What the difference about LOCAL_CFLAGS vs APP_CFLAGS ? - android-ndk

In the Android.mk, I can use LOCAL_CFLAGS += ... to specify flag to compiler. also, I can use: ./ndk-build APP_CFLAGS += ....
What's the difference between these two flags?

LOCAL_CFLAGS is applied to the current module, and is undefined after an include $(CLEAR_VARS).
APP_CFLAGS is applied to all modules.


How do you add APP_CFLAGS to an android makefile

I was able to successfully pass in APP_CFLAGS via eclipse through via the settings' ndk-build command as
I have now switched to Android studio and was trying to do it directly in the makefile with the following, but its not taking:
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= test.cpp
It builds fine, but my TEST variable is never set in the C++ code.
How can I add it to the makefile?
Or, How can I add it to Android Studio project settings?
You could use LOCAL_CFLAGS for C/C++ code additional flags or LOCAL_CPPFLAGS for C++ code in Android build system.

What is it for the pedantic flag in LOCAL_CFLAGS

What is the of the "-pedantic" flag in LOCAL_CFLAGS for Android.mk builds?
And is there any place to find all the possible flags and their meaning?
I'm not familiar with the Android build systems, but CFLAGS is usually a variable describing flags to pass to the C compiler.
If you use the clang or GCC compiler families, the -pedantic flag enables particularly "picky" warnings about your code. See the option index and the warnings section for GCC.

Warning : Overriding commands for target Android Makefile

I've got an issue building my C++ code using NDK r9d, since I try to compile C files using C++ compiler (G++) I've got this warnings :
C:/Android/ndk/build/core/build-binary.mk:393: warning: overriding commands for target
C:/Android/ndk/build/core/build-binary.mk:391: warning: ignoring old commands for target
Before I didn't need to compile with C++ 11 and my C files was compiled with GCC, I had no problems, but since I had LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cpp .c, this warnings appears (only for C files).
I found that someone else had the same problem (Overriding commands for target Android Makefile) but didn't get any answer.
Here is my files :
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
MY_INC_PATH := ../../..
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := -std=c++11
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -ldl -llog -lGLESv1_CM
MY_SRC_PATH := ../../../..
$(MY_SRC_PATH)/YYY.cpp \
I use NDK r9d and compile with G++ 4.8 and C++ 11 activated. Thanks for your help.
As of r9d, NDK does not provide methods to unassociate .c files from C compiler. You can redefine $$(TARGET_CC), and also set LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c++11, and not set LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION to include .c, but that would be a hack, anyways. So if you cannot rename the files, and do not want to hack your NDK, the cleanest solution would be to simply ignore the warning.

NDK build - specify linker settings per architecture

My Application.mk is set to build arm as well as x86 shared libraries:
APP_ABI :- armeabi-v7a x86
I have prebuilt openssl static libraries:
These files have been copied to jni/inc directory:
Would appreciate your help in setting up Android.mk such that it picks up proper library to link with:
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/inc/ -lcrypto_v7a -lssl_v7a
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/inc/ -lcrypto_x86 -lssl_x86
Perhaps there is a $(ARCH) kind of variable defined that I could use to my advantage:
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/inc/ -lcrypto_$(ARCH) -lssl_$(ARCH)
What about using ifeq and TARGET_ARCH?
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/inc/
ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm)
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lcrypto_v7a -lssl_v7a
ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),x86)
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lcrypto_x86 -lssl_x86
Another alternative is:
MY_LDLIBS_arm := -lcrypto_v7a -lssl_v7a
MY_LDLIBS_x86 := -lcrypto_x86 -lssl_x86
MY_LDLIBS_mips := ...
Which is easier to read and write.

Disable all warning during ndk-build

I'm trying to disable all warnings during the 'ndk-build' process for compiling CPP code to be used with JNI on Android.
I'm using LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wno-error with not success.
Any ideas?
OK. Got it. Put this line in your Android.mk file.
Hope it helps
