IIS 10 Application Pool fall a sleep - iis

We have ASP.NET Core application used internally which are used during office hours and a batch that should be processed 3 AM every morning which is scheduled by HangFire like this:
() => MyBatch(),
"0 0 3 1/1 *");
The problem is that the Application Pool goes to sleep and the batch isn’t processed if the site isn’t manually started (by going to the website usually).
I have searched SO and tampered with these settings in the Application Pool but with no success:
Some sources that I used to modify the settings:
How to prevent/extend idleTimeout in IIS 7?
IIS seems like to sleep until the next request
The Application Pool is used by a total of 7 applications (all being inactive during night when the batch should be processed). The used Application Pool uses .NET CLR Version 2.0.
I'm using IIS version 10.0.17134.1.
How can I make the Application Pool stay active so the batch can be invoked regularly every morning?

I ran into the same issue where my ASP.NET core application goes into idle even with "AlwaysRunning" as start mode for the app pool, "Preload Enabled" set to true for the site, and idle timeout set to 0.
I got it to work by installing the Application Initialization module and setting the .NET CLR version to v4.0. Don't use the "No Managed Code" as that would prevent the Always Running from triggering the app start.
I wrote a blog post on this explaining in more details the steps I took to get the app to run continuously.

They got documentation on how to set up service to run without stopping.
My experience (with older IIS versions 7.5, 8.0) is that it works, but not for app pool recycle/domain unload.
Workaround for me was to send init request on the application_end event.

As above - you need to enable the Service Autostart - in addition to this, if you hit multiple exceptions, I have found that the Rapid Fail Protection has shut down Application pools in the past when using HangFire. So it's also worth disabling (or increasing to reasonable limits) this on the application pool.

I'd suggest you put in your process a single call to the HTTP address first, just like a ping, that would be enought to trigger the site startup if it isn't running for some reason.
One other thing is that, by microsoft's description at MSDN the "AlwaysRunning" option would be:
"Specifies that the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) will
always start the application pool. This behavior allows an application
to load the operating environment before any serving any HTTP
requests, which reduces the start-up processing for initial HTTP
requests for the application."
That may be, to produce the compilation of web pages that is done on the first call to be done before any request coming, but may not actually run the application at all times.

I am on a Shared IIS Hosting with no access to most settings. What I did is add a Recurring Job that would be triggered in minute interval less than the IIS Timeout/Idle.
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IMyKeepAliveService>("KeepHangFireAlive", svc => svc.KeepHangFireAlive(URL_TO_SELF), "*/4 * * * *");
The above CRON is enough to prevent IIS App pool from going to sleep.
I use RestSharp to make a tiny ping/GET request to "Self".


IIS 8 Application pool recycle vs SignalR 2.3.0

I have a website in IIS 8.5.9600.16384, we communicate with thousands of mobile devices through cyclic synchronisation and through SignalR 2.3.0.
This morning we had an application pool reset during working hours, which caused the SignalR to call "OnReconnect" of all our mobile devices at the same time.
I though that IIS started new processes first and then killed the old, not having downtime.
Can somebody tell me exactly what happens when IIS recycles it's application pool on the SignalR side? And in which cases can there be a connection downtime? (ex : if the server is busy?)
Edited : The application pool was recycled by IIS because of the "time limit". The IT team will change this setting so that the application pools reset every day at night time when it will have a lower impact on our applications.
A worker process with process id of '8720' serving application pool 'DefaultAppPool' has requested a recycle because the worker process reached its allowed processing time limit.
Also confirmed that disallowOverlappingRotation is not set to True. Any hint would help.
A few years later, I'm still getting some problems with the application pool recycle and SignalR. We are occasionally seeing thousands of re-connections of SignalR while the application pool recycle occurs, opening more than 60k TCPIP ports and causing a crash in IIS.
We managed to have it run "okay" for quite some time but it still crashes. Any hint would help. thanks
I'd first identify how IIS was reset. If you experienced a crash or performed an IISReset, the processes would be down before a new one stood back up. If on the other hand you configured AppPool recycling, then the overlapping processes should occur as you mention. I would check the System Event Log for recycling messages. Note that not all recycle reasons are logged by default.
You may also check to make sure disallowOverlappingRotation is not set to True.
Specifies whether the WWW Service should start another worker process to replace the existing worker process while that process is shutting down. The value of this property should be set to true if the worker process loads any application code that does not support multiple worker processes.

