eslint configured the same for 2 folders, but linting differently - node.js

Before I start, I just want to mention I'm studying and learning to use a proper workflow with git, vue, express, npm, cli and webpack. I'm very new to these concepts but have been enjoying learning and troubleshooting this as I go along. I've been watching a popular video tutorial (I'll link if it is ok) on using VueJS with Express. In the past I've been just a standard html/php, javascript/jquery, css dev with no cli tools. I decided to dive head first after seeing how amazing these tools are and having that 'AHA' moment while using them.
I finished the first part of the tutorial which was setting up node, npm, etc... I created a git repository (here, made my first commit (wow that was fun) and started going through the tutorial after getting all my dependencies configured and using nodemon and eslint in the terminal to see issues.
Now my project has it's main project folder, and then a client and server subfolder that separates my frontend (vue) and backend (express). The tutorial had me setup eslint using the standard style guide. I quickly realized I didn't want this since standard doesn't require semicolons at the end of each line (I'm old fashioned and preferred them). I then realized that the linting I wanted was airbnb. So last night, while working in my server folder I ran the command to init my eslint: node ./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --init and changed the style guide to airbnb. It worked beautifully, and I happily committed my changed to my repository this morning.
When I woke up and started studying again this morning, it dawned on me that my client folder also needed to have the eslint initialized and switched to airbnb style guide. So I did so, the same way I initlaized eslint on my server folder. However, it seems that it didn't take. If I add a semicolon to the end of one of my js files in the client folder, my compiler/terminal complains:
✘ Extra semicolon
import Router from 'vue-router';
I have no clue why this would happen. I configured eslint to use airbnb the same way as my server folder. Here is a link to my repo:
In short: switching from standard style guide to airbnb lints differently in one folder than the other. server folder lints properly with airbnb (requiring semicolon) but my client folder, using the same airbnb linting does not (gives an error when I add semicolons).

Your server side code uses require whereas your client side code does it using import. So yeah, you cannot actually compare the validity of the same amongst both of them.
If you have the look at the documentation here ( which you may trace from the link above the error snippet you shared ), you may realize this : It is not the airbnb style guide but the eslint default rule for ASI ( aka automatic semicolon insertion) . You may wish to remove the influence of the same from your code.
Addendum : As Fabio Antunes just commented, you may wish to remove the eslint-standard from your package.json. Let us know if that helps.


Bazel nodejs liveserver

I've been going through the documentation at in order to put together a small web based application. I've got babel building the JS code, and http_server serving it, and ibazel watching it, and everything is working as expected: when I make a change, ibazel notices it and restarts the http_server rule.
The next thing I wanted to look at is getting autoreload in the browser so that the browser would automatically refresh when the change was compiled. My understanding is that this requires the http server to not be killed by ibazel, but instead to stay up and trigger a refresh via the ibazel_live_reload mechanism. I believe that http_server doesn't support this, but ts_devserver is explicitly mentioned in several places. However, ts_devserver doesn't seem to be maintained anymore (although I did find a devserver EXE in the npm package, there isn't a bazel rule that I saw to use it).
Is there a third party live development server that supports the ibazel reload mechanism - or am I missing something completely obvious?
Disclosure, I'm a core maintainer on rules_nodejs
As of rules_nodejs v3.0.0, ts_devserver has been renamed to concatjs_devserver to try and better namespace it (it has little to nothing really to do with Typescript). Its docs can be found here.
Note though that the concatjs_devserver comes with some compatibility gotchas, all dependencies have to be in named AMD/UMD or goog.module format for example, and may be tricky to use unless following the rest of the google3 toolchain.
We've (as the maintainers of rules_nodejs) tried not to wrap an existing devserver and publish it as of yet for various reasons, but it's something that has come up in discussion. I'm currently investigating some options in this space.
I'm not aware of any published devservers that currently support the ibazel protocol, there is a wrap of browsersync in the Angular Components repo which you may find useful.

What's the lightest way to automate .vue file compilation without webpack?

I'm working on a web application that currently uses vuejs for part of its interface. The back-end is NOT in Node, so there is currently no package.json file or any tool from the typical npm stack in this repository.
We already have a bunch of non-npm dependencies that need to be installed in order to use the repository, so my coworkers aren't too open about the idea of adding another layer of complexity. I can't blame them for that, it's the reason why I use npm scripts and not even gulp in my other projects. I'm tired of spending hours learning and configuring build tools that never end up doing what I want anyway.
But since the vue-cli tool no longer includes the build command, I'm a bit stuck. Is there really no more CLI app to build vue files at all? And if so, what would be the smart way to use vue without webpack? Template strings are not maintainable at all, and <script type="text/x-template"> don't work when you want to use multiple components from multiple files in the same page.
I realize your question says 'without webpack' but you may be interested in backpack - a CLI app i came across for building Vue.js without requiring you to write any configuration code. It is basically webpack preconfigured as a minimalistic build system for Node.js. It provides two commands, dev for live reload enabled development and build for building you project.

