sharepoint 2013 workflow is not showing stages and actions - sharepoint

[SharePoint 2013 workflow logic not visible][1]
[SharePoint example][2]
I was trying to make workflow in SharePoint Designer 2013 and when I choose list workflow, give name and select SharePoint 2013 workflow and appears windows no Stage no such thing. [1]:
I followed this site [2]: tried everything. It won't work in my system. I could not identify the issue.

Awful issue. I don't know the reason but copying file:
from any of your SharePoint sites where Workflow 2013 is available into this folder:
"C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\(Site where Workflow 2013 is missing)\"
will do the trick.
Let me know if it worked for you.


SharePoint 2010 - customize a reusable workflow

Good morning. I am using SharePoint 2013 but created a SharePoint 2010 Reusable Workflow in SharePoint Designer. It is an Approval workflow that I want to use on 5 different Meet-Me line request lists. The workflow is the same for all except that the approval email that goes to the requester has the different meet-me line info (access codes, etc). Is there a way to customize the reusable workflow for each line? Thank you.
Its a good question but I don't think Microsoft provided any option to customize the reusable work flow.
I also tried before but no luck.

How to Install 'Approval - SharePoint 2010' workflow template in SharePoint 2013 Server

I am fairly new in SharePoint Development and configuration. I need to create a list that when a entry is created, it will email the selected person to approves the entry.
Right now, I have already created the list and will be setting-up the workflow configuration, but the problem is that the 'Approval-SharePoint 2010' Workflow template is missing.
How can I work around this? Or can I download the template and install it in the Server SharePoint 2013?
You haven't mentioned which version of SharePoint you are running. I presume because you don't have the option available you are running SharePoint 2013 Foundation.
SharePoint 2013 Foundation doesn't use support the Workflow Manager and uses the same workflow engine that SharePoint 2010 Foundation uses- this doesn't include the approval workflow.
The Approval-SharePoint 2010 workflow template comes with SharePoint Standard or SharePoint Enterprise. See here for feature comparisons between versions:
Unfortunately, having tried various things myself, the options are upgrade to at least SharePoint standard or build a custom workflow. Customer workflows can be built using SharePoint Designer or as part of a code solution. There are quite a few guides already out there. This is just the first one I came to:
If I am being too presumptuous and your version is higher than Foundation then it might just be that you need to activate the Workflows feature in the site collection features.

Create a 2010 workflow in Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint Online

I have a solution in VS2012 with a SharePoint 2013 sandboxed project. I have created some custom workflows in 2013.
What I really need to do is to have an approval workflow to publish content, and send out an email when a new document is approved.
My first thought was to use the OOB approval 2010 workflow and use an event receiver on the list. When an item becomes approved, I would send out an email, but I'm unable to send emails programmatically in SharePoint online.
My second thought was to recreate the workflow in 2013, since I know I can send emails out that way, but it looks like the activities related to content approval were removed for 2013 workflows. I can try and do the approvals via rest calls, but my concern was that my workflow will fire every time the item in the list changes (even if it's not a publish), so I will have to check (in the workflow) if the item is being published or not. This will cause the workflow history for the items to become pretty useless as it will be filled with mostly white noise. Also, as far as I can tell, the checkbox when you create an association for "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item." does not apply to 2013 workflows.
I believe my best answer at this time would be to create a custom 2010 workflow, but I don't see how I can do that from inside VS2012. Can anyone help me (or maybe suggestion another alternative to achieving my goal?)
You can just turn on the old (2007) approval workflows. It sounds like those might work for you.
This article references how to do that, but in short it is under
Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration -> Site Collection Features -> enable the feature 'SharePoint 2007 Workflows'
Configuring SharePoint 2013 to use legacy workflows
I ended up using an OOB 2010 Workflow and modifying it with SharePoint Designer. Not really the solution I wanted (which was to package ALL of my customizations into a single WSP), but I've spent more time than I should have trying to get it to work.

Sharepoint workflow: creating a task at another site

is it possible to create a task in a task list in a site other than the site to which the workflow is deployed to.
Nope - this isn't supported. The workflow must be deployed to all sites.
I assume you are talking about a SharePoint Designer Workflow and not a Visual Studio workflow where pretty much anything is possible.
You can either create a custom Activity in Visual Studio for use in SharePoint Designer or you use something like the Workflow Power Pack to add a little bit of custom code directly into SharePoint Designer workflows.
Please note that I have worked on the Workflow Power Pack, so consider me somewhat biased :-)

Cannot associate a custom SharePoint Workflow with a Content Type in SharePoint Server 2010

To preface, I am working with SharePoint Server 2010 Beta 2, Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate RC.
I have built a custom Content Type based on the Item type with a few custom site columns. I also have built a custom Sequential Workflow using Visual Studio 2010. This is a relatively simple workflow that creates a task, waits for the task to complete, sets the workflow to complete. I am able to deploy this workflow to the site collection through VS 2010 deploy (which is pretty nice, btw). The problem I have is that when I try to associate the custom Content Type with my custom workflow, that workflow is not listed in the workflow templates to choose from. There are only the OOTB SharePoint workflows to choose. The kicker is that if I create a list and associate a workflow to that list, my custom workflow is in the workflow template list. This makes sense since at the start of building a custom workflow in VS2010, one of the first questions is whether the workflow is a Site or a List workflow and I selected List. Is the issue that List workflows are not allowed to be associated with Content Types?!?
In your workflow's elements.xml, look for AssociationCategories and change it to ContentType like so:
Big thanks to my co-worker, Yves for pointing this out :)