IIS ASP Application Startup Speed

I have an Rest API that is hosted in IIS8. The API is not called very frequently, perhaps 30 times per day. It seems that when the API is called it takes quite a while to get the first result, subsequent calls a short time later return very quickly. It seems that IIS is releasing resources and unloading the API and resources after a period of time.
Is there a way to force IIS to keep API up and active so that every time a request comes it responds quickly?
Couple of ways are mentioned here - Can you prevent your ASP.NET application from shutting down?
Other then that there is Application Initialization module http://iis.net/downloads/microsoft/application-initialization. Application Initialization module makes sure your process is up and running and loaded with all the necessary libraries, however it works only on IIS 7.5 and greater and framework 4.0 and above.

How to fine-tune NodeJS server deployed to Azure WebApp for massive load

I deployed node js server to Azure WebApp, and it worked fine. But, I see that sometime the response time is very slow. Also, I see that somewhere above 500 request/second the server start to fail handling request, and I see it use only 15% CPU. Now, I checked and the server return 500 error because the pipe is busy (by the win32 error code). That's why I was wondering if there is something I can change in the IISNode config to improve the server request capacity.
I already enabled the AlwaysOn feature, and also I add a check in Pingdom to keep the site alive. Also, I already changed nodeProcessCountPerApplication to 0 so it use all the available process.
Thank you,
One thing you can do is enable Always On. Without it, when your site hasn't been visited for 20 minutes the site gets taken down. Then the next time someone makes a request to your site Azure Web Apps warms up (re-sets up) your site but this process takes a few seconds.
Note that Always On is only available for sites in Basic, Standard, or Premium SKUs
Also, check out this page for tips on debugging Node.js apps in Azure Web Apps: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-nodejs-debug/

First server call is taking more time than subsequent call in Windows Azure cloud application?

I am working on windows azure cloud service. First time when i click on login button it takes 6 to 7 seconds but after sometime when i click on same login button it takes 2 seconds. I am not able to understand why it is happening so though the server side code is same for both processing but subsequent calls are quiet faster than first call ?.
"First-hit" delay is very common with ASP.NET applications. There is the overhead of JIT compilation, and various "pools" (database connections, threads, etc) may not be initialized. If you have an ASP.NET Web Forms application, each .aspx page is compiled the first time it is accessed, not when the server starts up. Also the various caching mechanisms (server or client) that make subsequent requests faster are not initialized on that first hit. And on the very first hit, any code in Application_Start will be run, setting up routing tables and doing any other initialization.
There are various things you can do to prevent your users from seeing this delay. The simplest is to write some kind of automated process that hits every page and run it after deploying a new release. There are also modules for IIS that will run code ahead of the Application_Start, when the site is actually deployed. Search for "ASP.NET warmup" to find those.
You may also experience delays after a period of inactivity, if your ASP.NET App Pool is recycled - this resets a bunch of things and causes start-up code to be run again on the next request. You can ameliorate this effect by setting up something to ping a page on your site frequently so that if the app pool is recycled it is warmed up again automatically, instead of on the next actual user request. Using an uptime monitoring service will work for this, or a Scheduled Task within the Azure ecosystem itself.

How do I confirm whether Application Warm-Up plugin works?

I have a web application that's consuming a WCF service. Both are slow on warmup after IIS reset or app pool recycle. So, as a possiible solution I installed Application Warm-Up for IIS 7.5 and set it up for both web site and wcf service.
My concern is, it doesn't seem to make any difference - first time I hit the site it still takes long time to bring it up. I checked event logs, there are no errors. So I'm wondering if anything special needs to be done for that module to work.
In IIS manager, when you go into the site, then into Application Warm-Up, the right-hand side has an "Actions" pane. I think you need the following two things:
Click Add Request and add at least one URL, e.g. /YourService.svc
Click Settings, and check "Start Application Pool 'your pool' when service started"
Do you have both of these? If you don't have the second setting checked, then I think the warmup won't happen until a user hits the site (which probably defeats the purpose of the warmup module in your case).
There is a new module from Microsoft that is part of IIS 8.0 that supercedes the previous warm-up module. This Application Initialization Module for IIS 7.5 is available a separate download.
The module will create a warm-up phase where you can specify a number of requests that must complete before the server starts accepting requests. Most importantly it will provide overlapping processes so that the user will not be served by the newly started process before it is ready.
I have answered a similar question with more details at How to warm up an ASP.NET MVC application on IIS 7.5?.
After you have fixed possible software/code optimizations allow me to suggest that each and evey code needs processing via hardware cpu. And our server skyrocketed in performance when we went to a multicore cpu and installed more GIGS of ram and connected UTP-6 cable insetad of standard UTP 5e cable onto the server... That doesnt fix your problem but if you are obsessed with speed as much as us, then you will be interested in the various dimensions that bottleneck speed.
