have searched the web for key phrases out of the error message, but found no help.
I have also:
Repaired Visual Studio (which solved a problem I was having getting to the Extension Manager, but not the Test Window problem)
Uninstalled Visual Studio and reinstalled it
Uninstalled each of the Extensions/packages listed above (NUnit, SpecFlow, ReSharper, Code Contracts). Uninstalling didn't seem to help, so I have re-installed all of them,
one at a time. I've also confirmed that I can run tests in the ReSharper test window.
Deleted the currentsettings.vssettings file from C:\Users\\Documents\Visual Studio 11\Settings, hoping it contained the problem and would be recreated correctly. I got a message that "The IDE will use your most recent settings for this session". I don't know where to find those...
Reset settings from the Import and Export Settings option.
None of these actions has helped.
It looks to me like a config file somewhere is missing an element for testPlatform, but I have no idea where that would be (or in what format, or what Options page entry would set it.)
Any help would GREATLY be appreciated.
I didn't figure out exactly what was causing the error, but I did get it fixed. Here's what finally worked
I installed all VS 2012 one more time, plus the extensions, then looked for bits that might have been left behind by the uninstall. I found and deleted the following before reinstalling:
C:\Users\<my id>\Documents\Visual Studio
C:\Users\<my id>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio
C:\Users\<my id>\AppData\Local\Microsoft
Upon re-installing Visual Studio 2012 RC, the original problem was resolved. Re-installing the extensions also worked successfully.

symbol not found for new functions added in vc++

In vc++ i added a new function and when i am clicking on goto definition it is showing an error that symbol not found .For old functions i am going to the definitions.
Visual Studio's IntelliSense stuff takes a while to update sometimes either a) just try again in a few minutes or b) build your application. Even if the build fails this should update the database used by IntelliSense.
If all else fails, the d/b might be corrupted. Close Visual Studio, then find and delete the <solution>.ncb file and delete it. VS will rebuild it and all should be well. Usually!
For VisualStudio 2010 at least, try closing VS and deleting the projectname.sdf and projectname.suo files.
