Combine different SVG Shapes to one shape - svg

I have an SVG file with 4818 shapes. In addition I have an Excel file that distributes every shape to another internal geographic unit. We use 66 of these units. Do you know a way/script with which we can alter and combine the shapes in the SVG file so that I got 66 shapes instead of the 4818?
My idea is to add the shapes that fall into one geo unit together and delete the "borders" within. Is there a tool the do so?
Thanks for your help


Combining multiple SVG files in a table

I currently have 118 separate SVG files, one for each element of the periodic table. This is 1.svg as an example. All of them are based on the same format, so they are the exact same shape and size. I want to arrange these in a table, so each element has a specific row/column it belongs in. So far, I've manually arranged the tiles in Inkscape, but I would like to automate the process.
How best should I go about combining many Inkscape SVG files, while placing each file's contents in a specific location according to its title?

How to remove rectangle shapes from image, keeping text, in Python3?

I am trying to extract the text from flowcharts and decision trees. If I use the image with original boxes/shapes, the text region detection is poor. Is there any way to remove these shapes (keeping the text)?
You could use connectedComponentsWithStats(), you will have single component for the chart lines, then just remove that component from the image.

Is it possible to add shape to existing image in Excel

Is it possible to insert shape and add the shape to already existing picture inserted from a file like PNG, JPG, GIF. I am looking for merging the shape and the picture in ONE image, not just grouping them together.
Alternatively is there a way to group two objects in Excel permanently so that no ungrouping is possible?
It is not possible to draw images in Excel. You can only import images.

Select polygons of an object by color in Blender

I have a scan of a body and I want to select it's t-shirt only but all the polygons belong to the same object. Is there a way to select polygons by color and then delete those unselected, so I can have an obj containing only the t-shirt?
edit: I want something similar than you do with gimp or photoshop with 2d images, selecting pixels by colors.
A 3D scan would most likely use a photo that is uv mapped onto a mesh object. In this setup there is no easy way to select part of the mesh based on the material colour. In fact each polygon in the mesh maps to an area of an image that can contain any number of colours.
There are several selection tools available, I expect using box select B and/or circle select C (sometimes called paint select) and then using X to delete the vertices/faces you don't want would be the approach to use.
It is possible to use multiple materials on a model with each face being assigned a different material, if this is the case you have an option to select or deselect the faces using a material in the material properties.

drag and drop an item in an svg image with curved shape

I have an SVG image of three circles and making Venn-diagram with cross sections.
And I want to drop some objects in each section and find out each object is in which section.
My SVG image is created by seven layers, I want to know in which layer my object is dropped.