Node.js/Babel 6/Devtool: Source files structure breaks with "babel-register" added

I recently started to use the new "devtool" module for debugging Node.js in Chrome Dev Tools.
The debugging process was a dream until I tried to use some ES6 code by using require("babel-core/register"); in the entry point of my application.
I could still use the devtool debugger but everything except my "node_modules" files where dumped into the "no domain" folder.
I assume the es6->es5 compiling needs some sort sourcemap to keep the folder structure possible.
Any ideas?
Way late to this but hope this helps someone, here goes.
From my understanding you're trying to use es6 features when running projects using the devtool command to server projects via Chrome Dev Tools?
To do this follow the babel docs on setting up a new project (make sure you have a .babelrc) then server your projects by running
devtool -r babel-register [MY_FILE_NAME.js]
Instead of simply devtool [MY_FILE_NAME.js]
You don't need to add any imports in your app's entry point if you followed the babel docs correctly.

Angular 2: NodeJS vs XAMPP

I'm starting to learn Angular 2 and I am quite lost in some subjects... like the server.
Following the instructions for a Quick Setup I installed Node and npm... when I run the project in Node everything goes perfect. The label <label> gets recognized and it gets the template for that label (in this case an html form).
But when I run the same project in MAMP, that label doesn't get recognized and comes out a 'Failed to load resource' error in the console for the template associated to that label.
So I guess Angular 2 is dependent on Node and that's a problem because I want to upload later the project and I think my hosting plan doesn't allow me to run Node...
I don't know if I'm prejudging, maybe anybody can help me clear this... Thanks.
Angular2 has niether any Relation nor any Dependency on node.js.
You can write Angular2 app just using Angular2 packages without using node or mamp or xampp and host that app.
If you have written any thing in Angular2 and node.js combination then you can host it on free services like Heroku for testing purpose.
Final solution:
Ok, wrong again. I'm the worst detective ever.
it works with TypeScript as with JavaScript, just need the "npm start" to compile TypeScript into JavaScript. Then it automatically runs on a "localhost", but once compiled, you can run the index.html like any html, without the need of a server, like you were all saying, it's not like .php which makes all sense.
so the problem that led me to all of this misunderstandings was that the Node "localhost" worked and the Apache "localhost" didn't, and the mistake was that I was calling into #Component: templateUrl: "../template/file.html", and the path is written in "/app/whatever.js", but it's working from "index.html", so it would be just templateUrl: "template/file.html" and everything works as expected.
what I don't know is why it works, with the wrong path, when I run it from Node! an error would have saved me a lot of time... and yours...
Well, at least I have clarified a lot of concepts in this investigation. Thank you all!
Thanks, Zeeshan, in the links you gave me the clue. As I told on my original message, I started following the Quick Start, but I forgot to mention I chose TypeScript over JavaScript... and that was the "mistake", because TypeScript needs Node to compile to JavaScript, as I'm guessing for the results I get:
the TypeScript project only runs after executing it in Node via console ("npm start") and not in Apache, that doesn't get all the Angular part (it gets the tag <whatever></whatever> but doesn't translate it into the content <whatever><h1>Hey</h1></whatever>)
with JavaScript it works "as always", without need of a server, as you were telling me
So I'll have to choose between using TypeScript (and all the official documentation!) and host it in some platform like Heroku or work with JavaScript without needing an specific server so I can still work with Apache.

How a worklight(with ionic) project interacts with a gulpfile, package.json node.js bowerc

I need to develop a mobile application using worklight. While i was going through few sample source code, I observed a gulpfile where they defined few Task/Watch in it. There was also a package.json where they have defined devDependencies property.
I like to know how a hybrid app project (when developed using Worklight or any other tool/framework) use the gulpfile, package.json, node.js, bowerrc. How is the controls passed across all these components when implemented for a hybrid app developmen and What will be the first point of execution in this sequence of execution workflow. As I believe wlEnvInit() inside main.js is the starting point of execution for a worklight project.
I tried google but could'nt find any explanation on the same.
The Gulp file you see is part of a default Ionic project. It handles compiling Sass files and running the bower install command to install dependancies. If you are using Sass in your project, then this would be useful to you, but it does not directly relate to MobileFirst.
As you know, when you update your common code, you need to do a build/deploy to get the code deployed to your mobile platforms. So if using Sass, then you need to remember that while the Gulp file may compile the CSS, you still need to "mfp bd" to deploy it to MF.
Does this answer your question?
